From the Prison to the Palace Genesis 41:1-44

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From the Prison to the Palace Genesis 41:1-44



TEXT: Genesis 41:1-44 (reading vs.14-16)


 When we last saw Joseph, he was an Egyptian prison

He was in prison, but he had broken no laws

He was in prison because he had done the right thing and honored God in his life

He was in the prison because he had refused the advances of a wicked woman

 When we last saw Joseph, he was in a place of hardship, but he was still faithfully serving the Lord

He was a man who had his priorities in order

Wherever Joseph was, he could be counted on to be faithful

 When we last saw Joseph, he was waiting for a visit from the outside

In 40:9-13, Joseph had interpreted a dream for Pharaoh’s chief butler

When Joseph told the butler the interpretation of his dream, he asked for the butler’s help in securing his release from prison - From The Prison to the Palace – Genesis 41:1-44

40:14-15 – 

But, when the butler was released from prison, he immediately forgot all about Joseph – 40:23 – 

In our text today, we are going to watch as Joseph is delivered from the prison and promoted to the palace

We are going to see the unseen hand of God at work in his life

We are also going to see that what the Lord did for Joseph, He can do for us

He knows where we are, and in His time, He knows how to bring us out of our prisons and place us in the palace

Let’s join Joseph once again and notice the circumstances God used to move Joseph from –

“The Prison to the Palace”



(Divine Intervention)

To someone of Joseph’s day looking at his life, it must have appeared that his God had forgotten all about him

After all, he was a faithful servant of his God, but he was in prison doing time for a crime he had not committed

2 From The Prison to the Palace – Genesis 41:1-44 It looked like his God had forsaken him

God was working behind the scenes to accomplish His eternal purposes

God used three amazing turn of events to bring about Joseph’s release from prison

Providential -

A. “Delays” – v. 1a

We are told that Joseph waited in that prison for “two full years”

That was after the butler was released

We are not told how long he was there before those events

God was using these years in prison to teach Joseph patience and dependence

God placed Joseph in a waiting room and left him there until some very valuable lessons had been learned

God taught Joseph to wait on and trust in the Lord, in spite of the situation at hand

Providential delays are never easy, but they are designed so that our faith and dependence upon the Lord will increase

Though: The delays in life, we call them inconveniences etc.

3 From The Prison to the Palace – Genesis 41:1-44 Providential -


B. “Dreams” – vs. 1b-8

Vs. 1-7 - “Pharaoh’s dreams” (their description)

These dreams caused Pharaoh a lot of concern

Verse 8 tells us that he was “troubled”

This word has the idea of being “disturbed, or greatly distressed”

He called for his “wise men”

These men were supposed to be able to communicate with the Egyptian “gods” and share with Pharaoh the counsel of those “gods”

But, they could not interpret the dreams – v.8b

It would appear that God closed their minds

I know for sure that these men never heard from their so- called “gods”

But, I am also sure that in times past they would probably have ventured a guess

This time, however, they were silent

4 From The Prison to the Palace – Genesis 41:1-44 To be a counselor without counsel in that day was a dangerous thing

Illustration of Daniel 2:12-13 – “For this cause the king was angry and very furious, and commanded to destroy all the wise men of Babylon.” 13 “And the decree went forth that the wise men should be slain; and they sought Daniel and his fellows to be slain.”

Again, this is the providential work of the Lord in Joseph’s life

God sent the dream to Pharaoh and he also sent a blank mind to all of Pharaoh’s counselors

God was working behind the scenes to accomplish His eternal plan and purpose

Isn’t that a blessing?

Pharaoh and his men thought that they were in control of everything that happened in Egypt

In truth, God is in control of all things, even the heart of the king –

Proverbs 21:1 – “The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: He turneth it whithersoever He will.”

This passage should serve to give us hope!

5 From The Prison to the Palace – Genesis 41:1-44 Let me tell you why:

 Our God is sovereign over all things –

Isaiah 46:10- “Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure:”

Psalm 135:6 – “Whatsoever the LORD pleased, that did He in heaven, and in earth, in the seas, and all deep places.”

Kings rule at the pleasure of the LORD –

Daniel 2:21 – “And He changeth the times and the seasons: He removeth kings, and setteth up kings: He giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:”

I Samuel 2:7-8 – “The LORD maketh poor, and maketh rich: He bringeth low, and lifteth up.” 8 “He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, and He hath set the world upon them.”

Thought: I refuse to worry about elections because I know that God’s purpose will not be thwarted by a Democrat or by a Republican

He will accomplish His purposes in this world

6 From The Prison to the Palace – Genesis 41:1-44 (By the way watch out for the folks who put any kind of reliance on dreams / we have the Word of God!)

Providential -



C. “Deliverance” – vs. 9-14

Look @ v.9 – “Then spake the chief butler unto Pharaoh, saying, I do remember my faults this day:”

The chief butler finally remembers Joseph

Vs. 10-14 - He tells Pharaoh the story and Joseph is delivered from the prison and brought to the palace

The hand of God is seen in this sequence of events

Joseph is brought to Pharaoh only when Pharaoh has been brought to a place of desperation

On any other day Pharaoh may not have listened to what the Butler had to say

On this day he had no choice!

He was desperate for answers and he was willing to listen to anyone who could possibly give them to him

7 From The Prison to the Palace – Genesis 41:1-44 Truth: Remember that Our God operates His universe on split second timing

From the orbit of the tiny parts of every atom to the precise movements of galaxies, God has everything on a schedule

When we want to see something happen, we want it now

We need to learn that God orders events, and the very timing of those events, so that all of life runs on His perfect schedule

 When did Jesus come to the disciples in the storm?

 When did Jesus show up at the tomb of Lazarus?

 When did Jesus arrive at the house of Jairus?

 When did Jesus pass through the little town of Nain?

 When did Jesus take a rest on Jacob’s well?

 When did Jesus go to Calvary?

 When did Jesus rise from the dead?

 When did Jesus come to you and save your soul?

 When will Jesus move your mountain, meet your need, deliver you from your prison, etc?

Right on time!

He will not be early and He will not be one second late! 8 From The Prison to the Palace – Genesis 41:1-44 That truth blesses my heart!

Providential - “Delays” “Dreams” “Deliverance”


V.14 – “Then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph, and they brought him hastily out of the dungeon: and he shaved himself, and changed his raiment, and came in unto Pharaoh.”

II. JOSEPH AND “PHARAOH” - vs. 15-36

Joseph’s -

A. “Profession” – vs. 15-32

Joseph stands before Pharaoh and listens as the king explains his dilemma

Joseph listens to the dream and gives Pharaoh the interpretation

But, before he does, Joseph displays true humility and points Pharaoh to the LORD

V.16 – “And Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying, It is not in me: God shall give Pharaoh an answer of peace.”

Even after all he had been through, Joseph is not bitter, but he is actively seeking ways to bring glory and honor to the Lord!

9 From The Prison to the Palace – Genesis 41:1-44 Joseph is not upset about the delays and the problems he has had to face as a slave and as a prisoner

He immediately sees the providence of God at work and he is quick to use this opportunity to magnify the Lord

For Joseph, everything is about the LORD

In Joseph’s mind, Joseph doesn’t matter; his battles don’t matter; even Pharaoh doesn’t matter

All that matters is the LORD and His glory!

Psalm 37:23 – “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.”

Romans 8:28 – “And we know (?) that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

II Corinthians 4:17-18 – “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;” 18 “While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.”

We should always be in the business of magnifying the LORD!

He alone is worthy of our praise, even amid the darkest days of our lives 10 From The Prison to the Palace – Genesis 41:1-44 He alone is worthy of receiving glory, even when our hearts are breaking

We should always strive to Praise His Name and point others to Him

After all, you and I really don’t matter

All that really matters is the LORD, His glory and His will!

Joseph’s -


B. “Plan” – vs. 33-36

Joseph knows that the Lord is in this moment

Thus, he does what no other slave would have dared to do:

 he not only tells Pharaoh what is about to happen in Egypt,

 he tells Pharaoh what to do about it!

His plan is threefold:

First, he recommends finding a wise man to oversee the project

Second, he recommends gathering 20% of all the food produced during the seven years of plenty

11 From The Prison to the Palace – Genesis 41:1-44 Third, he recommends storing up that food and using it to feed the population during the seven years of famine

Joseph’s plan is an amazing plan

It is simple, but it will prove very effective

Not only will the people be able to eat during the famine, but Egypt will have corn to spare

Truth: This plan did not originate with Joseph

The LORD put it into his heart and he shared his heart with the king

God used a slave to set policy for a kingdom!

It is amazing to watch who the LORD will use to accomplish His purposes in this world

He uses some of the most unlikely candidates imaginable

Who but God would have chosen Moses, David, Gideon and Saul of Tarsus?

Who but God would have chosen people like us to serve Him?

But, this is His specialty - I Corinthians 1:26-29 - 

Joseph’s - “Profession” “Plan”


12 From The Prison to the Palace – Genesis 41:1-44 JOSEPH AND “PHARAOH”


Joseph’s New -

A. “Position” – vs. 37-41 - 

Pharaoh likes Joseph’s plan and decides that he would never find another man as wise as Joseph to administer that plan

In an instant of time, Joseph went from being a slave and a prisoner to being second only to Pharaoh

He was promoted from being over a few prisoners in Potipher’s prison to ruling the whole nation!

He is given the position of “Grand Vizier”

In this position, he had all the rights and powers of the king

In the absence of the king, the vizier functioned in that capacity

No One but God could accomplish something as astounding as that!

Vs.38 & 39 - Pharaoh even recognized the hand of the LORD on Joseph and gave God the glory for what had taken place

Joseph’s New -

“Position” 13 From The Prison to the Palace – Genesis 41:1-44 B. “Power” – vs. 42-44

Joseph is given all the emblems of authority –

He is placed in the second chariot right behind Pharaoh

Everywhere he goes; people are commanded to kneel before him in respect and reverence

In one day, the slave has become the sovereign!

The prisoner has moved out of the prison and has taken up residence in the palace

It was a powerful and drastic change of life for Joseph and it was all the work of God in his life

Joseph’s New -



C. “Possessions” – v. 42

When Pharaoh promoted Joseph, he gave him some new possessions to go along with his new position

A Ring – This ring was Pharaoh’s signet ring

It symbolized Joseph’s authority to act as Pharaoh himself

He was given the authority to sign the king’s name 14 From The Prison to the Palace – Genesis 41:1-44 A Robe – Joseph had lost the robe given to him by his father

That robe said that he was head of the family

Joseph only had that robe for a short time

He also lost a robe when he ran from Mrs. Potiphar

That robe identified him as a slave

He only possessed that robe for a short time

Now he is given a new robe made from expensive Egyptian linen

This robe identified him as the ruler of the land

Joseph would hold onto this robe for 80 years!

A Gold Chain – This chain told everyone who saw him that Joseph was a man to be revered and respected

When he passed by, everyone was to bow at his feet

In giving Joseph these things, the LORD was allowing Joseph to see a partial fulfillment of the dreams he was given years before – Genesis 37:5-11

As Joseph rode along in his new chariot, watching the people bow at his approach, he must have given God the glory for His grace and providence in his life

15 From The Prison to the Palace – Genesis 41:1-44 God had taken him through the pit and through the prison, but in the end, God had brought Joseph to the palace

(Imagine the conversation at Potiphar’s house that evening!)

Truth: Never doubt God, God has a plan and He can change our situation in an instant of time

 Jesus spoke and the storm stopped

 Jesus spoke and a dead man named Lazarus got up

 Jesus spoke and universe came into being


He knows where you are today

He knows what you are facing and all that you have been through

And, one day, He will deliver you out of your time of bondage!

Until then, stay faithful; love the LORD; grow where you are planted; look for ways to glorify Him and wait

One day you will get up and everything will begin to change!

Illustration of Job – Job 42:1-17 – After weeks and months of suffering, suddenly Job was released from prison

16 From The Prison to the Palace – Genesis 41:1-44 It will happen in your life too! Just hang on!

Joseph’s New - “Position” “Power” “Possessions”





What are we to take away from this message today?

There are a lot of lessons, but a few stand out as importance

First - God is in control of all of life!

He is working in your life even when you cannot see His activity

He has a plan to deliver you and to promote you in His time

Second -Your primary duty in all the situations and circumstances of life is to seek for ways to glorify Him

Even as you patiently wait for Him to accomplish His purposes in your life


 Where does this message find you?

17 From The Prison to the Palace – Genesis 41:1-44 Are you in need of some divine intervention?

You should come seek Him for it

 Are you growing impatient as you wait for Him to move in your life?

You should come and ask Him for help to trust Him

 Are you seeking meaning in the things you face in life?

You should come and talk to the Lord about it

 Are you lost? You should come and get saved

 If He has spoken to you on any level, you should come to Him today and get the help you need!





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