Post Office Box 181680, Coronado, California 92178

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Post Office Box 181680, Coronado, California 92178

CORONADO COMMUNITY CHURCH POST OFFICE BOX 181680, CORONADO, CALIFORNIA 92178 WWW.CORONADOCOMMUNITYCHURCH.COM (619) 437-6827 WORSHIP SITE - VILLAGE HALL - 6TH ST. AND H AVE. Sunday, November 19, 2017 – 10:00 a.m. Service for the Lord's Day MINISTER: THE REV. STEPHEN J. MATHER (619) 437-8757 “For I am about to create new heavens and a new earth; the former things shall not be remembered or come to mind. But be glad and rejoice forever in what I am creating…” MINISTER EMERITUS: The Rev. Dr. Thomas P. Warmer -Isaiah 65:17 DIRECTOR OF MINISTRIES EMERITA: Marlys Simmons SECRETARY: Candace Tyler PRELUDE TO WORSHIP John H. Morton CHRISTIAN LIFE: Sara Wood “Give Thanks to the Lord” CHOIR LEADER: Andy Hamilton PIANIST: Sharon Axelson GREETINGS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, and FELLOWSHIP TREASURER & FINANCIAL SECRETARY: Al Ovrom Reviewing the Prayer Concerns BOARD CHAIRPERSON: Carolyn Ayres INTROIT Bernadette Farrell Child Care (age 3 & under) 9:45 - 11:00 AM

Choir Rehearsals Thursdays 7:00 PM “Christ Be Our Light” Church Copyright License 3078215 Exp. 2/28/2018 *CALL TO WORSHIP One: In the beginning, before time, before people, before the world began, Continuing Prayers for Members of our Congregation: All: God was. Ken & Joan Maden (At Home) One: Here and now among us, beside us, enlisting the people of earth for the purposes Mebane Harrison (At Home) of Heaven, Dr. Tom Warmer (Memory Care) All: God is. Ann Williams (At Home) One: In the future, when we have turned to dust and all we know has found its fulfillment, Prayers for Family Members and Friends: All: God will be. Mike Shuman (Husband, Becky Shuman – Cancer) One: Not denying the world, but delighting in it, not condemning the world, but Charlotte Rudowicz (Ann Norman’s daughter - Illness) Amanda Snowbarger (Candy Tyler’s Niece - Leukemia) redeeming it, through Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, All: God was. God is. God will be. One: Let us worship God!

*Those who are able, please stand *HYMN OF PRAISE, No. 611 Hymn to Joy ACTIVITIES CALENDAR “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” Today – Sunday, November 19, 2017 1CALL TO CONFESSION – Liturgist Gwyn Bent 10:00 a.m. Divine Worship – Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost The God revealed to us in the pages of scripture is a welcoming and inclusive 11:10 a.m. Fellowship and Refreshments God who directs us to love one another. We seek to remove all the barriers that keep 11:20 a.m. After-Church Lunch Bunch (inquire at front door for location) us from that love. Come now to confess all that separates you from others and from God. Monday – November 20

PRAYER OF CONFESSION – Congregation 4:30 p.m. Women’s Bible Study – Contact Laurie McCaull, 435-7019 O most gracious God, you are the source of all that makes life possible. You are the giver of all that makes life good. We gather this morning to give you thanks, Tuesday – November 21 but also to confess that we have often failed to live our thankfulness. We take things and people for granted. We grumble about what we lack. We easily become a fear- 9:00 a.m. Confronting Religious Violence – What Does Our Faith Teach shaped people, rather than a people shaped by our hope in you. Forgive us, O God. 1372 California Street, Imperial Beach In this time of worship, accept our thanksgiving and teach us to make gratitude and sharing our way of life; through the grace of Jesus Christ. Amen. Wednesday – November 22

KYRIE, No. 437 Wayfaring 7:00 p.m. Thanksgiving Eve Service (sponsored by Coronado Council of Stranger Churches) Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 7th and D Ave. You are the Lord, giver of mercy! You are the Christ, giver of mercy! Thursday – November 23 You are the Lord, giver of mercy! Happy Thanksgiving

SILENT MEDITATION AND THE LORD’S PRAYER Our custom is to join hands for the Lord’s Prayer. Next Sunday – November 26, 2017 Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread; and Scriptures: Ephesians 1:15-21; Matthew 25:31-46 forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us Sermon: “Who Is on the Throne?" not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. Head Usher: Christine Duryea WORDS OF ASSURANCE – Liturgist Greeters: Berti Rhinehart, Jean Roesch For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever Ushers: Berti Rhinehart, Jean Roesch, Candy Tyler believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God did not send Jesus Cookies: Elisa Gomez (Celebration Cake) into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. Coffee: A. Ovrom, S. Strickland, B. Sturgeon, S. Zylstra Friends, believe the good news of the gospel: In Jesus Christ, our sins are forgiven. Last Week at a Glance: November 12, 2017 Attendance: 55 - Offering: $1,762.00 fellow Christians to thank God for all our blessings. Rev. Stephen J. Mather will be the preacher.

ANNOUNCEMENTS ANTHEM Gillian Welch/David Rawlings Getting to Know One Another is much easier if you will register your name, “By the Mark” address and phone number and relationship to the church on the Friendship Pad that is Coronado Community Church Chancel Choir circulated during the Welcome and Announcements. If you are near any visitors (or someone you don’t know), note their name and invite them to join you for refreshments THE EPISTLE LESSON I Thessalonians 5:1-11 after Worship.

Listening Assistive Devices Are Available for worshipers who would like to *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH enhance their ability to hear the service. Large-print Copies of the Hymns are also We are God's. We belong to The One who creates all things, in whose image available. If you find it difficult to find a parking space close to the door, there is all people are made. We are Christ's. He has loved us, healed us, called us and reserved parking available between the orange traffic markers. Please inquire at the door anointed us with his Spirit. We belong to his death and resurrection and ministry. if you need assistance. We are the Spirit's. We belong to the church, the Body of Christ. God gives us the gifts of forgiveness, resurrection, and eternal life, and the gift of participating in the Audio Recordings of Today's Service may be ordered on the literature table by healing of the world by God's grace. As God's beloved, we devote ourselves to God the door. The Compact Discs are $ 3.00 each and will be available the following Sunday. and to God's will, wholly, joyfully, in the name of Christ.

Coronado Community Church Global Missions Committee *THE HYMN RESPONSE Paul E. Hoffman Best Gift Christmas Fair There is nothing in the heav’ns above, nor in hidden depths of earth Our popular holiday Global Mission Project “CWS Alternative Christmas Faire” that can keep the Savior’s love from us, concludes today. Our project coordinators will be at the back of the church after the for by his sinless death God’s Son has conquered ev’ry foe. service. Please support this special Mission. There is nothing left to fear. For God’s love, God’s love is always near.

Confronting Religious Violence – What Does Our Faith Teach? THE GIVING OF OUR TITHES and OFFERINGS Our text is Not in God’s Name by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. If religion is deemed part of the cause of violence, it must also be part of the solution. Our discussion will OFFERTORY “We Gather Together” arr. John Carter focus on the key tenets of the Abrahamic faiths to see how blessings and not curses are indispensable to our survival as it was in the ancient texts. We examine the Genesis *DOXOLOGY, No. 609 Lasst Uns narratives dealing with half-brothers and the tribes that sprang from them. Are the effects Erfreuen of tribal rivalry still with us today? Praise God from whom all blessings flow, We meet Tuesday at 9 a.m. at Sara and Merrill Wood’s home, 1372 California Praise God, all creatures high and low. Alleluia! Alleluia! Street, Imperial Beach. If you need directions, call Pastor Steve at (714) 448-9728. Praise God, in Jesus fully known: Creator, Word, and Spirit one. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Thanksgiving Eve Service, Nov. 22, 7 p.m., Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 7th St., and C Avenue, sponsored by the Coronado Council of Churches. Join together with PASTORAL PRAYER and Response, No. 654 (sung twice) Taize In the Lord I’ll be ever thankful; in the Lord I will rejoice! Look to God; do not be afraid, Lift up your voices; the Lord is near, Lift up your voices; the Lord is near.


SERMON Rev. Stephen J. Mather “Clinging to a Woman’s Coattails”

*HYMN OF DEDICATION, No. 716 Beach Spring “God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending”

*BENEDICTION and POSTLUDE Caribbean Folk Melody “Now Go in Joy”

Save the Date: CCC Christmas Party, December 17 with Gift Exchange (Note the date change)

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