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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Department of Education School Keys: Unlocking Excellence through the Georgia School Standards Strands and Standards Summary

SCHOOL KEYS: Unlocking Excellence through the Georgia School Standards Strands and Standards Summary C u r r i c u t l u m

P l a n n

i 1. Ensures that teachers have a shared 1. Uses a balanced system of assessment n g n

understanding of expectations for standards, e including diagnostic, formative, and m

curriculum, assessment, and instruction. s summative to monitor learning and inform s

2. Builds curriculum documents and aligns e instruction. s resources with the required standards. s 2. Aligns assessments with the required 3. Monitors curriculum implementation and A curriculum standards. revises, as needed, based on data analysis. 3. Uses common assessments to monitor student progress, inform instruction, and improve teacher practices. 4. Analyzes assessment results to provide feedback to students and to adjust instruction. 5. Implements assessment practices that provide an accurate indication of student progress on the required standards.

I n s t r u c t i o n 1. Provides an orderly, well-managed learning n 1. Maintains the school building, campus, and o i

environment. t equipment to ensure a safe, clean, and inviting a

2. Creates an academically-challenging z learning environment. i

environment that cultivates higher-order n 2. Shares a common vision/mission that defines a

thinking skills and processes. g the school culture and guides the continuous 3. Implements research-based instructional r improvement process. O strategies. 3. Develops, communicates, and implements & 4. Enables students to attain higher levels of rules, policies, schedules, and procedures to g n

learning through differentiated instruction. i maximize student learning and staff

5. Engages students in setting learning targets n effectiveness. n a

aligned to curriculum standards. l 4. Uses a data-driven and consensus-oriented

6. Establishes high expectations with students P process to develop and implement a school playing an active role in monitoring their own improvement plan that is focused on student progress. performance. 7. Integrates appropriate current technology into 5. Allocates and monitors available resources to teaching and learning. support continuous improvement. 8. Provides feedback to students on their 6. Monitors implementation of the school performance on the standards or learning improvement plan and makes adjustments as targets. needed. 9. Provides timely, systematic, data-driven interventions.

Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent September 12, 2013 ● Page 1 of 2 Georgia Department of Education School Keys: Unlocking Excellence through the Georgia School Standards Strands and Standards Summary

SCHOOL KEYS: Unlocking Excellence through the Georgia School Standards Strands and Standards Summary F a m i l y


C g o m m u n i

t 1. Creates an environment that welcomes, 1. Aligns professional learning with needs identified y

E n g n a g e m e n i t encourages, and connects family and through analysis of a variety of data. n

community members to the school. r 2. Uses multiple professional learning designs to a

2. Establishes partnerships and decision-making e support the various learning needs of the staff. L

processes that build capacity for family and l 3. Allocates resources and establishes a support a

community engagement in the success of n structure to ensure the effectiveness of o

students i professional learning. s

3. Cultivates meaningful two-way s 4. Cultivates collaborative inquiry and learning that e f

communication between the school and o enhance individual and collective performance. families as well as the school and the r 5. Communicates implementation expectations P community. regarding teacher and staff practices and 4. Communicates the grade-level/course curriculum standards. expectations and the current student 6. Monitors and evaluates the impact of professional achievement status to families. learning on staff practices and student learning. 5. Collaborates about available school interventions as well as support strategies that can be used at home to enhance academic achievement. 6. Connects families with agencies and resources in the community to meet the needs of students. L e a d e r s h i e p 1. Builds and sustains relationships to improve 1. Develops, communicates, and implements rules, r

student achievement. u practices, and procedures that ensure a safe, t l

2. Guides the school’s work in curriculum, u orderly learning environment. C

assessment, instruction, and professional 2. Cultivates and sustains a culture of trust and l

learning. o respect that ensures positive interactions and o

3. Establishes and supports a data-driven school h promotes a sense of community. c

leadership team that is focused on student S 3. Promotes the academic achievement and career learning. readiness of all students. 4. Implements collaborative, distributed 4. Supports the personal growth and development of leadership. all students. 5. Initiates and manages change to improve staff 5. Celebrates and recognizes achievements and performance and student learning. accomplishments of students and staff. 6. Provides ongoing performance feedback and support to teachers and other staff. 7. Leads the data analysis efforts of the school to improve student achievement. 8. Monitors and evaluates the performance of teachers and other staff through observations, data, and documentation.

Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent September 12, 2013 ● Page 2 of 2

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