Information Theory for Genetics

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Information Theory for Genetics

ECEN 4012/5012 Fall 2005 Information Theory for Genetics (Information Theory for Molecular Biology)

Instructor: OLGICA MILENKOVIC Office: ECOT 253 Class hours: M/W/F 10:00-10:50 a.m. ECEE 265 (Rescheduling is possible!) Office hours: To be scheduled in class


Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

TEXTBOOK: None is required, several are recommended. You will receive plenty of handouts and possibly class notes for this special topic. This is a new subject not completely covered in any known text on bioinformatics, information theory and genetics.

1. J. Pevsner, Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics, Wiley-Liss, 2003. 2. D. Gusfield, Algorithms on Strings, Trees, and Sequences: Computer Science and Computational Biology 3. Watermann, Introduction to Computational Biology, 1995 4. R.S. Hawley, and C. Mori, The Human Genome, Harcourt Academic Press, 1999. 5. J. Percus, Mathematics of Genome Analysis, Cambridge Studies in Mathematical Biology, 2002. 6. A. M. Findley, S. P. McGlynn, and G. L. Findley, The Geometry of Genetics, 1989. 7. C. Adams, The Knot Book, An Elementary Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Knots, American Mathematical Society, 2004.

Gregor Mendel (1822-1884)

Homework, Exam and Class Project Policy: There will be two (take-home) midterm exams, bi-weekly homeworks and a final class project. The exams carry 25% of the final grade each, the class project carries 30% , while homeworks account for 20% of your grade. The homework and project assignments will be slightly different for undergraduate and graduate students in the class.

Rosalynd Franklin (1920-1958)

Living beings are endowed with highly complex information storage and processing systems that are regulated at many different levels, including the macromolecular code stratum. Although some of the components of such systems are well-analyzed from the biochemical point of view, very little is known about their governing information-theoretic principles. It is therefore important to develop an understanding of the mathematical, combinatorial, coding theoretic, signaling and communication system aspects of biological units that lead to their observable self- organization and information processing traits. Furthermore, it is of interest to investigate how known techniques from the area of information-content based data analysis can be applied in the context of studying biological carriers of information.

The RNA Tie Club

The goal of this class is to provide a basic introduction to the problems encountered in modern molecular biology that can be investigated from the perspective of information theory. The topics to be covered include:  A short introduction to the theory biological macromolecules: DNA, RNA and proteins; you will receive a handout in the form of a disk by Roche Genetics outlining the basic principles of genetics;  Mendel’s laws of inheritance and some elementary probability;  Sequence and multiple sequence alignment: micro-arrays and gene expressions;  Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST);  Molecular phylogeny and evolution;  DNA knots and knot invariants: an overview of related coding and statistical physics problems;  A description of non-extensive entropies and their application for measuring the information content of DNA strands;  An introduction to fractal and multi-fractal sequences and combinatorial modeling of DNA strand properties; a description of the problem of DNA compression;  Coding theory and new distance measures for genetic sequence comparison and analysis;  Information-theoretic aspects of DNA proofreading;  A treatment of gene regulatory networks and novel modeling techniques for tumoro-genesis, with application to disease diagnostics and treatment;  Fault tolerance analysis of genetic networks;  The information-theoretic aspects of RNA/DNA folding, and the related problem of protein folding, with applications to DNA computing/self- assembly;  Several special topics to be chosen by the class! (1) If you qualify for accommodations because of a disability, please submit to me a letter from Disability Services in a timely manner so that your needs may be addressed. Disability Services determines accommodations based on documented disabilities. Contact: 303-492-8671, Willard 322, and http://www.Colorado.EDU/disabilityservices

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1) Class Syllabus 2) The Cell (lecture notes) 3) The Guide: The famous DNA experiments 4) The Guide: The packing of DNA in eukaryotes 5) Chromatin Structure: Section D 6) Ehrenfeucht Computation in Living Cells 7) Glossary (from the book by Howley and Mori) 8) Signal Processing in the Genetic Channel 9) The Genetic Code (Geometry of Genetics) 10) Mutations: Damage and Repair of DNA (Chapter 7), Maroni 11) World’s Toughest Bacterium has a Taste for Waste 12) Male Chromosome to Stick Around 13) DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination (Garland Science, Chapter 6) 14) Control of Gene Expression 15) The Cell Cycle: A Universal Cellular Division Program 16) Cancer: Basic Facts (NIH Web Page) 17) Genes and Cancer, Chapter 17 (from the book by Howley and Mori) 18) Gene Regulatory Network – Circuit Representation of the Cytokine Complex 19) How do we Sequence DNA? cing.html 20) Nano-technology for DNA sequencing 21) Whole Genome DNA Sequencing (Gene Myers) 22) Towards Simplifying and Accurately Formulating Fragment Assembly (Gene Myers) 23) Saad Mneimneh’s web-page Lecture 3,4,15 Slides 15

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