Central Middle School Vision Statement

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Central Middle School Vision Statement

CMS 2017 -2018 Student Handbook

← ← ← Dear Students, ← ← Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful summer filled with fun activities, exciting experiences and most importantly time to relax and recharge. This year is going to be an amazing one at Central as the staff has been reflecting on and preparing for your return. We have added new and improved learning spaces throughout the building to provide all students with increased access to 21st Century educational opportunities. What school looks like, sounds like and feels like, is changing at a rapid pace and how we support middle schoolers in managing this time in their lives is not only our profession, but it is our passion! The entire staff is working to better understand how to implement a more personalized approach to teaching and learning and you, the students, stand to benefit immensely from these efforts. As much as I have enjoyed the summer break I am extraordinarily excited for what is in store for you this year and your remaining days at CMS. Middle school is a time to explore new opportunities, get involved in your school community and pursue your personal interests and curiosities. We look forward to supporting each of you through this process and sharing in your learning and accomplishments! ←

← Sincerely, Mr. Healy, Principal ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← CMS 2017-18 STUDENT HANDBOOK 25/07/2017 00:49:00

← Central Middle School Vision Statement ← ← CMS is committed to preparing all students to follow the Full Value Contract, respect diversity, take risks and challenge themselves academically in order to be informed, active members of the community. ← ← ← ← ← CMS NORMS: THE FULL VALUE CONTRACT ← ← Our school has rules, or norms, that all members of the school community must uphold. Memorize these norms! Your teachers and administrators will refer to them again and again. ← ← BE HERE ← BE SAFE ← BE HONEST ← CARE FOR SELF AND OTHERS ← LET GO AND MOVE ON ← HAVE FUN CMS 2017-18 STUDENT HANDBOOK

← Bullying: According to the State of Connecticut, “Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.” ← ← Types of Bullying ← 1. Verbal bullying is saying or writing mean things. Verbal bullying includes: ← Teasing ← Name-calling ← Inappropriate sexual comments ← Taunting ← Threatening to cause harm ← ← 2. Social bullying involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships. Social bullying includes: ← Leaving someone out on purpose ← Telling other kids not to be friends with someone ← Spreading rumors about someone ← Embarrassing someone in public ← ← 3. Physical bullying involves hurting a person’s body or possessions. Physical bullying includes: ← Hitting/kicking/pinching ← Spitting ← Tripping/pushing ← Taking or breaking someone’s things ← Making mean or rude hand gestures ← ← What Can You Do? ← Look at the kid bullying you and tell him or her to stop in a calm, clear voice. ← Walk away and stay away. Don’t fight back. ← “Tattling” and asking for help are two different things. When you know you cannot solve a bullying situation by yourself, ask a teacher, your guidance counselor, or the principal for help. ← ← Cyberbullying: According to the State of Connecticut, cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Examples of cyberbullying include: ← Sending mean text messages or emails ← Spreading rumors by email, texting, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. ← Posting rumors on social networking sites, including ask.fm ← Sending embarrassing or sexually explicit pictures or videos ← Creating fake profiles ← ← What can you do? ← Always think about what you post. You never know what someone will forward. Being kind to others online will help to keep you safe. Do not share anything that could hurt or embarrass anyone, and don’t get involved in anonymous posts. ← Keep your password a secret from other kids. Even kids that seem like friends could give your password away or use it in ways you don’t want. Let your parents have your passwords. ← Think about who sees what you post online. Complete strangers? Friends? Friends of friends? Privacy settings let you control who sees what. ← Keep your parents in the loop. Tell them what you’re doing online and who you’re doing it with. Let them friend or follow you. Listen to what they have to say about what is and isn’t okay to do. They care about you and want you to be safe. ← Talk to an adult you trust about any messages you get or things you see online that make you sad or scared. If it is cyberbullying, report it. CMS 2017-18 STUDENT HANDBOOK

← ← ← COMMONLY USED TERMS ← ← Academic Team: A grade level class that meets four times a week. This is a 30 minute portion of our day set aside for enrichment, intervention and various grade level activities. ← ← Advisor Base: A multi-grade class that meets every Thursday during which you will work on understanding the Full Value Contract, community service, and other school events. You will receive an effort grade for this class. ← ← Aspen: Your parents will receive a password that lets them see your up-to-the minute grades in all of your classes. You should login frequently, as the site also tells you if you have missing assignments. ← ← AVID: This program helps you set goals, keep track of your grades, and improve your study skills. There is an application process- see Mrs. Jukic if you are interested in learning more about it. ← ← Boost: ← Boost, our homework club meets in the Media Center:  Tuesday/Thursday, 3:00 – 4:00pm.  You will check in when you enter, and complete a Google Form before you leave to let us know what you have completed.  You can work on any of your assignments and receive extra help if you need it. ← ← Cafeteria 1: The cafeteria across from the main office ← ← Cafeteria 2: The cafeteria across from the teacher’s room ← ← Clipboard: If you violate one of our school norms (see “Full Value Contract”) during class, you will be asked to sign the teacher’s clipboard to explain what happened. You will probably receive a consequence, such as a detention, and you will also have to complete a reflection form, explaining how you will do things differently. ← ← Cornell Notes: Every student uses this system of taking notes in the classroom. Sometimes your notes are graded! Time will be spent learning/reviewing this system during the first week of school. ← ← Digital Citizenship: Since everyone will have a laptop, we have to create a culture of trust in which everyone follows the guidelines for appropriate use. We will spend time explaining and modeling this during orientation week. ← ← Each One Reach One: This is the name of Central’s community service program. You will talk about this during Advisor Base. ← ← Full Value Contract: These are our school norms-Be Here, Be Safe, Be Honest, Take Care of Self and Others, Let Go and Move On, Have Fun ← ← CMS 2017-18 STUDENT HANDBOOK

← Late Bus: On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, the late bus leaves school at 4:15pm so that you can stay for extra help, sports or club activities. ← ← Morning Help: If you need to meet with a teacher to make up a test or for help with an assignment, you can get a morning ← pass, outside of Cafeteria 2, at 7:20am. ← ← Office Referral: You will be referred to the office for the following violations of the Full Value Contract: Fighting, vandalism, stealing, cheating, and disrespect. ← ← Patterns: Our schedule includes two Pattern Days: Pattern 1 ← ← School Supplies List:  General items: o Headphones for Chromebook (extremely important) o 2 - 2 inch, 3-ring binders (1 for morning classes, 1 for afternoon classes) o 2 packs of pocket dividers, 1 for each binder o Loose leaf paper for binders o Blue/Black Pens o Pencils o Small Post-it Notes o Highlighters  Math only: o 1.5" 3 ring binder o 3-hole spiral notebook for binder o 5 pocket dividers o Graph paper Composition Book o Graphing Calculator - TI 83 or TI 84 plus ← ← Schoology: You will use this platform for schoolwork, checking homework, updating your calendar, communicating with other students, and many other things. You will go over this during orientation week. ← ← Season of Giving: The three weeks after Thanksgiving when we raise money for a charity. ← ← Student IDs: At the beginning of school, you will receive a picture ID card that lists your student number and your bus number. You need this to get on a bus and to check out library books. ← ← Teen Talk: Even though you may go speak with your guidance counselor any time you need to, we also have a Teen Talk counselor to help you with any issues or problems you may be dealing with. The Teen Talk office is right next to the elevator. ← ← Vision of the Graduate: This is a document that identifies 13 capacities that are critical skills to success in school and beyond. The capacities are divided into Academic, Interpersonal and Personal categories and are measured on a K-12 continuum in order to prepare all students to become “future-ready”. CMS 2017 - 18 STUDENT HANDBOOK

← FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ← ← What is a school community? ← You are an important member of a group working to achieve specific goals so that you will be able to: ← Think creatively ← Identify and solve complex problems ← Know your strengths and challenges ← Communicate and work well with others ← Lead a healthy life ← Be an ethical and caring person ← ← Am I allowed to bring a device to school? ← You may only bring your Chromebook to your classes. Phones must be turned off and left in your locker. ← ← What about discipline? ← Everyone makes a mistake once in a while. If you violate one of the Full Value Contract norms during class, after having been warned, you will be asked to write your name and the norm you violated on a clipboard. Depending on the number of violations, you will be given a consequence such as lunch detention or after-school detention and your parents will be notified. Your teachers review the norm violations monthly to see if any interventions are needed. ← ← What if I am late for school? ← It is important to be on time for school each day. The only tardies that are excused are doctor/dentist’s visits, funerals, court appearances, and religious holidays. If you arrive after 8:00am, you must report directly to the office for a pass. Our tardy policy is: ← There are no consequences for your first three tardies. ← If you are tardy a fourth time, you will have a lunch detention and guidance will schedule a meeting with your parents. ← If you are tardy a fifth time, you will have an additional consequence and you will be referred to our Student Assistance Team for review and intervention. ← ← What if I am absent? ← ← You and your parents should review the guidelines from the State of Connecticut for excused and unexcused absences that is in their handbook and is also on the District website. The policy states that: ← Your first nine absences are excused. Your parent should call the school in the morning to let us know you will not be here. ← After that, only religious holidays, funerals, and court appearances are excused. Illness will only be excused with a doctor’s note. ← Be sure to check Schoology for homework assignments. ← ← What are the dress code guidelines? ← ← The purpose of school is to educate children and maintain a focus on learning. Students are expected to follow the district policy: ← ← The Board of Education encourages students to dress in clean clothing appropriate to the school situation. Restrictions on freedom of student dress may be applied whenever the mode of dress in question is:  Unsafe either for the student or those around the student.  Disruptive of school operations or the educational process.  Contrary to law. ← CMS administration will make determinations for potential dress code violations on a case-by-case basis in order to maintain a safe and positive learning environment for all members of the school community. CMS 2017-18 STUDENT HANDBOOK 25/07/2017 00:49:00

← TEN TIPS FOR SUCCESS ← ← 1. Follow the Full Value Contract to help maintain a safe and orderly environment.

2. Attend school every day.

3. Arrive to class on time and ready to learn.

4. Dress appropriately for school and school events.

5. Ask questions if you do not understand something.

6. Seek help in solving problems.

7. Comply with directions given by teachers, administrators, and other school personnel in a respectful, positive manner.

8. Accept responsibility for your actions.

9. Report physical or verbal threats. ← 10. Participate in an extracurricular activity CMS 2015-16 STUDENT HANDBOOK 25/07/2017 00:49:00

← HOW SHOULD I ACT? ← ← In the classroom? ← Arrive to class on time, with supplies, ready to learn ← Follow directions without comments or outbursts ← Make choices that do not interfere with the focus of others ← Do your best on every assignment ← ← In the hallway? ← Stay to the right ← Go directly to your destination ← Avoid horseplay ← Use a string backpack to carry your supplies ← ← In the cafeteria? ← Wait your turn ← Use appropriate tone, volume, and language ← Clean up your area ← Recycle cans and bottles ← ← In the restroom? ← Ask your teacher for a pass ← Keep the restroom clean ← Tell an adult if the restroom needs attention ← Respect others’ personal space and privacy ←  In the auditorium? ← Enter quietly ← Give your attention to the speaker/program ← Keep your feet on the floor ← Respond respectively to the presentation ←  On the bus? ← Remain seated ← Finish all food and drinks before boarding ← Speak quietly and use appropriate language ← Respond respectively to directions from the driver ←  On the Chromebook? ← When you get to class, place your Chromebook on your desk and wait for ← the teacher’s instructions. ← Use your g-mail account appropriately. ← There are filters on your device. Be sure to follow all District guidelines ← when accessing information. ← Charge your device before coming to school. 2017–2018 Parent Handbook 25/07/2017 00:49:00

Dear CMS Parents: ← ← Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year! I am so excited for the upcoming year and what is in store for CMS. Throughout the summer we have had teacher groups working on various projects related to curriculum and instruction, each contributing to a revitalized and personalized approach to teaching and learning for the benefit of all students. Our goals, aligned to the district strategic plan, are developed to help your child identify his/her strengths and areas for growth academically, interpersonally and personally as outlined in the Greenwich Public Schools Vision of the Graduate. The opportunity to facilitate a process where each child builds the capacities to become “future-ready” is both our responsibility and our privilege. ← ← Going into my second year as principal of Central, there are many aspects of our school that deserve to be celebrated. CMS has a wonderful sense of community, something that we must preserve and leverage to ensure that all families feel welcome and valued as members of our organization. This year we will expand on our efforts to engage you, the parents, by hosting events to deepen your understanding of what is happening in school and how you can support this work at home. Please join us, and the PTA, in becoming an active participant and partner in your child’s education! ← ← The best way to stay connected and informed is to pay attention to the school communication and resources made available to you. The school website will be the primary place to find information, but when necessary don’t hesitate to ask any questions. Additionally you will find the Aspen Family Portal useful for monitoring your child’s academic progress and Schoology for upcoming assignments and events. We are here to help you because we know that we may have them for three years, but you have them for a lifetime! ← ← This handbook reviews our policies and procedures and programs. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call our main office at 203-661- 8500. Our office staff, Beverly Munroe, Mary Rose Munnick, and Melissa Pugni, will be happy to provide you with the information you need. ← ← Sincerely, ← ← Tom 2017-2018 Parent Handbook

AVID: AVID, Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a national program that provides students with strategies in work completion, organization, and goal setting during the AVID elective course. There is an application and interview process based on AVID requirements. For further information please contact our AVID site coordinator, Maria Jukic, at [email protected]

ACADEMIC/ADVISOR BASE: Academic Team meets on Mondays, Tuesdays , Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 10:27-10:57am. During this time, students work within their grade level teams and may receive additional instruction, make-up work or tests, meet with teachers, or begin homework. This is also a time we use for enrichment and intervention. On Thursdays, students participate in grade-level lessons and discussions concerning relevant issues in support of their social and emotional development.

ASPEN: When you log into Aspen, you will be able to see your student’s grades and attendance.

Athletics: The middle schools offer both competitive athletic teams in addition to intramural sports opportunities. More information on this can be found on our website or by contacting Nancy James, our school sports director, at [email protected]

ATTENDANCE: Be sure to read the attendance policy on the District website or in the District’s parent handbook. Briefly, students are permitted 10 absences, either excused or not excused. The tenth absence will generate an email stating that a doctor’s excuse must be presented for all additional absences.  To excuse one of the first ten absences, the school must receive a parent phone call. BUS CIRCLE: The circle in front of the school is for BUSES ONLY, as the sign indicates, from 7:15-8:15am and from 2:15-4:15pm. Cars may not enter the circle to drop off students during these time periods.

CHROMEBOOKS: All student will receive a laptop during the second week of school. Students must first complete a Digital Citizenship course and a Chromebook Bootcamp.

DROP-OFF/PICK-UP: Students must be dropped off in the lower circle: not in the parking area behind the school, not at the curb, and not in the upper circle. Please be courteous and model appropriate behavior when dealing with traffic. We have many walkers and cyclists, and I am afraid someone is going to get hurt.

EARLY PICK-UP: Although it is best to schedule appointments for after school, if the need arises, following is the procedure for picking your student up early:  Send your child to school with a note stating the time of dismissal.  Your child will show the note to the teacher she/he has at the stated time of dismissal.  Your child will meet you in the front office and will give the note to Ms. Munnick.  You will sign your student out.  If your student is returning, she/he must come into the front office to get a pass to class. You do not need to accompany her/him. ← ← FIELD TRIPS: Our trips this year include a day of teambuilding for grade 7 and Todd’s Point, a day of teambuilding for grade 8 at a camp in Salem, two band trips, a 6th and 7th grade trip to Chelsea Piers, and the annual grade 8 trip to DC. Scholarship assistance is available for each and can be requested through guidance. ← ← FULL VALUE CONTRACT: This “contract” defines the expectations for behavior in our school community:  Be Here  Be Safe  Be Honest  Care For Self and Others  Let Go and Move On  Have Fun We spend time during Advisor Base to discuss what these norms mean and why they are important.

LATE BUSES: Late buses pick up at 4:00pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Be sure to review the routes/bus numbers with your child, as they are not the same as the regular buses.

PTA: We have a phenomenal PTA, and I encourage everyone to join. Not only do they bring many exciting enrichment programs to CMS, but they also plan fundraisers, sponsor grade level parties, and help with Parent University. A membership in the PTA supports not only your child, but the entire school community. THANKS in advance for joining!

SCHOOLOGY: All students will have a log-in and will use Schoology for:  Calendar  Recording homework  Lessons and Assignments  Digital Notebooks  Assessments

TARDIES: Students are expected to be in their firs period classrooms at the 8:00am bell. Tardy students must report to the office for a pass to class. After three tardies, your student will be given a lunch detention. Late arrival is very disruptive for your student, the teacher, and the rest of the class.

Vision of the Graduate: This is a document that identifies 13 capacities that are critical skills to success in school and beyond. The capacities are divided into Academic, Interpersonal and Personal categories and are measured on a K-12 continuum in order to prepare all students to become “future-ready”.

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