Classified Staff Meeting 3/13/01; 11am; AD 575

In attendance: Charlotte Baker, President Ben Zastrocky, Vice President Debbie Martin, Treasurer Jim Becker, Speech Communication Pete Gordon, Info Tech Nancy Maierhofer, Registrar's Office Joan Schall, Financial Aid Mark Schultz, Info Tech Tamara Wristen, Student Health Center Rachel Patarino, International Education Martina Grasse, Professional Studies, Dean's Office

The meeting was called to order at 11 a.m. Introductions were made. No minutes from the last meeting were available. Announcements: Two cards were signed (thinking about you) for Virginia Downs and Everlyn Sandoval. Treasurer Report: Debbie Martin: We made $725.00 on the Entertainment Books. Five books were returned to Debbie unsold. Three were given away at a drawing at this meeting (congrats to Ben Zastrocky, Tamara Wristen, and Jim Becker). The other two books were donated to persons assisting Classified Staff Council. Committee Reports: Staff Advisors and Classified Staff Mentoring: no report Constitution, Bylaws and Elections: Pete Gordon: Most of the election procedures will be done electronically this year. In April, an email will be sent out for nomination of officers. Voting will be done online. After this process is finished, nominations for the nine (9) senator groups will be done with elections to follow via the web. A handout was presented outlining these procedures. If you would like a copy, please contact Pete. Professional Development: Rachel Patarino: The conflict resolution workshop went well with 24 people in attendance. Two more workshops are being offered this Friday and on March 30th. Regarding the supervisory certificate training: seven people will have the basic training and two are signed up for the advanced training. The advanced training has been postponed until September. Rachel is working with Ginger concerning funding for those two people. There are two more workshops planned and flyers will be sent out this week: Time Management is on May 2nd from 1-4 p.m. and Stress Management will be on Wednesday, April 4th. Please email Rachel if you would like to attend. (We all better sign up for the stress workshop…….sorry….editorial comment.) Scholarships: no report Social Events and Ways and Means: Jim Becker and Debbie Martin: The Spring Fling on April 26th will be a focus for fundraising and a thank-you to Classified Staff. They are working on the details. A potluck meeting will be held on March 21st, at noon, WC 133, and everyone is invited to attend. Also, we will be selling candy as a fundraiser. Details will be forthcoming. Thank you to all of the committee members and chairs. The amount of work done so far this year has been phenomenal!!! THANK YOU!! New and Unfinished Business: Thanks to Cheryl Sipe and Joan Schall for being the Classified Staff representatives on the Distinguished Service Awards committee. Food Drive - Emails will be coming from Char to all of you about the food drive for St. Elizabeth's right after spring break. I will do some flyers and also ask CCD, UCD and AHEC to help us too. PLEASE - if you are willing to have a box in your area for collection, please email me ASAP. I would appreciate it very much! We will do all the pick-up; all you have to do is collect it. Thanks. Scholarship Fund percentage: The vote to determine a minimum amount to be given to the scholarship fund from every fundraiser was tabled and will be discussed in April. Web Site Presentation by Ben Zastrocky: Ben showed us the new web site layout and answered questions. It was very informative. The new web site goes live on Monday, March 19th. We ran out of time for the classified web site. We will do that in April also. Meeting was adjourned at 12:15 p.m.

The next meeting is Wednesday, April 18th, 1pm, WC 133. Thanks.