Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Town Council of Central Valley Town, Sevier

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Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Town Council of Central Valley Town, Sevier


A regular meeting of the Mayor and Town Council of Central Valley Town was held on Wednesday, the 19th of February, 2014 at the Central Valley Community Center, 50 West Center, Central Valley, Utah at the hour of 7:30 p.m. after due and timely notice had been provided pursuant to Section 52-4-6, UCA, 1953, as amended.


Mayor Kim Peterson, Council Members: Charles Evans, Bryan Brown, Becky Bastian and David Nielson.

Absent/excused: None


Town Clerk: Allen Henningson Town Treasurer: Shelley Brown


Paul Damon, Mark Stewart, Matt Mclean, Cooper Riddle and Dale Gifford.

1. Opening Remarks given by Bryan Brown.

2. Meeting called to order and roll call. Mayor Peterson welcomed those in attendance at the meeting.

3. Approval of minutes of previous meeting. The minutes of the January 15th Town Council meeting were presented for approval. All members had reviewed the minutes. Mayor Peterson asked for a discussion of the minutes. The minutes were approved upon the motion of Becky Bastian and seconded by Bryan Brown. Mayor Kim Peterson voted yes, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, David Nielson voted yes and Becky Bastian voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative.

4. Comments from Residents. None

5. Sevier County Mosquito Abatement Program. Approve purchase of Larvicide. Mark Stewart.

Mark Stewart of the county explained that the program is a partnership between the communities and the county. He wants to continue the program. The communities are asked to help fund the larvicide. The program protects citizens from diseases such as West Nile Virus and makes our communities more pleasant in the summertime. Larvicide is a growth hormone that is placed in standing water. It prevents the mosquito larva from maturing to an adult mosquito. Mosquito

1 traps are used to indicate when fogging is needed. Fogging is used to control heavy populations of mosquito's. The chemical used has minimal risk to the public. David Nielson suggested that they fog and treat more areas along the canal through town. The town has been purchasing three cases of lavicide for the program. The cost would be $2,046.00 for this year. Becky Bastian suggested that they treat around the new church and the grass at the park and church. Mayor Peterson suggested that the drains in the church parking lot be treated with larvicide. Mark also reported that bees are not killed during the fogging process since the bees are not flying at night when the fogging takes place. Bee keepers can request that areas around their hives not be fogged. Charles Evans made a motion to approve the purchase of three cases of larvicide. Becky Bastian seconded the motion. Mayor Peterson voted yes, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, David Nielson voted yes and Becky Bastian voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative. 6. Sevier County Sheriff's Office. Radar Sign & Questions. Matt Mclean

Officer Matt Mclean stated that the new signs in town look good. The new radar speed limit sign is helping to control the speeding in town. He commented that there are some conflicting speed limit signs in town. The town is changing all the speed limit signs to 35 MPH. Mayor Peterson reported that there had been some graffiti at the dugouts at the ball park. There was also some graffiti written on a truck with sidewalk chalk. David Nielson reported that there had been some newspapers being stolen on a consistent basis. Matt stated that he would investigate the newspaper thefts. He asked about the cost of the radar speed sign. David said that the battery powered one like we have is about $2,500.00. A solar powered one can be purchased for about $4,500.00 with the help of a grant. 7. Geographical Information System Mapping. Paul Damron.

Paul explained the mapping services that he could provide for the town. He uses current GIS mapping technology to provide a web based program for use by the town to manage it's operations. Locations of items such as fire hydrants and roads are identified within the system. The data is obtained from existing sources such as engineering firms. Paul reported that he has completed work for Richfield and Salina cities. The initial cost for setting up the system would be $2,500.00 for us. He would then charge a $45.00 per hour consulting fee for additional work needed. The system could be used for making decisions. David Nielson asked about the use of the system for the cemetery and roads. Paul reported that the system would include the cemetery and the roads. The system would be good for the future. There is a concern that the system would not be used. Charles Evans will not always be available to find our various water system components. Mayor Peterson stated that the council will look at the system and discuss it in a future meeting. We would need to budget for the costs of the system. It should be placed on a future meeting agenda. 8. Anderson Request for Variance on Water Resolution, Disconnection Fee, Monthly Rate and Deposit.

Mayor Peterson reported that Kent and Julia Anderson are moving to Hawaii. They will be leaving on February 23rd. Mayor Peterson asked that the council consider granting the Andersons a variance on the water resolution requirements. He asked that the disconnection fee

2 be waived, the water deposit be refunded and the monthly rated be changed to the $0 per month voluntary disconnection rate. Charles Evans made a motion to grant the wavier as discussed. Becky Bastian seconded the motion. Mayor Peterson voted yes, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, David Nielson voted yes and Becky Bastian voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative.

9. Culinary Water System operation, rates and deposits, consider updating resolution/ordinance. Set Public Hearing.

Mayor Peterson stated that the next four items on the agenda could be combined and considered together. We will need a public hearing to get comments on the proposed changes to the culinary water system resolution especially as it pertains to raising the water rates. He asked the council to provide their input regarding the proposed water rate increases. David Nielson suggested that we determine where we want the water department to be financially or how much extra funding is needed to sustain the water department. Charles Evans stated that the fees from the water use should sustain the water department and cover all of its maintenance needs. The funds from water impact fees should be set aside for improvements and unexpected needs beyond those planned for maintenance of the water system. Bryan Brown stated that we were informed by Charles of the needed work on Meacham Springs in our last meeting. Becky Bastian suggested that we develop a ten-year plan of potential needs for the water department. David asked about the revenue that would be generated from a water rate increase. Mayor Peterson stated that a $2.00 per month increase in the water rates would provide $5,088.00 annually, a $3.00 increase would provide $7,6323.00, a $4.00 increase would provide $10,176.00 and a $5.00 increase would provide $12,720.00 per year. Bryan Brown agreed that we should develop a five or ten-year plan for the water system. Mayor Peterson stated that he does not like the idea of raising the overage rate. He said that it would cause our residents to stop using the water and could lower our revenues. Raising the overage rate to $0.60 per 1,000 gallons would provide an annual increase of $1,866.00, increasing it to $0.70 would provide $3,752.00 and increasing it to $0.90 would provide $7,464.00. David Nielson stated that increasing the monthly rate by $10.84 would provide enough to pay the loan payment each year. Charles stated that we had raised the rates by $5.00 per month when we got the loan for the water system improvements.

Several of the proposed changes in rates for the culinary water system were discussed. After the discussion the council feels that the a new rate should be added for multiple family dwellings. The base monthly fee is proposed at $40.00 per month for up to 30,000 gallons. The council agreed that the overage fee should remain at $0.50 per thousand gallons. The council after discussion proposes that there be no fee for voluntary disconnection and that the reconnection fee be lowered to $20.00. Rates for water hookups for larger than the standard 3/4" X 5/8 hookup would be determined on a case, by case basis, by the council. Mayor Peterson asked the council to be prepared for the public hearing which was set for March 19, 2014 to be held during our next regular meeting.

3 10. Determine value of one acre foot of water for use in Subdivision Ordinance, Section 10-300.

Mayor Peterson stated that our subdivision ordinance requires the council to set the value of an acre foot of water. The developer of the subdivision is required to provide an acre foot of water for each lot in a subdivision or to pay the value of the water as determined by the council. Mayor Peterson has consulted with Charles Evans regarding the value of water. Irrigation water can be purchased for $3,500.00 to $6,000.00 per share. A share normally has 2.5 acre feet of water. The council discussed the appropriate value to be used for the subdivision ordinance. David Nielson made a motion to use $2,000.00 as the value of an acre foot of water. This value is based on $5,000.00 as the cost of a share of water where each share has 2.5 acre feet of water. Bryan Brown seconded the motion. Mayor Peterson voted yes, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, David Nielson voted yes and Becky Bastian voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative.

11. Community Center Rates.

Mayor Peterson reported that Shelley had asked that the proposed cost for commercial use of the community center be the same for the first and second days use. The proposed changes for the community center rates include a non-residential use rate that would include a business party for $45.00 per day. It is proposed to lower the commercial daily fee to $75.00. It was also proposed that the church use would be free. David Nielson made a motion that the non-residential rate be set at $45.00 per day, the commercial rate be set at $75.00 per day and that the church would not be charged. Charles Evans seconded the motion. Mayor Peterson voted yes, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, David Nielson voted yes and Becky Bastian voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative. All other rates will remain unchanged. The use for residential use rate will remain at $35.00 per day. The $100.00 deposit rate will not be changed.

12. Consolidated Fee Schedule.

The value of an acre foot of water and the changes to the community center rates can be added to exhibit A of the consolidated fee schedule since they have been approved by the council. Any changes to the culinary water rates will be added to the consolidated fee schedule if they are approved by the council.

13. Community Center Sign.

Mayor Peterson reported that he has two bids for the community center sign. Sign Central submitted a bid for $649.00 for raised letters. Jessi Campbell submitted a bid for $791.67 for stick on flat letters and $1,441.00 for raised letters. Becky Bastian made a motion to accept the bid from Sign Central. Bryan Brown seconded the motion. Mayor Peterson voted yes, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, David Nielson voted yes and Becky Bastian voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative. 14. Park Project update. Splash Pad.

Becky Bastian reported that the baseball field is starting to get some use. The nets will be going up soon in the batting cage. Clancy Eyre is considering doing the concessions at the ball park

4 again this year. Becky reported that she had visited with county commissioner Gary Mason regarding the bike trail and potential funding sources for the splash pad. Becky asked the council to consider supporting the splash pad. She asked the council to provide her an amount that they would consider funding from the town budget for the splash pad. Becky stated that she will be working on some fund raisers for the splash pad. Bryan Brown stated that the town should not consider a loan for the splash pad. He also said the splash pad would be a liability risk for the town and that the concrete would be subject to breaking up. He said he was concerned about targeted age groups using the splash pad. Mayor Peterson stated that the town is covered by liability insurance. Charles Evans stated that the town has no income to pay back a potential loan for a splash pad. David Nielson said that he would like to see figures on how it would be paid for. He would like to ask the public for their ideas on priority projects to be completed in town. Becky asked the council for a figure that the council could support for the splash pad. She stated that she has spent a lot of time on the splash pad project. The council needs to make a decision about proceeding with the project or not.

Becky reported that she had been approached about having fund raising booths at the Fourth of July celebration. The council does not want additional fund raising groups at the celebration. The teeter totter at the playground is being repaired. Becky asked that the bolts on the playground equipment be tightened. Mayor Peterson stated that he would tighten the bolts.

15. Maintenance Position.

Mayor Peterson reported that we have received three applications for the park maintenance position. Becky would like to have the position filled soon. Darrin Nielson, Tyson Brown and Daniel Brian have applied for the position. Justin Porter withdrew his application. Mayor Peterson, Becky and David will make the selection during the first week of March.

16. Spring Cleanup, Dumpster for Cleanup, Tire Dumpster.

The town spring cleanup has been scheduled for May 6th. The county will provide for free dumping at the land fill on April 1st thru May 15th. Free tire dumping will be provided at the land fill from May 15th thru May 31st. After discussion the council decided to have a dumpster available at the monument an additional week this year. It will be available for three weeks from April 15th thru May 7th. There will be no tire dumpster provided this year. A dumpster for metal recycling will also be provided again this year.

17. Discuss 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget. Consider Amendment for Current Year Budget.

Allen Henningson explained that he is working on the new budget for the year that will start on July 1st, 2014. The tentative budget will be approved in the May council meeting and the final budget will be approved in the June council meeting. Allen reviewed several items with the council. Revenues for the general fund will remain about the same as last year. There will be projected increases for property tax, energy sales and use tax, sales tax and road tax. There will be decreases for the telecommunication tax, land use, rents and donations. The revenues for the water fund would increase if we raise the water rates. Allen asked the council to provide information for their budget needs for the coming year. We are going to try to display the funds

5 that will be carried over from the current years budget. An amendment for the current years budget will be approved in June at the same time the new year budget is adopted. The current years budget will need changes to reflect the current funding for the splash pad as well as any other changes that are needed at that time. We will need to set the salary increase for next year. A three percent increase has been used in past years.

18. Approval of monthly expenditures. Mayor Peterson asked for a review of the January expenditures. Becky Bastian made a motion to approve the January expenditures as described. Charles Evans seconded it. Mayor Kim Peterson voted yes, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, David Nielson voted yes and Becky Bastian voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative.

19. Council Members Reports.

David Nielson reported that the dog clinic was a big success. It was one of the largest attended that we have had. We took in $1,205.00 during the clinic. David reported that the speed limits for all areas in town will be changed to 35 MPH. Several Neighborhood Watch signs have been replaced. There will be some crack sealing completed on our roads this summer.

Charles Evans reported that all of the water samples were good for the month. The state has removed the points that were inadvertently accessed against our water system for sampling violations. A source protection plan has been completed for the town water system. There is a copy available for review in the office. Charles is working on the drainage issue at the intersection of Center Street and Central Boulevard. The county may install a culvert across Central Boulevard.

Mayor Peterson reported that the Planning Commission will be working on revising the General Plan. Janett Morrell will be the chair person for the Planning Commission for the coming year.

20. Adjournment. Mayor Peterson thanked everyone for their attendance and asked for a motion to adjourn. Charles Evans made a motion to adjourn, Bryan Brown seconded it. Mayor Kim Peterson voted yes, David Nielson voted yes, Charles Evans voted yes, Becky Bastian voted yes and Bryan Brown voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m.

Minutes by Allen V. Henningson ______Mayor Kim Peterson Attest: ______Allen V. Henningson, Town Clerk

Date approved by Town Council ______


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