Lesson: Winter Birch Trees Grade: 4th

Materials: 2- 12x18 white paper Scratch paper Pencil Ruler 2x3 inch cardboard Black tempera paint 50/50 white tempera and water in a spray bottle Containers for tempera Chalk pastels Clean up rags Black color pencil

Motivation: The teacher will have a discussion about winter with the students. The teacher will show an example of a finished artwork.

Day One: Making the Winter Birch Tree: -The teacher will (TTW) have the supply manager to get paper for their tables, 2 white per each students and one scratch paper per student. -(TTW) have the materials organized in a tray and explain all the materials to the students, then the supply managers bring the materials to their table. - TTW demonstrate how to use the ruler to measure out the width of tress. Number the strips and circle all the even numbers. -Start at the top of your paper. Dip the cardboard lightly into the black tempera. -Holding the cardboard almost perpendicular, TTW demonstrate how to use the dry brush technique. -Stroke small amount of paint to for the tree trunk. -The students will put their artwork in the drying rack. Making the Background: -TTW discuss color combinations such as warm color backgrounds and cool color backgrounds. -TTW demonstrate how to safely use the chalk pastels, using only two colors either a warm or cool color scheme. -TTW use a spray bottle to damp paper towels. The students will wipe their hands off with the damp paper towel. If there is time the table washers will wash tables. -TTW have supply managers return all the materials in the tray. -Masterpiece managers will collect all the artwork (the students will cover their artwork with the scratch paper) and bring it them to the teacher. -TTW look for checks and line the students up in line order.

Day Two: Putting it all together: -TTW have the students cut the Winter Birch Trees. - TTW demonstrate how to glue the Winter Birch Trees to the background. (They only need to glue 2-3 trees) -The students will add shadows with a black color pencil -Finally they will spray a light mist with a bottle 50/50 white tempera and water for the snow.