Delaware Reformed Church s2

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Delaware Reformed Church s2

Delaware Reformed Church If you are a visitor please fill out a visitor card and place it in the offering. Reverend Gary Hegstad Birth-4 Nursery is available throughout the service. Serving today is Stacey & Levi. November 26, 2017 ______This Week: Gathering Song “We Have Come Into His House” Hymn #588 Wed: Christmas Program Practice 6:00pm

Youth Group 7:00pm Announcements LifeTree Café (DRC) 7:00pm (Topic will be “Religious Freedom”))

Thurs: LifeTree Café (Worthing) 7:00pm Call to Worship

Next Sunday we will celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper and begin Praise & Worship Joshua’s House celebrating the Season of Advent. “Jesus Loves Even Me” Hymn #357 “The Wonder of It All” Hymn #65 Christmas Program practice will this Wednesday Nov 29, and continue Dec 6 “I Love You Lord” Hymn #80 and Dec 13 with a meal being served from 6-6:30 and program practice Opening Prayer beginning at 6:30pm. An additional practice is scheduled for Saturday, Dec 16 at 9:30am. The program is Sunday, Dec 17 at 7:00pm. A free will donation will be Preparatory Service taken at each practice to offset the cost of the meal. Children’s Story Stacey Andernacht Thank you for the visits, phone calls, food, and prayers following my knee surgery. Special thank you to Pastor Gary for his visits, it was very much Hymn “More About Jesus” Hymn #389 appreciated. – Bill Beck Congregational Prayer Thank you for all the prayers for our daughter, Bethany, during her pregnancy. Thea Colleen Swart was born Thursday, Nov 23rd weighing 6lb 15oz. Both mom Ministry of Music Ric & Julie Morren and baby are doing well. – Pastor Gary and Julie Scripture Colossians 3:12-17 Consistory nominations: Elder: Randy Gibbons, Richard Hyronimus. Deacon:

Kevin Adney, James Westra. (One elder and one deacon will be elected at the Message “A Forgiving Spirit and Will” congregational meeting on Dec 5th.) Worship in Tithes & Offering Drivers needed: We are trying to set up a driving schedule of people who could pick Tracia Morren up for Sunday morning worship. We have three families who Doxology & Offertory Prayer have offered to be a part of a rotation. If you are willing, contact Lisa Westra. Hymn “I Know Whom I Have Believed” Hymn #409


Closing Song “Freely, Freely” Hymn #447 v.1 Welcome to Delaware. We’re glad you are here! Offering Report General Fund Building Fund Offering Received 11/19/2017 $2,311.00 $5,395.00 Budgeted Average Weekly Offering $2,884.62 $748.08 Difference -$573.62 $4,646.92 Fiscal Year-To-Date Summary Received Offerings $122,072.02 $18,238.00 Budgeted Offerings $135,576.92 $35,159.62 Difference -$13,504.90 -$16,921.62

Women's Ministry Service Project: Thank you again to everyone for chosing to be a blessing to the children of Lifescape! Please note the deadline: Have your wrapped gift here by December 10. Also, if you took #S42 (PlayDoh Kit) or #S26 (2Tier Playing Card Rack) please add your name to the chart.

Prayer Concerns: -Our sympathy is extended to Matt and Paula Loewe and their family on the death of Heather Giefer, who died last weekend. -Our sympathy is extended to the family of John Westra who died last Sunday. His funeral was this past Wednesday. -Shannon Voegele was severely injured in a farm accident recently. -Linda Duncan, wife of Robin Duncan, doing well with cancer treatments -Rhonda Wiebers, Gladys Wiebers’ granddaughter, cancer treatments -Brent DeKok, son of Pastor Don/Sue DeKok, continues chemo treatments -Bev Vande Vegte, Rock Valley, battling cancer -Susan Nelson, Parker, has been having further tests recently -Consistory nominations and annual meeting

Fellowship lunch for Sunday, Dec 3rd is Katie & Rebecca W. Praise and Worship is the Highway 18 Praise Band. Children’s Sermon is Pastor Gary. Nursery is Tammy. Usher is Lynn Oltmanns. Projector is Jonathan Hagena.

Fellowship lunch for Sunday, Dec 10th is Marcia & Jen H. Praise and Worship is Delaware Family Singers. Children’s Sermon is Jonathan Hagena. Nursery is Tracey & Cheryl. Usher is Wil Van Engen. Projector is Matt Kruid.

Children's Ministry Offerings: The Building on 40 project ends today. $811.59 and counting! Give your best gift today so we can help insure that Inspiration L: Beloved in the Lord Jesus Christ, we propose to celebrate together, with the Hills will be sharing the gospel with our children's awesome gracious help of God, the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper on the next Lord’s Day. opportunity! Our conscience, instructed by God’s law, rightly declares us unworthy of this gift. Upcoming Ministries: C: We find we have neither loved the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, -Dec. 5, 7:30 PM Annual Congregational Meeting (reminder: any new business and mind, nor have we loved our neighbor as ourselves. has to be submitted by Dec. 3, to be discussed and approved/disapproved by L: To examine our lives is to confirm that we deserve exclusion from this royal the consistory. Without doing so, it will not discussed at the meeting.) banquet, and, indeed, from God’s presence forevermore. -Dec. 12, 7:00 PM Consistory Meeting C: Yet this is God’s feast of love, and it was in love that Christ gave himself for -Dec. 17, 7:00 PM Sunday School Christmas Program us. When we were unworthy, Christ made us worthy. When we should have -Dec. 24, 5:30 PM Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (since this falls on a Sunday justly died as punishment for our sins, Christ freely paid our penalty, dying in this year, we are having the service at an earlier time) our place. Christ has become our complete righteousness. -Grief share Ministries will begin again on January 16 (Tuesday nights this year) L: Therefore, our self-examination must not end in despair. We are called to trust God’s work on our behalf and to receive the gift of forgiveness offered us Security Assurance: In light of tragic events that have taken place in our nation, in Christ Jesus. Our reconciliation to God is found in trusting this good news— the consistory has decided that the side doors of our church will be locked after that before we chose God, God chose us. Sunday morning worship has begun. Signs have been placed on the side doors C: We are who God has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, indicating to people to come to the front door after the service has begun. The prepared beforehand to be our way of life. consistory will set up a rotation of individuals who will be monitoring the front L: Partaking at the Lord’s Table is not an act of virtue. This table is prepared for door while the worship service is in process. This security measure is simply a those who humbly trust Christ alone and find in his death, resurrection, and means of protecting us from any unsuspecting surprise while we are in worship. ascension their only peace. Though they often fail in their efforts, those who thus approach this table will desire to please God, conforming their lives to A new Narcotics Anonymous group will be starting on Dec 4th at 7pm at Faith God’s purposes. Rest fully assured that when God finds such contrite trust and Presbyterian church. It will meet every Monday at 7pm. The group is open to all godly intention God will forgive all our sins and make us worthy partakers of this people suffering from drug addiction. Babysitting will be available. For further heavenly kingdom. As we examine ourselves, let us confess our sins. Let us seek info call 605-214-3864. the mercy of God. Let us pray.

James Johnson Benefit: A benefit is planned for Beresford resident, James Prayer of Confession Johnson on Saturday, Dec 2nd at 5:00pm at the Bridges in Beresford. There will (Unison): Most merciful God, whose Son Jesus Christ was tempted in every way, be chili, hot dogs, and cinnamon rolls along with a silent and live auction. James yet without sin, we confess before you that we have sinned; we have hungered sustained a spinal cord injury in an ATV accident on Aug 12th. James and his for that which does not satisfy; we have compromised with evil; we have wife Katie have 3 daughters, Emma, who is in 1st grade and twins Harper, and doubted your power to protect us. Forgive our lack of faith; have mercy on our Morgan, who are preschoolers. Thank you very much for your support for James weakness. Restore in us such love and trust that we may walk in your ways and and his family. delight in doing your will. Gracious God, renew our hearts. Make our spirits right and true; Let thy Spirit dwell in us, we pray. Amen. (RCA resources 2002) Bulletin information should be given to Lisa Westra at 605-366-1037 or office by Thursday at 9am. Assurance of Pardon L: Our gracious God forgives you your sin, strengthens you by the Holy Spirit, and will keep you in life eternal, through Jesus Christ our Lord. So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything Preparatory Service: Exhortation to Self-Examination has become new! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation. 2 Cor. 5.17, 18

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