Stenness Community School
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Stenness Community School Newsletter 5 3rd November 2016
Welcome back! Without doubt a busy and enjoyable time has been had by children and staff these past holidays. Even better is everyone’s evident enjoyment in catching up with classmates and colleagues and sharing their news. A special welcome back to Mrs Shona Firth who returns as our Art Teacher. It is already shaping up to be a very busy term full of rich learning experiences!
Fluorescent Waistcoats Fluorescent waistcoats have been given out to all children. Please ensure that your child wears it to and from school every day to help keep them safe in the winter terms. We will take them back in at the end of next term. All the waistcoats have various names on them from over the years. Please mark the waistcoat with your child’s name in an identifiable manner. If you have purchased a waistcoat for your child and you no longer wish to use the school one, do return the school waistcoat to the office. If your child has been given an excessively large or small one, come and exchange it for an alternative size.
Winter Weather
Please remind pupils to dress for changeable weather, including waterproof footwear and coats. We will continue to make use of the outdoors in our learning throughout Winter and Spring. NB: The OIC winter newsletter is attached for you to read.
Football The Falcons began their season last Saturday in the ‘new look’ Primary competition by winning every game (teamwork!). They all enjoyed the night and will quickly become accustomed to the new rules. We wish them all the very best for the season. Netball Our two teams began their new season this Saturday. They are certainly looking forward to it and we also wish them good luck for the season ahead.
Remembrance Day Poppies Poppies are on sale for a donation at the school on behalf of Poppy Scotland.
Christmas Trees The Orphir Church (which is also the Stenness parish kirk) is participating in the Community Festival of Christmas Trees. You get a tree, decorate it representing a Christmas song, and then it’s displayed in the Church. If your family would like to decorate a tree for the Church, details are attached to this newsletter.
National Recognition – Jutland Commemorations It was grand to spot this letter in the Orcadian on the 20th October.
Youngsters’ Stunning Displays
I always holiday in Orkney, usually twice a year, and never tire of visiting everywhere over and over again – all the archaeology sites, museums, islands, shops, craft shops, castles, St Magnus Cathedral and the wide open spaces.
But what especially caught my eye this year were all the displays about the Battle of Jutland, plus the loss of HMS Hampshire, Lord Kitchener and crew.
The most outstanding displays however, have to be the ones that the children of various primary schools have done, which are at the Bu in Orphir and in the arrivals/departures lounge for the ferry in Stromness. They are fantastic – the amount of work that’s gone into making the models of ships, the research and write-ups about the families and the poppies that were made. Especially the poppies - there must have been hundreds of them, and made in all sorts of materials; they are so beautiful. I was just mesmerised by them all.
The children can be justifiably proud of what they have achieved, and I daresay with help from parents, grandparents and classroom assistants!
I hope the displays will be on show for the rest of the year at least. Absolutely stunning.
Mrs C Fisher, Morayshire
Well done children, parents and staff. This really shows just what good ambassadors for Orkney you really are! Term Calendar Please find attached this term’s calendar. Do keep it handy to update when required.
Halloween Party Sunday 6th November 3.00 – 6.00pm
Entry charge of £2 per head (under 5s free). You might also need a few extra pennies for games. This is a fantastic annual event for all the family. Please come along (with your family neepie lantern) and have a great afternoon. If you haven’t returned your helper slip, and are able to lend a hand, please return the slip or contact Norna or Vicky. The hall is going to be decorated tomorrow afternoon from 2pm onwards. Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.
Library Van Tuesday 8th November A chance for all children to take out (or return) a recreational reading book (or two?)
Religious Observation Wednesday 9th November Scripture Union representative Graeme Patterson will be visiting us at our Assembly. Graeme is an annual visitor to the school. He will conduct a short non-denominational lesson.
PTA Meeting Wednesday 9th November 7pm in the Staffroom The agenda is attached. You are all encouraged to come along and will be made most welcome.
Film Festival (Nursery-P7) Friday 11th November, at the West Side Cinema in Stromness Town Hall An information permission slip is attached. Do complete and return by Monday 7th Nov.
Flu Vaccinations Monday 14th November Those children whose parents requested their child be vaccinated will receive their vaccine from the NHS staff in the morning. Children in Need Friday 18th November Theme “Go Spotty” The senior class will be organising the fundraising for the day – look out for more information nearer the time. During that week, Pudsey pin badges will be on sale for £1 each.
Thank you
Head Teacher
Community News
MacMillan Coffee Morning Thanks Thank you to everyone who came, baked, donated and helped at our recent coffee afternoon in aid of Macmillan. We raised an amazing £542.20!
Thank you Katherine
Enclosures to this Newsletter OIC Winter Newsletter Community Festival of Christmas Trees Information Term Calendar PTA Meeting Agenda Into Film Festival Consent Form