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BOOKS 3-12


* The corresponding numbers in the index entries are entry numbers in the main section.

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1 Acemoglu, Daron Why Nations fail : the origins of power , prosperity, and poverty / by Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson.-- London: Profile Books, 2013. 529p. T1 Ac34

2 Agrawal, Pradeep Reviving growth in India / by Pradeep Agrawal.-- New Delhi: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2015. 401p. T1x54 Ag81r

3 Ahrens, Nathniel China's industrial policymaking procee / by Nathaniel Ahrens.-- Washington: CSIS, 2013. A report of the CSIS hills program on governance

4 Amartya Sen / Edited by Christopher W. Morris.-- New York: Cambridge, 2010. 224p. A99/Se55 M831a

5 Arora, Dolly Trends in centre- state relations / By. Dolly,Arora.-- New Delhi: Indian institute of public administration, 2014. 31p. B811x44 Ar67

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6 Bailey, Jonathan Great power strategy in Asia : empire, culture and trade , 1905-2005 / by Jonathan Bailey.-- London: Routledge, 2007. 312p. Dx5 B153

7 Banerji, Pranab An institutional study of district consumer forums in selected states / By. Pranab, Banerji.-- New Delhi: IIPA, 2014. 48p. T15x54 B223i

8 Bhanumurthy, N R and Sharma, Chandan Does weak rupee matter for India's manufacturing exports? / By. N R Bhanumurthy and Chandan Sharma.-- New Delhi: National Institute of public finance and policy, 2013. 39p. T39x54 B469d

10 Biological weapons : origin , control and challenges / edited by Pavitar prakash singh.-- New Delhi: Deep and Deep, 2006. 371p. N11 Si64b

11 Bonded labour and debt in the Indian Ocean world / edited by Gwyn Campbell and Alessando Stanziani.-- London: Pickering and chatto publishers, 2013. 240p. R153x54 C152

Page | 3 12 Bronson, P.O. and Merryman, Ashley Nurture shock : new thinking about children / BY P.O. Bronson and Ashley Merryman .-- New York: Twelve, 2009. 336p. Q43 B789

13 Chadah, Sapna Doctor- patient relationship care, consent and negligence / By. Sapna Chadah.-- New Delhi: Centre for consumer studies,IIPA, 2014. 97p. O11x54 C344d

14 Competing visions of India in world politics : India's rise beyond the West / edited by Kate Sullivan.-- London: Macmillan, 2015. 244p. Dx54 Su51

15 Corruption and human rights / edited by V. N. Viswanathan.- New Delhi: Allied, 2012. 206p. C41x54 V829

16 Dash, Bharatee, Bhushan and Mukherjee, Sacchidananda Does political competition influence human development? evidence from ndian states / By. Bharatee Bhushan Dash and Sacchidananda Mukherjee.-- New Delhi: National Institute of public finance policy, 2013. 34p. T1x54 D26d

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17 Dash, Manjusmita Winning strategies for a successful interview / by Manjusmita Dash.-- New Delhi: SSDN Publishers, 2015. 228p. K335 D26

18 Deacon, Bob Global social policy and governance / by Bob Deacon.-- Los Angeles: Sage, 2007. 223p. Q D34

19 District collectors : recollections and reflections / edited by Ramesh K. Arora and C.K. Sardana.-- New Delhi: Paragon International, 2015. 316p. B3x54 Ar67d

20 Does India think strategically? : institutions strategic culture and security policies / edited by Happymon Jacob. -- New Delhi: Manohar Pub., 2014. 354p. (Australia India institute foreign policy series 4). N1x54 J15d

21 Ethics : an anthology / edited by Madhumita Chattopadhyay and Tirthanath Bandyopadhyay.-- Kolkata: Jadhavpur University Press, 2015. 282p. AA7 C392

Page | 5 22 Fire in the heart firewood on the back ( writings on and himalayan crusader Sunder Lal Bahughuna) / edited by Tinzin Rigzin.-- Tehri: parvatiya, 1997. 204p. Y4x54 R448

23 Gallagher, Richard S. What to say to a porcupine : 20 humorous tales that get to the heart of great customer service / By Richard S. Gallagher.-- New Delhi: BPI India , 2012. 111p. T42 G135

24 Gibson, David A. The streetwise guide to being enterprising increase your career, business or social enterprise prospects by using the E-factor / by David A. Gibson.-- New Delhi : BPI India, 2012. 162p. R7 G357

25 Goleman, Daniel Primal leadership : realizing the power of emotional intelligence / by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis and Annie Mckee.-- Boston: Harvard Business Review Press, 2002. 306p. I51 G581p

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26 Gupta, L.C. Drought in Gujarat / by L.C. Gupta and Vinod K. Sharma.-- New Delhi: Indian Institute of Public Administration, 2001. 96p. Q39x5441 G959 (N)

27 Hardiman, David Missionaries and their medicine : a christian modernity for tribal India / by David Hardiman.-- Manchester: Manchester Univ. Press, 2014. 261p. AB2x54 H218

28 Jensen, Doug, McMullen, Tom and Stark , Mel The manager's guide to rewards : what you need to know to get the best for and from your employees / by Doug Jensen, Tom McMullen and Mel Stark.-- New Delhi: BPI India, 2012. 241p. I29 J453

29 Kamra, Sukeshi The Indian periodical press and the production of Nationalist rhetoric / by Sukeshi Kamra.-- New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2014. 236p. I548 K129

30 Kurki, Milja Causation in international relations : reclaiming causal analysis / by Milja Kurki.-- New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. 349p. D08 K965

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31 Leichtova, Magda Misunderstanding Russia : Russian foreign policy and the west / by Magda Leichtova.-- England: Ashgate, 2014. 168p. Dx47 L531

32 Lele, Ajay Bio-weapons : the genie in the bottle / by Ajay Lele.-- New Delhi: Lancer Publishers, 2004. 188p. N11 L538

33 Luke, Alexander K. Passport of Gujarat : hazardous journeys / by Alexander K Luke.-- New Delhi: Manas Publications, 2015. 380p. K12x54 L969

34 Mainstreaming environmental management in the health care sector:Implementation experience in india & Tool-kit for managers / By World Bank.-- Washington, D.C.: World Bank, 2012. 150p. contents: vol. 1& 2. O91x54 In8m

35 Malik ,Lokendra and Hassan,Anjum Asserting the human dignity: judgment of the Supreme Court of India on Transgenders / By Lokendra Malik and Anjum Hassan.-- New Delhi: Satyam Law International, 2015 150p. BA27x54 M295a

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36 Malik, Lokendra and Hasan, Anjum Selected reflections on indian constitutional law and governance / By Lokendra Malik and Anjum Hassan.-- New Delhi: Satyam Law International, 2015. 346

37 Misra , Suresh and Pathania, Mamta Empowering young consumers : role of consumer clubs / by Suresh Misra and Mamta Pathania.-- New Delhi: IIPA, 2013. 113P. T15x54 M691e

38 Niaz, Ilhan Understanding and addressing the administrative aspect of Pakistan's civil-military imbalance / by Ilhan Niaz.-- New Delhi: Manohar, 2015. 78p. (RCSS Policy studies 60). B5x547 N51

39 Pani, Prabhat Kumar Training and development / by Prabhat Kumar Pani.-- New Delhi: S.K. Book, 2015. 199p. K5 P193t

40 Pollock, Federick and Mulla, Dinshaw Fardunji The Indian Contract and Specific Relief Acts , 2 vols. / by Federick Pollock and Dinshaw Fardunji Mulla.--14th -- Gurgaon: LexisNexis, 2013. v.p.

Page | 9 2 vols set , Vol.1: The Indian Contract Act, 1872, section 1to67 , Vol.2 : The Indian Contract Act, 1872 section 68 to end the specific relief act, 1963 section 1to 44. L715x54 P765i

41 Pundit, Madhavi Comovement in business cycles and trade in intermediate goods / By. Madhavi, Pundit.-- New Delhi: National institute of public finance and policy, 2013. 24p. T2x54 P969c

42 Ratna , Anurag Coalition politics : a new turn to constitutional development of India / by Anurag Ratna.-- New Delhi: Uppal, 2015. 348p. F51x54 R189

43 Sen, Abhijit Including the excluded: the real challenge of Indian planning / by Abhijit Sen.-- New Delhi: Indian Institute of Public Administration, 2011. 55p. (The Mother Teresa centenary lecture). T19x54 Se55i

44 Sen, Tapas K. and Dash, Santosh K. Fiscal Imbalances and Indebtedness across Indian States: Recent Trends / By. Tapas K. Sen and Santosh K. Dash.-- New Delhi: National Institute of public finance and policy, 2013. 23p. L69x54 Se55

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45 Singh, Surinder Discovering Banda Bahadur / by Surinder Singh.-- New Delhi: Manohar Pub., 2010. 414p. A99 Si64/Si64

46 Sumner, Andy and Tribe, Michael International development studies : theories and methods in research and practice / by Andy Sumner and Michael Tribe.-- Los Angeles: Sage, 176p. T19084 Su66

47 Wilson, Meena Surie Developing tomorrow's leaders today : insights from corporate India / By Meena Surie Wilson.-- New Delhi: Wiley India, 2010. 189p. I51x54 W691

48 Yadav, Sushma Reservation and inclusive growth / by Sushma Yadav.-- New Delhi: Indian Institute of Public Administration, 2010. 62p. BA27x54 Y1


Acemoglu, Daron 1 Agrawal, Pradeep 2 Ahrens, Nathniel 3 Arora, Dolly 5 Arora, Ramesh K 19

Bailey, Jonathan 6 Banerji, Pranab 7 Bhanumurthy, N R and Sharma, Chandan 8 Bhowmik,indraneel 9 Bronson, P.O. and Merryman, Ashley 12

Campbell, Gwyn 11 Chadah, Sapna 13 Chattopadhyay, Madhumita and Bandyopadhyay, Tirthanath 21

Dash, Bharatee, Bhushan and Mukherjee, Sacchidananda 16 Dash, Manjusmita 17 Deacon, Bob 18

Gallagher, Richard S. 23 Gibson, David A. 24 Goleman, Daniel 25 Gupta, L.C. 26

Hardiman, David 27

Jacob, Happymon 20

Page | 12 Jensen, Doug, McMullen, Tom and Stark , Mel 28

Kamra, Sukeshi 29 Kurki, Milja 30

Leichtova, Magda 31 Lele, Ajay 32 Luke, Alexander K. 33

Malik ,Lokendra and Hassan,Anjum 35 Malik, Lokendra and Hasan, Anjum 36 Misra , Suresh and Pathania, Mamta 37 Morris, Christopher W. 4

Niaz, Ilhan 38

Pani, Prabhat Kumar 39 Pollock, Federick and Mulla, Dinshaw Fardunji 40 Pundit, Madhavi 41

Ratna , Anurag 42 Rigzin, Tinzin 22

Sen, Abhijit 43 Sen, Tapas K. and Dash, Santosh K. 44 Sharma, Vinod K. 26 Singh, Pavitar Prakash 10

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Singh, Surinder 45 Sullivan, Kate 14 Sumner, Andy and Tribe, Michael 46

Viswanathan, V. N. 15

Wilson, Meena Surie 47

Yadav, Sushma 48

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Amartya Sen : Edited by Christopher W. Morris 4 Asserting the human dignity: judgment of the Supreme Court of India on Transgenders : By Lokendra Malik and Anjum Hassan 35

Bio-weapons : the genie in the bottle : by Ajay Lele 32 Biological weapons : origin , control and challenges : edited by Pavitar prakash singh 10 Bonded labour and debt in the Indian Ocean world : edited by Gwyn Campbell and Alessando Stanziani 11

Causation in international relations : reclaiming causal analysis : by Milja Kurki 30 China's industrial policymaking procee : by Nathaniel Ahrens 3 Coalition politics : a new turn to constitutional development of India : by Anurag Ratna 42 Comovement in business cycles and trade in intermediate goods : By. Madhavi, Pundit 41 Competing visions of India in world politics : India's rise beyond the West : edited by Kate Sullivan 14 Corruption and human rights : edited by V. N. Viswanathan 15

Developing tomorrow's leaders today : insights

Page | 15 from corporate India : By Meena Surie Wilson 47 Discovering Banda Bahadur : by Surinder Singh 45 District collectors : recollections and reflections : edited by Ramesh K. Arora and C .K. Sardana 19 Doctor- patient relationship care, consent and negligence : By. Sapna Chadah 13 Does India think strategically? : institutions strategic culture and security policies : edited by Happymon Jacob 20 Does political competition influence human development? evidence from ndian states : By. Bharatee Bhushan Dash and Sacchidananda Mukherjee 16 Does weak rupee matter for India's manufacturing exports? : By. N R Bhanumurthy and Chandan Sharma ` 8 Drought in Gujarat : by L.C. Gupta and Vinod K. Sharma 26

Empowering young consumers : role of consumer clubs : by Suresh Misra and Mamta Pathania 37

Ethics : an anthology : edited by Madhumita Chattopadhyay and Tirthanath Bandyopadhyay 21

Fire in the heart firewood on the back ( writings on and himalayan crusader Sunder Lal Bahughuna) : edited by Tinzin Rigzin 22 Fiscal Imbalances and Indebtedness across Indian States: Recent Trends : By. Tapas K. Sen and Santosh K. Dash 44

Global social policy and governance : by Bob

Page | 16 Deacon 18 Great power strategy in Asia : empire, culture and trade , 1905-2005 : by Jonathan Bailey 6

Including the excluded: the real challenge of Indian planning : by Abhijit Sen 43 The Indian Contract and Specific Relief Acts , 2 vols. : by Federick Pollock and Dinshaw Fardunji Mulla 40 The Indian periodical press and the production of Nationalist rhetoric : by Sukeshi Kamra 29 An institutional study of district consumer forums in selected states : By. Pranab, Banerji 7 International development studies : theories and methods in research and practice : by Andy Sumner and Michael Tribe 46

Mainstreaming environmental management in the health care sector:Implementation experience in india & Tool-kit for managers : By World Bank 34 The manager's guide to rewards : what you need to know to get the best for and from your employees : by Doug Jensen, Tom McMullen and Mel Stark 28 MGNREGS in Tripura:A study on Efficiency & Equity : By indraneel bhowmik 9 Missionaries and their medicine : a christian modernity for tribal India : by David Hardiman 27 Misunderstanding Russia : Russian foreign policy and the west : by Magda Leichtova 31

Nurture shock : new thinking about children : BY P.O. Bronson and Ashley Merryman 12

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Passport of Gujarat : hazardous journeys : by Alexander K Luke 33 Primal leadership : realizing the power of emotional intelligence : by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis and Annie Mckee 25

Reservation and inclusive growth : by Sushma Yadav 48 Reviving growth in India : by Pradeep Agrawal 2

Selected reflections on indian constitutional law and governance : By Lokendra Malik and Anjum Hassan 36 The streetwise guide to being enterprising increase your career, business or social enterprise prospects by using the E-factor : by David A. Gibson 24

Training and development : by Prabhat Kumar Pani 39 Trends in centre- state relations : By. Dolly ,Arora 5

Understanding and addressing the administrative aspect of Pakistan's civil-military imbalance : by Ilhan Niaz 38

What to say to a porcupine : 20 humorous tales that get to the heart of great customer service : By Richard S. Gallagher 23

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Why Nations fail : the origins of power , prosperity, and poverty : by Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson 1 Winning strategies for a successful interview : by Manjusmita Dash 17


Advertising and children 37 Asia - Foreign relations 6

Bahuguna, Sunderlal, 1927 - 22 Bahuguna, Vimla, 1931 - 22 Banda Singha, Bahadara, 1670 -1716 45 Bhil (Indic people) -- Health and hygiene -- History -- 19th century 27 -- Health and hygiene -- History -- 20th century 27 -- Missions -- History -- 19th century 27 -- Missions -- History -- 20th century 27 Bilogical weapons 10,32 Biological warfare : Terrorism 10,32 Business ethics --India--Gujarat--Case studies 33

Career 24 Child consumers 37 Child development 12 Child psychology 12 Child rearing 12 children 37 Chipko movement -- India -- Uttar Khand Region 22

Page | 20 Coalition governments -- India 42 Community development -- India 19 Constitutional history -- India 42 Constitutional law -- India 5 Contracts -- India 40 Corruption -India 15 Customer relations -- Humor 23 Customer services -- Humor 23 -- Management -- Humor 23

Dalits -India 48 Delivery of Health Care -- India 13 Disasters - Gujarat - India 26 District administration 19 Domestic conflicts - Asia 6

Droughts - Gujarat - India 26 Droughts relief - Gujarat - India 26

Economic anthropology 1 Economic development

Page | 21 -- Research -- Evaluation 46 -- Research -- Methodology 46 -India 43 Economic history -- 1945- 1 Economic planning -India 43 Economics 4 -- Political aspects 1 Emotional Intelligence 25 Employees 28 -- Training of -- India 47 Employment -Tripura 9 Environmentalists -- India -- Biography 22 Ethics 21 Executive ability 25

Failed states 1 Federal government -- India 5,44 Finance, Public -- India 44

Governance 18 Government and the press -- India -- History -- 19th century 29 -- India -- History -- 20th century 29 Government business enterprises --Corrupt practices--India--Gujarat--Case studies 33 Government executives --India--Gujarat--Biography 33 Great Britain

Page | 22 -- Colonies -- Asia -- Administration 29 Gujarat (India) --Officials and employees--Biography 33

Health Care Reform -- India 13 Human right -India 15

India - Commercial policy 2 -- Foreign relations 20 -- Foreign relations -- 21st century -- Case studies 14 -- Military policy 20

-- Politics and government 42 -- Politics and government -- 21st century -- Case studies 14 -Economic policy 2,43 Industrial policy - India 2 Institutional economics 1 Intergovernmental fiscal relations -- India 44 Internal security - Asia 6 International relations - Philosophy 30 - Study and teaching 30 Interview 17

Leadership - Psychological aspects 25 -- India 47

Page | 23 Luke, Alexander K., 1948 ---Career in civil service 33

Management - Psychological aspects 25 Managers 28 marketing 37 Medicine -- Religious aspects -- Christianity 27 MGNREGS 9 Military planning -- India 20 Missions -- India -- History -- 19th century 27 -- India -- History -- 20th century 27 Missions, Medical -- India -- History -- 19th century 27 -- India -- History -- 20th century 27

Nationalism in the press -- India -- History -- 19th century 29 -- India -- History -- 20th century 29

Parenting 12 Patient Participation -- India 13 Peonage -- Indian Ocean Region -- Case studies 11 Physician -Patient Relations -- India 13 Political corruption -India 15 Press and politics -- India -- History -- 19th century 29 -- India -- History -- 20th century 29

Page | 24

Punjab (India) -- History -- 18th century 45

Reservations -Policy 48 Russia (Federation) -- Foreign relations 31 -- Foreign relations -- Western countries 31

Scheduled castes and scheduled tribes -India 48 Self management 24 Sen, Amartya, 1933 - 4 Sikhs -- India -- Punjab 45 Social enterprise 24 Social policy 18 Social sciences -- Philosophy 4 State governments -- India 5 Strategic culture -- India 20

Tax collection 19 Television advertising and children 37 Training : Economic development 39 Transgender people -- India -- Psychology 35 -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- India 35

Page | 25 Western countries -- Foreign relations -- Russia (Federation) 31 young consumers 37

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