Minutes of the Meeting of Heanor and Loscoe Town Council held in the Town Hall, Heanor on 5th February 2015

PRESENT: Councillor Mrs H Longdon (Mayor)

Councillors: B Flint, S Grainger, B Gration, C Hancock, K Hill, Mrs A Jones, A Kowalski, A Longdon, Mrs A Moon and J Moon.

Also present: Rev B Kaze and two members of the public.

Dave Bond – Amber Valley Locality Manager and Lesley Hough – Heanor Multi Agency Team Manager were scheduled to update members on the provision of Derbyshire County Council Youth Services, however they are unable to make this evening so have re-scheduled and will attend the meeting in March.


120 Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Councillors B Aistrop (work commitments), Mrs Cox (prior engagement), C Emmas-Williams (prior engagement), P Jones (prior engagement), T Lynch (prior engagement), Miss S Oakes (prior engagement) and Miss H Stirland (work commitments). Resolved: Members approved these reasons for absence.

121 Declaration of Members Interests/Update of Register Agenda Item 13 – Planning/Environment/Licensing Councillor B Gration – personal – Member of AVBC Planning Board

122 Dispensations No request for dispensation was received.

123 Public Speaking (a) Public Matters No public matter was raised.

(b) Police Matters No police present, no matters raised.

County Council Council meeting 4 February – presentation – Feeding Britain from Clay Cross Food Bank. Financial Action and Advice (faad) and Rural Action Derbyshire which informed that 16,483 individuals were helped by Derbyshire Food Banks from April 2014. They made several key recommendations to the Council.

Page 73 – 2014/15 123 Public Speaking County Council (cont) Consultation re: Combined Authority – 758 people responded. Overall 66.7% either strongly or tended to agree that the proposed combined authority was the best option for D2 and a further 10.6% neither agreed nor disagreed.

Council approved Council Tax increase of 1.98%.

Five year financial plan shows reductions already removed from budget since 2101 of £135m with a further £146 forecast to 2020.

Stonewall ranked DCC 79 out of 397 public and private sector entrants to ‘Top 100 Employers’ for LGB employees.

Consultation taking place on proposed changes to b-line, which in summary are to extend the scheme to more young people and change the level of travel discounts for other – deadline for responses is 29 March.

Borough Council AVBC meeting held 28 Jan – numerous committee minutes and reports were received by members.

1% increase to members allowance approved.

Outside Bodies 3P Parish Mobile Advisory Group meeting held 27 Jan – Young people using this service attended and explained why they used the bus and how they benefited from this provision.

124 Minutes The Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on Thursday 8th January 2015 having been circulated to members, were approved as a correct record and duly signed by the Mayor.

125 Minutes The minutes of the Town Council Property, Management and Finance Committee held Thursday 22nd January 2015 was received by members.

126 Items to be taken in Exclusion Resolved: No agenda Item .to be taken in exclusion.

127 Town Mayors Announcements 23 Jan - the Town Mayor attended the Showman’s Guild Annual Civic Luncheon at the Belfry Hotel, Nottingham.

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128 Town Council – Items for Decision (a) The Pentrich & South Wingfield Revolution Group The above group were established last year and aim to raise local and national awareness of the bi-centennial of the Pentrich Revolution 2017. This group would like to attend a future Town Council meeting to discuss their activities further. Resolved: Invite to attend the April Town Council meeting.

(b) Groundwork Cresswell, Ashfield & Mansfield – Quarter 3 SLA Report for Red River Local Nature Reserve Members received the above report which detailed the general background, aims and objective of the Service Level Agreement. The report included information on the tasks, activities, event days, meetings held during this time. Resolved: This report is received.

(c) Derbyshire County Council – Land at Lockton Avenue It was noted that the application submitted to register land at Lockton Avenue as a Town or Village Green has been rejected. Resolved: This document is received.

(d) C Smith – Town Green Application for Land at Lockton Avenue Derbyshire C.C. has rejected an application to register Lockton Avenue Playing Fields as a Town Green. The Town Council is requested to negotiate the voluntary registration of a large area as green space. Resolved: Amber Valley Borough Council, as landowners, is requested to provide information relating their future plans for this area of land.

(e) Derby College – Mundy Street Site. Derby College have decided to put their Mundy Street site on the market. The College is working with Derby-based commercial property agents Rigby & Co to market the site to potential developers with a deadline for bids set at early March. Resolved: Town Council to notify Derby College of their disappointment on the decision to market the site. Town Council remain interested in the future of artefacts of historical interest to the town, such as Caley Robinson three panel memorial paintings and the honours boards and ask that the Town Hall is considered as a future base.

129 Derbyshire Association of Local Councils Circular 01/2015 Index of Most Important Elements of 2014 DALC Circulars Circular 02/2015 General – DALC Banking Details, Abolition of the Public Works Loan Board, Local Council Award Scheme, DALC Spring Seminar, Vacancies. Resolved: The above documents are received. Circular 02/2015 – information regarding Abolition of the Public Works Loan Board to be placed on the agenda of the next TCPM&F meeting.

Page 75 – 2014/15 130 FINANCE (a) Accounts for Payment Cheque No Payee/Description Nett Vat Gross 693 Inland Revenue – Paye, NI 991.17 00.00 991.17 694 Derbyshire CC - superannuation 555.55 00.00 555.55 695 Groundwork – SLA payment 1250.00 250.00 1500.00 696 JRB Enterprises – Doggy Bags 433.50 86.70 520.20 697 Viking – stationery/postage 201.39 17.28 218.67 698 Edgars water – termination charge 81.90 16.38 98.28 699 St Luke’s PCC – Donation elec costs 200.00 00.00 200.00 700 Petty cash - reimbursement 74.30 00.00 74.30 701 D Malley – payroll services 48.75 00.00 48.75 702 AMP Electrical – replace elec tubes 75.00 15.00 90.00 Total 3911.56 385.36 4296.92 Resolved: Payment of accounts to a total of £4,296.92 is approved.

(b) Bacs Payments for approval Payee Description Nett Vat Gross Various Salaries and Wages 4405.72 00.00 4405.72 British Gas Gas supply – TH 349.34 69.86 419.20 AVBC Rates 1241.00 00.00 1241.00 Talk Talk Broadband Rental 16.93 3.38 20.31 XLN Telecom 3 x line rental + calls 68.57 13.72 82.29 E.on Electricity supply - WSC 113.72 5.69 119.41 Total 6195.28 92.65 6287.93 Resolved: Payment of the above BACS is received and approved.

(c) Income for December 2014 The Old Fire Station 866.00 Town Hall lettings 1469.00 Rents 500.01 Wilmot Street Centre 1091.00 Events 395.00 Other 169.08 Total 4490.09 Resolved: The above information is received.

131 Items for Information (a) Clerks Report Town Guide The Town Clerk has been approached by Fraser Media in relation to the production of a Town Guide. This will be at no cost to the Council and allows 20 pages available to the Council for editorial and photographic content. Agreed: Town Council to proceed with the production of a Town Guide. Page 76 – 2014/15

131 Items for Information (a) Clerks Report (cont) Events The following events are proposed for 2015/16. This is not an exhaustive list and the Town Clerk would welcome any additional ideas for events from members. May Day Event Sing – a – Long Brass Band Concert in Heanor Memorial Park Theatre Play Pantomime Christmas Lights ‘Switch On’ Agreed: Town Council approve the above events for 2015/16.

(b) Miscellaneous AVBC Papers for Full Council 28/01/15, Licensing Panel 12/01/15 and Full Council 19/01/15 Amber Valley Info January Newsletter Derbyshire C.C. Temporary Road Closures Derby Rd, (Red Lion Square) and Mount St (any 2 Sundays between 25/1/15 and 01/03/15) Mount St (21/01/15 to 23/01/15) Lacey Fields Road (17/02/15 to 19/02/15) Whysall Street (any 2 Sundays between 25/01/15 and 01/03/15) Turnditch PC Clerk/RFO Vacancy Resolved: This information is received.

132 PLANNING/ENVIRONMENT/LICENSING CD6/0115/127 – Section 73 application not to comply with condition 2 of CD6/1113/120 by increasing the boundary fence height and the addition of 5 new trees requested by adjoining residents at Florence Shipley Home, Market Place, Heanor for DCC

AVA/2014/1043 – Proposed dwelling and new site access. This is a departure from the Development Plan at 106 Old Coppice Side, Marlpool for Mr D Hobson, 106 Old Coppice Side

AVA/2014/1069 – To change the use of building from offices to childcare use at Shanakiel, 17 Ilkeston Road, Heanor for Mrs Debra Farmer, Debbie Ducks Childcare, 22 Kerry Drive, Smalley

AVA/2014/1116 – Proposed single storey rear extension at 5 Claramount Road, Marlpool, Heanor for Ms Robyn Dudfield, Petty Close Farm, Kirk Langley Page 76 – 2014/15

132 PLANNING/ENVIRONMENT/LICENSING (cont) AVA/2014/1116 – Proposed single storey rear extension at 5 Claramount Road, Marlpool, Heanor for Ms Robyn Dudfield, Petty Close Farm, Kirk Langley

AVA/2014/1093 – Renewal of planning application office code AVA/2008/1308, AVA/2011/0979. This is a departure from the Development Plan at land adjacent 25 Peach Street, Heanor for Hardfield Homes, Higham

AVA/2014/1148 – Proposed new glass canopy to front of store at L Smith & Son, 1 Godfrey Street, Heanor for Heanor Home Discount, 1 Godfrey Street, Heanor

AVA/2015/0012 - Temporary change of use of existing dwelling to provide welfare facilities (kitchen, toilet, first aid etc) for contractor working on external wall insulation programme of Futures Homescape dwellings on Lockton Avenue and the construction of 32 dwellings on land opposite under AVA/2013/0696 at 62 Lockton Avenue, Heanor for Futures Homescape, Ripley Town Council comments: The Town Council object to this application. They feel the dwelling should remain as housing stock.

PART 11 – CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION To move the following resolution – ‘That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest, that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw’

133 Date of Next Town Council Meeting – Thursday 5 th March 2015 Page 77 - 2014/15