New Life High Scho0l

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New Life High Scho0l


Parent/Student Handbook

“The governing board of the New Life School of Excellence school located at 14376 East Broad Street in Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068 has adopted the following racial nondiscriminatory polices.” “The New Life School of Excellence school recruits and admits students of any race, color or ethnic origin to all it s rights, privileges, programs and activities. In addition the school will not discriminate on the basis of race, color or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational programs and athletics/extracurricular activities. Furthermore, the school is not intended to be an alternative to court or administrative agency ordered, or public school district initiated desegregation.” The New Life School of Excellence will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or ethnic origin in the hiring of its certified or non-certified personnel.”


General Information page 4 Statement of Faith page 5 Educational Philosophy page 5 Parents for New Life page 6 Opportunities for involvement page 6 Parents Responsibilities page 7 Practical Parents Responsibilities page 7 Parents Orientation page 8 Fundraising Program page 8 Specific Objectives of New Life page 9 Basic Affirmation page 9 Academic Probation and Dismissal page 10 Activity Eligibility page 10 Eligible for Extra Curriculum Activities page 11 Bible Classes page 11 Class Schedule page 12 Class Work page 12 Curriculum page 12 Failing/Retaking Courses page 13 Field Trips page 13 Final Exams page 14 Grading Procedures page 15 Graduation Commencement Eligibility page 15 Homework and Make-up Work page 15 Incomplete page 16 Referrals for Academic Assistance page 16 Report Cards page 16 Schedule page 17 Standardized Testing page 17 Textbook Selection page 17 Transcripts page 18 Withdrawals, Dismissal, and Transfer of Records page18 Behavior Standards page 18 Behavior Standards page 19 Cheating page 20-23 Standard of Conduct page 23 Boy/Girl Relationships page 23 Sexual Conduct Policy page 24 Violence Prevention page 24

2 Weapons Policy page 24 Disciple Code page 25-26 Conduct Code page 26-28 Student Expectation page 28-29 Uniform Guidelines page 30-31 Saturday School page 32 Harassing, Bullying, and Threatening Behavior page 32 Truancy page 32 Vandalism page 32 Emergency Procedures page 33 Snow/Weather Procedures page 33 General Policies page 34 Financial Policies page 34 Tuition, Athletic, Class Fees page 34 Fines Policy page 34 Grievances page 35 Health Issues page 35 Illnesses page 36 Contagious Illnesses page 36 Immunization Law page 36 Medication page 37 Parent Information page 37 Parent Classroom Visitation page 37 Parent/Teacher Conference page 38 Volunteers page 38 Student Life page 38 Admission page 38 Process, Acceptance, and Regulations page 39 Telephone Usage page 39 Telephone Message page 40 Lost and Found page 40 Transportation page 40 Student Drivers page 40 Closed Campus page 41 Chapel Services page 42 Pictures page 42 Re-enrollment page 42 Graduation Requirements page 42-43 Athletic Program page 44 Attendance Policies page 44 Excused/Unexcused Absences page 45 Excessive Absences page 45 Early Dismissal page 46 Field Trip School Activity Absence page 46 Permanent Early Dismissal page 46 Tardiness page 47

3 Electronic Equipment page 47 Evening Activity Policy page 48 Food/Candy Beverages page49 Lockers page 48 Lunch Room Rules page 49 Spiritual Expectation page 50 Orientation Camp page 50 Student Driving Policy page 51 Transporting Students page 51


Our Core Purpose

Training young men and women to impact this world for the Kingdom of God

Our Core Values

Biblical Worldview Integration


Educational Excellence


The Mission of New Life School of Excellence

To glorify God by providing quality, Christ-centered education dedicated to equip and develop leaders who are spiritually, personally, and academically prepared to impact their world

Our Core Character Traits


To view life and live life from God’s perspective


Uncompromising commitment to truth, honor, faithfulness, loyalty, and trust


A sustained, dedicated pursuit of God-given potential


5 A commitment to treat each individual as uniquely created in the image of God and worthy respect


 We believe in one eternal God, revealed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  We believe man was created in the image of God.  We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God.  We believe in the virgin birth and deity of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, truly human and truly divine.  We believe salvation has been provided for all people through the work of Christ at Calvary.  We believe in the spiritual unity of all believers, each of whom is an integral part of the church, the body of Christ.  We believe all believers are responsible to fulfill the Great Commission and make disciples of all people.  We believe in the second coming of Christ and the pre-eminence of His kingdom for eternity.


The Philosophy of New Life School of Excellence began with the premise that true education comes from God. It has always been God’s plan for parents to take the ultimate responsibility for educating and training their children. (Deuteronomy 6:6-9; Ephesians 6:4). New Life School of Excellence serves as an extension of the home by assisting parents with the moral and spiritual training of their children; providing technical and academic assistance to help children master academic skills and concepts.

New Life School of Excellence’s belief is that all students have the ability to learn, but may learn in different ways or time frames than the established 'norms.' New Life School of Excellence will include instructional experiences of multiple types in order to accommodate the learning styles represented and ensure a successful educational environment for all students.


Parents for New Life is one major key enabling God to accomplish what He desires for your child through New Life School of Excellence. The main functions of Parents for New Life are to support the teachers, support the overall school, support through communication, and support the vision of New Life School of Excellence.

Parents for New Life has a deep-seated, biblical philosophy that parents are responsible for the education of their children. With this in mind, a team approach involving both the school and home is paramount at New Life School of Excellence.

In order to facilitate this team approach, Parents for New Life has developed into a support organization that strives to help carry out the vision of our school.

Our cooperative efforts make New Life School of Excellence a school that challenges our children to grow spiritually, academically, socially, and physically.

The mission and purpose of Parents for New Life is to unite parents through open communication as we support and serve the students, teachers, and administration in providing spiritual and academic excellence.


All New Life School of Excellence parents are “Parents for New Life.” There is an expectation that all parents want to support the school in whatever ways God has gifted them to do so. The following list includes a few of the ways that parents and grandparents can become to involve in supporting New Life School of Excellence:

 Pray regularly for the school  Serve as a Parents for New Life leader  Volunteer to help with Parents for New Life activities  Help in a classroom  Provide teacher support  Assist with school events or programs  Help in the school office  Provide food or transportation  Help with events and fund-raisers  Serve on an event committee  Attend an event and support it financially with cash gifts or gifts-in-kind


Parents of New Life School of Excellence are asked to model good problem-solving strategies for our students by applying the biblical principle found in Matthew 18: 15- 18. New Life parents, staff, and students are responsible to determine facts and then address those facts for the child’s welfare. Parents need to confer first with the classroom teacher and, if necessary, work with the Principal, should a question or concern persist. Respect and reverence for the Lord Jesus Christ are especially apparent as we address one another in honoring ways. If this should not occur, we invite parents to conference with the Principal, to seek and arrive at resolution for the sake of the school’s mission and purpose.

We also expect that parents will not negatively gossip or complain about New Life School of Excellence, any member of the staff, or the policies and procedures established, either in the presence of their children, or with other parents. This will only breed strife, which affects the entire school.

Parents who cannot deal with concerns and challenges in an adult, respectful, Christian manner, but instead display negative attitudes and behaviors toward New Life School of Excellence through contact with staff, other parents and students, within their churches, or in the community, will be asked to come in for a conference with the Principal or Superintendent. If the attitudes and behaviors continue, the children of those parents may be removed from the school.

Children learn by example. If we as adults handle each situation in a godly, loving, and respectful manner, our children will learn to do the same, and New Life School of Excellence will continue to be a strong, positive environment of which young people can be a part.


Here are some practical ways you can help strengthen our partnership:

 Be sure your child arrives at school on time.  Help your child develop a positive attitude toward school and teacher.  Make a schedule for your child (playtime, study time, T.V., and bedtime) and follow it.  Get your child up in the morning, allowing time to get dressed and eat breakfast in a calm atmosphere before going to school.  Go to school and meet your child’s teacher to show support and concern for your child’s education and his/her behavior.

8  Know the teacher’s objectives, and the formats in which they are implemented in order to more fully understand his/her teaching method.  Make yourself visible around the school. It will make your child happy and proud. Plus, you can help the school, which can be very rewarding to you.  Teach your child to learn at home. Remember, you are also a teacher.  Provide a quiet, private place for your child’s study time at home.  DON’T do your child’s homework for him; he may someday fail because of dependence on you.  Instill values in your child such as respect, honesty, and dependability.  Teach your child the importance of getting along with others.  See that your child eats well balanced meals every day.  Instill clean health habits at an early age.  Review your child’s progress at the end of the day. Give assurance that he or she is doing well.


It is imperative that parents thoroughly understand the philosophy of education and methodology of instruction. Therefore, all parents are required to attend the Parent Orientation before their child’s enrolling is finalized. The day and time will be listed on the School Calendar


New Life School of Excellence will have various fundraisers. One is the Celebrity Black Tie Affair.

These fundraising focuses are to establish long-range sustainable sources of income to enhance New Life’s ability to secure financial stability for the future.


 To encourage our students to have a firm commitment to God and faith in Christ  To help students to see the significance of the Bible in one’s daily life  To teach a child to work independently, creatively, and cooperatively with a basic understanding of one’s responsibilities as a mature Christian citizen  To operate elementary/secondary schools for the Christian community which provide a nondenominational atmosphere by teaching basic scriptural doctrines, but not assuming the role of the local church  To teach students how to accept Christ as their personal Savior  To help students learn the principles of Christian living and practice them on a daily basis  To help students recognize the importance of service, respect, and concern for others  To help students reach a level of physical, social, academic, and spiritual maturity that will prepare them for a successful transition into the responsibilities of Christian adulthood


 New Life School of Excellence’s foundation is a firm commitment to God and faith in Christ. Students learn that the content of the Bible relates to all areas of human understanding. They learn to discover the significance of His Word in their daily lives.  The academic emphasis is to create an excitement for learning in an atmosphere where there is a conscientious search for truth and excellence.  The student learns to work independently, creatively, and cooperatively. New Life School of Excellence endeavors to graduate the student into society with a basic understanding of his or her responsibilities as a mature Christian citizen.  New Life School of Excellence is committed to the Christian faith and biblical worldview. New Life endeavors to provide a controlled environment of behavior and exposure to ideas, not as a shelter from the world in which we live, but as a companion role with the student as he makes his encounter with the opposing ideas of the world. We consider ideas and practices opposed to the Christian faith in the classroom, as they relate to the subject under consideration, with the goal of helping students discern the difference and choose the position and practice that harmonizes with God’s Word.  New Life students are encouraged to uphold the spiritual and moral values of the Christian faith that support and sustain the family, church, and nation.  New Life’s staff and faculty endeavor to help each student realize his or her full potential. They expect high standards of discipline while recognizing the need to listen and respond to each student in an attitude of love.

10  New Life School of Excellence affirm the need to provide a proper balance among the spiritual, academic, physical, and extra curricular activities. The school is a unique institution in that it endeavors to educate the whole person without neglecting any area or emphasizing one at the expense of the other.  New Life School of Excellence realizes there are differing views relative to biblical doctrine, practicing Christianity, and personal convictions. However, we do hold to our doctrinal statement and will not allow anything within the school program interpreted by the school administration to be of a divisive nature.  Because New Life School of Excellence enters into a partnership of training and nurturing with parents and churches of various backgrounds, we attempt to avoid activities and programs that would cause division among our students, parents, and churches. Though we realize it is virtually impossible to please everyone, New Life will, nevertheless, endeavor to keep to a minimum those activities and programs which would cause or bring dissension among our families.


If a student receives a failing grade in any required class or drops below a 2.50 grade point average (GPA), the student will be placed on academic probation. Parents will receive notification by letter when their child is on academic probation. The student then has the following grading period to correct the deficiency. There are four grading periods during the school year.

Students who, for any reason, are deficient in credits at the end of a year must contact the Principal to make plans for credit recovery. Refer questions regarding this policy to the Principal.

If a student remains on academic probation longer than one term, or fails a class at the term, he or she is subject to dismissal. Parents can check weekly assignments and grades each week. When parents are unsure of their student’s progress, they are encouraged to contact the teacher.

Activity Eligibility

Eligibility requires current enrollment at the time of the tryouts, auditions, and /or elections for students desiring to participate in athletics or extra curricular programs at New Life School of Excellence. This means official registration completed, with their application on file in the school office for the following school year.

Students in the application process, or those accepted for the following year, are not eligible to participate in these activities or programs until they have become registered students and are regularly attending classes.

To be academically eligible for any New Life sponsored extra curricular activity, a student must maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 2.50 calculated each grading

11 period, and have no failing grades. Should any student fall below that mark, the student will withdraw from all extra curricular activities until the next grading period report establishes a current acceptable GPA without failing grades.

Eligibility for Extra Curricular Activities Academic Performance

Students opting to participate in athletics should keep in mind that academic achievement should be their first priority. Frequently, the most successful athletes are those who perform well academically in the classroom and are instrumental in promoting a positive learning environment.


Participants in any extra curricular activities are to pass all subjects during the previous grading period and earn at least a 2.50 grade point average for the previous grading period.


If the student is below the 2.50 (GPA), he will be placed on academic probation. The student will be required to maintain a 2.50 GPA in all classes on a week-to-week basis for the first five weeks during the sports season. At end of the five weeks, if the student is at a 2.50 GPA with no “F” grades, for Senior High, and no “D” or “F” grades for Junior High, the student is taken off academic probation.



At New Life School of Excellence, we believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God and, therefore, the standard by which to measure all values, as reflected in all school programs, policies, and traditions. Bible classes are required as an integral part of our curriculum. In addition, we integrate biblical concepts into every other curricular area within the school.


Students receive their class schedules prior to classes starting in the fall. Any change that a student wants to make in his or her schedule must receive approval from the Principal and must have the consent of the student’s parent or guardian.


Students are responsible for tests and work missed because of an absence or tardy. At the teacher’s request, students might be required to make up class time missed because of tardiness or absences. ‘This also includes an activity-related absence such as sports event, student leadership, etc. Students missing class for a school-related activity should see the teacher prior to the day of the activity, so that they may complete homework in a timely manner.


The purpose and mission of New Life School of Excellence’s curriculum is to “glorify God by implementing a quality, sequential, measurable curriculum, integrating knowledge with Truth, which enables the student to demonstrate a biblical worldview.”

Our key focus areas include:

 Providing a strong, academic-based content in every curricular discipline at each grade level, enabling our students to become equipped for the next steps in their pursuit of excellence, and challenges them to become life-long learners.  Integrating knowledge, understanding, and application skills that emphasize: - Biblical Worldview Integration - Spiritual Formation - Leadership Development - Academic Excellence that includes communication skills and higher thinking skills -


(Only with Permission from the Principle)

Students who have failed a class are required to make up the course credit. The Principle must approve the program for credit recovery. Make-up of all failed courses must occur by the end of the first semester of the senior year. When failure occurs, the student’s transcript will reflect both classes and both grades. However, we calculate

13 only the higher of the two grades into the student’s GPA. Students do not receive credit for both classes if they are both passing grades. (D’s is considered failing)

*Students must make up any course where their final grade was either a D or F.


Field trips extend and enrich classroom work and the students’ background of information. Each excursion must have an educational purpose, meet a real need and provide worthwhile experiences. Well-planned and carried out field trips, according to approved procedures, become an integral part of school activities.

Students are required to have a Field Trip Permission Form on file with the school office before being allowed to go on a field trip. These forms are part of the registration packet and extra forms are available in the school office.

New Life School of Excellence will provide transportation and an appropriate fee will be charged to cover transportation costs. Parents will send their payments to the school office before the trip. An employee of New Life will be responsible for the student’s safety while on the field trip.

If a non New Life School of Excellence employee provides transportation for students in their personal vehicles, their personal insurance will be the primary insurance. They are responsible for the students’ safety to and from the school. The Principal or the transportation director must grant approval for a non-employee driver.


Final exams for each class occur during the last few days of each term. The test will be comprehensive test. Testing times depend on class schedules. Students will not be given more than two final exams on any given day. No students may take early or late final exams except in cases of illness or uncontrollable family emergencies such as death in the family or other Principal-approved situations. Absences during the final exam schedule due to vacations or early year-end checkout will result in an “F” grade on the final exam and average determined, according to the teacher’s weighted grading scale, with other grades achieved during the term. The Principal, at his/her discretion, may make exceptions after the student meets specific criteria.

 The teacher informs students in electives and other subjects as to the specific date for taking their final exam.  All academic classes have a final examination that is more extensive than a unit test.  Attendance is required each day.  Students must remain in the classroom for the entire period. Students may not leave a classroom during an exam period. Students are therefore, advised to take

14 study or reading material to be used if an exam is finished before the period is over, if the teacher allows.  Any students on campus during an exam period must be in a class or in the library. There will be no loitering on campus. All students must leave campus immediately after the last final exam of the day.  There may be no changes in the exam schedule.  Regular school dress code and parking procedures are in effect during the exam schedule.


Most people agree that education is a subjective process. However, New Life School of Excellence maintains a few standardized grading procedures for the entire school. A brief description of those standardized areas follows.

Grading Scale Numerical Grades to a Percentage Letter Grade from a Percentage “Quality Points” per Credit Earned

94-100% A 4.0 90-92% A- 3.67 87-89% B+ 3.33 83-86% B 3.0 80-82% B- 2.67 77-79% C+ 2.33 73-76% C 2.0 70-72% C- 1.67 67-69% D+ 1.33 62-66% D 1.0 63% F 0.0

Grade Point Average

The student’s GPA results by dividing the total quality points earned by the total credits attempted. For instance, if a student has completed nine credits and has earned three A’s, three B’s and three C’s than the student has a total of twenty-seven quality points. Dividing the twenty-seven quality points by the nine credits earned indicates the student has earned a 3.0. Students wishing to project their anticipated GPA for graduation must merely anticipate the grades earned in each class and calculate the total number of credits earned.

Final grades are weighted according to this scale: Lessons = 5% Projects = 20% Quizzes = 25%

15 Test = 50%


The School Counselor is responsible for helping students select the proper courses to fulfill their academic requirements for graduation. However, The Counselor’s role is only a helping role. Each student is responsible for his or her own choice of classes each semester. Graduation from New Life School of Excellence High School requires the satisfactory completion of a minimum of twenty-five credits.

Students in grades 9, 10, and 11 must pass a minimum of six academic classes each year. If a student does not have six credits each year, the student must attend summer school or make up credits through correspondence courses. Seniors must take a minimum of four full credit classes during their senior year. Graduation from New Life School of Excellence requires a senior’s enrollment as a full-time student for the entire senior year.

A senior must earn at least twenty-five credits in the proper classes for consideration for graduation. A senior who has not earned enough credits to graduate because he or she did not take a required class or failed a class during the semester, may not participate in the commencement exercises with his or her graduating class.

Full payment of all of a senior student’s tuition and fines is required prior to graduation and the issuing of the student’s diploma.

To receive honors at graduation, graduating seniors must have a minimum of 3.0 cumulative GPA.


Homework is an integral part of the school program and each teacher is at liberty to give homework to advance the academic progress of students. Each student is required to complete and turn in his or her homework assignments on time. We do request full cooperation from parents in determining each evening what homework assignments their child has been given and then to ensure that the assignments are completed on time.

Repeated delinquency in completing and submitting assigned homework could result in failure of a class or even a student’s dismissal from the school. Parents are to communicate with teachers when they sense that their child is having serious challenges with homework.

We expect that students will make up any missed work due to an absence. It is the responsibility of the student to contact each teacher immediately upon return to class after an absence to receive the assignments missed. In the event of an expected,

16 prolonged period of absence (two days or more) of a student due to illness, the parent should contact the school administrator early in the day in order to allow teachers to provide assignments and appropriate books and materials for the parent to pick up at the end of the day.

INCOMPLETE (Only by Principal or Lead Teacher’s Approval)

An “incomplete” may be given to a student at the end of a grading period for excused absences from class where the student has not had sufficient time to make up the work. Students must make up the work within two weeks or the student will receive the grade. Special cases receive special consideration, but the Principal must approve them.


When the student is demonstrating academic difficulty, there are several options for the parent and student. Parents should contact the Principal. At this point, each of the student’s teachers will receive an In-house Staffing written form to fill out and turn into the Lead Teacher. The Lead Teacher read the report and set up an appointment with the parent to discuss the specific findings. During the parent meeting, the Lead Teacher may suggest possible solutions to the student’s academic problems:

 extra tutoring to solve minor problems  more parental structure at home  additional assessment outside of the Junior/Senior High jurisdiction for severe academic problems

If there is need for additional assessment, parents have some options 1) contact their pediatrician for advice and counsel; 2) contact Lighthouse Counseling Services for academic assessment; 3) contact their public school district special services department for on-site assessment. The parent chooses which route to pursue and then proceeds. If the parent decides to work through the public school system, the Lead Teacher will call the school district and find out their district procedures for making a referral from a private Christian school. Public school assessments usually occur on-site during the school day. Private assessment organizations do their assessment off location, with the parent(s) taking the student to the assessment.

When the assessment results come in, the Lead Teacher will coordinate a follow-up meeting on-site with the parents, and the student’s teachers, if necessary. An IEP (individualized education plan) will be developed and enacted on the campus, if feasible for teachers.


We issue report cards at the middle (after nine weeks) and end (after eighteen weeks) of each semester. Students will receive a letter grade based on a numerical score for each core subject. Some “advisory” courses give grades such as “P” (Pass), “F” (Fail), or

17 ‘H” (Honors). We may issue progress reports half way through each term. Students receiving an “NC” (no credit) on their report card have excessive absences.

We withhold report cards from those students who have accumulated fines for such things as late or non-returned library materials, lost or damages text and materials, and/or who have not paid all school fees (tuition, lab fees, athletic participation fees, etc.)


The high school consists of a block system. Please refer to the website or student planner. Graduation requirements are a minimum of twenty-three credits to a maximum of twenty-seven credits.


Each year, New Life School of Excellence will administers standardized tests to each grade level as one means of helping the staff evaluate the curricular program and to provide students and parents information reading the student’s academic success, potential, and areas of aptitude. The following standardized tests are given at the designated grade levels:

 9th Grade – Stanford Achievement Test  10th Grade – PSAT – Pre-college Test, Plan Test  11th Grade – PSAT – Pre-college Test  12th Grade – SAT/ACT – College Entrance Exam

Parents having questions about the standardized test results should contact the Lead Teachers. Students will receive the opportunity to review the results of their tests with the Lead Teacher.


Textbooks selected for use in courses at New Life School of Excellence assist the teacher in providing an instructional program that is academically challenging, while pursuing truth and nurturing inquiring minds. Textbooks are only one source among many used to teach and develop skills, attitudes, abilities and knowledge which have been identified as being essential for a complete and Christian K-12 education.

A team of teachers evaluate and select textbooks by using the following criteria:

18  Harmony with New Life’s mission and philosophy  Current and accurate content that matches New Life’s developed student- learning objectives.  Attractive and easy-to-use format  Supplementary materials that provide for a wide range of ability levels


A transcript is an official copy of a student’s academic record and will bears the official seal of New Life School of Excellence High School. A request for a student transcript must include the student’s signature to authorize the release of the record. Request forms will be available in the office. In cases where financial obligations to the school have not been satisfied, we will withhold release of the transcript until all payments have been received.


When a student withdraws from the school during or at the end of a semester, we will follow these specific procedures. First, obtain a withdrawal form from the school office. Then, complete the form by obtaining the signatures required.

No refunds are available after the fourth week of classes. Refund of laboratory and activity fees occurs only during the first week.

Requests for student transcripts or records during the academic term will be processed only when a student’s account with New Life is current. We do not send year-end transcripts until a student’s account is paid in full.

Withdrawals from the school must be in writing through the office by the parent or guardian. If a student withdraws, his or her tuition is pro-rated on a daily basis and a withdrawal fee of 10% of the annual tuition bill accrues to the account.

Any time a student or parent cannot remain in harmony with the philosophy, rules, and policies of New Life School of Excellence, the student may receive dismissal from the school and exclusion from future enrollment at New Life.



The ultimate, unique goal of New Life High is for students to achieve the ability to govern themselves from within, based on the example and model of Jesus Christ. As

19 the ability of students intrinsically to govern themselves grows, there is less need for imposing external or extrinsic rules and regulations on them. As we, staff and parents working together as a team, help our children to mature in their Christian walk, teaching and training them to do what is right according to God’s Word, we will raise up exceptional young leaders, ready to move confidently into tomorrow’s world.

Choose to respect

- God, - Jesus, the Lord, and Savior - parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, - principals, teachers, and all school staff, - All adults - peers, - Younger children - Property that belongs to others, and’ - (the list goes on and on)

We at New Life High School are committed to this goal, but know we cannot accomplish it without the help of every parent focusing on these character traits as well.

Parents’/Guardians’ Statement of Understanding, Support, and Commitment:

 We agree with and will support the Guiding Principles (Purpose, Core Values, Mission, and Core Character Traits, Statement of Faith, and Educational Philosophy, and are willing to have our student educated in accordance with them.

 We will become familiar with the guidelines as listed in the Parent/Student Handbook and support them.

 We will demonstrate and encourage a courteous, grateful, respectful, cooperative, and forgiving approach, along with proper self-control in thoughts, words, actions, and attitude.

 We will encourage habits of punctuality, thoroughness, neatness, honesty, resourcefulness, independent reading, and study.

 We will encourage participation in school projects, program, parties, physical education, and other school activities to develop skills and relationships.

 We will encourage completion of all homework and assignments and help the student develop effective study habits.

 We will encourage school personnel through cooperation, prayer support, participation in school activities, and proactive communication.

20  We understand that God has given us the primary responsibility for the spiritual training of our child(ren). We choose to partner with New Life School of Excellence in the training of our child(ren) and will worship regularly with our student in a local Bible-believing church.

 We will deal with conflict in school relations according to Biblical principles and will not consider filing or bringing litigation against our school. We agree and pledge to resolve any disputes through Christian mediation. (Matthew 18:15-16).


Philosophy A person’s honor rests in their integrity.

Without integrity, we lose credibility, no matter how successful our academics, activities, and athletic programs may be. More importantly, we make a mockery of the name “Christian” and become an obstacle to the work of God at New Life High.

Homework Cheating, with regard to homework, includes, but is not limited to the following:

1. Submitting an assignment done by someone else. 2. Preparing an assignment to be submitted by someone else. 3. Selling any assignment 4. Copying someone else’s work 5. Allowing someone else to copy one’s work 6. Depending significantly on someone else’s ideas in completing an assignment

Testing Cheating, with regard to tests, includes, but is not limited to the following:

1. Allowing another to view answers during a test or evaluation. 2. Unauthorized communication of information during a test or evaluation. 3. Use or possession of unauthorized materials during a test. 4. Providing any substantive information about a test to other students who have not yet taken it. 5. Any behavior that a teacher can reasonably construe as cheating.

When a teacher or proctor observes cheating:

21 1. The teacher/proctor’s judgment as to the facts of cheating is final 2. The teacher/proctor must report the incident to the Principal

Papers, Essays, Etc.

If a teacher assigns essays, papers, worksheets and other kinds of writing, the student should write the assignment in their own words that reflect their own understanding. Plagiarism is a serious offense that inhibits this process.

1. Plagiarism is the act a student commits when they give the impression that they have written or thought something on their own that in fact they borrowed from someone else. It is a form of cheating that involves a student’s attempt to gain credit from someone else’s efforts. 2. When a student is submitting a written paper, that student must clearly document those ideas, interpretation, words, phrases, and others expressions that come from an outside source. Forgetting to cite a source does not excuse a student from the charge of plagiarism. The teacher is the final judge as to whether plagiarism has taken place. Students should consult with their teacher or English teacher for understanding the dynamics of plagiarism. It is the responsibility of the student to wholly understand the meaning of plagiarism.

MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY The following lists describe the responsibilities of students, faculty, and administrators in upholding academic integrity, while at the same time respecting the rights of individuals to the due process offered by administrative hearings and appeals. All persons enrolled in any course and all persons supervising the learning of any student are responsible for acting in accordance with the provisions of this policy.

Students are responsible for:

1. Understanding the types of conduct that are unacceptable and, therefore, are prohibited by this policy. 2. Refraining from committing any act of cheating, plagiarizing, facilitating academic dishonesty, abusing academic materials, stealing, or lying. 3. Alerting teachers or administrators of instances that violate this policy.

Faculty members are responsible for:

1. Understanding the procedures of this policy relative to how faculty is to handle suspected instances of academic dishonesty. 2. Developing an instructional environment that reflects a commitment to maintaining and enforcing academic integrity.

22 3. Addressing every suspected or admitted instance of the violation of the provisions of this policy in accordance with the procedures set forth in this document. 4. Making sure all students in their classes are aware of and understand this policy.

Administrators are responsible for:

1. Making provisions for the education of students, faculty, and persons with designated responsibility under the provisions of this document concerning their responsibilities. 2. Annually evaluating the effectiveness of the various measures taken to promote academic integrity.

The failure of one party to fulfill their responsibilities may not be used by another party to excuse their own failures to comply with the responsibilities stated above.

CONSEQUENCES Because cheating undermines the process of learning and teaching, it is a very serious breach of discipline. In all cases of cheating, whether on a homework assignment, a quiz, test, examination, report, or essay assignment the teacher in whose class the student’s infraction occurred will document and report the infraction to the Principal, and will notify the student’s parents of the infraction. Furthermore, the student will lose all credit on the assignment in question. For repeated offenses of cheating, consequences that are more stringent will apply. The following guidelines for consequences are applicable to instances of cheating:

Homework, Quizzes and Tests, Plagiarism First and second offense(s): A. Teacher documents and reports to the Principal B. Student receives a “O” on the assignment C. Parents are notified D. Automatic detention for Minor Infraction.

Third and subsequent offenses: A. Teacher documents and reports to the Principal B. Student receives a zero on the assignment C. Parents are notified D. Automatic Saturday School for Serious Infraction.

Subsequent offenses may result in more than one day suspension or more severe consequences.

23 FINAL EXAMS First offense: A. Teacher documents and reports to the Principal B. Student receives an “F” for the course C. Parents are notified D. Automatic three day suspension for Major Infraction

Second offense: A. Teacher documents and reports to the Principal B. Student receives an “F” for the course C. Parents are notified D. Automatic permanent expulsion


Every student of New Life School of Excellence is expected, both on and off campus, to refrain from talking about, writing about, or engaging in the following non-Biblical, immoral activities: lying, cheating, stealing, swearing, gambling, dressing indecently, drinking alcoholic beverages, using narcotics or illegal drugs, using tobacco, any pornographic activity, using vulgar language, any occult activity, or any sexual involvement with like or opposite gender.

Other types of behavior which are not permissible by any student are: incompatible attitude, uncooperative spirit, rebellion toward discipline, chronic complaining, sowing discord, and unexcused absences or tardiness. Every student of New Life School of Excellence is expected to act in an orderly and respectable manner, maintaining Biblical standards of courtesy, kindness, language, morality, honesty, and modest dress. Students are expected to strive toward unquestionable Christ-like character in the way they conduct themselves at all times, both on and off campus.

Students are to show honor to others at all times. “May I….,” “please,” “thank you,” and “Yes, sir” are examples of courteous phrases. Students are to address all adults with proper respect (e.g., Mr. Brown, Mrs. Smith). Boys are encouraged to practice being courteous by such acts as opening doors for girls and adults.


New Life School of Excellence is an educational ministry, with an emphasis on the development of Godly character. There will be opportunity for boys and girls to cultivate friendships, however anything more than passing friendships will be discouraged for the protection of our entire student body. Students will not be permitted to display a public show of affection during the school day, on school grounds, or while attending any school-related function. All students should give no occasion to have evil spoken against them. I Timothy 5:14 says, “Give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.”


New Life School of Excellence is a zero tolerance school with regard to sexual immorality. Students will be immediately expelled with absolutely no exceptions to this policy if sexual immorality is proven as fact.


New Life School of Excellence is dedicated to providing a safe environment for every student enrolled. To do so, the following standards are in place:

Students are not to intentionally engage in physical contact with other students except when appropriate as determined by the school. (e.g., Sports) Includes boy/girl, boy/boy, girl/girl contact Includes siblings Any act or expression of physical intent against a teacher or any other staff member is cause for immediate suspension or expulsion. Fighting between students while in the classroom or on the church/school premises, will result in immediate suspension.


New Life School of Excellence is a zero tolerance school in relation to firearms, knives, explosives, etc. They are expressly prohibited on campus or in vehicles. Any student who violates this policy will be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency and immediately expelled from school. There will be absolutely no exceptions to this policy.


Consequences for undisciplined behavior at New Life School of Excellence High School can spread across the spectrum from “counseling the student” to “dismissal of the student from school”. We are committed to make every effort, working with parents and the student, to help each young person move to a level of self- governance before having to reach the decision that dismissal from school is the only alternative. At New Life High School, the teacher is the principle authority in the classroom and assumes the major responsibility of the training and discipline of each student. The students are to follow the specific rules of the classroom and of the school. Specific behaviors in the classroom for which students will receive consequences from the teacher include, but are not limited to being unprepared for class, failing to complete their assignment, eating in the classroom without teacher permission, tardiness, lying, cheating, disobedience, disrupting the teaching- learning process, swearing, and dress and grooming code violations. Consequential measures available to the teacher in dealing with a student’s lack of self-discipline include, but are not limited to: (a) counsel: (b) detentions; (c) work assignments; (d) telephone or written contact with parents; and (e) parent conferences.

The Principal has the ultimate authority and responsibility for discipline in the school. The following Discipline Code is in effect at New Life High School for those students referred to an administrator.

Minor Infractions include, but are not limited to: 1. Running in the halls 2. Willfully littering the school property 3. Being out of class without authorization (in the hall during class without a Hall Pass) 4. Possession of laser lights/pointers 5. Interfering with or changing locks on lockers that are not assigned to the student 6. Dress code violations 7. Disruptive behaviors in the classroom or during assemblies, chapels or school events 8. Sleeping in class 9. Use of cellular telephone, radios, CD/DVD/tape players, televisions, video games, etc., during unauthorized times

Serious Infractions include, but are not limited to:

26 1. Profanity (including vulgar slang) 2. Willful property destruction 3. First instance of cheating on quiz or test, or plagiarism 4. Theft of any kind 5. Serious disruptive behavior or disrespect for teachers in the classroom or during assemblies, chapel, or school events 6. Leaving campus without proper authorization 7. Skipping class 8. Public displays of affection (kissing or intimate embracing) 9. Gambling or engaging in games of chance 10. Dress code violations 11. Unsafe driving on campus 12. Forgery 13. Fighting 14. Repeated Minor Infraction violations without any sign of change by the student

Major Infractions include, but are not limited to: 1. Illegal drug use or possession 2. Possession, or drinking, of any alcoholic beverages 3. Tobacco in any form (possession or use) 4. Cheating on final exam(first offense) 5. Repeated cheating on quizzes and tests or repeated plagiarism 6. Major theft 7. Any sexual impropriety, including sexual harassment (both physical or verbal) 8. Racial harassment of any type (including slang or derogatory remarks) 9. Possession or use of any weapon or object intended for use as a weapon 10. Possession of any item(s), involvement in any activity, or association with any individual(s) that may endanger the health, safety, or well-being of any student or staff member 11. Threatening or intimidating students or staff members 12. Assault 13. Skipping class and leaving campus 14. Blatant disrespect for a member of the faculty, staff, or administration 15. Possession or distribution of pornographic materials 16. Any illegal activity 17. Repeated Serious Infraction violations without any sign of change by the student

Reasons for Expulsion include, but are not limited to: 1. Conviction of drug possession with intent to distribute 2. Third time caught cheating; cheating on a final exam for the second time 3. Repeated Major Infraction violations without any sign of change by the student

27 Conduct Code

The stated consequences are guidelines only and administrators have the sole discretion, to alter discipline for misbehavior as they consider the conditions of the infraction and the history of the student involved.

Following are consequences recommended for the above listed infractions for those students who have received a referral from a teacher.

Minor Infraction – All staff level 1. Warning/counseling (verbal or written) from teacher (documented) 2. Warning/counseling (verbal or written) with referral sent home (documented) 3. After-school detention 4. Teachers will correct dress code violations. If a teacher cannot make a correction, the student and a note will go to the office for correction from an administrator.

Serious Infractions – Administrative Level 1. Saturday School 2. Suspension 3. Recommendation for expulsion

A. Illegal use, Sale, and/or Possession of Alcoholic Beverages – A student who is found to use, sell, and/or be in possession of alcoholic beverages shall be in violation of school policy. Possession is not only physical possession, but constructive possession, as well. Constructive possession occurs when a student is at a location (i.e., a party) where alcohol is present and underage students are drinking, and the student makes no effort to leave that location immediately. The following consequences shall apply:

First Offense – A ten-day suspension from school occurs and thirty-day suspension from any extra curricular activity (athletics, leadership, worship team, play, etc.). This consequence reduces to five days/fifteen days if the student enrolls and successfully completes a school-approved alcohol abuse program. The cost for this program will be the responsibility of the student’s parents.

Second Offense – a thirty-day suspension from school occurs and sixty-day suspension from any extra curricular activity (athletics, leadership, worship team, play, etc.). This consequence reduces to fifteen day/thirty days if the student enrolls and successfully completes a school-approved alcohol abuse program. The cost for this program will be the responsibility of the student’s parents.

Third Offense – Immediate EXPULSION from school.

28 B. Illegal use, Sale, and/or Possession of Illegal Drugs and Controlled Substance – A student who is found to use, sell and/or be in possession of one or more of the above shall be in violation of school policy.

Possession is not only physical possession, but constructive possession, as well. Constructive possession is where a student is at a location (i.e., a party) where drugs are present, and makes no effort to leave that location immediately. The following consequences shall apply:

First Offense – A thirty-day suspension from school will occur and an immediate suspension from any extra curricular activity (athletics, leadership, worship team, play, etc.) for the remainder of that season. This consequence reduces to a fifteen-day suspension if the student enrolls and successfully completes a school-approved drug abuse program. There is no reduction in the suspension from curricular activities. The cost for this program will be the responsibility of the student’s parents.

Second Offense – Mandatory EXPULSION from school

Zero Tolerance Infractions – Administrative Level Mandatory Expulsion


The student agrees to:

 Be involved in the study of God’s Word, which is vital to the Christian life. We incorporate biblical truths into the curriculum at all age levels while in attendance at New Life School of Excellence.

 Follow biblical principles for wholesome speech, conduct, and sexual purity

 Worship with the student body in Chapel. Attendance is required.

 Worship regularly with his or her parents in a local Bible-believing church.

 Become familiar with and adhere to the guidelines as listed in the Parent/Student Handbook.

 Behave and work responsibly in the classroom, on the school campus, and at school-sponsored activities, abiding by the standards set by the school.

 Have a courteous, respectful, obedient, and cooperative attitude toward administration, teachers, staff, volunteer, and other students in the school.

29  Not possess, or in any way make the impression of possessing, or threaten to use, any form of weapon, firearm, or explosives. Violation will result in expulsion from school.

 Not use tobacco, alcoholic beverages, or illegal drugs on or off campus.

 Adhere to the dress code.

 Do his or her best to perform academically at a satisfactory level.

 A written, signed statement from the child’s parent or guardian requesting the school to administer the medication.

The medication must be in the original container and be brought to the school office immediately upon arrival at school, along with the two required statements. Students in possession of medication in violation of the above guidelines may be subject to disciplinary consequence. We do not permit sharing of medications between students.

The school office does not keep on hand or offer aspirin or other over the counter medications to students.

NOTE: PARENTS SHOULD STRICTLY ABIDE WITH THIS POLICY Functional, attractive, modest, and neat clothing is our standard. Faddish, sensual, or attention getting clothing, including tight-fitting, baggy, conspicuously oversized, or clothing made of see-through material, as well as conspicuously dirty, fray, or torn clothing are not acceptable.

New Life requires that all students wear the prescribed uniform. The purpose of the school uniform policy is to promote and develop Christian character and conduct. The policy also ensures that all students are dressed appropriately for the work they are doing. There is a definite relationship between good dress habits, good work habits, and proper behavior at school. Good taste in dress is an important part of a wholesome school atmosphere.

The uniform must be worn at all times while on the school campus. Changing into or from the uniform, before or after school, is not permitted, unless permission is obtained from the administrator or principal. Any exceptions to the standard uniform guidelines will be made known in advance by way of an announcement or in a written notification.

All clothing must be clearly labeled with the student’s name. All clothing must be clean, pressed, and in good repair. Any items which are lost or ruined must be replaced immediately.



BOYS: All grades

 Dress white shirts  Dress black pants  Dress black belts  Dress black socks  Dress black shoes  Burgundy/gold dress tie  Burgundy cardigan sweaters for grades 7-8  Burgundy blazer for Senior High


7-8  Burgundy plaid skirt  Dress white blouse/shirt  Burgundy cardigan sweater  White/burgundy socks/stocking  Dress black shoes  Plaid burgundy tie

9-12  Burgundy plaid skirt  White blouse/shirt  Plaid burgundy tie  Burgundy blazer  Dress black shoes  White/burgundy sock/stocking

Friday Uniform

31  White/burgundy polo shirt  Black pants  White socks  Solid white sneakers

P.E. Uniform

 Gold Tee shirt  Gold Sweat shirt  Burgundy shorts  Burgundy Sweat Pants  White socks  White sneakers

When the student is allowed to wear their own clothing they cannot have shirts with inappropriate pictures, slogans, or writing (i.e.) Names of bars, lounges, and rock bands are some examples.

Males are not allowed to wear make-up or nail polish.


Girls may wear small earrings. However, not permitted is other visible body piercing, such as nose rings and eyebrow rings, nor may body piercing be concealed by a band- aid. Boys may not wear earrings or other visible body piercing, nor may they cover piercing with a band-aid. We permit no visible tattoos. Students may not wear hats and sunglasses in the school building. Jewelry or accessories with protruding objects that could cause potential harm to another student may not be worn (ex., spiked bracelets/dog collar necklaces/safety pins on clothes).

Failure to observe the above guidelines may result in the person being asked to leave the event.

The dress expectations apply in the classroom and building during regular school hours on school days and at any school-sponsored activities. Parents are responsible to see that their children are dressed properly when they leave for school.

Lack of Discernment in Dress and Appearance

Students whose dress or appearance is not honoring the stated expectations will be subject to the school discipline procedures stated in the discipline code. Students will remain out of their classes until they secure a change of clothes, resulting in class absences that are considered unexcused.


32 Saturday School is a discipline alternative that may consist of a variety of activities. Activities include, but are not limited to, community work projects, campus work projects, intense academic work, or any other activities determined to be appropriate by New Life’s administrative staff.

The intent of this program is to teach students responsibility for their actions by requiring their personal time and energy for worthwhile endeavors. Any student assigned Saturday School who fails to attend may be subject to additional penalties that could include suspension or expulsion. Parents receive notification in advance if their child is required to attend Saturday School.

Saturday School will run from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on designated Saturdays. Students are expected to be on time. Any tardies or behavior violations during Saturday School could result in additional penalties that could be additional Saturday Schools or suspension.


New Life School of Excellence is committed to the value and dignity of all persons. Appropriate behavior toward others includes words and actions of encouragement and kindness. Harassing, bullying, and threatening behavior includes, but is not limited to, focusing negatively on a person’s race, creed, handicap, size, faith, or national origin. Prohibited actions include comments, slurs, jokes, innuendoes, cartoons, phone & text messaging, pranks and physical harm to a person or their property,. Teachers, students, and parents should feel free to contact administration when they feel harassed, bullied, or threatened at school.


Any student who chronically skips a class or classes, in addition to loss of credit during the time of absence, may be subject to dismissal from school.


A student, who abuses school property in any way, whether deliberately or accidentally, is subject to the discipline outlined in the Discipline Code and must pay all repair/clean-up costs as set by the school.



For the protection and safety of your child, parents must assume the responsibility of notifying the school office when any changes occur with respect to home, work, and

33 emergency telephone numbers, names of emergency contacts, address changes, medical information, and/or parental or guardian status. If stressful situations or anticipated changes are, or will be, occurring within the student’s home or living situation which may produce an effect on the child’s performance at school, it would be helpful if the school administration were informed. This awareness will help school personnel to understand and assist with possible behavioral changes observed in the student.



From time to time, inclement weather will necessitate a school closure. Please listen to WBNS for school closure information. In some cases, the school may call families to notify them of a school closure.

Since Columbus Public Schools is the largest school district, New Life will follow some of their closings based on weather conditions.



Tuition Fees

34 All re-enrollment fees and registration fees must be paid prior to a student’s official enrollment in New Life School of Excellence. In addition, monthly tuition will be pay to “FACTS Tuition Management Company. Parents having questions about or situations affecting tuition and fee payment should contact the School Office.

Athletic Fees

All student athlete’s participation in high school level sports pays an athletic participation fee. This fee is per sport. For example, if your student participates in both football and basketball, there will be two fee charged. You must pay the athletic participation fee before the first game or the student athlete is ineligible and may not participate. If a student is cut from a team or quits before the first game of the season, the athletic participation fee will be refunded. If a student quits or is injured mid- season, the athletic fee is non-refundable.


A class fee applies to students participating in classes that require specific supplies in order to complete the course work. Some examples include art, applied science, photography, applied physics, etc. This fee is due immediately upon student entry in the class.

All fees must be paid in full before release of student records, including report cards.


Throughout the years at New Life School of Excellence, students will be using many items that belong to the school. These include books, instruments, tools, and athletic equipment, as well as other materials and equipment. If school-owned materials or equipment are lost or damaged, the student receives a monetary fine, representing a fair repair cost or replacement value. Stolen items are the responsibility of the student.

We will record fines on a student-fine card maintained in the school office. Unpaid fines will require that the student come to the office with a parent to review and pay his or her fines at the end of the term, prior to issuance of the report card.


Students or parents having questions regarding student/teacher or student/administration relations, assignments, classroom procedures, teacher actions, grades, and the like, should direct their questions to the teacher(s) or administrator(s) concerned. If, after discussing the issue with the teacher or administrator, the matter

35 has not been resolved, the student or parent may appeal the matter to the administration of New Life School of Excellence or Board if necessary.

You May Expect Your School to:

 Clarify to all students our expectations and to commend, counsel, or correct as occasion demands.

 Cooperate with you in every way possible to encourage your child in the development of the above attitudes, habits’, and skills.

 Communicate with you regularly concerning the growth needs and accomplishments of your child

 Make the educational experience of your child fulfilling and complete.



A student who becomes ill during the school day must obtain permission from the teacher whose class he or she will miss prior to going to the office (to lay their head down.). The office does not grant permission to rest without the teacher’s approval. The student may lie down for one period only. If the student is not able to return to class for the next period, we will notify his or her parent or emergency contact to pick up the student from school. Students may not have books or study materials while resting. The school is not equipped to provide nursing care for sick students during the day. If your child is experiencing symptoms of illness before school, please keep him or her home for the day.

In the event a student becomes too ill during the school day to remain at school, the school will contact the parent and/or the individual listed on the Emergency Information form to transport the child home. If no one is available, the student will remain at school. An injured student should immediately notify a teacher or staff member to ensure that the student receives proper care and that staff complete the appropriate reports.

36 If a student becomes seriously ill or injured to where the school determines that he or she must have immediate attention by a physician, we will arrange for the student’s transport to Mount Carmel Hospital on East Broad Street, and we will make an immediate effort to contact the parents and/or their designee listed on the Emergency Information Form. Parents, please keep the Emergency Information Form current by calling in any changes to the school office as soon as a change is in effect.


Please do not send your child to school if any of the following conditions are demonstrated: Unusual spots or rashes, sore throat or difficulty in swallowing, elevated temperature over 100 degrees, vomiting or diarrhea, evidence of lice, scabies, or other parasitic infestations, redness, itching or discharge from the eye. Note that our Christian School has a nit-free policy for readmission after being out of school with lice. This requires a Health Department check showing the child to be nit free.

Students should miss school for the number of days indicated if they have: 1) Measles -- four days from onset of rash, 2) Chicken Pox -- six days from the last eruption of new vesicles. 3) Mumps -- nine days from onset or until subsidence of swelling, 4) German Measles (Rubella) -- four days from onset of rash, 5) Respiratory Streptococcal Infections, including Scarlet Fever -- not less than seven days from onset if no physician in attendance or 24 hours from start of medication


In order to protect students from infectious childhood diseases, Ohio law requires that all students enrolled in public and private schools in the state must have signed certificates of immunization status forms on record with their prospective schools. Students may not attend school until required immunizations are up to date. Required immunizations include diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio, measles, rubella (German measles), and mumps. New students to the school must include this signed form with the application materials prior to expecting an admissions interview.


Whenever possible, the parents and physician are urged to design a schedule for administering any prescribed or non-prescribed medication to a student outside of school hours. The rare exceptions involve special conditions where it is deemed necessary that the child have the medication in order to remain at school. If a student must take medication at school during the day, the following information must be on file at the school office:

 A written, signed statement from the child’s physician identifying the name of the child, the specific medication, the dosage, the time(s) of day and the

37 duration it is to be administered, any visible side effects of the medication, and authorizing the school to administer the medication to the child.

 A written signed statement from the child’s parent or guardian requesting the school to administer the medication.

The medication must be in the original container and be brought to the school office immediately upon arrival at school, along with the two required statements. Students in possession of medication in violation of the above guidelines may be subject to disciplinary consequences. We do not permit sharing of medications between students.

The school office does not keep on hand or offer aspirin or other over-the-counter medications to students.



It is the desire of the administration and the faculty of New Life School of Excellence to be of service to our families who entrust their children to us for training and teaching during the school day. Therefore, we welcome parental visits to your child’s classroom. We do ask, however, that you make any plans to visit a classroom at least a day in advance, through contact with the teacher, for a specific scheduled time. This will avoid embarrassing interruptions during testing times, individual student presentations, etc. Please check in at the office upon arrival to receive a visitor pass.


Any parent who wishes to meet with a teacher is welcome and encouraged to do so. The parent may call the school office to contact the teacher and make an appointment. Should a conference with the administrator, or the administrator and the teacher, be desired, the parent should follow the same procedure and have the school office schedule a meeting. Please do not attempt to meet with a teacher or administrator without an appointment, except in those rare cases of an emergency.


New Life School of Excellence is always in need of volunteer parent helpers for various projects and activities throughout the school year. Assisting teachers, working on fundraising projects, assisting in the school office, and providing activity supervision are just a few areas where volunteers are involved. The volunteer help we receive is vital to the success of our program and we encourage every parent to be involved in some way. Parents and others who give of their time and talents find

38 themselves abundantly blessed because of their involvement. Please call the school office to find out how your volunteer services may be used.



New Life School of Excellence is open to anyone interested in securing a Christian education from seventh through the twelfth grade. The school will decide who is qualified for admission and who agrees (and whose parents agree) that he or she shall abide by New Life’s school rules. Parents and students must understand that attendance at New Life School of Excellence is a privilege and not a right. Any student who does not conform to the school’s standards of conduct and is unwilling to adjust to our environment must forfeit this privilege.

All students must want to want to attend New Life School of Excellence and agree to honestly and wholeheartedly apply themselves to “study to show himself approved unto God” (II Timothy 2:15). They also agree to be courteous and respectful to their peers, staff, faculty, and other daily associates.

New Life School of Excellence admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origins to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate based on race, color, national, and ethnic origin in admissions policies, athletic, and other school administered programs. New Life reserves the right to select students based on academic performance, and personal qualifications, including a willingness to cooperate with New Life’s administration and to abide by its policies.

Process, Acceptance, and Registration

Students desiring acceptance into New Life School of Excellence must request an admissions packet from the school office. Completion and submission of the following forms and fees are required before an admissions appointment is scheduled:

 Student Application/Family Form  Registration Fee  Health Information/Parental Agreement Form  Medical/Surgical Consent and Field Trip Permission  Application Questionnaire  Secondary School Guidelines  Parent Questionnair

39  Last Report Card  High School Transcripts (Grades 9-12)  Standardized Testing Results  Immunization Form

Following the receipt of all admissions materials, the school administrator will evaluate the student’s eligibility for admission. If the student qualifies, we will schedule an admissions interview appointment for the student and parent(s) to meet with an administrator.

All students receive notification as to approval or denial of their admission to New Life School of Excellence. The administrative staff will determine grade placement for all students.

Upon acceptance into New Life, we provide the new student with class schedule information. Scheduling of students into elective class choice will be determined based on availability of space, teacher approval, and the student’s academic ability.

Admissions procedures are in place for each specific level: junior and senior high school.


The office telephone should be used by students for emergency calls only. The school office will deliver emergency messages to students immediately upon request. Emergencies are generally considered circumstances which involve the health or safety of an individual. The office will not call students to the telephone unless it is an emergency.

Students need to take care of all business and other arrangements before or after school. Students may only use the school office phone for emergencies, with permission from an administrator.


Only in cases of extreme emergency are students called to the office for a telephone call. Students need to take care of all business and other arrangements before or after school. Students may only use the school office phone for emergencies, with permission from an administrator.


40 All “found” items are to be turned in to the school office. Students are given regular opportunity to claim “lost” items from the Lost and Found. Approximately once a month, all items which have not been claimed will become the property of the school, at which time the items will be disposed of in whatever way the school chooses. Identifying your child’s belongings will help keep the Lost and Found to a minimum !

The school is not responsible for items that are lost or stolen. We advise students to mark clothing (coats, P.E. wear, etc.) with a permanent marking pen. This will enable school staff to return lost items to the owner. Students should not bring items of value or excessive amounts of money to the school.


Parents are responsible for providing transportation to and from school. Parents may arrange car pools; however the parent/guardian must provide written consent for car pool transportation. Parents are asked to refrain from honking their horn to announce their arrival.


Students possessing a valid driver’s license may drive to and from school with parental permission. Student drivers must refrain from going to their cars during the course of the day. Students may drive their cars to off-campus functions only with written parental permission and staff approval. Student drivers who need to leave school during school hours must present to their teacher written permission from their parent before they will be allowed to leave the school grounds.


New Life School of Excellence maintains a closed campus. Students are not permitted to come and go at will during the school day.


Chapel Service is conducted every Wednesday morning as a time to collectively worship God and learn Biblical principles for daily living. Chapel, which includes

41 singing, prayer, memory verses, Bible teaching, and drama is open to parental attendance and involvement. Area pastors are often invited to share a message at the services. At all times the student’s behavior should be refined and courteous towards fellow students, their teachers, and the guest speaker. Bibles should always be brought to Chapel. Teachers and students are required to attend chapels and assemblies and shall wear clothing designated for Chapel Day.


Throughout the year there will be scheduled field trips, library visits, and special class activities. These are carefully designed to be an important extension of classroom learning. Parents will be notified in advance of these activities. Parents will have given blanket permission for their child to attend the field trips by completing the Authorization to Attend Off-Campus Activities form.

Students must cooperate with and obey their teacher or appointed leader at all times and must remain with their assigned group. Any student in violation of this principle may be denied participation in upcoming field trips for a period of time determined by the Administrator.


Each year, a school photographer takes individual pictures of the students. Notices will be sent home regarding the time. You are under no obligation to purchase these pictures. Retakes are available.

Re –enrollment

During designated days in the month of March 19 through April 1, we will accept applications for re-enrollment of presently enrolled students. A yearly re-enrollment fee is charged. If the School Office does not receive your re-enrollment application and fee by the announced due date, your student will not be considered enrolled for the coming school year, and his or her space in the classroom will be made available to new applicants. If the parents decide to re-enroll their child after the designated re- enrollment due dates, they will be required to submit a new student application form and pay the new student registration fee. Their acceptance into the school will then be under consideration with all new applicants.


New Life School of Excellence offers high school students three choices as to course of study:

Course of Study Required Credits Honors 27 College Preparatory 25 General 23

The level attained by the student is determined by several factors: the student’s starting level in various subjects based on diagnostic tests completed at enrollment, previous high school credits, the student’s motivation and actual rate of progress.

Each student receives an Academic Plan which details what courses are needed for graduation. The Plan is updated annually and discussed during the 1st quarter Parent Conference. Ten (10) units equal one credit.

The minimum diploma requirements are as follows:


Bible 4 credits Math 4 credits (Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2, and Trig. or Consumer Math) Language Arts 4 credits History 4 credits Science 3 credits (Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry or Physics) Keyboarding 1/2 credit Computer Apps 1 1/2 credit Health 1 credit P.E. 2 credits Fine Arts 1 credit Foreign Language 2 credits Electives ? TOTAL 27 CREDITS

*Student must achieve a 90% average overall and demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in written and oral presentations, plus score at least a 22 on the ACT or 1000 on the SAT.


Bible 2 credits Math 3 credits (Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2) Language Arts 4 credits History 4 credits

43 Science 3 credits (See above) Keyboarding 1/2 credit Computer Apps 1 1/2 credit Health 1 credit P.E. 2 credits Fine Arts 1 credit Foreign Language 2 credits Electives ? TOTAL 25 CREDITS


Bible 2 credits Math 2-3 credits (Algebra, Geometry, and Consumer Math Language Arts 4 credits History 4 credits Science 2 credits (Physical Science, Biology) Keyboarding 1/2 credit Computer Apps 1 1/2 credit Health 1 credit P.E. 2 credits Fine Arts 1 credit Foreign Language 1 credit Electives ? TOTAL 23 CREDITS


New Life School of Excellence believes that quality education includes the opportunity for students to participate in athletics and extra curricular programs. A full athletic program includes:

FALL: Girls – Cheer Squad with Columbus Crusaders

Boys – Football with Columbus Crusaders

WINTER: Girls – Cheer Squad with New Life

Boys – Basketball with New Life

The school’s Athletic Director is responsible for coordinating this growing program and developing its success to a level comparable to any other school.

44 New Life School of Excellence has adopted The Columbus Crusaders as our Football Team because they have the same vision as our school in training men with integrity.

Athletics offer opportunities for our students to be Christian witnesses and examples to the community, the nation, and the world.


General Guidelines

When a student enrolls in a class, a contract results that, in essence, includes the following responsibilities: (a) the student will attend classes regularly, be on time, and do the work assigned, and (b) the teacher will provide worthwhile learning experiences for those enrolled. Regular attendance is a contributing factor to success in school and is a prime responsibility of the student and parent.

Teachers will record attendance at the beginning of every class session. When a student is absent from school, the parent or guardian is to call the school prior to the start of classes.

Activity Participation Attendance Requirements

Any student participating in athletics, cheerleading, or any other school-sponsored event must be in class at least four periods on the day of the activity; otherwise, the student will not be allowed to participate. If the event occurs on a weekend or non-school day, the student must attend at least four periods on the day prior to the event or the day closest (if the event is on a Monday and there is school, the Friday prior will be the determining day). Student athletes must be enrolled in five classes to participate in a sport.

A student whose attendance is irregular may be denied participation in student leadership positions, Teacher Assistant assignments, or any school-sponsor event.

Excused/Unexcused Absences

The only accepted reasons for absences are illness of the student, emergencies or death in the immediate family, or administrator-approved school-sponsored activities. Please arrange absence for any other reasons ahead of time and in conjunction with the school administrator, who will make the determination whether to excuse the absence(s). Doctor, dental, music, or other appointments need to be scheduled outside of school

45 hours, if possible. Students are to make up work missed during an excused absence, but must submit the late assignment within a timeframe equivalent to the number of days absent (one day of absence, one-day extension; two days of absence, two-day extension of assignment due date). Students absent for school-related activities receive the same considerations.

Unexcused absences also require that the student complete the work missed during the absence. However, when turned in, the student receives no grade value for the work, only that he or she has submitted the assignment. If the student does not turn in the work, a zero goes in the teacher’s grade book.

Upon returning to school following any absence, the student is to report to the attendance office with a signed and dated note from his or her parent or guardian, explaining the reason for the absence. Students will receive an “Unexcused Absence” if they fail to bring in a written note from their parent or guardian. The student will receive either an “Excused Absence” admit slip or an “Unexcused Absence” admit slip, which is to be initialed by each teacher (The admit slip is returned to the attendance office by the student when all teachers have signed it.) Students who have been absent from a class will not be admitted to class without an admit slip.

For family vacations, use a Pre-arranged Absence Request form. Return this form to the school office at least two week prior to the departure date.

Excessive Absences

A student will not receive credit in a course in which he or she has exceeded twelve absences per semester, excused or unexcused. This includes absences for medical appointments and illnesses. After the student has been absent eight days, the parent will receive a warning letter that the student is in jeopardy of losing credit. If a student exceeds twelve absences, the parent may petition for credit if the parent believes extenuating circumstances merit review of the student’s record. The petition begins by the parent writing a letter of petition and explanation of circumstances to the Principal. An academic committee will review the petition. Valid reasons for petition include illness and family emergencies.

Early Dismissal

Arrange in advance any absence for a part of the school day. A note from the parent or guardian is required, stating the time and reason for the dismissal request. For emergencies, a parent or guardian may call the school and the student may leave.

46 However, a written note is required upon the student’s return to school. Students must sign out in the office before leaving the campus. Note: We will excuse only dismissal for illness, a genuine family emergency, or a doctor appointment that cannot be scheduled outside of school hours. Students returning from an early dismissal must check in at the school office. Students who leave campus without a pre-arranged early dismissal will automatically receive an “Unexcused” admit slip upon their return, regardless of the reason for the absence.

Field Trip/School Activity Absences

We will record an absence from any class because of field trip or school sponsored activity (athletics, conferences, etc.) as an “Excused School Absence” on both the teacher’s attendance record and the school’s permanent attendance records. A student participating in a school-related activity that results in an absence from any class is accountable for all work required in that class for the day missed. Work due the day of the activity must be handed in prior to leaving for the school activity, and work due the day(s) following the activity will be treated as with any other excused absence. When a student’s academic achievements are being hindered by absences because of school- sponsored field trips and activities, their teacher may deny the student further participation until his or her grades has improved.

Permanent Early Dismissal

Special arrangements for a Permanent Early Dismissal are available on a limited basis to juniors and seniors. Obtain an application form from the Principal. The request, if approved, is effective for one semester, with a new application required for each subsequent term. A student may not have a Permanent Early Dismissal if a required class occurs at the same time.


Developing a habit of punctuality is important for the student, not only in school, but also throughout life. In school, being on time to class ensures that the student does not miss the beginning of a lesson, saves the student from the embarrassment of entering the class late, and avoids distractions to the class by late arrivals.

A student who arrives in class after the bell has rung (the student must be inside the room when the bell rings), and who has no authorization from a staff member, shall be recorded as tardy-unexcused. A student arriving at school after 8:00 a.m. is to report to the office for an admit slip. Students who come to school tardy with a parental note or call will have an excused tardy.

47 Students are responsible for all work missed because of their tardiness. Students who are tardy to a class are subject to disciplinary measures outlined in the rules and guidelines for that particular class. Chronic tardiness will result in disciplinary action such as detention.

Please note that chronic tardiness is a heart issue and the student may be subject to dismissal from school.


An important part of each week at New Life School of Excellence is our weekly chapel time. Chapel occur each Wednesday morning and students come together in a unified time to praise and worship God, to receive spiritual instruction or ministry from New Life School of Excellence staff, guest speakers and groups, or to participate in other special school presentations. We invite and encourage parents to attend chapel whenever possible.


New Life School of Excellence will not allow electronic devices in the class without permission. Students must put all electronic communication and entertainment devices in the school office during instructional time. Students not obeying this rule will receive discipline. Any device seen will be confiscated and the items will be released to the parents or guardian of the owner of the item. The school will not assume responsibility if electronic devices are lost or stolen at any time. Cell phone use may take place during lunch only. Parents can call the office if they need to get an emergency message to their student.


During the school year, there are a number of evening, school-sponsored activities. To maintain our accountability, everyone must adhere to the following policies for any evening or non-school day activity sponsored by New Life:

 All school rules are in effect at the activity  Students arriving must go directly into the building where the activity is taking place.  Students arriving at an activity later than a half-hour after the activity begins are allowed admittance only if accompanied to the door by a parent or guardian.  Once the students enter the facility, they must remain inside until the activity is over or a parent or guardian speaks to the administrator.  Parents or guardians must pick up students no later than fifteen minutes after the scheduled conclusion time of the activity.


Students may not consume food, candy, or drinks at any time during the school day, except by approval of a teacher or administrator who allows eating to occur in the classroom.


Student lockers are the property of the school and are provided as a service for students to secure their belongings. Any locker may be opened and its contents may be searched or examined by school authorities, if they deem it necessary to do so. Students must understand clearly the following guidelines:

Locker Guidelines

1. Students should not switch lockers with another student. If a student uses a locker, it must be the one to which that student was assigned. Students who violate this rule will be subject to discipline. 2. Students must not share their own locker combination with any other student. This combination is given to them in confidence. What they do with it is their responsibility. Allowing others – even friends to know a locker combination is the greatest cause for loss of personal items from lockers. 3. Students must not share their own locker with another student unless that student was specifically assigned as their individual locker partner. 4. Lockers may be inspected and searched at any time by the administration. 5. Lockers must be kept clean inside and out.

a. Stickers are not allowed on any part of the lockers. b. Students must not place anything on the lockers that they cannot easily remove without affecting the surface of the locker. c. Writing or painting on any part of the lockers is not allowed.

6. It is unwise to leave valuable items in a locker. Students should carry the items with them or check with the office if the items need special security. 7. Students should not enter anyone else’s locker without permission from the student who is assigned to that locker. A staff member with a locker key must be present to open the locker. 8. Students are responsible to pay for any locker damage they do in violation of the above rules. 9. Violation of any of the above rules can result in temporary or permanent suspension of locker privileges.

49 10.Any problems with a locker should be reported to the office or to a designated staff member. 11.The school is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged goods belonging to students.


Students may either bring a sack lunch or participate in the school lunch program, The Mesmerized Grill run by Senior High Students. There is pop and juice vending machines available. Microwave ovens are available to heat food.

Lunchroom Rules:

 Students must eat all food in the cafeteria area. Students may not take food into classrooms or gym for later consumption.

 Students will accept responsibility for handling their own garbage and cleaning up their own spills.

 Students will behave in an orderly, respectable manner in the lunchroom. They cannot run, shout, throw anything, crowd into lines, and be disrespectful to staff or other students or take food out of the cafeteria area.

 The consequences for violations of the above guidelines for lunchroom behavior will result in lunch duty or other appropriate discipline.

 Any student assigned to lunch duty will report to the designated staff member ten minutes prior to the end of the lunch period to check in and receive his or her cleanup assignment. Duties could include cleaning tables, sweeping floors, picking up garbage or other reasonable activities. Failure to show up and/or perform the assigned duties may result in short-term suspension. Students should return to their next class period on time.


50 Each fall, we take pictures of the student for parents and students. The student may purchase picture packages, with cost information provided by the photographer prior to picture day.


As a private Christian school that integrates classroom academics and Christian commitment, the student’s growth in faith is of utmost importance at New Life School of Excellence. The student body worships together in our weekly devotions where attendance is required. We expect students to worship regularly with their parents in a local Christian church of their choice. New Life is in partnership with parents in the spiritual training of their children. Therefore, the school cannot accept sole responsibility for the Christian education of students, but rather shares that responsibility with the home and the local church. Because the study of God’s Word is so vital to the Christian life, Bible is a required class each year for students enrolled in New Life School of Excellence. Each student should have a copy of their own NIV Student Study Bible.

As a private Christian academic institution, New Life places a high value on the learning experiences for students. It is our desire to develop the God-given talents and abilities within each student to his or her highest potential – spiritually, academically, physically, and socially. With this in mind, we expect students to appreciate the opportunity to be a part of New Life School of Excellence by behaving well and working responsibly in the classroom setting and on the school campus.


During the first week of school, New Life has an orientation camp designed to help build unity among the students and to establish necessary instructions and set the climate for success for the year.


Students may drive an automobile to and from school, provided they have a valid driver’s license and current auto insurance. Driving to school is a privilege, rather than a right or necessity. Consequently, the school does not accept any liability or responsibility for vehicles or their contents.

Any speeding or reckless driving will face severe consequences and loss of driving privileges. Please respect our neighbors.

The following rules govern student-driving privileges on campus:

51  All student drivers must register at the school office.  The purchase of a decal allows coverage of parking on campus. The decal allows the student to receive a mandatory New Life High School parking permit. Hang the parking decal from the rear view mirror.  Maximum speed on campus is 10 m.p.h.  New Life High is a closed campus. Therefore, no automobiles are to leave the campus during school hours without pre-arranged permission from the office.  Student parking is limited to the designated student parking area – students park only in their assigned parking spot.  Students may not loiter around or sit in or on cars at any time during the school day.  Student drivers are to use the arrows on the parking lot for driving in and out of the parking lot.  Failure to comply with any of these regulations will result in a phone call home, revocation of driving privileges for a minimum of one week, and a $10 fine is payable to the student activity fund.

TRANSPORTING STUDENTS – SCHOOL-SPONSORED ACTIVITIES . Students may not drive on school-sponsored field trips. Prior written permission from both the driver and passenger’s parents and given to the coach or supervising adult before the event, is required for student athletes to ride home with another student athlete’s parents from an away game. The driver’s insurance will be the primary insurance.


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