Code of Behaviour

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Code of Behaviour

Árdscoil na Tríonóide



Co. Kildare.

Code of Behaviour

School Roll Number: 68077S Code of Behaviour


Our aim in Árdscoil na Tríonóide is to provide a quality education for all students. Our objectives are to create a calm, ordered and work-orientated atmosphere in a caring, supportive, disciplined and mutually respectful environment. Our expectations of students are high and we will expect them to strive towards the fulfillment of their potential in all spheres of school life: religious, academic, social, and sporting. Because of this the following is expected from students: • A high standard of behaviour by adherence to the Code of Behaviour. • Regular and punctual attendance. • Consistent homework and study. • A commitment to achieving the best in every aspect of school life.


We aim to create a school community based on fairness, mutual respect, consideration, courtesy and tolerance of others. (a) Students and staff are expected to show a very high standard of courtesy and respect in their dealings with each other. (b) Students of Árdscoil na Tríonóide are expected to behave in a way that reflects well on the school at all times. (c) It is expected that each member of the school community will be free from any form of discrimination, harassment or intimidation either inside or outside the classroom or school. (Please refer to Anti-Bullying Policy). (d) Students will treat with respect all school buildings, equipment and grounds and also the property of other members of the school community. All damage to property must be reported immediately and must be paid for in full by the person responsible or his/her Parents/Guardians. (e) Students are responsible for their own possessions and should mark them clearly and keep them secured in their lockers. The school cannot accept responsibility for loss of pupils’ property. (f) Students are expected to co-operate in keeping the school grounds free of litter and to ensure that classrooms are also litter free. (g) Students must get permission in advance to post notices in the school. (h) Certain areas are out of bounds; these include the staff car park and the back or side of the gym.


We acknowledge the right of every student to education in a positive learning environment. As teaching and learning can only take place in a peaceful and orderly atmosphere we expect the following from students: (a) Each student will occupy the place designated for him/her by the class teacher and have all the necessary books, ipad, copies and equipment required for each class. (b) Students will be attentive in class and allow teaching and learning to proceed without interference. If a student wishes to attract the teacher’s attention he/she must do so respectfully.


Regular and punctual attendance has been proven to have a positive impact on academic attainment. Our targets are to have 100% attendance and 0% lateness from all our pupils. In aiming for this we are seeking to maximise the learning of each student and ensure the minimum disruption to classes. To achieve these aims we would ask you to note the following: (a) When a pupil is absent from school, a text message will be sent to the parent/guardian. (b) When a pupil is absent from school, the school must be informed of the reason for this absence as soon as possible. This may be done by handing in a note on the pupil’s return to school. Forms for completion can be found at the back of the journal. This should be done not later than two days after the child’s return to school. (c) Failure to explain an absence within a reasonable time will result in the pupil being asked to remain at home until an explanation has been received. (e) Please note that pupils who are absent 20 or more days in the year must be reported to TUSLA (Child and Family Agency). (f) For reasons of their own safety, pupils are not permitted to leave school during school hours without prior permission from the school authorities. Appointments with dentists, opticians, doctors etc. should be made outside of class time. Where this is unavoidable, the school should be notified and permission sought in advance. Pupils leaving school during the school day will be required to enter the relevant details in a book in the Secretary’s office on leaving and returning to the school. Failure to sign in/out will result in detention on the first occurrence and suspension subsequently. (g) Parents/Guardians should note that PE classes are obligatory for junior students. Pupils will only be excused from PE on medical grounds. (h) We would ask Parents/Guardians to ensure that pupils arrive in school with sufficient time to organise books etc. and be in class at 8.55 am and 2.00 pm. Arriving late to school or class disrupts teaching and learning and cannot be tolerated. Please refer to Punctuality Policy at the front of the Journal. (i) In order to encourage full attendance, pupils who attend school every day for a full year will receive certificates. Attendance at school is governed by the Education Welfare Act 2000, Sections 17 and 18.

We ask for full co-operation on all these matters in order to ensure that each student derives maximum benefit from his/her time in Árdscoil Na Tríonóide.


Please note: Students may not drive or park cars in the school grounds. Parents/Guardians may not drive inside the school gates between the following times: 8.30 am – 9.15 am and 3.30 pm – 4.15 pm 5. ENTERING AND LEAVING CLASSROOMS

(a) When changing classes students go directly to the appropriate room. In the interests of safety, students are expected to move around the school in an orderly fashion on the left-hand side of corridors; no physical contact is allowed. (b) Students follow teachers’ instructions regarding entering or leaving classrooms. Pupils should stand when a teacher or visitor enters a classroom. (c) Students do not run or push each other in the corridors or social areas.


Lockers are the property of the school. Use of lockers by students must not disrupt the orderly running of classes. In the interests of safety students do not go to their lockers between classes. All items required for class must be organised at 8.45 am 10.55 am break and lunchtime. The school reserves the right to ask a student to open his/her locker in exceptional cases, where there is a genuine concern. Misuse of lockers may result in withdrawal. For safety, lockers must be kept locked at all times.


Students are expected to respect and wear the school uniform with pride and to be neat and tidy at all times. A high standard of personal hygiene is essential. (a) School kilt (Girls). The kilt is the official uniform and must be worn below the knee with plain black socks or tights. Girls must wear the kilt on the first day of school and for all official school events. Girls may wear grey tailored trousers for practical purposes, made of woven fabric (no denim, canvas or tracksuit type fabric). This is an optional extra. (b) For boys, grey tailored trousers as described above. (c) White shirt and school tie. (d) School jumper with crest (e) School jacket with crest. (f) Plain black shoes (no boots or runners). (g) Dark plain socks or tights. (h) Students will require indoor and outdoor sports gear, including non-marking runners for use in PE.  One pair of stud earrings, one ring and a watch may be worn. Piercing tapers are not permitted.  Students are not permitted to wear face piercing, tongue piercings or visible tattoos.  Make-up must be discreet and kept to a minimum  No unnatural hair colours (e.g. blue, red, green etc.) or two tone hairstyles are permitted.  Extreme haircuts are not permitted. (e.g. No.1/No. 2 blade, Mohican hairstyles, etc.)  No political badges or adornments allowed.

Infractions will be dealt with as follows: 1. Verbal Warning 2. Written Warning 3. Exclusion, at the discretion of the school management, until rectified.

Parents are asked to note: (a) The uniform will be checked every day. (b) Inside the school building, students may only wear the school uniform. (c) If your son/daughter is not wearing the full uniform, a note must be submitted from you to the school authorities before 8.55 am. (d) Such notes will be valid for a maximum of two days. If your son/daughter does not have the uniform after two days, he/she is to be kept home until such time as he/she has the full uniform. (e) If a student attends school without the full uniform and he/she does not have a note from you he/she will not have permission to attend class.

We appeal for your co-operation in this endeavour to create good order and a happy learning environment for your son/daughter.


(a) Students are expected to give their best during class, which means, paying full attention and allowing every other student the opportunity to do likewise. Regular, consistent homework, whether oral or written, reading or revision is expected of every student. Any student who fails to complete his/her homework must produce a written note of explanation from his/her parents or guardians.

Recommended Minimum Hours of Study First Year: 2 hrs 5 nights a week. Second Year: 2 hrs 30 mins 5 nights a week. Third Year: 3 hrs 5 - 6 nights a week. Fifth Year: 3 hrs 30 mins 5 - 6 nights a week. Sixth Year: 3 hrs 30 mins 6 nights a week. Each student is provided with a copy of a recommended Study Programme in this journal. Students have a homework journal and keep an accurate account of homework given. This journal should be checked regularly by parents, signed weekly and when requested. We advise parents to maintain an active role in ensuring all work is completed.


(a) Each student will take his/her journal to class each day, keep it in a neat and tidy condition and use it to record exactly the homework/study for each subject. (b) A student who does not bring his/her journal to class will be liable to reprimand and/or minor sanction. (c) Where a student arrives in school on two consecutive days without the School Journal, or where the Class Tutor considers that the School Journal is in an unsatisfactory, or inappropriate condition, the student must purchase a new Journal. (d) The misuse, destruction or defacement of a School Journal will be regarded as a breach of the School Code of Behaviour. (e) It is the responsibility of each student to ensure that the School Journal is examined and signed by a parent/guardian at the end of each week or when requested.


In order to encourage students to set high standards for themselves, in and out of class, academic endeavour and non academic achievements may be recognised in the following ways: • Praise by the class teacher of individuals or groups; • Praise by the Year Head, Class Tutor, Deputy Principal or Principal; • Positive note in a student’s journal; • Positive letter home to Parents/Guardians; • Certificate of Achievement at Assembly; • Certificate of Excellent Attendance; • Prize for Attendance; • Nomination for Student of the Year; • Nomination for Award for Academic Excellence; • Outing or out-of-school trip for a class.


The following will be regarded as serious breaches of the Code of Behaviour: • Endangering the safety or health of another member of the school community. • Disrespect or defiance towards or harassment or intimidation of a teacher or the bullying of another member of the school community. (See Anti Bullying Policy). • The possession, use or supply of prohibited substances (including Alcohol) in the school, on school trips or in the course of any school related activity by any member of the school community. The only exception is for legitimate medicinal use with the prior notification of the school authorities. (Please refer to the Substance Abuse Policy). • Deliberate vandalism (including the writing of graffiti) of the property of the school or of the possessions of a member of the school community. • Interference with or continuous disruption of teaching and learning. • Refusal to obey clear, reasonable instructions on an ongoing basis. • The use of obscene, inappropriate or abusive language. • Stealing, fighting and the carrying of offensive weapons will be regarded as serious breaches of the Code of Behaviour. These are criminal matters and will be reported to the Gardaí. They will also be dealt with by means of suspension or expulsion using due process. • Unacceptable use of any electronic device is prohibited.

The following will also be regarded as breaches of the Code of Behaviour: • Smoking anywhere inside or in the vicinity of the school grounds. Any form of electronic cigarette is prohibited. • Eating or drinking in class. • Chewing gum in the school area. • Failure to complete homework assignments. • Inattention, failure to have books, ipad or equipment for class. • Running, shouting or inappropriate physical behaviour of any description. Students must not congregate in the toilets. • Lateness for class or school. • Use of mobile phones/ music devices outside of designated times.


The sanctions applied will depend on the nature and severity of the offence. Breaches of the code will result in sanctions which may include one or more of the following: • Reprimand; • Separation from peers; • Extra work; • Notification of Year Head, Deputy Principal or Principal; • Notification of Parents/Guardians; • Cleaning or tidying up duties around the school; • Being placed on daily or weekly report; • Detention before, during or after school; • Loss of privileges, the right to represent the school or attend official school functions; • In-school suspension; • Other sanctions as may be decided by the Board of Management.

Serious breaches of the code will result in sanctions such as suspension being applied, or in extreme cases, expulsion – (see Suspensions/Expulsions Policy).


As stated in the Code of Behaviour our aim is to create a calm, ordered and work orientated atmosphere in a caring, supportive and mutually respectful environment. In general, where students do not observe the Code of Behaviour we would hope that reprimand by their teachers, tutor or year head or a sanction of some description will encourage students not to repeat the offence. Class tutors, academic monitors or year heads will provide support and encouragement to students whose behaviour or work rate is not satisfactory. The school management will ensure that appropriate supports will be offered to the students. If such meetings with the student and/or sanctions fail to produce an improvement the tutor or year head will then contact the parents to inform them of the situation and to seek their co-operation. Instances of serious misbehaviour or repeated breaches of the Code of Behaviour may be referred to the Principal or Deputy Principal who will then arrange to meet with parents/guardians and consider options which may or may not include suspension.


In cases of serious breaches of the Code or where there are repeated breaches of the Code, suspension will be an option. The principal will have the power to suspend a student for a period of up to five days and shall report any such suspension to the Board of Management at its next meeting. Except in cases of serious misbehaviour suspension will usually only occur after other sanctions have been tried and failed and after the involvement of relevant support personnel from within the school and formal notification and meeting with Parents/Guardians. Periods of suspension greater than five days may only be imposed by the Board of Management. Following a suspension, Parents/Guardians/students may be required to enter into a contract of good behaviour or to other conditions which may be specified, prior to the student returning to school. Except in cases of serious misbehaviour suspension will only occur after the principal has: • Ensured other discipline options available under the Code of Behaviour have been applied and documented. • Ensured appropriate support personnel have been involved. • Ensured that other procedures, referrals, supports have been tried. • Ensured that discussion has occurred with the student and parent/guardian regarding specific misbehaviour which the school considers unacceptable and which may lead to suspension. • Provided formal verbal and written warnings at appropriate times detailing these behaviours, as well as clear expectations of what was required of the student in the future. • Recorded all action taken. • Informed the Parents/Guardians of his/her intention to suspend or to recommend suspension to the Board of Management and invited them to make their own submission on the matter. Information regarding the right of appeal under Section 29 of the Education Act will be provided to Parents/Guardians/student with formal notification of suspension, if applicable. In the case of suspension for a period of six days or more the Parents/Guardians or the student, if over eighteen, may if they wish appeal the suspension to the Board of Management. The appeal must be made in writing to the Secretary of the Board and should state the grounds on which the appeal is being made. However, the school may insist that the student remain at home until the appeal has been heard. The Board will endeavour to hear any such appeal as quickly as possible. If such an appeal is successful the Board may agree to an alternative sanction or to the lifting of the suspension or to the removal of the suspension from the students file.


Expulsion is the ultimate sanction imposed by the school and will be exercised by the Board of Management in cases of extreme indiscipline. In advance of any hearing which could result in an expulsion the school will investigate the matter in accordance with the principles of natural justice. Except in exceptional circumstances, expulsion will only occur after the principal has: • Ensured all discipline options under the Code of Behaviour have been applied and documented. • Ensured all appropriate support personnel (internal and external) have been involved. • Ensured all other procedures, referrals, supports have been exhausted. • Ensured that discussion has occurred with the student and parent/guardian regarding specific misbehaviour which the school considers unacceptable and which may lead to expulsion. • Provided formal verbal and written warnings at appropriate times detailing these behaviours, as well as clear expectations of what was required of the student in the future. • Recorded all action taken, and copied all correspondence. • Informed the Parents/Guardians of his/her intention to recommend expulsion to the Board of Management. • Invited the Parents/Guardians to the Board of Management hearing. • Invited the Parents/Guardians to make a written submission in advance of the Board meeting. • Provided the Parents/Guardians with a full, written description of the allegations against the student and the case being made at the Board. • Made a formal expulsion recommendation to the Board with full supporting documentation. Prior to deciding on an expulsion the Board of Management will have: • Heard the Principal’s case against the student (this case should be made in the presence of the Parents/Guardians) • Heard the Parents’/Guardians’ response. • Examined all the documentation. • Considered the student’s record in the school. • Taken legal/expert advice. • Ensured the Principal is not present for the Board’s discussion and decision on the matter. • Discussed the case in detail. • Made a final decision to expel. • Communicated the decision to the Parents/Guardians formally through the Secretary to the Board (registered letter). • Informed the Education Welfare Officer under Section 29 (1) of the Education Welfare Act 2000. Information regarding the right of appeal under Section 29 of the Education Act will be provided to Parents/Guardians/Student with formal notification of expulsion.


The Board of Management of Árdscoil na Tríonóide recognises the very serious nature of bullying and the negative impact that it can have on the lives of pupils and is therefore fully committed to key principles of best practice in preventing and tackling bullying behaviour. Árdscoil na Tríonóide is a “telling school”. This is encouraged in all students as responsible behaviour.


In accordance with the requirements of the Education (Welfare) Act 2000 and the student Code of Behaviour guidelines issued by the Child and Family Agency, the Board of Management of Árdscoil na Tríonóide, Athy has adopted an anti-bullying policy within the framework of the school’s overall Code of Behaviour. This policy fully complies with the requirements of the Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post- Primary Schools which were published in September 2013. Bullying is defined as unwanted negative behaviour, verbal, psychological or physical conducted, by an individual or group against another person (or persons) and which is repeated over time. The following types of bullying behaviour are included in the definition of bullying: • deliberate exclusion, malicious gossip and other forms of relational bullying, • cyber-bullying and • identity-based bullying such as homophobic bullying, racist bullying, bullying based on a person’s membership of the Traveller community and bullying of those with disabilities or special educational needs. Isolated or once-off incidents of intentional negative behaviour, including a once-off offensive or hurtful electronic message or other private messaging, do not fall within the definition of bullying and should be dealt with, as appropriate, in accordance with the school’s Code of Behaviour. However, in the context of this policy, placing a once-off offensive or hurtful public message, image or statement on a social network site or other public forum where that message, image or statement can be viewed and/or repeated by other people will be regarded as bullying behaviour.

While encouraging people to report incidents which they would consider bullying, a false accusation by one member of the school community against another will be regarded as very serious. Negative behaviour that does not meet this definition of bullying will be dealt with in accordance with the school’s Code of Behaviour.

A full copy of the school’s Anti-Bullying policy is available on the school website at or in hardcopy on request. This policy will be reviewed by the Board of Management once in every school year.

Signed: ______Signed: ______

Chairperson of Board of Management Principal

Date: _____13/09/2016 Date: _13/09/2016

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