G700 Vs. G350 Comparison Application Note - Issue 1.0

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G700 Vs. G350 Comparison Application Note - Issue 1.0

G700 vs. G350 Comparison Application Note - Issue 1.0


With the introduction of the new Avaya G350 Media Gateway with Avaya Communication Manager Release 2.0, it is necessary for us to clearly understand the architectural differences as well as the command-line interface differences between the G700 Media Gateway and the G350 Media Gateway. This application note is intended to address this issue to allow a smooth implementation of the G350.

Shenoy; Revier; Converged Solution Support Team Application Notes 1 of 19 Reviewed: ©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. G700vsG350AppNote.doc 1/9/2018 Table of Contents

1. Introduction...... 3 2. G350 Media Gateway...... 3 3. Targeted Audience...... 3 4. Acronyms...... 3 5. Equipment & Software Validated...... 4 6. Versions of this document...... 4 7. Key architectural differences between a G700 & G350 Media Gateway...... 4 8. Overview of configuring a G700 vs. G350 Media Gateway...... 7 9. Registering the Gateway to the Call Server...... 12 10. Conclusion...... 13 11. Acknowledgements...... 13 12. Appendix A: High-level Block Diagram of the G700...... 14 13. Appendix B: High-level Block Diagram of the G350...... 15 14. Appendix C: Factory Default “running” configuration...... 16 15. Appendix D : Basic “running” configuration with PMI configured...... 17 16. Index...... 18

Shenoy; Revier; Converged Solution Support Team Application Notes 2 of 19 Reviewed: ©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. G700vsG350AppNote.doc 1/9/2018 1. Introduction With the introduction of the new Avaya G350 Media Gateway with Avaya Communication Manager Release 2.0, it is necessary for us to clearly understand the architectural differences as well as the command-line interface differences between the G700 Media Gateway and the G350 Media Gateway. This application note is intended to address this issue to allow a smooth implementation of the G350. This document contains the following key information:

 Highlights of the key architectural differences between the G700 and the G350

 Highlights of the differences in the set of commands used to configure a G350 vs. a G700

 High-level block diagrams of the G700 and the G350

 A copy of the “factory default” configuration from a G350

 A copy of the “basic running configuration” with the Primary Management Interface (PMI) configured for a G350 This document is not intended to replace the installation or operating documents for the G350 Media Gateway or any other equipment. 2. G350 Media Gateway The G350 Media Gateway is a unified media-gateway, LAN with power-over-Ethernet switching, and WAN access solution for small branch-offices. The G350 offers seamless integration with Communication Manager. The G350 is 19-inch rack mountable, is 3u (133.3mm) high and can fit into a 480mm deep wiring closet. The G350 can be used in a stand-alone configuration, as a media gateway or as a survivable media gateway. A picture of the basic G350 Media Gateway is shown below:

G 3 5 0

V6 A V

V2 V5 A

R e mo v e p an e l b e fore in s erti n g o r re mo vi n g S 8 30 0 f ro m s l ot V 1 Y V4 A V1


MD ALM RST A SB TST A LM V7 C PU ACT PWR i n t erfa ce i nte rf a ce i n t erfa c e 1 2 3 c o nta ct -c l os u re p o rt 0 / 2 f as tE the rn et 0 /1 c o ns o l e 0/ 1 us b 0/ 1

3. Targeted Audience The targeted audience for this document is Tier 4, Tier 3, Tier 2, System Technicians, Business Partners and Software Specialists. 4. Acronyms Acronym Meaning CLI command-line interface CPU central processing unit DCP digital communication protocol

Shenoy; Revier; Converged Solution Support Team Application Notes 3 of 19 Reviewed: ©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. G700vsG350AppNote.doc 1/9/2018 Acronym Meaning FTP file transfer protocol FX0 foreign-exchange office FXS foreign-exchange station FW firmware ICC internal call controller LSP local survivable processor MGC media gateway controller MGP media gateway processor MM media module OSPF open shortest path first PMI Primary Management Interface PoE power over ethernet PPP point-to-point protocol RIP routing information protocol SNMP simple network management protocol TFTP trivial file transfer protocol USB universal serial bus VLAN virtual local area network VoIP voice over IP processor WAN wide-area network

5. Equipment and Software Validated The following equipment and software are used for the sample configuration provided in this document:

Equipment Software Avaya S8300 Media Server Communicatio n Manager 2.0 load 218.2 Avaya G350 Media Gateway V21.16.1 Avaya G700 Media Gateway V21.14 DCP MM712 HW 3 FW 5 DCP MM312 HW 1 FW 1 E1T1 MM710 HW2 FW8 Analog (on-board) Slot V7 HW 0 FW 55

6. Versions of this document Version Description of Changes 1.0 Initial document

7. Key architectural differences between a G700 Media Gateway and a G350 Media Gateway The following are key differences between the G700 Media Gateway and the G350 Media Gateway:

Shenoy; Revier; Converged Solution Support Team Application Notes 4 of 19 Reviewed: ©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. G700vsG350AppNote.doc 1/9/2018  The G350 CANNOT be installed in a stack configuration.

 The effect of most commands in the G350 can be reversed (to default) by using the “no” prefix (Example: ip address has the corresponding negated command no ip address which will set the IP address of the particular interface to the factory defaults).

 With the G350, there is the concept of an “interface” or a “context”. Commands are typically executed within an interface or a context. The CLI prompt for the G350 changes based on the context or interface you are in. By default, you are in a “global” context (i.e., when you first login). Example contexts: interface Console, interface loopback, interface VLAN, Controller, Router OSPF, Router RIP, etc.

 The Primary Management Interface (PMI) is associated with the first VLAN established by entering the VLAN context i.e., “interface vlan 1”. The PMI is the IP address used by G350 as a source address for sending packets and as its media-gateway address. The PMI is automatically set to the first defined IP interface. Being a router, the G350 can have many IP interfaces with different addresses. The PMI can be moved to any valid VLAN configured within the G350.

 The G350 includes a serial (console) port as well as a USB port. In its initial, the G350 will be modem accessible by using a MultiTech serial modem plugged into the console (serial) port. In a future release of the G350 firmware, the USB port on the G350 will be activated, and, a USB modem could be (preferably) used to access the G350. The modem of choice in the future release will be a MultiTech USB modem over a MultiTech serial Modem. Note that neither a serial nor a USB modem access is provided directly to the G700 Media Gateway.

 The G350 involves a concept of a “startup” configuration as well as a “running” configuration. To save any changes you make in a session, run the command copy running- config startup-config commonly abbreviated as copy run start in the global context as shown below. NOTE: If you do not run the copy run start command, all the changes you made to an interface will be lost following a G350 reset or power failure!!

 VoIP resources available on the G350 motherboard are restricted to 32 G.711 resources or 16 G.729 resources. If media encryption is being used, the VoIP resources are reduced to 24 G.711 and 12 G.729 resources respectively. The VoIP processor on the G350 does not need a separate firmware image – the G350 firmware image itself includes the VoIP processor firmware. Also, note that the MM760 media module CANNOT be used or provisioned as an external VoIP resource to be used in the G350.

 The G350 has only one CLI vs. the G700 that has at least the following CLIs: P330 or Cajun CLI, G700 (a.k.a MGP) CLI, and the VoIP Processor CLI that is primarily used for debugging purposes only.

 For the basic configuration of a G700 vs. a G350, the minimum number of IP addresses needed is three for the G700 and only one for the G350 PMI.

 The G700 has an optional X330 WAN module available that provides PPP or Frame Relay connections to a remote location. In contrast, the G350 has native routing capability and also provides 2 new media modules that provide that functionality. Note: This document does not cover WAN port configuration for the G350.

 The G350 has Analog FXO and FXS ports that are integrated into the G350 chassis to provide Emergency Transfer in power failure conditions, and, when the G350 is not registered to a call controller (LSP or Main controller). These ports are located in the bottom left of the front panel of the G350 chassis and are together labeled as V7. Note: This V7 analog media module is comprised of 3 ports. Port 1 is the FXO trunk port and port 2 and 3 are the FXS station ports. V7 requires firmware upgrades similar to the other analog media modules

Shenoy; Revier; Converged Solution Support Team Application Notes 5 of 19 Reviewed: ©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. G700vsG350AppNote.doc 1/9/2018 (but uses a different firmware file from Analog Media Module - MM711). As you can see in the show mg list_config output below, the V7 slot on this particular G350 is running FW vintage 55.

 On a basic G350 (i.e., without any other media modules installed), you need at least three firmware files to upgrade the G350: o The g350_sw_XX_YY_0.bin applies to the VoIP processor, P330 equivalent component, X330 WAN equivalent component and the MGP/G700 equivalent component of the G350. (The mgp_XX_YY_ZZ_ZZ.bin file only applies to the G700, and not used for the G350.) o For the Analog FXS, FXO ports (i.e., module V7) you need the mmanalogvXX.fdl firmware. o The g350_emweb_XX_Y_ZZ.bin applies to the device manager on the G350.

(Note: “XX”, “YY”, “ZZ” above are random strings representing the numbers for a current firmware version. The same strings that are used for representation across these firmware files should not imply that these files have the same numbers)

 The G350 brings to market two new types of high-density media modules: 24-port PoE and 24-port DCP.

 The following shows the differences in the output of the “show mg list-config” between a G350 and a G700:

MG-002-1(super)# show mg list_config G700: The G700 SLOT TYPE CODE SUFFIX HW VINTAGE FW VINTAGE VOIP FW configuration shown ------has no media v0 G700 DAF1 A 00 20.16.0(A) 18 modules installed. v1 ICC S8300 A 3 6 N/A v2 -- Not Installed -- v3 -- Not Installed -- v4 -- Not Installed -- G350-004(super)# show mg list_config G350: The G350 SLOT TYPE CODE SUFFIX HW VINTAGE FW VINTAGE configuration shown ------has 3 media modules ------installed: an MM710 v0 G350 PC1053 B 0 21.16.1(B) E1T1(v2), MM712 v1 ICC S8300 A 0 6 DCP(v5) and a HDMM v2 -- Not Installed -- MM312 DCP(v6) plus v3 E1T1 MM710 A 2 8 the V7 integrated v4 -- Not Installed -- analog FXO/FXS v5 DCP MM712 A 3 5 ports. v6 DCP MM312 A 1 1 v7 Analog (on-board) A 0 55

Shenoy; Revier; Converged Solution Support Team Application Notes 6 of 19 Reviewed: ©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. G700vsG350AppNote.doc 1/9/2018 8. Overview of configuring a G700 Media Gateway vs. a G350 Media Gateway Shading indicates not applicable

to the G350. Note: Always use the Arrow keys on your keyboard to invoke the previous commands executed on your G700/G350 Media Gateway CLI. Steps G700/MGP G350 Comments Login: root Login: root 1 Password: root Password: root Type P330-1(super)# nvram init Type G350-???(super)# nvram init G350 : A copy of the factory This will restore the G700 This will restore the G700 settings default configuration is settings to factory default to factory default settings. Note: provided for reference in 2 settings. With the G350, you have the Appendix C of this document. option of using the “erase startup- config” command. Type in the following commands Type in the following commands G350 : *** By default the first at the prompt: at the prompt: assigned IP address becomes G350-???(super)# interface vlan 1 the Primary Management P330-1(super)# configure G350-???(super-if:Vlan 1)# ip Interface (PMI). The G350 P330-1(configure)# set interface address mask> 3 G700: The configure command is a commonly omitted CLI command error for G700 (as per usability test results of Communication Manager 1.3 installations). P330-1(configure)# reset Not Applicable 4 Select Yes Not Applicable G350-???(super-if:Vlan 1)# exit G700: There is no concept of 5 This will exit from the VLAN context in G700. context.

Not Applicable G350-???(super)# copy running- G350: copy run start is one config startup-config of the most important G350-???(super)# reset commands and should to be used regularly during 6 configuration of the G350. Any configuration changes that you make will not be saved until you enter this command.

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to the G350. Note: Always use the Arrow keys on your keyboard to invoke the previous commands executed on your G700/G350 Media Gateway CLI. Steps G700/MGP G350 Comments Once the G700 reboot has Once the G350 reboot has completed, log back in. Type in completed, log back in. (By 7 the following commands at the default you are in “global” mode.) prompt: P330-1(super)# configure P330-1(configure)# show G350-???(super)# show interface G350: This command will interface display which interface has been assigned as the PMI in the output and various 8 protocol statistics. Alternatively, there is a show PMI command to show the PMI’s configured IP address. P330-1(configure)# set ip route G350-???(super)# ip default- 9 gateway P330-1(configure)# show ip G350-???(super)# show ip route 10 route 11 P330-1(configure)# session mgp Not Applicable MG-???-n (super)# configure Not Applicable 12 MG-???-n (configure)# MG-???-n (configure)# set Not Applicable G350: There is only one CPU interface mgp only one management interface or PMI. MG-???-n (configure)# reset mgp Not Applicable 14 Select Yes Once the MGP reboot has Not Applicable 15 completed log back in. P330-1(configure)# session mgp MG-???-n (super)# configure Not Applicable G700: show interface mgp MG-???-n (configure)# show will only show the IP address 16 interface [[mgp][voip]] of the MGP. show interface voip shows the IP address of the VoIP processor. MG-???-n (configure)# set ip Not Applicable 17 route MG-???-n (configure)# show ip Not Applicable 18 route mgp

19 MG-???-n (configure)# set Not Applicable G350: For the G350, VoIP interface voip automatically set to PMI IP

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to the G350. Note: Always use the Arrow keys on your keyboard to invoke the previous commands executed on your G700/G350 Media Gateway CLI. Steps G700/MGP G350 Comments address; there is no separate IP address needed for the VoIP in the G350. MG-???-n (configure)# show voip Not Applicable 20 MG-???-n (configure)# set mgc list G350-???(super)# set mgc list , controller> , …

MG-???-n (configure)# show mgc G350-???(super)# show mgc list 22 list MG-???-n (configure)# set snmp G350-???(super)# set snmp trap G350: Does not require 23 trap 'enable' as an argument for S8700> enable adding a NEW entry. MG-???-n (configure)# show snmp G350-???(super)# show snmp 24 MG-???-n (configure)# set mgp G350-???(super)# set icc- G350: The G350 version of icc-monitoring enable monitoring the command does not have 25 the “mgp” or “enable” keywords. Not Applicable G350-???(super)# copy running- 26 config startup-config

MG-???-n (configure)# show mgp G350-???(super)# show boot bank G700 & G350 : Identifies the bootimage current software bank from 27 which the gateway has booted. 28 MG-???-n (configure)# copy tftp G350-???(super)# copy tftp G700/G350: The copy mgp-image a non-blocking! Once you address> G350-???(super)# copy ftp execute the command, you SW_imageA prompt immediately, while the command is executing in the background. Use the (Note: Repeat this command for show download software (Note: Repeat this command for memory bank B (i.e., status … command to check memory bank B as applicable). SW_imageB) as applicable). progress of the copy command. (Note: If the S8300 is being used G700: The G700 does not as the FTP server, the firmware have the functionality to use files need to in the an FTP server to serve out /var/home/ftp/pub directory. the firmware. The path to the firmware needs G350 : The firmware update to be preceded by the directory procedure can be done pub/ so theutilizing a TFTP or FTP server

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to the G350. Note: Always use the Arrow keys on your keyboard to invoke the previous commands executed on your G700/G350 Media Gateway CLI. Steps G700/MGP G350 Comments ftp server can find the file to be in the G350. downloaded). G350: The command in italics is the FTP version of G350-???(super)# show download the command. If an FTP is software status 10 being used, the G350 CLI will ask you for the login and password of the FTP server before performing the operation.

G350 : The G700 provides a real time output of the download status of the target image and the G350 does not. To identify the current status of the download, you have to repeatedly issue the command of show download software status 10 The 10 here indicates the object being upgraded which in this case is the G350 motherboard. Note: You can also use the Arrow keys on your keyboard to invoke the executed command repeatedly.

G700: is the MG-???-n (configure)# set mgp G350-???(super)# set boot bank name of the bank that will bootimage become active after a reset – ‘a’ or ‘b’ 29 G350 : is the name of the bank that will become active after a reset – ‘bank-a’ or ‘bank-b’

30 MG-???-n (configure)# copy tftp G350-???(super)# copy tftp G700/G350: The copy mm-image v0 ftp/tftp … commands are name> #> execute the command, you G350-???(super)# copy ftp module are returned to the command the command is executing in the background. Use the G350-???(super)# show download show download software software status 4 status … command to check

Shenoy; Revier; Converged Solution Support Team Application Notes 10 of 19 Reviewed: ©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. G700vsG350AppNote.doc 1/9/2018 Shading indicates not applicable

to the G350. Note: Always use the Arrow keys on your keyboard to invoke the previous commands executed on your G700/G350 Media Gateway CLI. Steps G700/MGP G350 Comments progress of the copy command. G700: The G700 does not have the functionality to use an FTP server to serve out the firmware. In the example shown, “v0” indicates the media module being upgraded. G350:The firmware update procedure can be done utilizing a TFTP or FTP server in the G350. G350: The command in italics is the FTP version of the command. If an FTP is being used the G350 CLI will ask you for the login and password of the FTP server before performing the operation. G350 : The G700 provides a real time output of the download status of the target image and the G350 does not. To identify the stage the download is in you have to repeatedly issue the command of show download software status 4. The “4” here indicates the object being upgraded which in this case is the G350 media module in Slot V4. (G350: If the S8300 is being used as the FTP server the firmware files need to in the /var/home/ftp/pub directory. The path to the firmware needs to be preceded by the directory pub/ so the ftp server can find the file to be downloaded). (G350:The Analog FXO & FXS ports would need to be

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to the G350. Note: Always use the Arrow keys on your keyboard to invoke the previous commands executed on your G700/G350 Media Gateway CLI. Steps G700/MGP G350 Comments upgraded along with the other components in a G350 identified as “V7”. The firmware version can be identified by issuing the dir command or show mg list config command from the global context on the G350 CLI). MG-???-n (configure)# show G350-???(super)# show system Note: See Section 9 of this 31 system document for details.

9. Registering the Gateway to the Media Server Before a media gateway can be used for IP telephony, it needs to be registered to a media server. To do this, you need the serial number for the G700 and G350 Media Gateway CLI. MG-???-1(super)# show system Note: The “Serial No” must be populated in the “change media-gateway” form on the SAT (of the Uptime(d,h:m:s): 5, 02:41:27 media server). Record the serial number exactly as is. Also notice that the “???” exactly as is. Also System Name : -- Empty -- notice that the “???” at the CLI prompt means System Location: -- Empty -- that the media gateway is currently NOT System Contact : -- Empty -- registered. This “???” string will change to a MAC Address : 00-04-0D-02-0E-E0 number formatted as “00X” (X>=1 and X<=250) Serial No : 03DR01234567 once registered. Model No : G700 HW Vintage : 00 HW Suffix : A FW Vintage : 20.16.0

Media Gateway Power Supplies VOLTAGE(V) ACTUAL(V) STATUS ------DSP Complex 3.4 3.359 OK MGP 5.1 5.079 OK Media Modules -48.0 -52.110 OK VoIP DSP 1.6 1.590 OK VoIP 8260 2.5 2.480 OK G350-???(super)# show system Note : Compared to the G700, the show system System Name : command on the G350 has an additional field with System Location : the WAN MAC address. This WAN MAC address System Contact : corresponds to the ETH WAN port that is physically Uptime (d,h:m:s) : 4,20:36:10 located next to the V7 media module on the G350 MV Time : 07:57:16 28 OCT 2003 Media Gateway. Also notice that the voltage MAC Address : 00:04:0d:29:c9:1d readings are not part of the “show system” output

Shenoy; Revier; Converged Solution Support Team Application Notes 12 of 19 Reviewed: ©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. G700vsG350AppNote.doc 1/9/2018 WAN MAC address : 00:04:0d:29:c9:1c by default (as in the G700). To show voltages, use Serial No : 03IS07581312 the show voltage command. The “Serial No” must Model No : G350 be populated in the Change Media-Gateway form HW Vintage : 0 on the SAT (of the call server). Record the serial HW Suffix : B number exactly as is. Also notice that the “???” at FW Vintage : 21.16.1 the CLI prompt means that the Media Gateway is currently NOT registered. This “???” string will change to a number formatted as “00X” (X>=1 and X<=250) once registered.

10. Conclusion For implementation purposes, its very important that technicians servicing these products understand at a high level the important architectural as well as CLI differences between implementing a G700 vs. a G350. This application note is an effort to provide enough details to allow a person who has implemented a G700 successfully to also implement a G350 smoothly. 11.Acknowledgements Acknowledgements go to all the individuals who promptly reviewed this presentation and provided feedback. We particularly would like to thank those individuals who had a significant input to this document including (in no particular order) John Chin, Nicholas Winters, and John Jensen.

Shenoy; Revier; Converged Solution Support Team Application Notes 13 of 19 Reviewed: ©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. G700vsG350AppNote.doc 1/9/2018 12. Appendix A: High-level Block Diagram of the G700

Ext1 Ext2 l e

n IP: IP: IP: IP: IP: a L2 Ethernet Switch IP: P


n IP: o

r Media Media Media Media F G700 Module Module Module Module Console Serial V1 V2 V3 V4 Port AVAYA Media Gateway P330 Processor Internal Stack mgp VOIP Processor V0 Tones Annc ++ ++ ++ ++ Optional Octaplane Voice TDM Bus G700

++ IP addresses only needed for S8300 ICC and VOIP media modules

Shenoy; Revier; Converged Solution Support Team Application Notes 14 of 19 Reviewed: ©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. G700vsG350AppNote.doc 1/9/2018 13. Appendix B: High-level Block Diagram of the G350

Eth L2 SW with LAN VLAN & QOS 10/3 support


e Serial 2 Serial 3 Serial 4 Serial 5 n vlan Serial Data a IP: IP: IP: IP: IP: IP:


Interfaces t Integrated n ** ** ** ** ** **

o Console VOIP


F V0 USB Router Media Media Media Media Media HD Media Eth MGP Module Module Module Module Module Module WAN process V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 10/2 PMI IP: Analog Contact Tones Annc Block 10/1 CPU complex

Voice TDM Bus



F F F G350 Front Panel

Shenoy; Revier; Converged Solution Support Team Application Notes 15 of 19 Reviewed: ©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. G700vsG350AppNote.doc 1/9/2018 14. Appendix C: Factory Default “running” configuration (Use the show running-configuration command to verify what is shown below.)

G350-???(super)# show running-config G350-???(super)# ! version 21.13.0 ! ! ! ds-mode t1 ! controller t1 5/1 exit ! interface Vlan 1 icc-vlan exit ! interface FastEthernet 10/2 exit ! interface Console ip address exit ! !# !# End of Configuration File

Shenoy; Revier; Converged Solution Support Team Application Notes 16 of 19 Reviewed: ©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. G700vsG350AppNote.doc 1/9/2018 15. Appendix D : Basic “running” configuration with PMI configured (Use the show running-configuration command to verify what is shown below.)

G350-001(super)# show running-config --type q to quit or space key to continue-- G350-001(super)# ! version 21.14.0 set snmp trap set snmp trap enable ! ! ! ds-mode t1 ! interface Vlan 1 icc-vlan ip address pmi exit ! interface FastEthernet 10/2 exit ! interface Console ip address exit ! ip default-gateway 1 low ! set mgc list set mediaserver 23 telnet set mediaserver 5023 sat set icc-monitoring enable !# !# End of Configuration File

Shenoy; Revier; Converged Solution Support Team Application Notes 17 of 19 Reviewed: ©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. G700vsG350AppNote.doc 1/9/2018 16. Index

Analog, 3, 4, 5, 8 LAN, 2 Application, 1, 17 LSP, 3, 4 Avaya, 2, 3, 11, 17 Management, 3, 4, 5 CLI, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11 Network, 3 Configuration, 2, 14, 15, 17 Running, 2 Diagram, 12, 13 S8 30 0 , 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 Factory, 2, 14, 17 S8700, 7 Firmware, 3 Serial, 10 FTP, 3, 8 Services, 11 FXO, 4, 5, 8 Software, 2, 3, 7 FXS, 3, 4, 5, 8 System, 2, 10 G350, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, TFTP, 3, 8 15, 17 upgrade, 4 G700, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Vlan, 3, 5, 14, 15 ICC, 3, 4, 5 Voice, 3 Interface, 2, 3, 4, 5 WAN, 2, 3, 4, 10 Introduction, 2

Shenoy; Revier; Converged Solution Support Team Application Notes 18 of 19 Reviewed: ©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. G700vsG350AppNote.doc 1/9/2018 ©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya Logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The information provided in this application note is subject to change without notice. The configurations, technical data, and recommendations provided in this application note are believed to be accurate and dependable, but are presented without express or implied warranty. Users are responsible for their application of any products specified in this application note.

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