Northwest Georgia RESA

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Northwest Georgia RESA

CSRA Georgia RESA Curriculum and Program Development for the Gifted

Curriculum and Program Development for the Gifted Course #4

Instructor: Class Meetings: Telephone: Class Hours: E-Mail Address:

I. Course Description Curriculum and Program Development for the Gifted provides an overview of major program models and principles that govern the development of differentiated programming and curriculum for gifted students. Participants will apply the principles as they plan, implement, and evaluate a unit of study in a gifted practicum setting.

II. Rationale Teachers have the opportunity to plan and implement curriculum models with gifted students in summer camp setting as a clinical practicum.

III. Textbook Davis, G.A., Rimm,S.B., & Seigle,D. (2011). Education of the gifted and talented. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

IV. Course Objectives and Outcomes This course will address the following course objectives and outcomes as aligned to the Council for Exceptional Children Standards specified by the Professional Standards Commission (505- 3-.21).

Candidates will be able to:

Course Objectives CEC Standards Elements 1. Demonstrate knowledge of key beliefs and purposes Standards 2, 3 2K7-8, 3K4-5, of appropriate curriculum for gifted learners and to 3K7 formulate a philosophy of curriculum for these students that is based on their unique learning needs. 2. To demonstrate knowledge of major theoretical models Standard 7 7K3 of curriculum for gifted students and to compare and contrast these models. 3. Demonstrate knowledge of major programs and Standards 4, 7 4K1-2, 4S1, prototypes developed especially to provide differentiated 4S5-7, 7K7 instruction for gifted students and the educational principles upon which these programs are based. 4. Demonstrate competence in synthesizing the key Standard 7 7S2 learning realms (thinking skills, communication skills, research skills) appropriate for the optimal development of gifted students across the various curriculum areas. 5. Demonstrate understanding of current educational Standard 1 1K12, 9K2, issues, policies and practices and their relationships to 9K14 curriculum development and program planning for gifted students. 6. Demonstrate competence in adherence to key steps in Standards 5, 6, 7 5K3-6, curriculum planning, implementation, and evaluation of 5K8,5S2, curriculum for gifted students. 5S11-14, 6K3-4, 7K1-2 7. Demonstrate competence in planning and designing Standards 5, 7, 9 5S4, 5S7-8, curriculum for gifted students that incorporate 7K4-6, 7S1- instructional methods and evaluation techniques that are 10, appropriately differentiated for these students. 9S2, 9S6-7 8. Demonstrate competence in the use of multiple Standards 7, 8 7S4, 7S8, strategies for assessing student learning and program 8S2-3, 8S9 effectiveness. 9. Demonstrate the ability to develop and apply Standard 4 4K2 evaluation strategies for instructional software and all other educational materials for gifted students. 10. Apply local system policy and administrative Standards 1, 10 1K3-4, 10S3, procedures pertaining to gifted education. 10S5

V. Class Policies Students are expected to attend class, keep up with assigned readings of text and articles, complete assignments, and participate in discussions and group work.

I understand that I am not eligible to receive the endorsement until all requirements have been successfully completed and that no more than 10% of each of the four courses can be missed. Absence in excess of 10% of a course can result in withdrawal from the program. Extenuating circumstances must be documented and submitted to CSRA RESA for approval. Requests must be submitted in a timely manner.

VI. Evaluation and Grading of Learning Experiences

The final grade in this course will include the instructor’s evaluation of a small group presentation of a gifted curriculum model, an individualized presentation on an enrichment option for gifted students, a program development and implementation of a unit plan with students in a gifted practicum setting, and completion of a reflective daily journal on the practicum experience. Students are expected to attend class, keep up with assigned readings of text and articles, participate in discussions and group work, and actively participate in the development and implementation of the practicum experience.

Candidates will be expected to achieve a minimum of an 85% mastery level for each course. On a scale of 1 to 100, candidates must achieve a numeric average of 85 or above (which is equivalent to a letter grade of B or above.)


Curriculum Model Presentation 10% Enrichment Option Activity 10% Gifted Delivery Options Activity 21% Gifted Practicum/Field Experience 50% Reflective Journal 9%

1. Curriculum Model Presentation (10%) Curriculum Models (Chapter 7 – text) Presentation: (PowerPoint, handout, and oral presentation) Please present the following:

o the rationale for model o practical applications of model o strengths and limitations of the model o emphasis on higher-level thinking skills o visual illustration of model (if applicable) o How could this model be used in a school setting? o Include a one-page handout summarizing the model

Each presentation should be about 20 minutes and should incorporate creative presentation strategies. Your handout should be a one-page summary sheet of the model using bulleted components listed above, and you should have a copy for everyone in our group. Please select from the following:  Autonomous Learner Model (Betts)  Programming at Four Ability Levels (Treffinger & Sortore)  Parallel Curriculum Model (Tomlinson/Kaplan)  School wide Enrichment Model (Renzulli)  Pyramid Model (Cox)  Differentiated Curriculum for the Gifted (Kaplan)  Integrated Curriculum Model (Van Tassel-Baska)

2. Gifted Enrichment Option Activity (10%) (Brochure/handout and oral presentation)

Present an assigned enrichment option. Please have a handout or brochure about your enrichment option ready for your colleagues.

Research your assigned delivery enrichment option, and prepare a short presentation (10-15 minutes) informing your colleagues about the option. You may use the handout or brochure to “tour” a website about this enrichment opportunity, plan a demonstration, or do a “show and tell.” You have endless creative options. The handout or brochure about the option should describe its features, application, and contact information for finding out more information.  a description of the option  its features  its application (how does it work)  emphasis on specific higher-level thinking skills  contact information for finding out more about the enrichment option

Select from the topics listed in Chapters 5 and 6 or one approved by your instructor.

3. Gifted Delivery Options Activity (21%)

Research the delivery model options for elementary, middle schools, or high school students in Georgia. Include options that occur during the school day as well as others that may occur outside of the school day.

Option One: You may write a research paper describing five to seven options, including benefits and drawbacks. You should have a References page in APA or a Works Cited page in MLA. Your paper should be three to five double spaced pages. Please follow all rules concerning plagiarism. Use your words to paraphrase and give credit for the ideas you use. If you use the exact words of others, place these words in quotation marks and give credit to the author. No more than 10% of your paper should be directly quoted from another source. Be prepared to participate in a panel discussion with other on these topics. Option Two: Create an advertisement or movie poster sized visual describing five to seven options, including benefits and drawbacks. Include a bibliography of sources cited. Be prepared to participate in a panel discussion with others on these topics. Your work should be creative, visually appealing, and professional in appearance. 4. Gifted Practicum/Field Experience (50%) The culminating project is a field experience for program participants who implement a unit of study for one or more groups of gifted students (preferably you should be working with > 5 students overall). The practicum provides 25 hours of clinical experience through 5 hours of planning time and 20 hours of student interaction. Students who participate in the gifted field experience are identified as eligible for the gifted program.

Create an, upgrade an, or implement an already excellent enrichment unit or another unit that meets the advanced learning needs of gifted students for a 20 hour clinical or camp experience with gifted students. Please use allotted class time wisely to prepare your plans. Include the following features in your unit packet from methods and materials and assessment classes:  Title, description/blurb, your name(s)  Listing of major concepts used in course unit  Unit web  Listing of essential understandings/main ideas of unit  Listing of guiding/essential questions for unit  Listing of complex performances/key skills to be taught in your unit  Culminating performance task(s) in student-friendly language – product or performance with an assessment

In addition, please include the following:  Type 1 Activities to “kick-off your unit”. These are activities and experiences which introduce students to your unit of study.  Creative Thinking Lesson (s) – The Multidirectional Format with a focus on fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration.  Critical Thinking Lesson (s) – using one or more of the Thinking Tools (i.e. SCAMPER, Matrices, Forced Fitting, PCA, etc.)  Rigorous experiences and activities throughout the study (Remember the Passow test: Can all students do it? Would all students want to do it? Etc.)  Options are provided for students throughout the unit (process, product, performance, etc.)  Teacher is more of a facilitator than pontificator.

If you make changes, additions, deletions, I will need a copy of your complete unit (handouts, plans, notes, etc.) at the end of your clinical experience.

5. Reflection Journal (9%)

Reflect on, question, comment, and think about your 20 hours of experience with gifted/high ability students. Compile a handwritten or word processed log. Please include the following in your log: a brief description of activities; perceived effectiveness of the activities; modifications for the future; any data collected; any anecdotal material; or any “I wonders” about your camp experiences. Also, think about the following guiding questions:  What have you learned about gifted children?  What worked well for you? What did not?  Have your attitudes changed about working with gifted students?  Are you up to the challenge of teaching our brightest and best?  Do you have a success story to share?  What did you learn?  Do you have anything else you wish to s Curriculum Model Research Presentation Checklist (10 points)

Name:______Score______/10 Grade______

Models: (Circle One.)  Enrichment Triad  Multiple Menu  Pyramid Project  Purdue Three-Stage  Structure of Intellect  Autonomous Learner  Talents Unlimited  Programming at Four Ability  Multidimensional  Others:______

Product Criteria: Points 1. Features of Model/Research:  Rationale for the Model ____/1  Practical Applications for/of the Model ____/1  Strengths of Model ____/1  Limitations of the Model ____/1  Emphasis on Higher-Level Thinking Skills ____/1  One-Page Summary Handout of Bulleted Items ____/1

Subtotal___/6 pts.

2. Oral Presentation:  Covers all features listed above ____/2  Provides a 20 minute creative presentation ____/2


Total ____/10pts.

Comments: Gifted Enrichment Option Presentation/Brochure or Handout Checklist (10 pts.)

Name:______Score_____/10 Grade_____

Enrichment Options (Circle One.)  Junior Great Books  Governor’s Honors  Academic Quiz Bowl  Odyssey of the Mind  Future Problem Solving  International Baccalaureate  Summer Enrichment Opportunities  Academic Decathlon  Others:______

Product Criteria: Points

1. Gifted Enrichment Option Brochure Elements (5 pts.)  Program description ____/1  Features of program ____/1  Its application (how does it work). ____/1  Emphasis on higher-level thinking skills ____/1  Contact information for finding out more ____/1

Subtotal: ____/5pts.

2. Gifted Option Presentation (5 pts.)  Provides brochure for colleagues ____/1  Uses brochure in presentation ____/1  Use 10-15 minutes for presentations. ____/1  Covers option elements. ____/2

Subtotal: ____/5pts.

Total: ____/10pts.

Comments: Delivery Model Options Paper (21 Points)

Name:______Score:______/21 Grade:______

Descriptions: 2 points each Benefits: 0.5 Point each Drawbacks: 0.5 point each

Direct Services ____ Resource ____described ____ benefits ____drawbacks

___ Advanced Content (K12) ____described ____ benefits ____drawbacks

___ Advanced Content Classes: Advanced AP and IB Courses (9-12); College and Diploma Courses (11-12) ____described ____ benefits ____drawbacks

___ Cluster Grouping ____described ____ benefits ____drawbacks

Indirect Services ___ Collaborative ____described ____ benefits ____drawbacks

___ Mentorship/Internship ____described ____ benefits ____drawbacks ___ Approved Innovative ____described ____ benefits ____drawbacks

Instructor Commentary: Gifted Practicum – Page 1 of 2 (50 Points)

The Gifted Practicum is scored in two 25-point segments for a total of 50 points

Name:______Score:______/50 Grade:______

Segment 1: Instructional Unit Checklist - 25 points

Unit Title:______

Checklist: 1._____Lesson Framework (3 pts.) a. title or theme b. brief description of unit c. major concepts listing d. unit web e. essential questions listing (higher order) f. guiding questions listing (higher order) g. complex performances listed

2. _____Detailed Lesson Plans for 25 Hours (15 pts.) (If I had to fill in for you, what would I do?) a. proper lesson construction (activator, flow of lesson, culmination) b. creative thinking activities c. critical thinking activities d. more rigorous experiences/activities for students e. options provided for students f. teacher-more facilitator role

3._____Product/Performance Task (2 pts.) a. written for students b. clearly explains what and how task(s) will be done c. has accompanying assessment instrument

4._____Preliminary Unit Turned in Before Practicum Begins (2 pts.)

5._____Final Unit (Revisions/Additions) Turned in During/End of Practicum (3 pts.) a. All handouts and activity sheets are attached. b. Corrections have been made.

_____ Total Unit Checklist Points ( 25 points possible)

_____ Final Gifted Practicum Grade (Final grade is based on 25 possible points from the Instructional Unit Checklist and 25 points for completing the required field experience.) Gifted Practicum Continued – Page 2 0f 2 (50 Points)

The Gifted Practicum is scored in two 25-point segments for a total of 50 points

Segment 2: Practicum/Field Experience - 25 points

The following criteria are necessary for completing the gifted clinical experience and should be completed by the gifted endorsement instructor or an administrator by an in- classroom visit and individual conference during the 25 hour experience.

Criteria: The candidate 1.____works directly with gifted/high ability students for 25 hours (evidence: RESA Time Documentation Sheet).

2._____prepares and teaches an instructional unit of study to be used with gifted/high ability students that includes the following elements:

_____a. higher order thinking/questioning experiences and activities (evidence: classroom observation or found inside candidate’s enrichment unit).

_____b. creative thinking (fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration) experiences and activities (evidence: multidirectional activities inside unit).

_____c. critical thinking experiences and activities (evidence: classroom observation or one or more of the thinking tool lessons found inside unit).

_____d. a culminating product or performance task with an appropriate assessment piece (evidence: checklist, rubric)

_____e. activities/experiences are more rigorous than the regular education classroom. (evidence: classroom observation or found inside unit).

_____f. options are provided for students (evidence: classroom observation or found within unit). _____g. role of teacher is more of a facilitator than instructor (evidence: classroom observation or found inside unit)

3. _____works in collaboration with other school personnel to meet the differentiated needs of gifted learners (evidence: individual conference with candidate).

4._____ keeps a reflective journal of the gifted clinical experience. Some questions you might answer are as follows: a. What have you learned about gifted children? b. What works well with gifted students? What does not? c. Have your impressions changed regarding gifted children? d. Do you believe that gifted students can learn “on their own” and “anywhere”? 5._____provides a completed copy of the enrichment unit and journal, places inside his/her Professional Standards Commission Folder, and gives to the gifted instructor Reflection Journal Rubric (9 points)

Name:______Score______/9 Grade______

Criteria Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations Required Components Journal entries are: Journal entries are: * Present for each day of the * Not presented practicum experience * Presented for only a few days of * Thoroughly address the practicum experience, or descriptions and critical reflection * Consist of very brief sketches of experiences with teaching and and personal reactions to working with gifted students experiences. (1-0 points) *Due at the end of the last day of practicum (2 points) Feelings and Thoughts Feelings and thoughts: Few or no feelings and thoughts: * Include information about * Include information about strategies and plans that were strategies and plans that were successful and some that were successful and not successful and not successful and why why * Show changes in attitude or * Show changes in attitude or new insights about gifted students new insights about gifted students and working with them and working with them * Include discussions of the * Include discussions of the challenges of teaching gifted challenges of teaching gifted students and how to overcome students and how to overcome those challenges those challenges * Include personal stories * Include personal stories (detailed examples) of successes (detailed examples) of successes during the practicum experience. during the practicum experience. * Include "lessons learned" * Include "lessons learned" during during the practicum experience the practicum experience and how and how those experiences affect those experiences affect the the writer. (4 points) writer. (3-0 points) Synthesis and Structure of * Responses show strong * Few or no responses show Ideas evidence of synthesis of ideas evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained presented and insights gained throughout the endorsement. The through the endorsement. Few or implications of these insights for no implications of these insights the candidate's teaching practices for the candidate's teaching are thoroughly detailed. practices are presented and/or * Writing is clear, concise, and discussed. well organized with excellent * Writing is unclear and sentence/paragraph construction. disorganized. Thoughts are not Thoughts are expressed in a expressed in a logical manner or coherent and logical manner. ramble and make little sense. (2 points) (1-0 points) Mechanics and Format * Proper format has been * Proper format has not been followed for all entries. followed for most * All entries use correct spelling entries. and grammar. (There are no more * Few or no entries use correct than three spelling, grammar, or spelling and grammar. (There are syntax errors.) numerous spelling, grammar, or * Journal may be in candidate's syntax errors throughout the handwriting or word processed. writing.) (2 points) (1-0 points) Curriculum and Program Development for the Gifted Checklist


Assessments Competencies Mastery Points

1. Curriculum Model Research 1, 2, and 4 M N IP ____/10 Circle one:  Enrichment Triad  Multiple Menu  Pyramid Project  Purdue Three-Stage  Structure of Intellect  Autonomous Learner  Talents Unlimited  Programming at Four Ability  Multidimensional  Others:______

2. Enrichment Option Pres./Brochure 3 and 4 M N IP_____/10 Circle one:  Junior Great Books  Governor’s Honors  Academic Quiz Bowl  Odyssey of the Mind  Future Problem Solving  International Baccalaureate  Summer Enrichment Opportunities  Academic Decathlon  Others:______

3. Research Paper on Gifted Delivery Options 5 M N IP ____/21

4. Gifted Practicum 1-10 variable M N IP ____/50

5. Reflection Journal 1-8 variable M N IP ____/9

Total: _____/100

Final Grade : _____

Case Study Successfully Completed : YES or NO

Instructor Comments : Class Schedule – Curriculum and Program Development Activities/ Session Date Competencies Topics Assessments Resources 1 1, 3, 7, 8  Syllabus   Class Discussion  Schedule  Individual Work  Assignments and  Group Work Expectations  Observation

2 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10  In class  Rimm- Chapters  Individual Work planning/research for 5,6 and 7  Partner Work curriculum  Planning time with  Class Discussion model/enrichment Partner for option presentations Curriculum Model and Unit  Gifted Planning –  Planning Time Enrichment Unit  Planning time for Individual Enrichment Option Project

3 1-8, 10  Individual Work  Gifted Curriculum Model  Chapters 5, 6 and  Group/Partner Presentations: 7 Work Autonomous Learner  Presentations  Observation Model (Betts), Levels of  Units Service Model (Treffinger), and 3-Stage Enrichment Model (Feldhusen)  Enrichment Option Discussions: IB Elementary Schools, Magnet/Special/ School-Within Schools, Clusters, GAMES, Summer Programs, and FPS  Unit Conferences and Planning Activities/ Session Date Competencies Topics Assessments Resources 4 3, 5, 6-10  Chapters 5,6,  Individual Work  Gifted Curriculum Model and 7  Group/Partner Presentations: Parallel  Presentation Work Curriculum Model  Units  Observation (Tomlinson/Kaplan), Multiple Menu (Renzulli), and Talents Unlimited (Schlicter)  Enrichment Option Discussions: National History Day, OM, Part- Time/Temporary Grouping, Early Admissions/Grade Skipping, Math Counts, and Junior Great Books  Unit Conferences and Planning 5 3, 6-10  Panel Discussion on  Panel Discussion/  Partner Work and Georgia Gifted Delivery Research Paper Planning Model Options  Teaching Unit  Conferences  Final Unit Conferences  Schedule Classroom Visits  Unit Plan is due! 6-10 1-10  Gifted Clinical  Teaching Unit  Partner Work Experience (20 hrs.)  Observation and Planning  Reflective Journal  Journal  Team Teaching  Observation

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