Unit 1 Review of Civil War and Reconstruction

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Unit 1 Review of Civil War and Reconstruction

Cres A Review

Unit 1 Review of Civil War and Reconstruction

Vocabulary: Emancipation Proclamation 13th Amendment 14th Amendment 15th Amendment Compromise of 1877 Jim Crow Laws Share cropping Tenant Farmers Freedman’s Bureau Black Codes Lynching Ku Klux Klan Plessy v. Ferguson Ida Wells Booker T. Washington W.E.B. Du Bois Lincoln’s Reconstruction Plan Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan Radical Reconstruction REVIEW OF CIVIL WAR AND RECONSTRUCTION Unit 1

BCR #1 – Reconstruction and the Black Codes

Background – The South’s defeat in the Civil War (1861-1865) ended the institution of slavery. In the early years of Reconstruction, some Southern state legislatures passed laws that addressed the new social, political, and economic relationship between Southern whites and the formerly enslaved African Americans. These new Southern state laws were called black codes.

Directions – Carefully read the examples of black codes printed below. Then use the black codes and your knowledge of history to write a brief constructed response (BCR) that answers the questions that follow.

Black Codes

1. Every negro who shall be found absent from the residence of his employer after ten o’clock at night, without a written permit from his employer, shall pay a fine of five dollars, or…shall be compelled to work five days on the public road, or suffer corporal [bodily] punishment….

2. No negro shall be permitted to rent or keep a house within said [county]…

3. Every negro is required to be in the regular service of some white person, or former owner, who shall be held responsible for [his] conduct….

4. No negro…not in the military service shall be allowed to carry fire- arms…without the special written permission of his employer….

5. No negro shall sell, barter, or exchange any articles of merchandise or traffic within said [county] without the special written permission of his employer…

From, The Americans, Unit 3 Core Resources, McDougal, 1991.

BCR  What punishment could an African American expect if he or she were found in town after 10:00 PM?

 Formulate a valid hypothesis to explain some possible reasons why Southern whites created the black codes during Reconstruction.

 Be sure to include details and specific examples to support your answer. RECONSTRUCTION Unit 1

BCR #2 - “Jim Crow” Laws

• List 2 ways that the “Jim Crow” laws affected the lives of the freedmen in the South following the Civil War.

• Evaluate one of the above laws and how they positively or negatively affected the lives of African-Americans.

• Remember to include details and examples to support your answer.


BCR #3 - Reconstruction Amendments

Following the Civil War, Reconstruction-era amendments altered the lives of African- Americans.

• List the rights guaranteed to African Americans in the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments.

• If you were granted the passage of one and only one of those three amendments, in your opinion, which is the most important amendment and why?

• Include examples and cases that apply to your lives in today’s world.

Unit 2 Industrialization

Vocabulary: Monopoly “Gospel of Wealth” Buffalo Laissez-faire Knights of Labor Transcontinental American Federation of Andrew Carnegie railroad Labor Social Darwinism Collective bargaining Lockout Nativism Free enterprise Gilded Age J.P. Morgan Labor unions Interstate Commerce act Dawes act Urbanization Political machine Chinese exclusion act New vs. Old Trust Socio-economic Immigration Immigration stratification Samuel Gompers Reservation policy Homestead Act Sherman anti-trust act Plains Wars Pullman Strike Blacklist Boycott John Rockefeller National Labor Union Yellow-dog contract Cornelius Vanderbilt Rural Capitalism Holding company Agrarian Strike Homestead Act


BCR #1 - Urbanization Graphs

Between 1860 and 1890 the United States was transformed from an agrarian to an urban nation. Study the two circle graphs below and use them and your knowledge of history to help you answer the BCR questions below.

United States Population Urban and Rural 80.2% 45.5% 25,263,000 25,263,000 people people RURAL RURAL 19.8% 54.4% 6,237,000 30,211,700 people people URBAN URBAN

1860 1900


• What was the change in the percent of U.S. urban population from 1860 to 1900? • How would the rapid growth of America’s cities have caused changes in the lives of the people who lived there? Give 2 examples to illustrate your points. • Remember to include specific examples and details from your study of history to support and explain your answer. INDUSTRIALIZATION Unit 2

BCR #2 - Economic Changes in the “Gilded Age”

During the late 1800s, the economy of the United States underwent significant changes.

• Define the term “the Gilded Age.” • Describe three changes to the economy caused by industrialization (1870-1900). • Remember to include details and examples to support your answer.

Unit 3 Era of Reform

Vocabulary: Populist Party Initiative Referendum Recall Direct primary Direct election of U.S. Senators Progressive income tax Muckrakers Pure food and drug act Meat inspection act Conservation policies/ national parks Square deal Bull Moose Party Secret ballot 1902 coal strike Woman’s suffrage Farmer’s problems Cheap money (inflation) Hard money (deflation) Plessy v Ferguson Clayton anti-trust act Jim Crow laws NAACP Niagara movement Federal Reserve System Northern securities case City manager Tariff ERA OF REFORM Unit 3

BCR #1 - Tweed Ring Cartoon

Thomas Nast used satirical cartoons like this to expose New York City’s corrupt political machine led by “Boss” Tweed. Nast’s work was effective in criticizing political corruption.


• In the political cartoon, who do these people represent?

• What is the cartoonist’s point of view?

• Remember to include details and examples to support your answer. ERA OF REFORM Unit 3

BCR #2 - Populists and Progressives Reform America

The Populist impact on the Progressive Movement brought about reforms in state and national government. Many of these changes have had a profound effect on our society today.

• Identify four achievements of the Populist and Progressive movements.

• Of these four select one and explain how it made America better.

• Remember to include details and examples to support your answer.

Unit 4A Imperialism

Vocabulary: Washington’s Farewell address Imperialism Yellow journalism Spanish American War Panama Canal Dollar Diplomacy USS Maine Naval Power Anti-imperialist league Manifest Destiny Open door policy Monroe Doctrine Roosevelt corollary “Big stick Diplomacy” Good neighbor policy Refueling stations Frontier Moral diplomacy Alfred Thayer Mahan IMPERIALISM Unit 4

ECR #1 - Teddy and the “Big Stick” Cartoon

President Theodore Roosevelt practiced what was called “Big Stick” diplomacy.


• Define “Big Stick” diplomacy.

• Analyze the effectiveness of the “Big Stick” idea in light of the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.

• Remember to include details and examples to support your answer.

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