Departmental Performance Report

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Departmental Performance Report

Annexure A


Department: Human Settlements Chief Directorate: Enterprise Architecture National Department of Human Settlements P/Bag X644, Pretoria, 0001 240 Justice Mahomed Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria



1. OVERVIEW BY THE ACCOUNTING OFFICER 3 2. COORDINATION, COOPERATION AND OUTSOURCING 7 2.1 Status of Interdepartmental Linkages 10 2.2 Status of Local Government Linkages 11 2.3 Status of Public Private Partnerships and Outsourcing 11 3. MANAGEMENT AND USE OF RESOURCES 14 3.1 Human Resources Management 14 3.1.1 Specific Challenges and Responses 3.1.2 Progress with the Filing of Critical Positions 14 3.1.3 Summary of disciplines procedures 15 3.1.4 Specific Details on the 10 oldest Unresolved Disciplines Cases that may result in Dismissal 15 3.2 Financial Management 15 4 Departmental Performance Assessment Templates, January to March 2014 20


The end of 2013/14 financial year is marked with major developments and achievements as per organisational mandate and the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa which provides for creation of sustainable human settlements and improved conditions of living. The Department has during the period under review, made tremendous progress as noted below following the implementation of the Turn Around strategy as of April 2012.

Key Policy Developments

During the period under review, the following policy developments were recorded:

The Rental Housing Amendment Bill, 2013 was adopted by the National Assembly and sent to the National Council of Provinces for concurrence. The National Council of Provinces (NC OP): Select Committee on Public Services was briefed about the Rental Housing Amendme nt Bill and it was successfully passed. Public hearings were also held in all the Provinces.

The Housing Development Agency Regulations developed in terms of the Housing Development Agency Act, 2008 were finalised, tabled, deliberated and adopted by the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements and in the process of being published in the Government Gazette.

The revised Employment Equity (EE) Plan was consulted at the Departmental Bargaining Council (DBC) on the 12th February 2014 and the Director – General’s approval of the EE Plan was supported.

Two Provincial and Municipal Human Settlement policy workshops were held in the Eastern Cape Province, Nyndeni Local Municipality and Limpopo Province, Lephalale Municipality. The training workshop on Community Residential Units was held for the Western Cape Provincial and Municipal officials.

The draft Green Paper on Human Settlements was awaiting finalisation of the signing of Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Human Settlements and the Department of Science and Technology.

The fourth quarter report on Contract Management Services has noted that the Department has also during the period under review concluded the Implementation Agency Agreements with the Department of Water Affairs, all the Provinces, Water Boards and Human Settlements Entities for the eradication of the bucket system and improved water and sanitation services.

Internal Audit, Risk Management and Special Investigations Unit (SIU)

The Quarter three Status report on the implementation of the Internal Audit Annual Project plan for 2013/14 financial year was presented at the Executive Management Team (EMT) on the 31st March 2014 and Audit Committee on 25 February 2014.

The Quarter three Status Report on the implementation of the approved Risk Management Strategy was presented to the Audit Committee on 25 February 2014 and the Executive Management Team (EMT) on the 31st March 2014. This report was not yet presented to the

3 Executive Management Team (EMT) and Risk Management Committee (RMC) due to postponement of the EMT and RMC meetings.

The draft Anti-fraud and Corruption, Fraud Prevention Plan and Whistle Blowing Policy were presented to the EMT and Audit Committee on 25 February 2014. The drafting of the Anti- fraud and Corruption Strategy was postponed to the first quarter of the next financial year.

Human Resources Management

The Department has during the period under review, assisted Members of the Senior Management Service (SMS) to disclose their financial interests electronically. About forty interns and Contract and temporary workers were appointed.

The development in area of human resources management entails the submission of the fourth Quarterly report on Training and Development interventions and the third Quarter Expenditure report to the Public Service Sector Education and Training Authority (PSETA).

The approved Departmental Employment Equity report was submitted to the Department of Labour on time.


The report on six Metro Municipalities assessed for the readiness to receive level 3 accreditation was prepared by the Capacity and Compliance Accreditation Panel (CCAP) and submitted.

Financial Management

The approved Interim Financial Statement was submitted to the Auditor General and the National Treasury. The reports on contracts exceeding R100 000 were also submitted to the National Treasury during the period under review.

Performance Management

It was noted in the Enterprise Operations Performance Assessment Framework (EOPAF) quarterly report that six Performance Agreements were received and all were verified and submitted to the Human Resources Management Unit for further processing. The moderation process for SMS members for 2012/13 cycle was finalised and the outcome executed.

To date the performance of the Department cannot be validated against the performance of programme managers due to delay in submission of completed performance assessment reports for 2013/14 mid-term and 2012/13 financial year by qualifying Programme Managers.

During the period under review, the Department has produced the Third Quarter Human Settlements Entities report.

Records Management 4 During the period under review, 165 new and 133 temporary files were opened. About 824.25ml of records were stored in the internal records repository brining the repository to 100.5% full capacity. At the moment there is only 820 linear meters of records space is remaining. It was recorded that 108.55lm of ephemeral and transitory records worth 2713.75kg were destroyed under approved NARS General Disposal Authority, AT2, AR2 and AU1.

Sector Empowerment and Capacity Building

In an effort to accelerate transformation across the sector, the Department has during the period under review embarked on various activities such as;

The Govan Mbeki Awards workshop which was held on the 29th January 2014 at Saint Georges Hotel in order to discuss the Govan Mbeki Awards (GMA) reviewed framework and to also plan for the 2014 Provincial and National Awards. Meanwhile the 2012 and 2013 Govan Mbeki Awards prize money was being processed and will be paid in full by the end of financial year.

Three Consumer Education workshops were held, that is, two in Provinces (North West and Limpopo) and one national and overall, 132 Officials were trained.

Four beneficiary training sessions were conducted in two Provinces, that is, North West, Ramotshere-Moiloa Local Municipality on 28 February 2014 and the KwaZulu-Natal, Umhlathuze Local Municipality on 11 – 13 March 2014 and 1079 beneficiaries were trained.

Thirty Councilors were trained in the Councilor training session which was held in the Limpopo Province, Lephalale Local Municipality.

Research, Monitoring and Evaluation

The final draft of the revised Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Assessment Framework for Human Settlements was submitted for approval to publish.

The department was able to produce the Quarterly report on performance of Human Settlements Programmes.

Furthermore through the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit the Quarterly report on performance of Outcome 8 outputs was produced and the final draft report on Human Settlements Index was submitted for approval.

During the period under review, the Department has produced two research reports, that is, ‘Asbestos Use in South Africa: Related Health Risks and Policies for Risk Management’ and ‘Towards the Development of the Empowerment Strategy for the Designated Groups in the Human Settlements Sector: Legislative, Policy and Document Review’. The report on, ‘Environmental scanning: Developments in the economy and their impact on Housing Development’ was also submitted.

Management of Human Settlements Priority Projects

The report on slow moving projects has indicated that the number of slow moving projects across nine Provinces is currently sitting at 2 280, from a total number of 2 365 which was 5 reported during the third quarter. The North West Province has moved from 118 back to 115 as in the second quarter, Gauteng from 869 to 898, Free State from 291 to 294, Western Cape 292 to 305, Eastern Cape from138 to 139, Limpopo from 93 to 92, Northern Cape remained at 77, Kwa-Zulu Natal from 264 to 269 and Mpumalanga from 223 to 91, huge difference between quarter three and four. The status of these projects including the prioritisation process is pending confirmation by the Provincial departments.

The Department has also produced the detailed report on Identified Strategic Projects for the period under review and below are projects assessments as at the performance reporting period:

1. The status for the Lufhereng Project has not changed since the previous quarter. This project has not performed well during the financial year under review due to challenges relating to land availability and procurement processes. The remaining funds have been transferred to the performing projects. However the implementation of the Lufhereng Development by the turnkey contractor and CoJ will result into job creation as well. 2. Cornubia Project: About 154 beneficiaries were relocated by end of December 2013. 3. Lephalale Project: There has been a delay in the supply of electrical material following the commissioning date of all the substations which was on the 28 th February 2015. Heavy rains have also negatively impacted on the progress of the project. 4. The completion date for Khutsong Project has been moved further to April /May 2014. Appointed back up contractors have no contract documents. 5. Duncan Village Redevelopment Initiative: Implementation has not yet started. There was no funding received by the Buffalo City Municipality from the Province and bulk infrastructural issues are yet to be resolved. Not much was achieved since the previous quarter. 6. The Sweetwaters Project still has not been performing as expected. The ring-fenced funds were since transferred to other projects. The challenges of insufficient capacity of the bulk sewer and water treatment infrastructure and are being addressed. Title deeds for land portions P32 and P35 were in place. 7. Diepsloot Project: The construction of the pedestrian bridges is on track as per 2013/14 business plan and it was anticipated that the construction will be finished by the 31st December 2013. The Diepsloot North property was purchased and has an approved township. The construction of almost 600 rental units on the site will commence on 2015/16. 8. The Drommedaries Project – 1407 which was on track with the delivery of quality houses amidst social dynamics has been delayed by heavy rains. The completion date was therefore extended to the 16th May 2014. 9. The Zanemvula Project is in progress and the problem of nonpayment of management fees was being addressed. 10.The progress in the N2 Gateway Project is still slow due to beneficiaries’ concerns regarding the type of products offered by the project. This has also led to the stalling of Boys Town and the Joe Slovo. 11.Lerato Park Project: About 491 houses were completed and awaiting handover by the Deputy Minister. 12.Klarinet Project: Following termination of the ABSA contract by the Province, there has been steady progress in the implementation and development of Phase 2 mainly that the project does not receive ring-fenced funding.


Below is information on Interdepartmental and Local Government linkages and Public Privat e Partnerships and Outsourcing as noted by the Corporate Services Programme and th e Programme and Project Management Unit

2.1. Programme 1: Administration (Corporate Services)

2.1.1. Status of Interdepartmental Linkages

PLANNED MEASURE PUT IN PARTNER CHALLENGE PLACE State Security Agency Turnaround time in providing Engagements with SSA to (SSA) feedback for full vetting applications accelerate vetting processes for timeous response to submitted vetting applications SSA withdrawal of infrastructure Engagements with SSA to facilities to secure transmission of accelerate provision of sensitive documents infrastructure DPW Delays in response to queries on Engagements for timeous office accommodation and payments response SITA Delays in furnishing required Engagements with to furnish specifications for IT installations at response 260 Justice Mahommed Street DPSA General Human Resources Continuous engagement on timeous response Lack of communication Constant communication and follow-ups. Public Service Referral of all issues of disputes Continuous engagement on Commission timeous response. Office of the State Co-ordination of litigation matters Hold regular meetings and Attorney across all spheres of Government consultations with Office of State Certification of Legal opinion Attorney Office of the Chief State Law Advisor

Provincial Human  Usage of available HSS Established and conducting : Settlement Departments functionality;  HSS Steering Committee and  Quality, completeness and  HSS User Group Task Team availability of source documents to meetings HSS Data Captures for capturing on HSS Formal Training Schedule to  Quality, accuracy and completeness improve the knowledge and of data captured on HSS influence understanding of HSS Data reporting Capturers and relevant role players  Reporting from other sources – Excel Spreadsheet Provincial Human Co-ordination between the National Regular interaction and following Settlements Departments Department and Provinces around up on resolutions and decisions of through the issues of communication has improved the Forum will help close this gap.

7 PLANNED MEASURE PUT IN PARTNER CHALLENGE PLACE Communicators Forum over time, but has not yet reached a level of perfection. Government Relations with GCIS and their Regular meetings and interaction Communication and responsiveness to our needs have has helped in this regard. Information System improved. (GCIS)

2.1.2.Status of Local Government Linkages

PLANNED MEASURE PUT PARTNER CHALLENGE IN PLACE Relevant Local Authorities To ensure support and training in the Promoting the usage of HSS use of HSS Online and National Online and the National Housing Housing Needs Register Needs Register to municipalities through training sessions Accreditation of municipalities To ensure support and training in the Promoting the usage of HSS, and metro’s use of HSS, HSS Online and the HSS Online and the National National Housing Need Register Housing Needs Register to municipalities and metro’s Resources to provide support and through training sessions training to municipalities and metro’s that was accredited

2.1.3.Status of Public Private Partnerships and Outsourcing

PLANNED MEASURE PUT PARTNER CHALLENGE IN PLACE Skynet Late submission and inaccurate Engagements with Skynet for billing of invoices compliance with RT5 and SLA conditions SITA Level of services provided by SITA in  Bi Monthly meeting with relations to the signed Service Level different SITA business units Agreement between NDHS & SITA  Monthly reports to SITA & NDHS management and identified role players  Internal escalation of issues that cannot be resolved State Information and Happy with the service SITA provides Regular interaction on our needs Technology Agency (SITA) around the maintenance of the helps address all identified Department’s website. challenges.

8 2.2. Programme Delivery Support


Sector Departments, eg. Sector departments do not make Continuous interventions are made to ensure that sector Health Education, provision for the amenities that departments prioritise their involvement in the projects. Energy, etc. they are responsible for as they have their own priorities. In Provincial departments are requested to coordinate addition, there is no alignment of meetings with provincial sector departments to ensure deliverables and funding that those departments are informed about the national allocation by the different priority and strategic human settlement projects and the departments to human settlements need to provide the requisite amenities. deliverables. Provincial Departments The lack of, and or insufficient Approval of the Terms of Reference for technical and Municipalities bulk infrastructure provision in Assistance by MISA to undertake an in depth study of the the projects infrastructure challenges in indentified areas. Further, Inter-Governmental Relations meetings with the stakeholders e.g. Eskom, Water Entities and the Department of Water Affairs to be convened to facilitate the alignment of project plans and funding requirements for implementation.

In a parallel process the DPME have now engaged the DBSA to undertake technical studies and manage certain processes to assist with addressing the issues relation to the lack of bulk infrastructure in the mining towns Inability to spend ring-fenced Re-allocation of funds from non performing projects to funding due to slow procurement projects that are delivering are effected to ensure processes and bulk infrastructure expenditure on ring fenced funding. challenges Continuous monitoring of financial and non-financial deliverables. Provincial Human Available updated information Continuous meetings (One-on-one and through task Settlements team) to align information and reporting formats Departments COGTA Available updated information Continuous meetings to align information and reporting formats DPME Available updated information Continuous meetings to align information and reporting formats Department of Energy Available updated information Continuous meetings to align information and reporting formats PSC Available updated information Continuous meetings to align information and reporting formats National Treasury Strict time frames Continuous interaction to ensure fast tracking of reporting DWA Available updated information Continuous meetings to align information and reporting formats Dept of Environmental Available updated information Continuous meetings to align information and reporting Affairs formats


HDA, NHBRC, RHL, Available updated information Continuous meetings to align information and reporting NURCHA, SHRA, formats NHFC


This section outlines the management of human and financial resources for the period under review:

3.1. Human Resources Management

3.1.1.Specific Challenges and Responses

Management Response / Actions the Accounting Officer And Challenge Identified Management Have Taken In Response None None

3.1.2.Progress with the Filling of Critical Positions

No of Appointme No of Vacancies At Start Length of Time Is Vacant Position No of Posts nts Made of Quarter (Where Appropriate) During Quarter This differs in terms of when the SMS 99 22 1 vacancy commenced

3.1.3. Summary of disciplinary procedures

Total Monthly No of Cases No of Personnel Resolved Unresolve No of Cases At No of New Category of Expenditure on During d Cases Start of Cases Opened Case these Officials at Quarter Older Quarter During Quarter the Start of Than 3 Quarter Months Cases involving officials with salary 3 166463.49 0 1 2 packages >R100 000 that may result in dismissal Cases involving officials with salary 1 7433.89 0 1 0 packages

11 3.1.4 Specific Details on the 10 Oldest Unresolved Disciplinary Cases that may r esult in Dismissal Specific Actions Date Proceedings Salary Paid to Official Since Start of Case Number Being Taken Started Proceedings to Resolve the Case - - - -

There are no old cases.

3.2. Financial Management

3.2.1. Specific challenges and responses

Management Response/action the Accounting Officer and Challenge identified management have taken in response Lack of adequate capacity. Lack of adequate capacity is resulting in non-performance of crucial duties, delays in accessing and processing of payments, non-compliance to legislation, errors in processing, low staff morale due to extra work and the inadequate segregation of duties. The work-study has been concluded and approval is awaited from the Director-General on the recommendations of the work-study. Approval was obtained from the DG. However, not all the newly created posts were funded. SCM only obtained funding for the Deputy Director, Assistant Director Asset Management and Senior Supply Chain Practitioner posts. The DD and ASD Asset Management positions are filled. The two incumbents will assume duty on 01 April 2014. The Senior Supply Chain Practitioner will be advertised. The delay in advertising this post was caused by the misunderstandings between SCM and HR on the level at which this position should be advertised ( HR directed that it be advertised at level 7 while SCM needs a level 8 position).SCM has no option but the advertise the post at level 7. No adequate capacity for the No staff provision was made for the new introduced Urban Settlement Urban Settlement Development Development Grant. The work-study has been concluded and approval is Grant awaited from the Director-General on the recommendations of the work- study. Delay in phasing out of the Lack of co-operation by provinces to compile plans for the phasing out of Debtors System. the Debtors System. Templates were compiled by NDoHS and presented to provinces. Letters that are addressed to the HOD’s and CFO’s of Western Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng have been sent to the relevant Provinces. This matter has to be raised at the next CFO- forum. It is anticipated that the amendment of the Housing Act will speed up the data clean-up process. Transfer of assets to Department Lack of co-operation by the Department of Defense and Military Veterans of Defense and Military Veterans on the finalization of the formal transfer of assets that were taken to the said department when they were transferred is a serious challenge. It is difficult to remove the assets from the Asset Register as the Transfer Certificate is not signed by the Accounting Officer of the receiving department. Several communiqués requesting the dept. of Defense to finalize the transfer had been unsuccessful. It is proposed that the assets be removed from the asset register.A letter was sent to the National Treasury requesting guidance on this matter to no avail. These assets will be removed from the asset register immediately after 31 March 2014. Assets in 260 Walker Street were A follow-up was done with Facilities Management on the refurbishment of moved to the parking area in the building and the ultimate move to 260 Walker Street. It was 12 Management Response/action the Accounting Officer and Challenge identified management have taken in response December 2011 to facilitate the established that a misunderstanding occurred on the nature of the refurbishment of the building. The agreement between the Department and the Department of Public refurbishment process has to date Works. However recent development indicated that these matters have not started. Prolonged exposure of been addressed and work is to be undertaken and projected to be the assets to dust will cause completed with 6 months. The Basement Parking in 260 Justice damage. Furthermore, the assets Mohamed Street flooded during the last heavy rains resulting in the office are further exposed to the risk of furniture stored in that area was moved to the Ground Parking. These theft. office furniture could not be adequately accommodated in the Basement Parking and therefore, a submission was made to the Director- General to approve the disposal of the excess office furniture ( as the option of off – site storage appeared to be expensive. Ie. Quotations received for a 3 month period are: R 155 268- Elliot; R 167 580 – Joel Transport and R 280 000 – Mmaserufe Trading). The DG approved the disposal request. These affected assets will be disposed immediately after 31 March 2014. Reluctance by financial institutions The Office is engaging with auditors of financial institutions to determine to fully comply with the HLAMDA the audit standards and norms to be disclosed to the Office in terms of Act. Act (HLAMDA) Slow progress on the finalization of Engagements were held with different stakeholders to identify blockages the Mortgage Default Insurance in regards to the institutional arrangements and Capitalisation of the (MDI) MDIC and propose appropriate solutions. The stakeholders have agreed to come up with a policy framework that will define the scope of the MDI going forward. Slow progress on the Oversight visits were conducted in order to establish the challenges with implementation of FLISP by implementing the subsidy. provinces High level of indebtedness and Engagement with NCR and other Stakeholders to intensify beneficiary, poor credit record of potential borrower education and awareness on financial literacy FLISP applicants Fixed interest rate The current macroeconomic environment with a low interest rate is not viable for a fixed interest rate.

3.2.2. Summary of Fraud, Theft and Corruption Cases None

3.2.3. Summary of Receipts and Payments

Summary of Receipts

Audited Un Un audited Un audited Un Total 2012/13 audited July to October to audited receipts April to September December January for June 2013 2013 to March 2013/14 R’000 2013 R’000 R’000 2014 R’000 R’000 R`000 Sales of goods and services produced by the 167 35 60 31 63 189 department Sales of scrap, waste, arms and other used 3 1 1 0 1 3 current goods (excl capital assets) Interest, dividends and 90 7 11 18 22 58 rent on land

13 Sales of capital assets 0 0 0 0

Financial transaction in 779 170 5 992 48 89 6 299 assets and liabilities

Total 1 039 213 6 064 97 46 6 420

14 Summary of payments

Category of Payments >60 days overdue >90 days overdue >120 days overdue

Suppliers R839 945.91 R1 083 254.54 R158 305.10

Professional services - - -

Total R839 945.91 R1 083 254.54 R158 305.10

3.2.4. Summary of major capital acquisitions and disposals (Preliminary figures)

Capital acquisitions

Capital Acquisitions Item Value Transfer Date Seller/Supplier Buildings and fix structure 72 987 691 Various Various Machinery and Equipment 601 495 Various Various Software & Intangible assets 116 280 Various Various

Assets Disposals

No Assets were disposed during this quarter.

Update on Major contracts approved during the period Contract Name of Contractor Service Date Value number R VA 50/179 Madlanga & Conduct Regulatory Impact 15 500 000.00 DH-021339 Partners Inc Assessment on the Home Loan and January Mortgage Disclosure Amendment Bill 2014 VA 50/172 Trevor Bailey Conduct Regulatory Impact 04 304 578.00 DH- 021394 Attorneys Assessment on the Rental Housing February Amendment Bill 2014 VA 50/163 Procurement Development of a new empower 04 476 904.99 DH- 021398 Dynamics strategy for designated groups in February Human Settlements 2014 DH-021316 Letsohlo Audio Visual: procurement, repair/ 9 January 386 350.00 Communications replaced and maintenance of the 2014 Video Conference equipment DH-021337 Palama Training: [Executive] Accelerated 17 318 510.00 Development Programme January 2014 DH-021353 US Pects Trading Wall Hanging Calendar, Desk 24 351 999.60 Enterprise Calendar and Wire bound freestanding January A frame – 2000 each – Total 6000 2014 DH-021357 SITA CC HSS Operational System and Assist 27 540 000.00 Provinces January 2014

15 Contract Name of Contractor Service Date Value number R DH- Ubuntu Technologie Dell PowerEgde R720 Server, Backup 31 771 151.86 0211383 Server, software and Tape Library January 2014 DH-021386 Elda Security Security Services for 260 JM Street 31 340 500.00 Services building from 1/2/2014 – 31/7/2014 January 2014 DH-021398 Procument Develop a new empowerment strategy 04 476 904.99 [VA50/163] Dynamics for designated groups in Human February Settlements 2014 DH-021411 NDB Consulting Review SCM: Evaluation, 04 67 500.00 [VA50/157] Development of policies and February (Variation Refer to procedures, Support and Related 2014 order) DH-020742 Assistance DH-021420 Alison Wilson Social Develop a policy as well as Housing 11 540 360.00 [VA49/381] Housing Cons Co-operative programme and February Legislative framework to integrate, 2014 align and develop a Housing Co- operative Policy DH-021449 Esizwe Technology Audio Visual Equipment for Minister’s 17 458 738.00 Office in Cape Town. January 2014 DH-021453 Lekgotla Africa Printing of Stickers: DHS Logo with 20 17 181 345.50 Events years – 1000; Pens with 20 years logo January – 5000 and note books with 20 years 2014 logo – 5000.

DH-021461 Dogan Exhibitions & Exhibition Space for DHS 20 Events (Pty) Ltd at the Rand Show 2014 – 18 April January 114 000.00 2014 – 28 April 2014 @ Nasrec - 2014 Johannesburg DH-021510 ESRI South Africa Licence for Software to spatial analysis 04 March 116 280.00 and to produce Human Settlements 2014 spatial reports & maps - GIS DH-021518 Vapaza Printers Printing Booklets: A4 the design and 06 March 417 600.00 print – English 120 000 booklets 2014 DH-021521 MS Exclusive Hire of Venue: International 06 March 280 900.00 Shuttle and Tours Woman’s Day – Khayelitsh – 8 March 2014 2014 – Handover of houses in Khayelitsha DH-021532 Masibilu Trading Printing and Publication: A5 10 March 343 416.00 Projects Landscape booklets Text 44pp Print 2014 full colour throughout on 200 gsm Neo Act Gloss – 5000 Quantity DH-021547 SANCIKMKE Advisory Services 13 March 249 000.00 [VA50/160] 2014 DH-021552 Extribyte Investigation: on SMS members in 18 March 256 000.00 DHS and to assist with Disciplinary 2014 Hearings [Deviation] DH-021553 Letsotzo Audio Visual Equipment 18 March 386 350.00 Communication 2014 DH-021555 SITA Mainframe Systems: on Transversal 19 March 109 408.74 Systems of SITA – LOGIS Mainframe 2014 DH-021558 SITA Mainframe Systems: on Transversal 19 March 340 000.01 Systems of SITA – Debtors Mainframe 2014 DH-021559 SITA Mainframe Systems: on Transversal 19 March 372 488.48 Systems of SITA – BAS Mainframe 2014 DH-021560 SITA Transversal Systems of SITA – 19 March 122 235.43 PERSAL Mainframe Systems 2014

16 Contract Name of Contractor Service Date Value number R DH-021565 Human HR Adverts: Advert and Recruitment 19 March 150 000.00 [VA49/380] Communications till 31 March 2014. 2014 DH -021566 Masibulu Trading & Printing Sanitation flyers, posters and 19 March 169 500.00 Projects pamphlets 2014 VA 49/420 Project Preparation Participatory Based Planning support 03 March 3 131 249.00 Trust to the Umhlathuze Municipality 2014

VA 49/421 Bigen SA Participatory Based Planning support 03 March 2 569 538.00 to the Madibeng Municipality 2014 VA 49/439 Shisaka Upgrading Training Course Roll -Out 03 March 2 387 641.08 Development 2014 Services (Pty) Ltd

TOTAL 17 230 449.68








17 T ZULU:






Certainty that the target will not be achieved or was not achieved in the planned timeframes – major remedial action and urgent intervention is required

Moderate risk that some problems exist and as a result the target will not be achieved in the planned timeframes – remedial action is needed to avoid this

On course – no major action needed



Strategic Objective: To provide executive support to the Office of the Director-General on parliamentary, cabinet liaison, Secretariat Support and management of intra departmental structures Programme Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Variance & non Response/ Indicator Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) Number of 4 reports on 1 Report on Report on N/A N/A Report reports on administrative administrative admin and Administrative and logistical and logistical logistical and Logistical support support support support developed developed developed and developed submitted 4 FOSAD 1 FOSAD Report on N/A N/A N/A Report reports report FOSAD support

19 Strategic Objective: To provide executive support to the Office of the Director-General on parliamentary, cabinet liaison, Secretariat Support and management of intra departmental structures Programme Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Variance & non Response/ Indicator Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) submitted submitted submitted

Number of 4 Report on 1 Report on Report on N/A N/A N/A Report reports on Parliamentary parliamentary Parliamentary parliamentary and and Cabinet and cabinet liaison cabinet liaison Liaison liaison submitted submitted submitted 4 Reports on 1 Reports on Report on N/A N/A N/A Report stakeholders stakeholders stakeholder liaison and liaison and liaison engagements engagements engagement submitted submitted submitted

Number of 4 reports on 1 report on Report on N/A N/A N/A Report reports on recording of recording of record of recording of proceedings proceedings proceeding proceedings produced


Strategic Objective: To provide integrated assurance and advice on governance practices to assist the department achieve its objectives Programme Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Variance & non Response/ Indicator Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) Reviewed, Reviewed, Q3 status Status report on None None None Status report on approved and approved report on the the the implemented Internal Audit implementatio implementation implementation annual Internal Annual Project n of the the internal audit of the internal Audit Project Plan for Internal Audit operational plan audit operational Plan 2013/.14 Annual presented at plan implemented project plan EMTon 31 tabled at EMT March 2014 and Submission, and AC ACon 25 Minutes and February 2014 agenda of EMT External and AC meeting Quality Assurance External SOR External QAR Report on the QAR report on Report submitted internal audit the internal audit for presentation compliance to compliance to the standards the standards Annexure A has been finalised.

Reviewed, Reviewed, Q3 status Q3 Status report The Q3 The EMT and Q3 report will be Q3 status report approved and approved and report on the on the status report RMC meetings tabled at the to the audit implemented risk implemented implementatio implementation has not yet have been coming EMT and committee management risk n of the of the approved been postponed. RMC meeting. strategy for management approved risk risk presented to RMC 2013/14. strategy for management management EMT and presentation to

21 Strategic Objective: To provide integrated assurance and advice on governance practices to assist the department achieve its objectives Programme Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Variance & non Response/ Indicator Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) 2013/14. strategy strategy has RMC EMT 31 March 2013/14 been presented 2014. tabled at to AC on 25 EMT, RMC February 2014 Annexure B and AC. and subsequently to EMT 31 March 2014 Approved and Approved and Q3 status The draft Anti- The anti- AC & RMC The drafting of Report to the AC implemented anti- implemented report on the fraud and fraud and recommended that the anti-fraud and for the meeting fraud and anti-fraud and Implementatio corruption, corruption the draft Fraud & corruption of 25 February corruption corruption n of the Fraud strategy not Corruption strategy will 2014 strategy strategy approved Prevention Plan yet Prevention Policy; commence in Anti-fraud and and Whistle developed Fraud Prevention quarter 1of Draft Fraud & corruption Blowing policies Plan and Whistle 2014/15 financial Corruption Strategy were presented Blowing Policy be year Prevention tabled at to EMT and AC approved Policy RMC, EMT on the 25 EMT and AC. February 2014. recommended that Draft Fraud the draft policies Prevention Plan be tabled at MINTOP and Draft Whistle Bargaining Council Blowing Policy before approval by the Director- Annexure C General

22 SUB PROGRAMME: ADVISORY SERVICES Strategic Objective: Provide advisory services to the Department and Portfolio Committee on matters relating to project quality assurance and integration

Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken Target Target performance (Challenges/ 2013/14 Problems) Number of Two reports on One report on Groundwork report One advisory Preliminary work The unit now has a Report Attached reports on the the the on project report on towards project full staff implementation implementation of implementation integration project integration was complement and ANNEXURE T of the national the national of the national developed integration not carried out and a will therefore be project project integration project yet developed report compiled able to complete its integration plan plan integration plan targets in the next financial year

Number of Two reports on One report on Groundwork report One advisory Preliminary work The unit now has a Report Attached reports on the the the on quality report on towards quality full staff implementation implementation of implementation assurance Quality assurance was complement and ANNEXURE U of the national the national of the national developed Assurance not carried out and a will therefore be quality quality assurance quality yet developed report compiled able to complete its assurance plan plan assurance plan targets in the next financial year

23 Strategic Objective: Provide advisory services to the Department and Portfolio Committee on matters relating to project quality assurance and integration

Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken Target Target performance (Challenges/ 2013/14 Problems) Approved Approved nationalApproved The target was not National Capacity constraints The unit now has a None national quality quality assurance national quality achieved quality due to delays in the full staff assurance plan plan assurance plan assurance recruitment of staff. complement and plan was not will therefore be approved able to achieve its targets in the next financial year. The target has been carried over to the next financial year, reformulated and reworded to "Approved national quality assurance framework" Number of Four reports on One quarterly Advisory report on None None None Report on reports on portfolio report on Portfolio Portfolio portfolio committee portfolio Committee Committee committee services provided committee Services services services provided provided ANNEXURE V


Strategic Objective: To oversee the enhancement of human settlements operations through effective enterprise architecture services in order to ensure improved service delivery and compliance

Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & Response/ non Action Taken Annual Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Target Target performance (Challenges/ 2013/14 Problems)

Approved 1 Approved Approved Approved None None None Approved Departmental Annual Departmental Departmental Departmental Departmental Performance Plans Annual Annual Annual Annual Performance Performance Performance Plans Performance Plans Plans 2014/15 2014/15 Plans 2014/15


Approved Departmental Departmental Departmental ThirdNone None None Departmental Departmental Performance Third quarter quarter Third quarter Performance Reports performance performance performance Reports reports reports compiled reports and submitted to the Office of the Submission to Director - General the Office of the Director - General


25 Strategic Objective: To oversee the enhancement of human settlements operations through effective enterprise architecture services in order to ensure improved service delivery and compliance

Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & Response/ non Action Taken Annual Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Target Target performance (Challenges/ 2013/14 Problems) Departmental Departmental None None None Departmental Performance Performance Performance report on report on Human report on Human Settlements Human Settlements Enterprise Settlements Enterprise Operations Enterprise Operations Performance Operations Performance Assessment Performance Assessment Framework Assessment Framework (EOPAF) compiled Framework (EOPAF) (EOPAF) compiled



Strategic Objective: To manage and provide financial support services. Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Variance & non Response/ Action Indicator Annual Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Taken Target Target performance (Challenges/ 2013/14 Problems) Annual Financial 4 Interim financial 1 approved 1 approved interim None None N/A Confirmation Statements approved Statements and 1 Interim financial financial statement letter annual financial statement submitted to statements submitted to Auditor-General approved and Auditor General and National Annexure 1 submitted and National Treasury Treasury

12 monthly 3 monthly 3 monthly None None N/A Certificates reconciliation certificates on certificates certificates reconciliations submitted to Annexure 2 submitted submitted to National Treasury National Treasury 12 monthly 3 monthly 3 monthly reports None None N/A Reports reports on system reports on on system and and document system and document reviews reviews submitted document submitted Annexure 3 reviews submitted

27 Strategic Objective: To manage and provide financial support services. Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Variance & non Response/ Action Indicator Annual Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Taken Target Target performance (Challenges/ 2013/14 Problems) 4 Workshops on 1 Workshop on 1 Workshop on None None N/A Report financial policies financial policiesfinancial policies conducted conducted conducted Annexure 4 12 monthly Three (3) Three (3) monthly None None N/A Reconciliations reconciliation monthly Reconciliations between LOGID Reconciliations between LOGIS and BAS on fixed between LOGIS and BAS on fixed Annexure 5 asset transactions and BAS on asset transactions submitted fixed asset will be submitted transactions submitted

28 Strategic Objective: To manage and provide financial support services. Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Variance & non Response/ Action Indicator Annual Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Taken Target Target performance (Challenges/ 2013/14 Problems) 1 asset disposal One (1) assets Memo on Asset None None N/A Report report submitted Disposal Report Disposal during submitted this quarter. Annexure 6

4 quarterly spot One(1) One(1) Quarterly None None N/A Report checks reports on Quarterly spot spot checks report store items checks report on store items conducted on store items conducted Annexure 7 conducted 12 monthly Three (3) Three (3) Reports None None N/A Report reports submitted Reports submitted to to National submitted to National Treasury Treasury on National on contracts above Annexure 8 contracts above Treasury on R100 000 R100 000 contracts above R100 000 4 quarterly reportsOne (1) One (1) Quarterly None None N/A Report on awarded bids Quarterly report report on awarded submitted on awarded bidsbids submitted submitted Annexure 9

29 Strategic Objective: To manage and provide financial support services. Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Variance & non Response/ Action Indicator Annual Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Taken Target Target performance (Challenges/ 2013/14 Problems) 4 quarterly One (1) One (1) Quarterly None None N/A Report Corporate Quarterly corporate travelling travelling reports corporate report submitted submitted travelling report Annexure 10 submitted

12 monthly and 4 Three (3) Three (3) monthly None None N/A Report quarterly reports monthly reports reports on on government on government government vehicle fleet vehicle fleet vehicle fleet Annexure 11 management management management submitted submitted submitted

30 Strategic Objective: To manage and provide financial support services. Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Variance & non Response/ Action Indicator Annual Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Taken Target Target performance (Challenges/ 2013/14 Problems) 12 monthly 3 Progress 3 Progress reports None None N/A Report progress reports reports on on Debtors System on Debtors Debtors System support submitted System support support Annexure 12 submitted submitted

4 quarterly reports1 Quarterly 1 Quarterly Report None None N/A Report on Debtors Report on on Debtors System System Debtors System management management on management submitted Annexure 13 data cleanup, submitted devolution and transfer of properties submitted 4 quarterly BAS 1 BAS reports 1 BAS report None None N/A Bas Report reports submitted printed printed and submitted to management Annexure 14 3 Training 1 training Training sessions None None N/A Confirmation Sessions on session were arranged for forms Basic Accounting coordinated or officials System (BAS) conducted conducted Annexure 15

31 Strategic Objective: To manage and provide financial support services. Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Variance & non Response/ Action Indicator Annual Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Taken Target Target performance (Challenges/ 2013/14 Problems) 4 quarterly reports1 Report on 1 Report on users None None N/A Report on user activities users activities activities on BAS on BAS submitted on BAS system system submitted submitted Annexure 16

Estimate of Estimate of Estimate of None None N/A ENE chapter National National National Expenditure Expenditure Expenditure (ENE) approved (ENE) approved was approved and Annexure 17 published 12 monthly early 3 Reports by the3 Reports None None N/A Reports warning System 15th of each submitted to reports to ensure month National Treasury compliance to submitted to Annexure 18 legislation National submitted to Treasury. (1 National Treasury report per month)

32 Strategic Objective: To manage and provide financial support services. Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Variance & non Response/ Action Indicator Annual Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Taken Target Target performance (Challenges/ 2013/14 Problems) 12 monthly 3 financial 3 financial reports None None N/A Reports financial reports reports submitted to the regarding submitted to the Minister DG and over/under Minister DG and other Management Annexure 19 expenditure other structures submitted Management structures. (1 report per month)


Strategic Objective :To manage the corporate support services to the Department

Programme Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Variance & non Response/ Indicator Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) Number of reports on 4 reports on 1 report on 1 report on None None None Annexure A compliance to all compliance to compliance to compliance to 1 report on security standards all security all security security compliance to submitted standards standards standards security submitted submitted submitted standards Number of reports on 4 reports on 1 report on 1 report on None None None Annexure B Facilities and Facilities and Facilities and Facilities and 1 report on Property Property Property Property Facilities and management management management Management Property submitted submitted submitted submitted Management Number of reports on 4 reports on 1 report on 1 report on None None None Annexure C records management records management management of 1 report on submitted management of records records management submitted submitted submitted of records Number of reports on 4 reports on 1 report on 1 report on None None None Annexure D library and library and library and library and 1 report on information information information information library and management management management management information services provided services services services services provided provided submitted


Strategic Objective To provide Human Resource Management services to the Department

Programme Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Variance & non Response/ Indicator Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) Number of reports on 4 reports on co- 1 report on 1 report on co- None None None ANNEXURE co-ordinated Human ordinated co-ordinated ordinated E Resource Human Human Human 1 report on Management Resource Resource Resource co-ordinated services submitted services services services Human submitted submitted submitted Resource services Number of reports on 1 Annual training 1 report on 1 report on None None None ANNEXURE co-ordinated Human Report on co- Human Human F Resource ordinated Development Development 1 report on Development Human Initiatives Initiatives Human initiatives submitted Resource submitted submitted Development Development Initiatives initiatives submitted submitted Number of reports on 4 reports on co- 1 report on 1 report on co- None None None ANNEXURE co-ordinated Labour ordinated Labour co-ordinated ordinated Labour G Relation services Relation Labour Relation 1 report on submitted services Relation services co-ordinated submitted services submitted Labour submitted Relation services submitted

35 Strategic Objective To provide Human Resource Management services to the Department

Programme Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Variance & non Response/ Indicator Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) Number of reports on 4 reports on 1 report on 1 report on None None None ANNEXURE Organisational Organisational Organisationa organizational H transformation transformation l transformation 1 report on programmes programmes transformatio programmes organizational submitted submitted n submitted transformation programmes programmes submitted submitted


Strategic Objective: To manage legal services to the Department.

Programme Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Variance & non Response/ Indicator Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) Number of litigation 4 reports on 1 report on 1 report on None None None Annexure I and legal advisory litigation and litigation and litigation and 1 report on services legal advisory legal advisory legal advisory litigation and services services services legal advisory produced services Number of 4 reports on 1 report on 1 report on None None None Annexure J legislative legislative legislative legislative 1 report on framework framework framework framework legislative developed developed developed developed framework Number of reports 4 reports on 1 report on 1 report on None None None Annexure K on oversight of oversight of oversight of oversight of 1 report on contracts in the contracts in the contracts in contracts oversight of department department the developed contracts developed developed department developed


Strategic Objective:To manage the Department’s Information Communication Technology (ICT)

Programme Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Variance & non Response/ Indicator Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) Number of reports 4 reports on the 1 report on 1 report on the None None None Annexure L on the implementation the implementation 1 report on implementation plan plan of MIS implementatio plan of MIS the of Management submitted n plan of MIS submitted implementatio Information Services submitted n plan of MIS (MIS) submitted submitted Number of reports 4 reports on the 1 report on 1 report on the None None None Annexure M on the implementation the implementation 1 report on implementation plan plan of ITS implementatio plan of ITS the of Information submitted n plan of ITS submitted implementatio Technology submitted n plan of ITS Services (ITS) submitted submitted Number of reports 4 reports on the 1 report on 1 report on the None None None Annexure N on the implementation the implementation 1 report on implementation plan plan of ICTI implementatio plan of ICTI the of Information submitted n plan of ICTI submitted implementatio Communication submitted n plan of ICTI Technology submitted Infrastructure (ICTI) submitted


Strategic Objective:To ensure the public is informed of Departmental programmes and policies

Programme Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Variance & non Response/ Indicator Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) Corporate 4 reports on the 1 report on 1 report on the None None None Annexure O Communication implementation the implementation 1 report on plans approved and of approved implementatio of approved the implemented Corporate n of approved Corporate implementatio Communication corporate Communication n of approved plans communicatio Plans submitted Corporate n plans Communicatio n Plans submitted Media Services 4 reports on the 1 report on 1 report on the None None None Annexure P plans approved and implementation the implementation 1 report on implemented of approved implementatio of approved the Media Services n of approved Media Services implementatio plans Media Plans submitted n of approved Services Media plans Services Plans submitted Public Information 4 reports on the 1 report on 1 report on the None None None Annexure Q and Marketing plans implementation the implementation 1 report on approved and of approved implementatio of approved the implemented Public n of approved Public implementatio Information and Public Information and n of approved Marketing plans Information Marketing Plans Public and Marketing submitted Information

39 Strategic Objective:To ensure the public is informed of Departmental programmes and policies

Programme Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Variance & non Response/ Indicator Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) plans and Marketing Plans submitted



Strategic Objective : To manage the development of human settlement policy and accreditation frameworks Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ achievement Action Taken Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance (Challenges/ 2013/14 Target performance Problems) Macro human New national Submit draft Submission Submission notDelay in receiving Individual follow Submission settlement policy human settlement densification forwarded to EMT yet forwarded comments on the ups were made to EMT and approved macro policy policy for for decision to MINMEC. document from to solicit inputs Draft Policy approved approval to making. Provinces and on the MINMEC. Municipalities document. ANNEXURE A Number of 9 structured policy 2 provincial and 2 workshops held None Agenda provincial and workshops on municipal with Limpopo and Meeting municipal Human settlement human Nyandeni Local Reports workshops on policies conducted settlement Municipality. Attendance national human policy Registers settlement policy workshops conducted conducted Workshops ANNEXURE reports B compiled Number of new New policy for low Draft Policy on Partly The policy Policy finalized and Submission national human income back yard programme to Backyard Rental achieved development awaiting EMT to EMT and settlement policy, rental programme MINMEC Programme process was decision where after Draft Policy guidelines and and new criteria forsubmitted for drafted and The MINMEC coordinated with it will be submitted norms and restructuring zonesapproval submitted to EMT forum will only the research and to MINMEC

41 Strategic Objective : To manage the development of human settlement policy and accreditation frameworks Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ achievement Action Taken Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance (Challenges/ 2013/14 Target performance Problems) standards approved consider the consultation policy after process of May 2014 SALGA This was only concluded in ANNEXURE the beginning of C March 2014. The policy drafting process only commenced in the second week of March 2014 Draft criteria to Criteria developedPartly The drafting of the Criteria drafted Submission MINMEC and submitted to achieved. criteria was delayed and submitted to to EMT and submitted for EMT for approval due to uncertainty on EMT for approval Draft criteria approval The MINMEC the project scope where after it will forum will only and required be submitted to consider the outcome MINMEC ANNEXURE policy after D May 2014 National human Revised CRU and Report on The subsidy Report was not The project was The project for The TOR and settlements Social housing recommendatio levels of the CRU submitted to delayed due to the revision of the Policy and policies ns submitted to programme was MINMEC uncertainty on what the policy will be submission to guidelines revised MINMEC adjusted. the actual project concluded in the the Bid requirements were. next financial Specification A Terms Of Once the project year. Committee. Reference for the scope was

42 Strategic Objective : To manage the development of human settlement policy and accreditation frameworks Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ achievement Action Taken Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance (Challenges/ 2013/14 Target performance Problems) appointment of established the first external expertise phase was to adjust has been the subsidy quantum finalized. levels. This was ANNEXURE done. The terms of E reference for the appointment of external expertise was developed presented to the Bid Specification Committee at 3 occasions before it was approved, which also retarded the project.

DG's approval is now being sought. Social Housing Terms of Health input DG approved the A Meeting for Terms of policy review reference for the not covered in revised APP at the additional input reference project appointment of the TOR. end of 3rd Quarter. has been and DSD transferred to expertise has NDHS does notThe MinMec arranged for 14 confirmation CD Strategy: been developed have the recommended that May 2014 to to undertake Develop and finalized. budget for the the department solicit all inputs. project. programme for Negotiations with project. consult with the DSD will fund the special housing the Department of Department of project using its

43 Strategic Objective : To manage the development of human settlement policy and accreditation frameworks Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ achievement Action Taken Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance (Challenges/ 2013/14 Target performance Problems) needs. Fourth Social Health, DPT of own Resources. Quarter Target: Development Women Children and ANNEXURE Investigate the resulted in the People with F mandate and approval of DSD Disability and Social obtain approval to fund the Development. The of TOR for outsourcing DSD could not investigation project and to attend the meetings project. manage the organized with the project in DWCPD, however collaboration with gave input which the Department. required rectification by other stakeholders. Number of 6 Municipalities 1 Municipality Assessments for 5 municipalitiesThe target was Completed the Accreditation municipalities assessed for assessed for level 3 were assessed overachieved as a assessments of the report assessed for accreditation accreditation accreditation result of addressing total 6 Metros. accreditation (Assignment) was the targets for the completed for the previous quarters ANNEXURE 6 Metro G Municipalities Number of 6 workshops to 2 workshops to 2 workshops were None None None 2 Attendance workshops to Capacitate Capacitate held Registers Capacitate Municipalities on Municipalities Municipalities on the Implementationon the 2 Reports the Implementation Protocols Implementation Protocols conducted Protocols ANNEXURE

44 Strategic Objective : To manage the development of human settlement policy and accreditation frameworks Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ achievement Action Taken Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance (Challenges/ 2013/14 Target performance Problems) conducted conducted H Number of 6 workshops to 2 workshops to 2 workshops were None None None 2 Attendance workshops to capacitate capacitate held Registers capacitate Provinces and Provinces and and Provinces and Municipalities on Municipalities Municipalities on Assignment on Assignment 1 Report Assignment conducted conducted conducted ANNEXURE I


45 Strategic Objective: develop and manage operational compliance policy framework Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) Sector operational Governance 1 Workshop on The workshop on None None None Workshop compliance policy frameworks and the framework the framework Report and framework implementation with the sector was held on 14 Attendance Approved guidelines for submitted March 2014. Register 2013/14 approved


Number of reports Functional One report on The matrix has None None None Reports on Functional Governance Functional been developed Governance Framework Governance and presented to Framework System developed submitted Buffalo City ANNEXURE Systems submitted Framework Municipality and K System the City of developed Tshwane as pilot projects to assess the functionality of the system. Number of reports 2reports on the 1 report on the The feedback None None None Analysis on the sector sector compliance sector from Buffalo City Report compliance to HS to HS governance compliance to Municipality and Governance frameworks HS governance the City of Framework submitted frameworks Tshwane will be ANNEXURE submitted submitted analysed and L

46 Strategic Objective: develop and manage operational compliance policy framework Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ utilised as a indication of sector compliance

Number of Four Builds (Youth,International International None None None International approved annual women, Mandela Women’s Day Women's Day Women's builds projects Day, Military Vets, Project launch project Day Report implemented and 16 Days Implemented implemented in and Builds) Khayelitsha, Cape Programme implemented Town 08 March 2014. The houses were handed over by Deputy ANNEXURE Minister M

47 Strategic Objective: develop and manage operational compliance policy framework Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Number of reports 4 reports on 1 report on 1 Report on None None None Report on on training and training and training and Training and Training and mentorship mentorship mentorship Mentorship Mentorship programmes programmes programmes programme for and implemented implemented implemented Youth Build programme Training Project for the Youth launch held in Jan Build Launch Kemp Dorp on the and bursaries 28 January 2014, secured by and bursaries KSD FET secured by KSD college for 61 FET College for youth that training of 61 participated youth that in Women's participated in the Build project Women's Build August 2013 project August 2013 ANNEXURE N

48 Strategic Objective: develop and manage operational compliance policy framework Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Number of reports 4 reports on the 1 Sector Sector One Report on the implementation of Transformation transformation on Sector implementation of the sector and Special projects Transformati the sector transformation Projects implemented in on projects transformation programmes and Quarterly Kwa-Zulu Natal implemented programmes and special projects Report (Cornubia) special projects submitted submitted submitted ANNEXURE 0 Number of sector 2 sector 2 sector Input provided on Delay in Terms of Reference TOR referred back Report and transformation transformation transformation the Draft appointment of with Bid Adjudication for further draft input strategies strategies strategies Research Report a service consultation ANNEXURE developed and developed (Military submitted for for the provider P reviewed Vets and TRC) approval by Empowerment MinMEC Strategy for the Focus Group. Number of research 2 research reports 2 research Research paper None None None Two reports reports on the on the identified report on the on Asbestos Use on Asbestos identified themes in themes in the identified In South Africa: Use in SA the research research agenda themes in the Related Health and agenda(sustainable submitted research Risks And Development human settlements, agenda Policies For Risk of the demand, supply, submitted Management Empowerme land and tenure) Research nt Strategy submitted Towards the ANNEXURE development of Q

49 Strategic Objective: develop and manage operational compliance policy framework Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ the Empowerment strategy: Legislative , Policy And Documentary Review Number of policy One policy One policy Research paper None None None Research analysis for input analysis and analysis for to determine the paper Group and reviews reviews input and use of institutional Housing reviews subsidies for the Accommodati provision of on for people Group Housing with Special accommodation Needs for people with special needs ANNEXURE R Number of reports 4 reports on 1 report on Research report None None None Research on Human Human Human on Human report on Settlements Settlements Settlements Settlements environmenta environment environment environment environment l scanning: scanning and scanning and scanning and scanning and development analysis (Economic analysis submitted analysis analysis s in the and Social submitted global and environment) local submitted economy and their impact on housing

50 Strategic Objective: develop and manage operational compliance policy framework Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ development



51 Strategic Objective:To manage the development of human settlement strategy

Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 4Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) Development and A draft green A draft green Concept paper Draft green onWaiting finalization Milestone for Project plan and approval of a human Paper on human paper on and project plan Human of the signing of 2014/15 are concept paper settlements macro settlements human developed for the Settlements notMOU between DHS captured in the ( Annexure 1 – strategy submitted for settlements drafting of Human submitted forand DST project plan File 1) approval to submitted for Settlements approval to MinMec approval by Green Paper Minmec MinMec Conduct evaluation of One evaluation Report on the Inception report None None None Inception report Human Settlements on Human evaluation of and conceptual and conceptual Policy and Settlements how housing framework on how framework Programmes programmes programmes housing have ( Annexure 2 conducted have facilitated facilitated creation File 1) the creation of of assets for the assets for the poor has been poor and submitted Municipalities completed

Policy Inception report None None None Inception report implication and conceptual and conceptual report on how framework on how framework housing housing have ( Annexure 3 programmes facilitated creation File 1) have crated of assets for the assets for the poor has been

52 Strategic Objective:To manage the development of human settlement strategy

Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 4Target performance (Challenges/ poor and for submitted municipalities Draft report on Draft Evaluation None None None Draft report on the evaluation report on the the evaluation of of the USDG USDG developed the USDG and submitted (Annexure 4 File 1)

Four case Four case studies None None None Four case study reports on the evaluation studies USDG from the of USDG evaluation metros on the submitted (Annexure 5 evaluation of File 1) the USDG Inception reportInception report None None None Inception report for the for the evaluation for the evaluation of of the IRDP evaluation of the the IRDP completed IRDP completed and submitted ( Annexure 6 File 1)

53 Strategic Objective:To manage the development of human settlement strategy

Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 4Target performance (Challenges/ Knowledge on 2 National Strategy One publicationPublication on None None Research Human Human Settlements and Research Task on human Human function no Settlements programmes Team forums held settlements Settlements 20 longer reside 20 year collated and & one publication completed year review with Chief review information compiled. published and Directorate after disseminated National turnaround ( Annexure 7 Research Task strategy File 1) Team forum not held

Approved Human Approved Human Approved Medium Term Approval by Awaiting for the new Awaiting for the Draft Medium Settlement Strategy Settlement Strategy Medium Term Strategic incoming Minister to approve new Minister to Term and Departmental and Departmental Strategic Framework Minister after the elections as approve after the Strategic Strategic Plans. Strategic Plans Framework drafted pending pending as the MTSF cannot be elections as the framework 2014/17. Submitted. approval by result of approved by the MTSF cannot be ( Annexure 8 incoming Minister upcoming 7 outgoing Minister approved by the File 1) after 7 May May 2014 outgoing Minister General Elections General Elections Approved Branches None Approval by Awaiting for the None Departmental strategic plans incoming Minister new Minister to strategic plans have been pending as result of approve after the analyzed based upcoming 7 May elections as the on draft MTSF 2014 General MTSF cannot be and final strategic Elections approved by the plan will be table outgoing Minister to Parliament after

54 Strategic Objective:To manage the development of human settlement strategy

Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 4Target performance (Challenges/ approval by incoming Minister in August 2014 as per DPME directive


55 Strategic Objective: To manage human settlements programmatic planning frameworks, and support the implementation of human settlement and housing development planning frameworks. Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) National HSDG and National HSDG National HSDG National HSDG None None None 1A. National USDG business plan business plan Business Plan Business Plan HSDG compiled and business plan and and Compliance Business submitted submitted Compliance certificate Plan and certificate submitted Complianc submitted e certificate. 1B. Submissio n on the National HSDG Business Plan Annexure 9 A+B - File 2 Implementation of 9 Provinces on the 9 Final 9 Final Provincial None None None 9 Final human settlement development of Provincial HSDG Business Provincial development & Provincial HSDG HSDG Plans received HSDG programmatic Business plan Business Plansand analysed. Business planning frameworks templates received and Plans. at provincial & supported analysed. Annexure 10 municipal level File 2

56 Strategic Objective: To manage human settlements programmatic planning frameworks, and support the implementation of human settlement and housing development planning frameworks. Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ supported 1 submission 1 submission on None None None submission / on the status ofthe status of the Report on the the final draft final draft HSDG status of the HSDG Business Plans final draft Business Planssubmitted HSDG submitted Business Plans.

Annexure 11 File 2 Strategic Integrated 1 Submission 1 Submission on None None None Submission Projects (SIP’s) on information information for the on information for the Strategic information provided Strategic Integrated for the Integrated Projects provided. Strategic Projects Integrated provided. Projects provided. Annexure 12 File 2


57 Strategic Objective: To Manage Stakeholder coordination, intergovernmental and sector relations and cooperation for the human settlements development Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) Number of report on 4 reports on 1 report on 1 report on None None None Annex 13 File Sector Stakeholder developed and developed and developed and 3 Collaboration implemented Sectorimplemented implemented 1 report on Stakeholder Sector Sector Implementati Programmes Stakeholder Stakeholder on of sector Programmes Programmes stakeholder collaboration framework. minutes of Govan Mbeki awards workshop. Proof of payment of prize money for Govan Mbeki Awards letter and submission on assistance to destitute families. 1 report on NEDLAC

58 Strategic Objective: To Manage Stakeholder coordination, intergovernmental and sector relations and cooperation for the human settlements development Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) resolutions 1 report on meeting with Environment al Affairs and DBSA regarding the Green Fund 1 Resolutions of a meeting between DHS, H D A and Traditional Affairs on partnership framework. Resolutions of a meeting between DTA and H D A Signed MOU between DST and DOHS . Action plan

59 Strategic Objective: To Manage Stakeholder coordination, intergovernmental and sector relations and cooperation for the human settlements development Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) meeting between NHBRC, DST, CSIR and DHS on on Sanitation. Action list of meeting between HS and SANCOC 3 reports on Ministerial outreach projects (Avoca hills, Delft Symphony and Cornubia. 1 report on verification of Malibongwe project

60 Strategic Objective: To Manage Stakeholder coordination, intergovernmental and sector relations and cooperation for the human settlements development Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) Number of reports 4 reports on the 1report on the 1report on the None None None Annex 14 File on the implementation of implementation implementation of 3 implementation and People’s Housing of People’s People’s Housing 1report on rollout of People’s Processes Housing Processes the Housing Processes submitted Processes submitted implementati submitted on of People’s Housing Processes submitted Annex 1: Implementat ion Support Report on the status of PHP implementati on in Mpumalanga Site visits conducted in Ehlanzeni District of Mpumalanga Site visit to Drommedaris Housing

61 Strategic Objective: To Manage Stakeholder coordination, intergovernmental and sector relations and cooperation for the human settlements development Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) Project

Meeting with KZN DoHS on Vulindlela Housing project Report on Status of Vulindlela project Progress report on PHP projects in the North West Status report on the roll-out of the Dromedaris PHP project Status report on the PHP pipeline projects in the Eastern

62 Strategic Objective: To Manage Stakeholder coordination, intergovernmental and sector relations and cooperation for the human settlements development Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) Cape Status report on the implementati on of the FEDUP pledge in Gauteng Annex 2 - Capacity Developmen t evidence: Lephalale Councilor induction conducted in Limpopo PHP workshop: Eastern Cape Department

Annexure C: Minister’s Programme (ad hoc)

63 Strategic Objective: To Manage Stakeholder coordination, intergovernmental and sector relations and cooperation for the human settlements development Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) Report on the site visits to Nuwe Begin BNG project, and Dromedaris PHP project

A report on the site visit to Klapmuts IRDP project, De Doorns IRDP project and Thembalethu Informal Settlements Upgrading project in George

A report on the handover of the Nuwe Begin BNG

64 Strategic Objective: To Manage Stakeholder coordination, intergovernmental and sector relations and cooperation for the human settlements development Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) project by the Minister

A report on the Africa family house built in Mitchells Plain Number of reports 4 reports on1 report on1 report on None Not applicable Not applicable Annex 15 on coordination and coordination andcoordination coordination and File 3 participation of participation ofand participation of stakeholders at stakeholders atparticipation ofstakeholders at 1 report on intergovernmental intergovernmental stakeholders atintergovernmental coordination forums forums asintergovernmenforums as and described in thetal forums asdescribed in the participation developed described indeveloped of procedures andthe developedprocedures and stakeholders systems to supportprocedures andsystems to at stakeholder systems tosupport intergovernm collaborations support stakeholder ental forums stakeholder collaborations as described collaborations in the developed procedures

65 Strategic Objective: To Manage Stakeholder coordination, intergovernmental and sector relations and cooperation for the human settlements development Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) and systems to support stakeholder collaboration s Number of reports 4 reports on the 1 report on the 1 report on the None Not applicable Not Applicable Annex 16 on the coordination coordination of coordination of coordination of File 3 of bilateral and bilateral and bilateral and bilateral and multilateral multilateral multilateral multilateral 1 report on partnerships in the partnerships in the partnerships in partnerships in the international sphere international sphere the the international coordination international sphere of bilateral sphere and multilateral partnerships in the international sphere


SUB- PROGRAMME: PROGRAMME AND PROJECT PLANNING Strategic Objective: Manage the conceptualization and planning of human settlements strategic human settlements programmes and projects Programme Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Annual target Quarter 4 Actual Variance Variance & non Response/ Indicator 2013/14 Target performance achievement Action Taken (Challenges/ Problems) Consolidated 4 consolidated 1 Achieved N/A N/A N/A Quarterly quarterly progress quarterly reports consolidated 1 consolidated Progress reports on 12 on 12 identified quarterly quarterly report Report identified projects projects indicating report on 12 on 12 identified progress identified projects achieved in projects indicating Annexure A planning, the indicating progress provision of progress achieved in infrastructure, achieved in planning, the houses delivered, planning, the provision of funds spent, provision of infrastructure, socio-economic infrastructure houses amenities , houses delivered, funds delivered and delivered, spent, socio- compliance to the funds spent, economic built environment socio- amenities standards. economic delivered and amenities compliance to delivered the built and environment compliance standards to the built environment standards.


Strategic Objective: Oversee and facilitate the implementation of human settlement projects Programme Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Annual target Quarter 4 Actual Variance Variance & non Response/ Indicator 2013/14 Target performance achievement Action Taken (Challenges/ Problems) Quarterly progress Four quarterly Quarterly Achieved N/A N/A N/A NUSP reports on the 49 progress reports progress Progress reports Progress municipalities on the 49 reports on on the 49 Report supported with municipalities the 49 municipalities Technical Support, supported and municipalitie supported and Annexure B Informal Settlements assisted with s supported assisted with Classification and technical support, and technical Formulation of informal assisted support, informal Informal Settlements settlements with settlements Upgrading plans to classification and technical classification provide the basic formulation of support, and formulation services and secure informal informal of informal tenure in line with settlements settlements settlements Outcome 8 outputs. upgrading plans classificatio upgrading plans in line with n and in line with Outcome 8 formulation Outcome 8 outputs. of informal outputs settlements prepared. upgrading plans in line with Outcome 8 outputs.

68 Strategic Objective: Oversee and facilitate the implementation of human settlement projects Programme Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Annual target Quarter 4 Actual Variance Variance & non Response/ Indicator 2013/14 Target performance achievement Action Taken (Challenges/ Progress Not achieved. Progress Delayed approvals Approval Memorandum report on report on the of the Terms of requested from in respect of the implementati Reference for the the DG Terms of implementat on of the Development of the Reference ion of the approved Capacity Building Memorandum approved capacity Programme content to the DG for capacity building and approval of approval of building programme increased tender increased programme to guide the amount. tender to guide the informal amount. informal settlement settlement upgrading Annexure C upgrading programme programme in 49 in 49 municipalitie municipalitie s not s prepared. Four quarterly reports 4 quarterly Report Achieved Report N/A N/A N/A Report developed on the reports on the containing 9 produced in produced in implementation implementation Provincial respect of 9 respect of 9 support provided to support provided lists of slow Provincial lists of Provincial lists human settlement to human moving slow moving of slow projects. settlement projects with projects with an moving projects an analyses analyses and projects with and recommendation an analyses recommend s to support. and ations to recommendati support. ons to support. Annexure D

69 Strategic Objective: Oversee and facilitate the implementation of human settlement projects Programme Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Annual target Quarter 4 Actual Variance Variance & non Response/ Indicator 2013/14 Target performance achievement Action Taken (Challenges/ Report on Achieved. N/A N/A N/A Report support Report produced produced on provided on support support upon provided upon provided upon request by request by request by Provinces, Provinces, Provinces, Municipalitie Municipalities & Municipalities s & individuals. & individuals. individuals. Annexure E Number of blocked 4 Quarterly Report on Achieved. N/A N/A N/A Report on projects requiring Reports on blocked Report on blocked delivery support blocked projects projects blocked projects projects requiring delivery requiring requiring requiring support. delivery delivery support delivery support prepared support Annexure F


Strategic Objective: Manage and monitor the implementation of the Sanitation Programme Programme Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Variance & non Response/ Indicator Annual target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) RHIP 4 Quarterly 1 Quarterly Not achieved, 1 1 Quarterly Wrong gazetting of Re-gazetting of RHIP Programme progress reports progress Quarterly progress RHIG funds to non- RHIG funds to Quarterly implemented in 26 on the report on progress report report on the WSA’s by the WSA’s and report municipalities implementation of the on the implementati National Treasury funds were the RHIP in 26 implementat implementation on of the transferred to Annexure G municipalities on ion of the of the RHIP in RHIP in 26 WSA’s by the the number of RHIP in 26 26 municipalities municipalitie Department units delivered municipalitie on the number of s on the and expenditure s on the units delivered number of number of and expenditure units units delivered delivered RHIP has been and and implemented in expenditure expenditure 2 local municipalities in Eastern Cape (Engqobo) and Mpumalanga (Nkomazi) No of municipalities 27 municipalities 9 Achieved None None None Health and trained on health and trained on H&H municipalitie Hygiene hygiene programs programmes. s trained on 9 municipalities reports (WASH, health and H&H trained on H&H hygiene education programme programmes in Annexure H programme s the following municipalities: Overberg,

71 Strategic Objective: Manage and monitor the implementation of the Sanitation Programme Programme Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Variance & non Response/ Indicator Annual target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems)

Winelands, City of Cape Town, Buffalo City, Alfred Nzo, Ekurhuleni, Joburg, City of Tshwane and Modimolle Number of MIG 144 MIG projects 36 MIG 44 MIG projects Additional 8 Some Provinces Provinces were MIG site visit projects monitored monitored across projects monitored MIG overachieved the advised to align reports 9 provinces (i.e. monitored across 9 projects target whilst other monitoring of 16 per province) across 9 Provinces monitored Provinces projects as per Annexure I provinces Gauteng (1): in Provinces deviated from the the planned (i.e. 4 per Metsi-a-Lekoa planned target target province) Mpumalanga (18):Nsikazi South Ward 1, Dludluma, Boschfontein, Masibekela, Ephameni, Jerusalem, Mahushu, Maguduzwane, Nkohlakalo, Phola Trust, Chochocho, Shabalala,

72 Strategic Objective: Manage and monitor the implementation of the Sanitation Programme Programme Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Variance & non Response/ Indicator Annual target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) Tekatakho, Block B- Kamaqhekeza, Block A, Tsambokhulu, Block C and Khombaso; Limpopo (12): Giyani, Nkowankowa, Skrikfontein, Ga- Chaba, Ga- Kgapane, Lenyenye, Kgautswane, Bokwidi, Senita, Lesodi, Leboeng B and Leboeng C. North West (5): Ramaphosa Ward 19, Machachora, Norokie Ward 7, Lekwa and Greater Taung


Strategic Objective: Manage the development of the technical capacity in the human settlements sector Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Action Annual target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) Number of officials, 160 officials, 2400 1 report on the1 report submitted None None None Report on the beneficiaries and beneficiaries and number of on the number of number of councilors trained 120 councilors officials, officials, officials, trained beneficiaries beneficiaries and beneficiaries and councilorscouncilors trained and trained councilors trained

ANNEXURE D Sector Knowledge Sector Knowledge Approval of The Sector Awaiting Awaiting approval Follow-up, to Report on the Management Strategy Management Sector Knowledge approval speed-up the Sector developed. Strategy developed Knowledge Management approval Knowledge Management Strategy has been Management Strategy. forwarded to the Strategy Director General for approval Final Sector Knowledge Management Strategy


74 Strategic Objective: Manage the development of the technical capacity in the human settlements sector Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Action Annual target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Number of reports on 4 Quarterly reports 1 Quarterly A report on None None None A report on provincial departments on 9 provincial report on provincial provincial work shopped, departments work provincial departments work- departments monitored and shopped, monitored departments shopped monitored work- evaluated on the and evaluated on work shopped,and evaluated on shopped, implementation of the the implementation monitored and the implementation monitored National Technical of the National evaluated on of the National and Capacity Development Technical Capacity the Technical Capacity evaluated on Strategy Development implementatio Development the Strategy n of the Strategy implementati National on of the Technical National Capacity Technical Development Capacity Strategy Development Strategy

ANNEXURE F Draft model organisationa l structure for Accredited Municipalities


75 Strategic Objective: Manage the development of the technical capacity in the human settlements sector Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Action Annual target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Number of reports on Number of reports 1 Quarterly A report on None None None A report on Provincial on Provincial report on Provincial Provincial departments work departments work Provincial Departments work- Departments shopped in the shopped in the departments shopped in the work- development and development and work shopped development and shopped in implementation of implementation of in the implementation of the provincial Capacity provincial Capacity development provincial Capacity development Development Development and Development and Programmes and Programmes and implementatio Programmes and implementati Business Business n of provincial Business Plans on of Capacity provincial Development Capacity Programmes Development and Business Programmes Plans and Business Plans

Annexure H

Draft Proposal on projects to be funded by the EWSETA

ANNEXURE H1 Number of reports on 4 reports on the 1 report on the1 report on the None None None Report on the

76 Strategic Objective: Manage the development of the technical capacity in the human settlements sector Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Action Annual target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Sector professional progress of the progress of progress of the progress of development support implementation of the implementation of the programmes the Sector implementatio the Sector implementati Implemented professional n of the Sectorprofessional on of the development professional development Sector support development support professional programmes support programmes. development programmes support programmes




Strategic Objective: To manage and provide overall Grants Management services, administer the Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act and promote investments for sustainable Human Settlements. Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) Number of financial HSDG reports HSDG reports December 2013, None None N/A Reports reports on the submitted submitted January and monitoring of  12 monthly  3 monthly February 2014 performance of the  4 quarterly  1 quarterly reports were Annexure 20 HSDG and USDG  1 annual submitted to NT by submitted  2 reports on  1 report on the due date. financial the financial rd evaluation of evaluation ofThe analysed 3 the draft final quarter business business expenditure report None None N/A plans plans was submitted to Waiting for feedback  1 analysis NT by the due from HSP unit on report on the date. resolution taken on Annual the meeting in provincial Draft report was respect of Disaster reports submitted to HSP Relief, Mining towns unit. and Baseline information which was not available on the Business Plan. USDG reports USDG reports  3 monthly none None N/A Reports

78 Strategic Objective: To manage and provide overall Grants Management services, administer the Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act and promote investments for sustainable Human Settlements. Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ submitted submitted USDG reports  12 monthly  3 monthly submitted  4 quarterly  1 quarterly  1 Quarterly Annexure 21  1 annual report submitted Provide secretariat 4 reports on 1 report on 1 report on None None N/A Reports function for Office of secretariat secretariat secretariat Disclosure in terms functions for functions for functions for Office of the act. Office of Office of of Disclosure in Annexure 22 Disclosure in Disclosure in terms of the Act terms of the Act terms of the Act produced and produced and produced and submitted. submitted. submitted. 3 reports from 1 report on 1 report on lending None None N/A Report financial lending patterns patterns and institutions on and practices bypractices by leding patterns financial financial Annexure 23 developed and institutions on institutions on submitted home loans home loans produced and produced and submitted submitted

79 Strategic Objective: To manage and provide overall Grants Management services, administer the Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act and promote investments for sustainable Human Settlements. Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Number of reports 2 report on Official1 report on 1 Quarterly report None None N/A Report on affordable Development Official on Official housing market Assistance (ODA) Development Development interventions Assistance Assistance (ODA) Annexure 24 (ODA) submitted

1 report on 1 report 1 Annual report on None None N/A Report Mortgage Default Mortgage Mortgage Default Insurance (MDI) Default Insurance (MDI) Insurance (MDI) developments Annexure submitted 254 4 reports on 1 report on A report on None None N/A Report Improved propertyImproved Improved Property market property market Market that include: 1. Outcome 8- Annexure 24 output 4 (Mortgage & non-mortgage, FLISP, MDI)

2. Affordable housing development opportunities with Nissan SA and on

80 Strategic Objective: To manage and provide overall Grants Management services, administer the Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act and promote investments for sustainable Human Settlements. Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Merriespruit 3 CRU Project were submitted.


Strategic Objective: To manage regulatory compliance services Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems)

Compliance on Approved Approved 2014/15 Annual Not Approved Approval Pending Follow up to Final draft of performance of Annual Annual Performance Plans speed-up Entities' APPs for Housing Entities Performance Performance of Entities approval 2014/15 managed Plans 2014/15 Plans 2014/15 Submitted for for Housing for Housing Approval ANNEXURE J Entities Entities

Compliance on Performance 2013/2014 third2013/2014 third None None None Third quarter performance of monitoring reportsquarter quarter Performance Housing Entities on Housing Performance Performance report managed Entities monitoring monitoring report on (financial and ( Financial and report on Housing Entities non-financial ) non financial) Housing ( Financial and non submitted to the Entities financial) completed ANNEXURE Department ( Financial and K non financial) Number of 4 compliance 1 compliance 1 compliance None None None A compliance compliance monitoring reportsmonitoring monitoring report on monitoring monitoring report on on the report on the the implementation report on the the implementation implementation of implementation of the rental implementatio of the rental the rental of the rental programmes (CRU n of

82 Strategic Objective: To manage regulatory compliance services Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems) programmes(CRU programmes programmes(C and Social the rental and Social Housing) (CRU and Social RU and Social Housing) developed programmes developed. Housing) Housing) (CRU and Social Housing) attached as

ANNEXURE L Number of reports Four reports on 1 report on the 1 report on the None None None A report on on the performance the performance performance of performance of the of Rental Housing of Rental Housing Rental HousingRental Housing performance Tribunal developed. Tribunal Tribunal Tribunal developed of Rental Housing Tribunal attached as

ANNEXURE M Number of reports Two reports on 1 report on the 1 report on the None None None Approved on the the implementation implementation of report on the implementation of implementation of of Human Human Settlements implementatio Human Settlements Human Settlements Legislations and n of Human Legislations and Settlements Legislations Regulations Settlements Regulations Legislations and and Legislations developed. Regulations Regulations and

83 Strategic Objective: To manage regulatory compliance services Performance Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Indicator Variance & non Response/ Annual Target Quarter 4 Actual Variance achievement Action Taken 2013/14 Target performance (Challenges/ Problems)




84 Strategic Objective: To manage the monitoring and evaluation of human settlements programmes Programme Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Annual Quarter 4 Actual Variance Variance & non Response/ Indicator Target Target performance achievement Action 2013/14 (Challenges/ Taken Problems) Report on Status report on Distribute Partially achieved Final draft of Final approval to Final approval Copy of implementation of the approved Final draft of MEIA publish awaited to be fast submission the revised M&E implementation revised M&E MEIA submitted submitted for tracked requesting final Framework for of the approved framework for approval to approval to approval for human settlements revised M & E for publish publish publishing programmes Framework implementati Annexure J on Number of monitoring 4 Quarterly 1 Quarterly Achieved None N/A N/A 1 Quarterly reports on Reports on Report on 1 Quarterly report on the performance of performance of performance Report on the performance of Human Settlements Human of Human performance of Human Programmes Settlements Settlements Human Settlements Programmes/ Programmes Settlements Projects projects projects Annexure K Number of monitoring Report on Submit final Achieved None N/A N/A Final draft reports on the Human draft for Final draft report report on Human Index Settlements approval on Human Human Index Settlements Index Settlements submitted for Index approval Annexure L Number of 4 Quarterly 1 Quarterly Achieved None N/A N/A 1 Quarterly monitoring reports reports on report on Report on the on performance of performance performanc 1 Quarterly performance Outcome 8 outputs of Outcome 8 e of report on of Outcome 8 outputs Outcome 8 performance of Annexure M outputs Outcome 8 submitted

85 Strategic Objective: To manage the monitoring and evaluation of human settlements programmes Programme Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Annual Quarter 4 Actual Variance Variance & non Response/ Indicator Target Target performance achievement Action 2013/14 (Challenges/ Taken Number of impact 1 impact First draft of Not achieved Milestones ServiceProblems) Level Milestones Signed assessment reports assessment impact deferred as Agreement deferred Service Level on Human reports on assessment Service Level a result of between Agreement Settlements prioratised report Agreement was delay in Department and Programmes Human only signed on signing of Service Provider Annexure N Settlements 27 March 2014 Service only signed on 27 Programmes Level March 2014 Agreement 1 Rapid First draft Not achieved Inception Service Level Service Level Signed appraisal Rapid report Agreement Agreement Service Level report on Appraisal Service Level approved signed by the signed by the Agreement prioratised Report Agreement by Steering Department on 27 Department Approved Human signed by the Committee March 2014 on 27 March inception Settlements Department on 2014 report and Programmes 27 March 2014 First draft of draft Literature literature Review report Inception report review Annexure O approved by report Steering submitted Committee by service provider First draft of literature review report submitted by service provider

86 Strategic Objective: To manage the monitoring and evaluation of human settlements programmes Programme Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Annual Quarter 4 Actual Variance Variance & non Response/ Indicator Target Target performance achievement Action 2013/14 (Challenges/ Taken Number of evaluation 4 Quarterly 1 Quarterly Achieved None Problems)N/A N/A 1 Quarterly reports on the reports on report on report on performance of performance of performance 1 Quarterly report performance of provinces(HSDG) provinces(HSD of provinces on performance provinces on and Metropolitan G);and on the of provinces on the HSDG) Municipalities(USDG) HSDG);and the HSDG) Annexure P on the Conditional Grants in terms of DORA 4 Quarterly 1 Quarterly Achieved None N/A N/A 1 Quarterly reports on report on 1 Quarterly report report on performance of performance on performance performance of Metropolitan of of Metropolitan Metropolitan Municipalities(U Metropolitan Municipalities on Municipalities SDG) Municipalitie the USDG on the USDG s on the Annexure Q USDG Number of reports on 4 reports on the 1 report p on Achieved None N/A N/A 1 report the implementation of implementation the on the data management, of data implementati 1 report implementation verification and management, on of data on the of data analysis processes verification and management implementation of management, analysis , verification data verification and processes and analysis management, analysis processes verification and processes analysis Annexure R processes Number of 1 Annual Final report Achieved None N/A N/A Final performance performance submitted to performance assessment reports assessment Final report assessment in terms of the report in terms submitted report in terms 87 Strategic Objective: To manage the monitoring and evaluation of human settlements programmes Programme Actual Performance Against Targets Reasons for Management Evidence Performance Annual Quarter 4 Actual Variance Variance & non Response/ Indicator Target Target performance achievement Action 2013/14 (Challenges/ Taken management of the Problems) of the performance management management assessment performance performance tool(MPAT) assessment assessment tool(MPAT) tool(MPAT) Annexure S



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