<p>CONTENTS</p><p>SUBJECTS PAGE NO.</p><p>BOOKS 3-12</p><p>AUTHOR INDEX 13-15 TITLE INDEX 16-20 SUBJECT INDEX 21-26</p><p>* The corresponding numbers in the index entries are entry numbers in the main section.</p><p>Page | 1 </p><p>1 Acemoglu, Daron Why Nations fail : the origins of power , prosperity, and poverty / by Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson.-- London: Profile Books, 2013. 529p. T1 Ac34 </p><p>2 Agrawal, Pradeep Reviving growth in India / by Pradeep Agrawal.-- New Delhi: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2015. 401p. T1x54 Ag81r </p><p>3 Ahrens, Nathniel China's industrial policymaking procee / by Nathaniel Ahrens.-- Washington: CSIS, 2013. A report of the CSIS hills program on governance </p><p>4 Amartya Sen / Edited by Christopher W. Morris.-- New York: Cambridge, 2010. 224p. A99/Se55 M831a </p><p>5 Arora, Dolly Trends in centre- state relations / By. Dolly,Arora.-- New Delhi: Indian institute of public administration, 2014. 31p. B811x44 Ar67 </p><p>Page | 2 </p><p>6 Bailey, Jonathan Great power strategy in Asia : empire, culture and trade , 1905-2005 / by Jonathan Bailey.-- London: Routledge, 2007. 312p. Dx5 B153 </p><p>7 Banerji, Pranab An institutional study of district consumer forums in selected states / By. Pranab, Banerji.-- New Delhi: IIPA, 2014. 48p. T15x54 B223i </p><p>8 Bhanumurthy, N R and Sharma, Chandan Does weak rupee matter for India's manufacturing exports? / By. N R Bhanumurthy and Chandan Sharma.-- New Delhi: National Institute of public finance and policy, 2013. 39p. T39x54 B469d </p><p>10 Biological weapons : origin , control and challenges / edited by Pavitar prakash singh.-- New Delhi: Deep and Deep, 2006. 371p. N11 Si64b </p><p>11 Bonded labour and debt in the Indian Ocean world / edited by Gwyn Campbell and Alessando Stanziani.-- London: Pickering and chatto publishers, 2013. 240p. R153x54 C152 </p><p>Page | 3 12 Bronson, P.O. and Merryman, Ashley Nurture shock : new thinking about children / BY P.O. Bronson and Ashley Merryman .-- New York: Twelve, 2009. 336p. Q43 B789 </p><p>13 Chadah, Sapna Doctor- patient relationship care, consent and negligence / By. Sapna Chadah.-- New Delhi: Centre for consumer studies,IIPA, 2014. 97p. O11x54 C344d </p><p>14 Competing visions of India in world politics : India's rise beyond the West / edited by Kate Sullivan.-- London: Macmillan, 2015. 244p. Dx54 Su51 </p><p>15 Corruption and human rights / edited by V. N. Viswanathan.- New Delhi: Allied, 2012. 206p. C41x54 V829 </p><p>16 Dash, Bharatee, Bhushan and Mukherjee, Sacchidananda Does political competition influence human development? evidence from ndian states / By. Bharatee Bhushan Dash and Sacchidananda Mukherjee.-- New Delhi: National Institute of public finance policy, 2013. 34p. T1x54 D26d </p><p>Page | 4 </p><p>17 Dash, Manjusmita Winning strategies for a successful interview / by Manjusmita Dash.-- New Delhi: SSDN Publishers, 2015. 228p. K335 D26 </p><p>18 Deacon, Bob Global social policy and governance / by Bob Deacon.-- Los Angeles: Sage, 2007. 223p. Q D34 </p><p>19 District collectors : recollections and reflections / edited by Ramesh K. Arora and C.K. Sardana.-- New Delhi: Paragon International, 2015. 316p. B3x54 Ar67d </p><p>20 Does India think strategically? : institutions strategic culture and security policies / edited by Happymon Jacob. -- New Delhi: Manohar Pub., 2014. 354p. (Australia India institute foreign policy series 4). N1x54 J15d </p><p>21 Ethics : an anthology / edited by Madhumita Chattopadhyay and Tirthanath Bandyopadhyay.-- Kolkata: Jadhavpur University Press, 2015. 282p. AA7 C392 </p><p>Page | 5 22 Fire in the heart firewood on the back ( writings on and himalayan crusader Sunder Lal Bahughuna) / edited by Tinzin Rigzin.-- Tehri: parvatiya, 1997. 204p. Y4x54 R448 </p><p>23 Gallagher, Richard S. What to say to a porcupine : 20 humorous tales that get to the heart of great customer service / By Richard S. Gallagher.-- New Delhi: BPI India , 2012. 111p. T42 G135 </p><p>24 Gibson, David A. The streetwise guide to being enterprising increase your career, business or social enterprise prospects by using the E-factor / by David A. Gibson.-- New Delhi : BPI India, 2012. 162p. R7 G357 </p><p>25 Goleman, Daniel Primal leadership : realizing the power of emotional intelligence / by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis and Annie Mckee.-- Boston: Harvard Business Review Press, 2002. 306p. I51 G581p </p><p>Page | 6 </p><p>26 Gupta, L.C. Drought in Gujarat / by L.C. Gupta and Vinod K. Sharma.-- New Delhi: Indian Institute of Public Administration, 2001. 96p. Q39x5441 G959 (N) </p><p>27 Hardiman, David Missionaries and their medicine : a christian modernity for tribal India / by David Hardiman.-- Manchester: Manchester Univ. Press, 2014. 261p. AB2x54 H218 </p><p>28 Jensen, Doug, McMullen, Tom and Stark , Mel The manager's guide to rewards : what you need to know to get the best for and from your employees / by Doug Jensen, Tom McMullen and Mel Stark.-- New Delhi: BPI India, 2012. 241p. I29 J453 </p><p>29 Kamra, Sukeshi The Indian periodical press and the production of Nationalist rhetoric / by Sukeshi Kamra.-- New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2014. 236p. I548 K129 </p><p>30 Kurki, Milja Causation in international relations : reclaiming causal analysis / by Milja Kurki.-- New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. 349p. D08 K965 </p><p>Page | 7 </p><p>31 Leichtova, Magda Misunderstanding Russia : Russian foreign policy and the west / by Magda Leichtova.-- England: Ashgate, 2014. 168p. Dx47 L531 </p><p>32 Lele, Ajay Bio-weapons : the genie in the bottle / by Ajay Lele.-- New Delhi: Lancer Publishers, 2004. 188p. N11 L538 </p><p>33 Luke, Alexander K. Passport of Gujarat : hazardous journeys / by Alexander K Luke.-- New Delhi: Manas Publications, 2015. 380p. K12x54 L969 </p><p>34 Mainstreaming environmental management in the health care sector:Implementation experience in india & Tool-kit for managers / By World Bank.-- Washington, D.C.: World Bank, 2012. 150p. contents: vol. 1& 2. O91x54 In8m </p><p>35 Malik ,Lokendra and Hassan,Anjum Asserting the human dignity: judgment of the Supreme Court of India on Transgenders / By Lokendra Malik and Anjum Hassan.-- New Delhi: Satyam Law International, 2015 150p. BA27x54 M295a </p><p>Page | 8 </p><p>36 Malik, Lokendra and Hasan, Anjum Selected reflections on indian constitutional law and governance / By Lokendra Malik and Anjum Hassan.-- New Delhi: Satyam Law International, 2015. 346 </p><p>37 Misra , Suresh and Pathania, Mamta Empowering young consumers : role of consumer clubs / by Suresh Misra and Mamta Pathania.-- New Delhi: IIPA, 2013. 113P. T15x54 M691e </p><p>38 Niaz, Ilhan Understanding and addressing the administrative aspect of Pakistan's civil-military imbalance / by Ilhan Niaz.-- New Delhi: Manohar, 2015. 78p. (RCSS Policy studies 60). B5x547 N51 </p><p>39 Pani, Prabhat Kumar Training and development / by Prabhat Kumar Pani.-- New Delhi: S.K. Book, 2015. 199p. K5 P193t </p><p>40 Pollock, Federick and Mulla, Dinshaw Fardunji The Indian Contract and Specific Relief Acts , 2 vols. / by Federick Pollock and Dinshaw Fardunji Mulla.--14th -- Gurgaon: LexisNexis, 2013. v.p. </p><p>Page | 9 2 vols set , Vol.1: The Indian Contract Act, 1872, section 1to67 , Vol.2 : The Indian Contract Act, 1872 section 68 to end the specific relief act, 1963 section 1to 44. L715x54 P765i </p><p>41 Pundit, Madhavi Comovement in business cycles and trade in intermediate goods / By. Madhavi, Pundit.-- New Delhi: National institute of public finance and policy, 2013. 24p. T2x54 P969c </p><p>42 Ratna , Anurag Coalition politics : a new turn to constitutional development of India / by Anurag Ratna.-- New Delhi: Uppal, 2015. 348p. F51x54 R189 </p><p>43 Sen, Abhijit Including the excluded: the real challenge of Indian planning / by Abhijit Sen.-- New Delhi: Indian Institute of Public Administration, 2011. 55p. (The Mother Teresa centenary lecture). T19x54 Se55i </p><p>44 Sen, Tapas K. and Dash, Santosh K. Fiscal Imbalances and Indebtedness across Indian States: Recent Trends / By. Tapas K. Sen and Santosh K. Dash.-- New Delhi: National Institute of public finance and policy, 2013. 23p. L69x54 Se55 </p><p>Page | 10 </p><p>45 Singh, Surinder Discovering Banda Bahadur / by Surinder Singh.-- New Delhi: Manohar Pub., 2010. 414p. A99 Si64/Si64 </p><p>46 Sumner, Andy and Tribe, Michael International development studies : theories and methods in research and practice / by Andy Sumner and Michael Tribe.-- Los Angeles: Sage, 176p. T19084 Su66 </p><p>47 Wilson, Meena Surie Developing tomorrow's leaders today : insights from corporate India / By Meena Surie Wilson.-- New Delhi: Wiley India, 2010. 189p. I51x54 W691 </p><p>48 Yadav, Sushma Reservation and inclusive growth / by Sushma Yadav.-- New Delhi: Indian Institute of Public Administration, 2010. 62p. BA27x54 Y1 </p><p>Page | 11 AUTHOR INDEX</p><p>Acemoglu, Daron 1 Agrawal, Pradeep 2 Ahrens, Nathniel 3 Arora, Dolly 5 Arora, Ramesh K 19 </p><p>Bailey, Jonathan 6 Banerji, Pranab 7 Bhanumurthy, N R and Sharma, Chandan 8 Bhowmik,indraneel 9 Bronson, P.O. and Merryman, Ashley 12 </p><p>Campbell, Gwyn 11 Chadah, Sapna 13 Chattopadhyay, Madhumita and Bandyopadhyay, Tirthanath 21 </p><p>Dash, Bharatee, Bhushan and Mukherjee, Sacchidananda 16 Dash, Manjusmita 17 Deacon, Bob 18 </p><p>Gallagher, Richard S. 23 Gibson, David A. 24 Goleman, Daniel 25 Gupta, L.C. 26 </p><p>Hardiman, David 27 </p><p>Jacob, Happymon 20 </p><p>Page | 12 Jensen, Doug, McMullen, Tom and Stark , Mel 28 </p><p>Kamra, Sukeshi 29 Kurki, Milja 30 </p><p>Leichtova, Magda 31 Lele, Ajay 32 Luke, Alexander K. 33 </p><p>Malik ,Lokendra and Hassan,Anjum 35 Malik, Lokendra and Hasan, Anjum 36 Misra , Suresh and Pathania, Mamta 37 Morris, Christopher W. 4 </p><p>Niaz, Ilhan 38</p><p>Pani, Prabhat Kumar 39 Pollock, Federick and Mulla, Dinshaw Fardunji 40 Pundit, Madhavi 41 </p><p>Ratna , Anurag 42 Rigzin, Tinzin 22 </p><p>Sen, Abhijit 43 Sen, Tapas K. and Dash, Santosh K. 44 Sharma, Vinod K. 26 Singh, Pavitar Prakash 10 </p><p>Page | 13 </p><p>Singh, Surinder 45 Sullivan, Kate 14 Sumner, Andy and Tribe, Michael 46 </p><p>Viswanathan, V. N. 15 </p><p>Wilson, Meena Surie 47 </p><p>Yadav, Sushma 48 </p><p>Page | 14 </p><p>TITLE INDEX</p><p>Amartya Sen : Edited by Christopher W. Morris 4 Asserting the human dignity: judgment of the Supreme Court of India on Transgenders : By Lokendra Malik and Anjum Hassan 35 </p><p>Bio-weapons : the genie in the bottle : by Ajay Lele 32 Biological weapons : origin , control and challenges : edited by Pavitar prakash singh 10 Bonded labour and debt in the Indian Ocean world : edited by Gwyn Campbell and Alessando Stanziani 11 </p><p>Causation in international relations : reclaiming causal analysis : by Milja Kurki 30 China's industrial policymaking procee : by Nathaniel Ahrens 3 Coalition politics : a new turn to constitutional development of India : by Anurag Ratna 42 Comovement in business cycles and trade in intermediate goods : By. Madhavi, Pundit 41 Competing visions of India in world politics : India's rise beyond the West : edited by Kate Sullivan 14 Corruption and human rights : edited by V. N. Viswanathan 15 </p><p>Developing tomorrow's leaders today : insights </p><p>Page | 15 from corporate India : By Meena Surie Wilson 47 Discovering Banda Bahadur : by Surinder Singh 45 District collectors : recollections and reflections : edited by Ramesh K. Arora and C .K. Sardana 19 Doctor- patient relationship care, consent and negligence : By. Sapna Chadah 13 Does India think strategically? : institutions strategic culture and security policies : edited by Happymon Jacob 20 Does political competition influence human development? evidence from ndian states : By. Bharatee Bhushan Dash and Sacchidananda Mukherjee 16 Does weak rupee matter for India's manufacturing exports? : By. N R Bhanumurthy and Chandan Sharma ` 8 Drought in Gujarat : by L.C. Gupta and Vinod K. Sharma 26 </p><p>Empowering young consumers : role of consumer clubs : by Suresh Misra and Mamta Pathania 37 </p><p>Ethics : an anthology : edited by Madhumita Chattopadhyay and Tirthanath Bandyopadhyay 21 </p><p>Fire in the heart firewood on the back ( writings on and himalayan crusader Sunder Lal Bahughuna) : edited by Tinzin Rigzin 22 Fiscal Imbalances and Indebtedness across Indian States: Recent Trends : By. Tapas K. Sen and Santosh K. Dash 44 </p><p>Global social policy and governance : by Bob </p><p>Page | 16 Deacon 18 Great power strategy in Asia : empire, culture and trade , 1905-2005 : by Jonathan Bailey 6 </p><p>Including the excluded: the real challenge of Indian planning : by Abhijit Sen 43 The Indian Contract and Specific Relief Acts , 2 vols. : by Federick Pollock and Dinshaw Fardunji Mulla 40 The Indian periodical press and the production of Nationalist rhetoric : by Sukeshi Kamra 29 An institutional study of district consumer forums in selected states : By. Pranab, Banerji 7 International development studies : theories and methods in research and practice : by Andy Sumner and Michael Tribe 46 </p><p>Mainstreaming environmental management in the health care sector:Implementation experience in india & Tool-kit for managers : By World Bank 34 The manager's guide to rewards : what you need to know to get the best for and from your employees : by Doug Jensen, Tom McMullen and Mel Stark 28 MGNREGS in Tripura:A study on Efficiency & Equity : By indraneel bhowmik 9 Missionaries and their medicine : a christian modernity for tribal India : by David Hardiman 27 Misunderstanding Russia : Russian foreign policy and the west : by Magda Leichtova 31 </p><p>Nurture shock : new thinking about children : BY P.O. Bronson and Ashley Merryman 12 </p><p>Page | 17 </p><p>Passport of Gujarat : hazardous journeys : by Alexander K Luke 33 Primal leadership : realizing the power of emotional intelligence : by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis and Annie Mckee 25 </p><p>Reservation and inclusive growth : by Sushma Yadav 48 Reviving growth in India : by Pradeep Agrawal 2 </p><p>Selected reflections on indian constitutional law and governance : By Lokendra Malik and Anjum Hassan 36 The streetwise guide to being enterprising increase your career, business or social enterprise prospects by using the E-factor : by David A. Gibson 24 </p><p>Training and development : by Prabhat Kumar Pani 39 Trends in centre- state relations : By. Dolly ,Arora 5 </p><p>Understanding and addressing the administrative aspect of Pakistan's civil-military imbalance : by Ilhan Niaz 38 </p><p>What to say to a porcupine : 20 humorous tales that get to the heart of great customer service : By Richard S. Gallagher 23 </p><p>Page | 18 </p><p>Why Nations fail : the origins of power , prosperity, and poverty : by Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson 1 Winning strategies for a successful interview : by Manjusmita Dash 17 </p><p>Page | 19 SUBJECT/KEYWORD INDEX</p><p>Advertising and children 37 Asia - Foreign relations 6 </p><p>Bahuguna, Sunderlal, 1927 - 22 Bahuguna, Vimla, 1931 - 22 Banda Singha, Bahadara, 1670 -1716 45 Bhil (Indic people) -- Health and hygiene -- History -- 19th century 27 -- Health and hygiene -- History -- 20th century 27 -- Missions -- History -- 19th century 27 -- Missions -- History -- 20th century 27 Bilogical weapons 10,32 Biological warfare : Terrorism 10,32 Business ethics --India--Gujarat--Case studies 33 </p><p>Career 24 Child consumers 37 Child development 12 Child psychology 12 Child rearing 12 children 37 Chipko movement -- India -- Uttar Khand Region 22 </p><p>Page | 20 Coalition governments -- India 42 Community development -- India 19 Constitutional history -- India 42 Constitutional law -- India 5 Contracts -- India 40 Corruption -India 15 Customer relations -- Humor 23 Customer services -- Humor 23 -- Management -- Humor 23 </p><p>Dalits -India 48 Delivery of Health Care -- India 13 Disasters - Gujarat - India 26 District administration 19 Domestic conflicts - Asia 6 </p><p>Droughts - Gujarat - India 26 Droughts relief - Gujarat - India 26 </p><p>Economic anthropology 1 Economic development </p><p>Page | 21 -- Research -- Evaluation 46 -- Research -- Methodology 46 -India 43 Economic history -- 1945- 1 Economic planning -India 43 Economics 4 -- Political aspects 1 Emotional Intelligence 25 Employees 28 -- Training of -- India 47 Employment -Tripura 9 Environmentalists -- India -- Biography 22 Ethics 21 Executive ability 25 </p><p>Failed states 1 Federal government -- India 5,44 Finance, Public -- India 44 </p><p>Governance 18 Government and the press -- India -- History -- 19th century 29 -- India -- History -- 20th century 29 Government business enterprises --Corrupt practices--India--Gujarat--Case studies 33 Government executives --India--Gujarat--Biography 33 Great Britain </p><p>Page | 22 -- Colonies -- Asia -- Administration 29 Gujarat (India) --Officials and employees--Biography 33 </p><p>Health Care Reform -- India 13 Human right -India 15 </p><p>India - Commercial policy 2 -- Foreign relations 20 -- Foreign relations -- 21st century -- Case studies 14 -- Military policy 20 </p><p>-- Politics and government 42 -- Politics and government -- 21st century -- Case studies 14 -Economic policy 2,43 Industrial policy - India 2 Institutional economics 1 Intergovernmental fiscal relations -- India 44 Internal security - Asia 6 International relations - Philosophy 30 - Study and teaching 30 Interview 17 </p><p>Leadership - Psychological aspects 25 -- India 47 </p><p>Page | 23 Luke, Alexander K., 1948 ---Career in civil service 33 </p><p>Management - Psychological aspects 25 Managers 28 marketing 37 Medicine -- Religious aspects -- Christianity 27 MGNREGS 9 Military planning -- India 20 Missions -- India -- History -- 19th century 27 -- India -- History -- 20th century 27 Missions, Medical -- India -- History -- 19th century 27 -- India -- History -- 20th century 27 </p><p>Nationalism in the press -- India -- History -- 19th century 29 -- India -- History -- 20th century 29 </p><p>Parenting 12 Patient Participation -- India 13 Peonage -- Indian Ocean Region -- Case studies 11 Physician -Patient Relations -- India 13 Political corruption -India 15 Press and politics -- India -- History -- 19th century 29 -- India -- History -- 20th century 29 </p><p>Page | 24 </p><p>Punjab (India) -- History -- 18th century 45 </p><p>Reservations -Policy 48 Russia (Federation) -- Foreign relations 31 -- Foreign relations -- Western countries 31 </p><p>Scheduled castes and scheduled tribes -India 48 Self management 24 Sen, Amartya, 1933 - 4 Sikhs -- India -- Punjab 45 Social enterprise 24 Social policy 18 Social sciences -- Philosophy 4 State governments -- India 5 Strategic culture -- India 20 </p><p>Tax collection 19 Television advertising and children 37 Training : Economic development 39 Transgender people -- India -- Psychology 35 -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- India 35 </p><p>Page | 25 Western countries -- Foreign relations -- Russia (Federation) 31 young consumers 37 </p><p>Page | 26 </p>
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