Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church

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Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church

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1 Table of Contents

Pastor’s Page------3 Message from Council President------4 Council Meeting Highlights------5 Worship at Elmwood

LIFT, Lenten Bible Study------6 Altar Guild, Noisy Offering------7 Fellowship/Sew Day, Thank you Ash Wednesday, Lent Begins------8 ChristCare, Lenten Tea, Stephen Ministry------9

2015 Calendar of Events------10 ALPHA Begins------11 Adult Bible Studies, Sat. Saints Schedule------12 Birthdays/Anniversaries------13

Faith Filled Travelers 2015 Trips------14 Witness-The Worship Drama------15


President: Jadlynne Moyer Vice-President: Larry Leow Treasurer: Sandie Reed; Secretary: Tom Garner

Elder: Yvonne Vogel & Randy Brown Deacons: Jack Pollock, Gary Cooper, Scott Miarer and Steve Harder; Trustees: Bill Seibert, Matthew Young, Bill Fox and Dave Kocsis

Endowment: Larry Hineline, Ray Vogel, Randy Koch and Gary Overmyer, Dave Kocsis.

2 The Messenger

Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church FEBRUARY 2015 PASTOR’S PAGE Boy, it seems like we just finished up with Christmas and now our mood shifts to Lent, a cross and a resurrection.

For our mid-week services I have chosen to go with “THE PARABLES OF LENT.” Each service in this series focuses on a biblical parable that connects to Lenten themes. Each sermon will reveal that within each parable’s plot is woven a unique message about what we receive through the crucified Christ. You may take each message with you to enrich your own stories of faith in Jesus as you journey through Lent.

February 18 – Ash Wednesday – imposition of ashes and Holy Communion. Worship Theme: “Receive Justification: The Pharisee and the Tax Collector” Luke 18:9-14. The tax collector who repents goes home justified, while the proud Pharisee does not. We, too, who repent are justified through Christ.

February 25: 6:00p.m. meal provided by Ron Root’s S.S. Class. Worship Theme: “Receive the Word: the Sower and the Seed” Matthew 13:1-8, 18-23. The seed that falls on fertile soil takes root and grows; while the seeds in other soils fail. The Word of Christ flourishes within us.

The remaining mid-week services, along with Holy Week, Good Friday and Easter will be printed in our March Newsletter. Please choose to make our Lenten mid-week services a part of your Lenten Walk.

Pastor Bob

3 Greetings from Church Council President, Dear Members of Faith, Thank you to all that attended the Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 25, 2015.

Projects carrying forward into 2015 include air conditioning of the church and the kitchen remodel. As funds grow through donations in these dedicated accounts, the projects will progress as able. Our roof loan is expected to be paid off in May.

Expenses are a bit higher than receipts early this year but we are not experiencing a financial hardship. We give thanks & appreciation for everyone who has generously supported Faith during the past year and look forward to your continued financial support in 2015.

Our Lenten season begins with Ash Wednesday on February 18th. A light supper prior to our Wednesday evening worship services will begin February 25 at 6:00pm. Thank you to the various groups that will be hosting again this year. We hope you will be able to join us for this time of fellowship and worship.

Faith’s new website: is up and running. Visit often as features include daily devotions from Luther Seminary, daily Bible verse from ELCA as well as our monthly newsletters. The “picture” section is under construction. Help is needed from all our choirs, Altar Guild, Sunday School classes of every age, Saturday Saints, Circles, Women of the Church, Dartball, Faith Filled Travelers and any group I may have missed to provide group pictures and pictures of any rehearsal, activity, trip or event. Please get these to Becky Seibert ASAP!!

Attention counters: Offerings from mid-week services will be counted following each service by the team assigned to count the Sunday prior, (ex: Team #3 will count Sunday, February 15 & Ash Wednesday, February 18). Each head counter is responsible to make sure at least two (2) people from that team are available and/or to get substitutes. -continued

4 Christmas Eve & Christmas Day services will be counted on Sunday, December 27th by Council President & Vice-President. Please see the bulletin board for Lenten & Thanksgiving listings.

In keeping with the question, what does “servant” mean to you, let us be reminded of John 12:26 . . . “If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him”. With your active & positive involvement with Faith, our church will continue to thrive and grow.

God Is Good – May He Lead Your Path,

Jadlynne Moyer Council President

JANUARY Council Meeting Highlights  Council authorized joining other area churches in support of the Hispanic ministry of Rev. Jose Rios locate at Hayes UMC. Council authorized a single time gift of $3500.  Counting teams responsible for Sunday services are now responsible for all services held the remainder of that week. Please discuss with your head counter. Recording Secretary Tom Garner

Elmwood at the Springs February and March Faith is responsible to conduct the Sunday worship service at Elwood in Green Springs. Please consider helping with this project it is very rewarding to bring God’s word to these residents. There is a sign-up sheet in the hallway.

5 Puente De Esperanza - Hispanic Ministry in Fremont A Hispanic Ministry has been housed at the Hayes Memorial United Methodist Church. Our LIFT churches are coming on board with this special ministry. We are at that point that we are calling our first pastor, Jose Rios. Monies will come from our ELCA, the Methodist’s Watershed District and from our Fremont LIFT churches if so voted on favorably. Prayerfully consider how you can be part of this ministry. Contact Pastor Bob for more information.


Pastor Bob will lead a 6-week study on “Praying the Psalms of Lent. This study will follow the themes of the penitential Psalms of Scripture (Psalms 6, 32, 38, 51, 102 and 130 typically associated with Lent.

Each session in this Bible study includes Bible readings, prayers, questions, an ice breaker and discussion starters related to ways the psalms call us to forgive. Types of forgiveness touched on include vindicating, joyful, healing, renewing, restoring and abundant forgiveness.

We will meet at 1:00p.m. and 7:00p.m. on the Tuesdays of February 17 and 24, March 4, 11, 18, and 25. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall. Bring your own Bible if you so choose. We will have Bibles at the table.

6 In the month of January, Margie Roach and Marie Reiselt were in charge of the altar work schedule. Thank you ladies! February’s altar schedule will be handled by Brenda Tooman, Kim & Jim Smith. . Mary Lou Cooper, Chairperson

NOISY OFFERING UPDATE - “Change for Change” The Noisy Offering was collected on January 18, 2015, and was given so Children from our Companion Parish of Bumila Lutheran Church have the opportunity to attend school in the Mpwapwa Region. Thank you for your support of the children of our sister congregation in Bumila, Tanzania. The next Noisy Offering will be February 15, 2015 at both worship services.

FELLOWSHIP & SERVICE SEW DAY Come out and join the fun. We meet the first and third Thursdays of the month and begin at 9:00 am and end at 3:00 pm, but come and leave whenever you wish. Fellowship & Sew Day will be held February 5 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. We work on quilts, health kits and sewing kits. Greeting cards are made and are available for purchase in Lounge for a donation. Come and enjoy the fellowship.

Dear Friends and Family of Faith, Thank you so much for all your prayers, thoughts, cards, and gifts. Thank you to Pastor Bob for his prayers and words of encouragement. Also thank you to the Women of Faith for the beautiful pink carnation which remained pretty for two weeks. Also to the Women of Faith for the lovely scarf and bottle of sap given me for Christmas. Thank you to the carolers who visited me at Elmwood. It was so nice and I enjoyed the Fahle and Tooman grandchildren joining them. I am home but still go back for therapy. Thank you! Love in Christ, Norma Willey

7 February 18 – Ash Wednesday – imposition of ashes and Holy Communion.

Worship Theme: “Receive Justification: The Pharisee and the Tax Collector” Luke 18:9-14. The tax collector who repents goes home justified, while the proud Pharisee does not. We, too, who repent are justified through Christ.

February 25: 6:00p.m. meal provided by Ron Root’s S.S. Class.

Worship Theme: “Receive the Word: the Sower and the Seed” Matthew 13:1-8, 18-23. The seed that falls on fertile soil takes root and grows; while the seeds in other soils fail. The Word of Christ flourishes within us.

The remaining mid-week services, along with Holy Week, Good Friday and Easter will be printed in our March Newsletter.

Please choose to make our Lenten mid-week services a part of your Lenten Walk.

8 CHRIST CARE Beginning February 7, our Saturday morning group begins a new focus on The Lord’s Prayer, Jesus’ Blueprint for Prayer. We’ll use Luther’s Small Catechism and a few other resources to help us deepen our intimacy with God. This study will show us this prayer is as relevant today as it was 2,000 years ago. Come join us for fellowship, caring, and the study of God’s Word. See Noelle Leutenegger or see sign-up sheet on the ChristCare board in the coat area. Hope to see you bright and early (9 am) on Sat., February 7.

PRAYER, FASTING, AND WORKS OF LOVE February 18 is Ash Wednesday and so begins another season of the church, one in which we focus on all that God has done and continues to do for us in working out our salvation. It is a time of prayer, reflection, and repentance. For those who wish to attend we will begin the day with a Lenten Tea. We’ll meet in the lounge from 9:00 -10:30, getting our hearts and minds set on the season. We will look at some spiritual disciplines that will give the Holy Spirit room to work in our lives. Come join for what will be a meaningful time of togetherness and meditation.

STEPHEN MINISTRY WORKSHOP “Bear one another’s burdens and in this way, You will fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2) Many of us are familiar with CareChrist small groups(a component of Stephen Ministry) that we have here at Faith. This Christ-centered program also offers a program that focuses on a one-to-one caring ministry. An introductory workshop is being offered on Saturday, February 28 in Ann Arbor to learn more about this program. If interested please sign up on the activities board in the coat area. Questions may be directed to Cinda Jones, Noelle Leutenegger or Yvonne Vogel. Registration deadline is Sunday, February 22


FLCW EVENTS FOR 2015 JANUARY 24 Circle of Seasons: Winter Retreat

FEBRUARY 18 Lenten Tea

MARCH 15 Spring Bake Sale

APRIL Girl’s Spring Fling (Ruth Circle)

JULY 9 Ice Cream Social 18 Outing 21 Retreat at the home of Becky Seibert

AUGUST 29 Summer Retreat at the Pines

SEPTEMBER 8 General Meeting 19 Fall Outing

NOVEMBER 14 Craft and Bake Sale 22 Thankoffering Sunday

DECEMBER 8 Potluck and General Meeting

10 ALPHA IS COMING MARCH 2, 2015 Do you have questions about life? Do you wonder if there is more to life than this? Would you like to be able to talk about Jesus more easily?

ALPHA IS FOR YOU!  ALPHA is a practical introduction to the Christian faith that gives guests an opportunity to explore the meaning of life.  ALPHA is fun, relaxed, and totally non-pressured.  ALPHA is a good meal, plus an interesting talk and great discussions.  ALPHA is for everyone, especially those who have given up on church, wanting to investigate Christianity, new Christians, or those wanting to grow in udnerstanding and faith.  ALPHA is FREE and sponsored by the L.I.F.T. churches of Fremont.  ALPHA begins March 2, 2015. We will meet at Grace Lutheran Church, 705 W. State St. The sessions run from 6 to 8 p.m

QUESTIONS? Contact Maureen at 419-332-1558 or by email to [email protected]

Look for registration forms in the weekly bulletin.


11 Adult Bible Studies As the Sunday School year continues for our children, adults here at Faith continue to have the opportunity to study God’s Word. Please join us as we grow more intimate with this God who loves us so much that “He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life”. Sunday mornings 9:30a.m.  Adult Class, Bill Fox, leader  Scripture lessons for the day (Ron Root, leader)  Adult Class Scott Miarer, leader Christ Care  Thursdays at 6:30 – Anida Miarer, leader  Saturdays at 9:00 am – Noelle Leutenegger, leader Women’s Circles  Ruth Circle (3rd Tuesday of the month at 2:00)  Esther Circle (3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00)

SATURDAY SAINTS SCHEDULE  Saturday Saints is for youth Ages 3 – 5th grade.  We meet the 1st Saturday each month September –May. 11:00 am -1:00pm. Each child receives lunch, Learns about a person in the Bible, learns the books of the bible and some favorite Bible verses.  Please sign your children up to attend on the bulletin Board in the hallway. We ask that you also fill out a medical form so in case of an emergency.

Listed below are the topics for each month: February 7, 2015...... Be My Valentine March 7, 2015 Everything is Green April 4, 2015 Easter May 2, 2015 Something special for MOM

12 FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS 2015 3 Lilly (Overmyer) Reihl 5 Aron Mooney 6 Mary Burmeister, Steven Fox, Michael Roach Sr., Jack Smith 7 Evan McBride, Ron Root 8 Cody Foos, Matthew Reed, Doug Wagner 9 Derek McDonald, 13---Andrea Gazdecki, Bob Krumnow 15---Marcia Ackerman, Justin Reed, Jackie Seibert 16---Bonnie Overmyer, Sadie Pollard 17---Bailey Druckenmiller 18---Martha Wise 20---James Bolen, Pete Davis, Gladys Hazzard, Randy Pollock 21---James Nord 22---Amanda (Brown) Conti, Minnie Weber 24---Arnold Seeger 26---Emmalyn Gallatin 27---Peggy Koch

February 6, 1960 Ken & Gloria Root 55 years February 8, 1953 Ron & Nancy Root 62 years February 12, 1961 Jack & Phyllis Pollock 54 years February 23, 1952 Lester & Emmalyn Gallatin 63 years February 26, 1965 Gil & Pat Root 50 years

Faith Filled Travelers Trips-2015 Detailed descriptions of trips are posted on the bulletin board.

* June 10, 2015-Historical, International and Ethnic Tour of Cleveland, Ohio- This one day tour of Cleveland is a historical, cultural, and ethnic look at this neighboring city to our east. WE will take a magic carpet ride on our motor coach to view this mosaic of people and places. 13 Leaving Faith Church around 7-7:30 am and returning around twelve hours later will give us many hours to enjoy touring and learning and sampling the wonderful ethnic foods of this area. We will also tour the Lakeview Cemetery and its many well-known monuments of historical renown. This is Part 1 of the tours showcasing the city of Cleveland. Pricing: 25 passengers - $98 pp, 34 passengers-$86 pp, 40 passengers- $82pp. A $50 deposit is needed. * July 23-24, 2015-The Real Housewives of Amish Country – An overnight tour to Ohio Amish is just what you need to add spice to your summer activities! You will learn the real story of the housewives and what they do without electricity to complete the chores, cook the meals, do the housework and keep the family entertained in the off work hours. Lots of making of food and taking of the ‘fruits of your labor’ will make this trip an often remembered one. Join us for the fun. You will come back with lots of “goodies” and knowledge of this area. Pricing: $345pp-single, $289pp-double, $264pp-triple, $255pp-quad $100 deposit (per person) need ASAP * August 3-8, 2015-Branson Shows, Cooking & Mystery…Oh, My! – This 6 day, 5 night trip will be a time of entertainment with sightseeing along the way. We will stay overnight in Effingham, IL, and visit “The Cross at the Crossroad”, before enjoying a cooking demo at the restaurant where we will eat. The next day we will arrive in Branson and enjoy 5 shows, enjoying and touring the area while there. On the fifth day, we will travel to a mystery destination for entertainment and fun on that day and the next before traveling home. Pricing is per person based on the type of hotel accommodations – Single - $1235pp, Double $1004pp, Triple $927pp, Quad $891pp $100 deposit per person is due ASAP Contact Yvonne Vogel at 419-307-1774 for more information on all trips


One Actor * Eight Characters * A Fresh Look at Jesus The worship drama, "Witnesses" will be performed at Grace Lutheran Church, 4441 Monroe St., Toledo, OH 43613 on Sunday, February 8 at 4pm. The one-man play, written by Curt Cloninger, features professional actor and speaker, Jonathan P. Swenson.

In this dramatic and very personal performance, Swenson portrays eight different characters (historical and imagined) as each responds to Jesus. Through the eyes of these characters, both comic and serious, the audience is challenged to see Jesus from fresh perspectives; not cold and distant, but as one who was intimately involved in the "nitty-gritty" of life.

Swenson is a graduate of Gustavus Adolphus College (B.A. in Psychology, Theater and Music, 1988) and Luther Seminary (Master's of Divinity, 1994). He has served as an ordained minister for nearly 20 years. Jonathan frequently performs in community and professional theater events, combining his musical theater passions with intentional evangelical outreach. Swenson is also the Founding Director of Paraphrase Theatre, a faith-based theater company in Cedar Rapids, IA.

As part of Paraphrase Theatre, Swenson is traveling throughout the country performing two shows, both written by Curt Cloninger, titled Witnesses and Celebrate the Child.

The dramatic portrayal will run 70 minutes, immediately followed by a Q & A with Jonathan. Jonathan will also be available for personal conversation following the Q&A during a fellowship time in Grace's Brenner Hall. All-in-all, the entire event is anticipated to conclude around 6pm.

For more information about this event, call Grace Lutheran at 419-474- 6403 and watch our Facebook page for updates (Grace-Lutheran-Church- Toledo).

15 16 Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church 1187 CR 128l; Fremont, OH 43420

Pastor: Rev. Robert Young 1225 CR 128; Fremont, OH 419-334-2351 (parsonage) 419-559-9905 (cell) Email: [email protected]

Church Office: 419-332-6820 Fax: 419-332-8885

Email: [email protected] Website:

Office Hours: Secretary schedule – Tuesday thru Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Pastor’s office schedule – Hours vary Monday through Thursday 9:00 am-12:00 pm

Sunday Worship Services: 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion Celebrated: 1st and 3rd Sundays Sunday Church School for all ages: 9:15 a.m.

Newsletter Articles Due: 3rd Sunday of the Month

Mission Statement: Faith Lutheran Church exists to gather the people to worship and praise God, to equip them in faith, and to send them into the world to make a difference in His name.

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