LESSON PLAN – People Who Work In Our School
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LESSON PLAN – People Who Work In Our School Theme – Investigating The World Of Work
CAREER SKILLS – Career Exploration
KEY SKILLS – Communication, Working With Others
WORK RELATED LEARNING – Learning For Work, Learning About Work
COMPETENCIES – *ai, *cii, *di, **ei, **eiii, **eiv, **ev, **evi, ***fiv, ***Ii, ***Iii, ***Iiv, ***kiv, ***kvi, ****mi, ni, ****pi
SUGGESTED SUBJECT AREA – Social Studies, Personal Development, English
Learning Outcomes
By completing this task students will be able to:
Practice listening and social skills when meeting visitors. Question visitors. Record and evaluate information about jobs.
Preparation and Materials
Copies of Activity Sheet (1) “People Who Work In Our School” for each student (can be photocopied back to back). Plan a rota of visitors, from among the people who work in the school, to join the students for this lesson. Briefing notes for visitors are included in the Teachers’ Notes for this lesson. This lesson can follow on from the lesson plan “Our School As A Place Of Work”
1. Explain the aims of the lesson using the learning outcomes on Activity Sheet (1). 2. Split the students up into 4 groups. 3. Recap from the last time about the various jobs in school. Explain to the students that during this lesson they will be visited by several people who work in the school in various capacities. 4. The visitors will answer questions from the students and talk briefly about their job. 5. Arrange to have 4 visitors e.g. members of the catering staff, clerical staff, caretaker, principal. This is a good opportunity for them to introduce themselves. 6. They should all spend no more than 10 minutes talking to each group of students about qualifications, characteristics and qualities needed and typical activities involved in their job. 7. Ask students to complete Activity Sheet (1) for at least two of the visitors. 8. Discuss with the students why each job is needed and the variety of skills involved. Ask, “Could the school run without these people?” 9. Ask the students what they have learned from the lesson. 10. Summarise the main learning outcomes. TEACHERS’ NOTES – People Who Work In Our School
Briefing for Visitors
The lesson aims to encourage students to build up a picture of the full range of jobs done in school by different people. They have been briefed to ask questions in order to find the answers they require.
The questions the students have to find answers to are listed below with some explanations and prompt to help you answer.
What is the name and occupation of each visitor?
This is straightforward.
What qualifications did the visitor need for their job?
You may tell the students what qualifications were required when you first started your job, or explain what you think the current qualifications are.
What personal characteristics or qualities are needed for the job?
Please answer form your own experience and include the obvious as well as those special qualities needed for your job in particular e.g. punctual, honest, trustworthy, patient, hard-working, not afraid of heights if appropriate etc.
What are the work activities of the visitor in a typical day?
If each day is different give one or two different typical days’ activities so that the students can get a flavour of the variety of your job.
Please invite the students to add more questions if there is time. If you are asked a question that you have difficulty in answering say “pass” and ask for another question. Learning Outcomes: By completing this task you will be able to:
Practice listening and social skills when meeting visitors. Question visitors. Record and evaluate information.
ACTIVITY SHEET – People Who Work In Our School
You will have several visitors from the school staff. Record below what they tell you about their work.
NameName andand occupationoccupation ofof visitorvisitor
WhatWhat qualificationsqualifications doesdoes thisthis PersonPerson needneed forfor theirtheir jobjob
WhatWhat personalpersonal characteristicscharacteristics OrOr qualitiesqualities areare neededneeded forfor thisthis job?job?
WhatWhat areare thethe workwork activitiesactivities ofof thisthis PersonPerson inin aa typicaltypical dayday
NameName andand occupationoccupation ofof visitorvisitor
WhatWhat qualificationsqualifications doesdoes thisthis PersonPerson needneed forfor theirtheir jobjob
WhatWhat personalpersonal characteristicscharacteristics OrOr qualitiesqualities areare neededneeded forfor thisthis job?job?
WhatWhat areare thethe workwork activitiesactivities ofof thisthis PersonPerson inin aa typicaltypical dayday