Readers Bulletin No 10 July 2015

Summer Greetings! As I write this bulletin I am continually reminded of the great privilege that I have been given in my role as your Warden. The privilege of meeting so many of our 300 Diocesan Readers on so many occasions e.g. Reader Taster evenings, Reader committee, conferences, Bishop Paul’s Lent study evenings, the Reader Summer Study evenings. It continues to be a time of much listening, sharing and learning.

Here is a quick update of my response to all that I have heard, shared, and continue to learn:

 2 Taster evenings completed, interviews held and 13 candidates have been selected for training. Praise God! We thank all in Lifelong Learning who work so hard on our behalf.

 Guidance for Incumbents and Readers published. Please do look at it, share it with your Incumbent and pass on any comments to your Reader Chaplain/Committee Representative. We need your feedback as to measure its usefulness!!!

 Improvements to the Reader page on the Diocesan website continue to be made!!!!

 Involvement in the development of Mental Health strategy for Clergy and licensed ministers which was approved by Core group 20th July.

 Constructive and developmental conversations at my meetings with our Bishops Paul and Richard. We are immensely grateful to the Bishops for their valued and active support to our ministry. Please uphold them in prayer for their ministry.

 An excellent Summer Study Event was held over 4 evenings. Many thanks to Rev Canon Rod Garner for his sterling work in producing such a challenging programme of speakers and to Parishall Resources who attended each Tuesday/Thursday evening. Attendances continue to grow at the popular conference venue in Widnes.

 15 Candidates for licensing 19th September this year! Praise God. Please do pray for them, their families and parishes. Please do come and support them at the service.

 Discussions with Rev Janice Hill Diocesan Missioner for the Local Missional Leader strategy (Please see Janice’s article at the end of this bulletin)

 Discussing the Diocesan ‘Fit for Mission’ and ‘Renew and Reform’ strategies at various forums. These have tremendous potential for major impact and opportunity for our Reader ministry. Praise God! We have His spirit to guide and strengthen us for the journey ahead. Readers Bulletin

What’s happening in 2011  Minority Ethnic Anglicans. Progress has been made on this issue since last year’s AGM and all ministry recruitment strategies will now seek to positively encourage applications from all sections of our communities.

AND NOW - Congratulations to Arthur Cooper, Stipendiary Reader All Saints Stoneycroft!

I am delighted to inform you that Arthur is to be ordained 27th September 3pm at All Saints Stoneycroft. This is wonderful news as we thank God for Arthur’s commitment to Reader Ministry and ask God for His blessing on him and his wife Kathleen as they prepare for this transition in their lives. Praise God!!!!

It is at this point that I ask each of us to remember those Readers who are no longer with us, and those Readers who are undergoing health treatment or recovery. Please pray for them and their families in their time of great need.

If you are taking a summer holiday do enjoy your time away. If you are remaining in your parish during the summer please do find personal time to spend with your loved ones too! May we all find refreshment and renewal with the warmth of the sun and the presence of God in our lives. Thank you for your continued prayers for me in my role as your servant in Christ,

Best wishes



19 th September 11.30am AGM/3pm Licencing Service (Celebrant Bishop Paul)

Speakers Rev Janice Hill on LMLs and Rev Stephen Gough, Spiritual Directors. Please do make every effort to be present on this day.

22 nd October Reader Taster Evening 7.30pm at St Luke’s Crosby

15 th November Bishop of Warrington’s Diocesan Reader Conference

9.30-4.00 pm at the Select Stadium Widnes. Guest Speaker and Celebrant will be the

Rt. Rev. Paul Bayes Bishop of Liverpool Readers Bulletin

What’s happening in 2011 Local Missional Leaders

Calling all Readers … could you be the next Local Missional Leader? New Local Missional Leader opportunities have been advertised in the Bulletin but we are keen to get the message out to Readers, who might feel called to exercise their Reader ministry as a Local Missional Leader. Revd. Janice Hill appointed as the new Diocesan Missioner from 1st April, part of her new role is to continue to develop the role of Local Missional Leader. When asked, what is a Local Missional Leader, Janice’s answer is clear… LOCAL – linked to a specific place or context, MISSIONAL- focussed on growth/outreach LEADER- called to lead Revd. Janice Hill is happy to talk to Readers who want to explore this opportunity. Local Missional Leaders, who are licensed as Readers, will have access to Reader training and will need to continue to meet the requirements of their Bishop’s licence. Hear more from Janice about this exciting opportunity at our AGM in September or for information now contact Janice [email protected] or tel St James House 0151 705 2148

OTHER USEFUL CONTACT DETAILS Spen Webster – Warden of Readers - [email protected]– 0151 424 1773 Wendy Pooley – Administrator – [email protected] - 0151 705 2149 Diocese of Liverpool website - Central Readers Council website -