Otselic Valley Central School
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OTSELIC VALLEY CENTRAL SCHOOL Board of Education March 16, 2016
Present: Mrs. R. Peabody, Mrs. D. Liuzzo, Mrs. M. Marshall, Mr. B. Wood, Superintendent of Schools D. Henner, Principal R. Berson, Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Special Programs L. Eaves, District Clerk G. Burpee
Absent: Mr. J. Foster (arr. 7:33 PM)
Also Present: Mrs. P. Adams, Ms. C. Amos, Mr. C. Bishop, Mrs. J. Doroshenko, Mr. R. Doroshenko, Mr. J. Gale, Mrs. G. Gonzalez, Mrs. P. Graham, Mr. D. Howe, Mr. D. MacLaury, Mrs. C. O’Connor, Mr. C. O’Hara, Mrs. J. Osowski, Ms. M. Rawson, Mrs. K. Rutz, Mrs. T. Straight, Mrs. L. Youngs
CALL TO ORDER Vice-President Peabody called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. All pledged allegiance to the flag.
AGENDA The agenda was approved on a motion by Mrs. Marshall, and seconded by Mrs. Liuzzo.
Motion carried, 4 - 0.
APPROVAL OF Mrs. Peabody moved the minutes of the February 17, 2016 meeting MINUTES OF be approved, second by Mr. Wood. PREVIOUS MEETINGS Motion carried, 4 - 0.
Executive Session Motion by Mrs. Marshall to enter executive session for the purpose of a particular personnel issue at 7:32 PM, second by Mr. Wood.
(Mr. Foster arr. 7:33 PM) Motion carried, 4 - 0.
Open Session Motion by Mrs. Marshall to resume open session at 7:38 PM, second by Mrs. Peabody.
Motion carried, 5 - 0.
CORRESPONDENCE A thank you note was received from Sally Bucalo for the book that was recently presented to all the employees.
PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. Bishop asked why there is different start time on Fridays. Mr. Henner explained that it allows professional development time for the instructional staff as part of the LINKS plan. It is being investigated at starting later every day during the next school year. Mr. Gale brought up various topics including history of the building project, and that the construction management company should answer to the Board, not just one person. REPORTS Superintendent’s In addition to the report previously submitted to the Board, Mr. Henner reported on the following: Presentation on developing a capital reserve fund. Thanked the Booster Club for the winter athletic banquet. He enjoyed what the coached said about each player. He attended a Hamilton Central School board meeting to thank them for allowing two of our varsity players to join with them this past season. He thanked them for the courage to do something different. Presented each Board member with a copy of the book, “What Do You Do with an Idea”. A video was then showed
Otselic Valley Central School Board of Education Minutes – March 16, 2016 247
that correlated with the book. (FY'15/16 - #63) A draft of the 2016-2017 school year calendar was shared. (FY'15/16 - #64) The transportation report was previously distributed Principal’s In addition to the report previously submitted to the Board, Mr. Berson reported on the following: There is training for the Volunteer program on March 18, 2016.
(FY'15/16 - #65) Information was shared for the program sponsored by Chenango County Mental Health.
Motion by Mrs. Marshall to support this program in school, second by Mrs. Liuzzo.
Motion carried, 5 - 0.
Preparations are underway for the 3-8 testing. The scheduling for the 2016-2017 school year is underway. The recent Spring musical was a huge success.
Director of Curriculum, In addition to the report previously submitted to the Board, Mrs. Instruction and Special Eaves reported: Programs Focus District training in Albany was recently held. Mrs. Eaves attended and learned what needs to be done. All the available iPads for the Birth to Pre-K program have been distributes.
Business Manager’s In addition to the report previously submitted to the Board, Mrs. Gonzalez reported on the following: Nothing further. Committee Reports The Shared Decision Making Team met prior to the Board meeting. Representatives from School Specialty demonstrated two safety items pertaining to door and safety/security issues they now carry that are quite successful in other districts. The finance committee recently reviewed the presentation earlier in the meeting about developing a capital reserve fund.
Board Member’s The future of the Georgetown building was discussed. This discussion will be put on hold until a possible municipal agreement can be agreed upon. Mrs. Peabody inquired about the dumpster in Georgetown. A call was made and it was determined that it is cheaper to leave it there than it is to keep moving it. Mrs. Liuzzo inquired what happens if the District is on the Focus list after three years. If this happens, the District would move up to a more restrictive level. An announcement pertaining to the BOCES Annual (FY'15/16 - #66) meeting was previously distributed. (FY'15/16 - #67) Information on the upcoming Educational Forum on April 14th was distributed. The 2016-17 BOCES budget manual was distributed.
Financial Reports Motion by Mrs. Peabody, to accept the February financial reports as (FY'15/16 - #68) presented. Second by Mrs. Marshall.
Motion carried, 5 - 0.
UNFINISHED None at this time. BUSINESS
NEW BUSINESS Otselic Valley Central School Board of Education Minutes – March 16, 2016 248
Personnel Motion by Mrs. Peabody, upon the recommendation of the Recommendations Superintendent of Schools to appoint the following:
Ashley Bishop Conditional appointment pending clearance from the State Education department as a substitute school aide Jack Schieferstein Conditional appointment pending clearance from the State Education department as a substitute custodial worker Michelle Cossette Conditional appointment pending clearance from the State Education department as a substitute bus driver Diane Comfort Approved Volunteer as a classroom aide Jessica Approved Volunteer as a classroom Doroshenko aide Nellie Valentin Approved Volunteer as a classroom aide
Second by Mrs. Liuzzo.
Motion carried, 5-0.
Committee on Special Motion by Mrs. Marshall, upon the recommendation of the Education Superintendent of Schools, to accept the recommendations of the Recommendations Committee on Special Education resulting from the meetings on March 4, March 7, and March 8, 2016. Second by Mrs. Peabody.
Motion carried, 5 - 0.
Bread and Bread Motion by Mr. Wood, upon the recommendation of the Products Bid Superintendent of Schools, to adopt the following resolution for (FY'15/16 - #69) bread and bread products:
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of Otselic Valley Central School participate in cooperative bidding for bread and bread products for the school year 2015-2016 with other school districts in the Southern Tier of New York State, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Doretta Hughson, Clerk of the Board of Education, GST BOCES, be designate to advertise, receive, and open said bids and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of Otselic Valley Central School reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.
Second by Mrs. Liuzzo.
Motion carried, 5 - 0.
2015 Notice of Motion by Mrs. Marshall, upon the recommendation of the Annual Budget Superintendent of Schools, to approve the 2016 Notice of annual Hearing, Budget Vote budget hearing, budget vote and board member election. Second by and Board Member Mr. Wood. Election (FY'15/16 - #70) Motion carried, 5 - 0.
First Reading of This meeting constitutes the first reading of the revised safety plan. Revised Safety Plan
Gift to the School Motion by Mrs. Marshall, to accept the gift of $49.27 to the school
Otselic Valley Central School Board of Education Minutes – March 16, 2016 249
(FY'15/16 - #71) from the Target Take Charge of Education. Second by Mr. Wood.
Motion carried, 5 - 0.
Establishing Lead Motion by Mrs. Peabody, upon the recommendation of the Agency and SEQRA Superintendent of Schools, to adopt the following resolution: Determination (Capital Outlay WHEREAS the voters of the Otselic Valley Central School voted Project) to approve the 2015-2016 school budget which included funds to (FY'15/16 - #72) finance a capital construction project (Capital Outlay Project) consisting of reconstruction of the K-12 school building to include reconstruction of doors, frames, and hardware in the original building and related construction activities
1. The Board of Education of the Otselic Valley Central School District at Georgetown- South Otselic hereby declares itself, and is hereby designated as, Lead Agency for the proposed action and therefore responsible for determining whether an environmental impact statement is required in connection therewith and otherwise complying with the procedural and substantive requirements of SEQRA.
2. Based upon the review by the Board of Education of the proposed project, and using the information available including a duly completed full environmental assessment form, the Board hereby finds the proposed action constitutes a Type 2 action” as such quoted term is defined in SEQRA.
3. Based upon the review by the Board of Education of the EAF and other necessary criteria, the Board hereby finds and determines that a type 2 action requires no action according to Section 617.5(c)(2) “replacement, rehabilitation or reconstruction of a structure or facility, in kind, on the same site, including upgrading buildings to meet building or fire codes, unless such action meets or exceeds any of the thresholds in section 617.4 of this Part:’ and Section 617.5(c)(8) “routine activities of educational institutions, including expansion of existing facilities by less than 10,000 square feet of gross floor area and school closings, but not changes in use related closing”
4. A copy of this resolution shall be placed on file in the Office of the District Clerk where the same shall be available for public inspection during business hours posted in such places and published in such manner as shall be necessary to conform to the requirements of SEQRA.
Second by Mrs. Marshall.
Motion carried, 5 - 0.
2015-2016 School Motion by Mrs. Liuzzo, upon the recommendation of the Year Calendar Superintendent of Schools, to approve the revision to the 2015-16 Revision school year calendar. Second by Mr. Wood. (FY'15/16 - #73) Motion carried, 5 - 0.
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PUBLIC COMMENT Mrs. Osowski inquired about the meaning of a “Focus School”. Basically, not enough of the students are tested to show growth from the previous year.
Executive Session Motion by Mrs. Marshall to enter executive session at 9:15 PM for the purpose of personnel and legal issues, second by Mr. Wood.
Motion carried, 5 - 0. Open Session Motion by Mrs. Peabody to resume open session at 9:45 PM, second by Mrs. Liuzzo.
Motion carried, 5 - 0.
ADJOURNMENT Motion by Mrs. Marshall to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 PM, second by Mr. Wood.
Motion carried, 5 - 0.
Submitted by,
Gail Evans Burpee District Clerk
Otselic Valley Central School Board of Education Minutes – March 16, 2016