Services for Ethnic Minority Veterans
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U.S. Department of Education Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education
Phoenix, AZ Wednesday, April 30-Thursday, May 1, 2014
Institute Goals
. Provide an opportunity to delve deeply into the contents of the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education report and its implications for adult education. . Share a practical and transferable understanding of the fundamental advances in instruction embedded in the college and career readiness (CCR) standards and the research base that supports them. . Present results of a gap analysis that will tell participants how aligned their state’s reading, writing, and mathematics standards are with the CCR standards. . Offer individualized support to participants from expert coaches in literacy and mathematics about how best to integrate CCR standards into their current programs. . Introduce in-depth advanced CCR training and technical assistance that will be available to adult education programs in 2015 and 2016.
Day One
7:30–8:30 a.m. Registration and Materials Distribution
Room: Ellis Foyer – Second Floor
8:30–8:40 a.m. Welcome From the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) Ronna Spacone, OCTAE Program Manager
Room: Ellis – Second Floor
Page 1 8:40–9:00 a.m. Introductions and Purpose-Setting Susan Pimentel, StandardsWork (SW) Project Staff
SW project staff will provide an overview of the agenda and set the purpose of the two-day session: to help participants grasp the importance of CCR standards for adult education and learn how to implement them.
Room: Ellis – Second Floor
9:00–9:45 a.m. CCR Standards and Their Implications for Adult Education Susan Pimentel
This session will summarize the research that supports the CCR standards and the process that led to the identification of CCR standards for adult education. It will lay out the key advances in these standards and how they inform our notion of what adult students need to know and be able to do to succeed in college and careers.
Room: Ellis – Second Floor
9:45–10:00 a.m. Break
10:00–11:00 a.m. Exploration of Key Instructional Advances in Mathematics and Literacy
Concurrent Work Sessions
Participants will attend one of the two discipline-specific sessions in literacy or mathematics. Participants will have opportunities to dig into the CCR standards and experience firsthand the key advances so critical to preparing students for postsecondary success. The goal of the sessions will be for participants to leave with specific ideas, resources, and actions they can implement right away to create effective pathways for students to emerge ready for college and careers.
Mathematics: Focusing on the Major Work of Each Level Mimi Alkire (SW Project Staff) and Coaches
During this session, participants will focus on concepts and skills in each level of learning that the research shows are the most critical for preparing students for college and the world of work.
Room: Sundance – First Floor
[Type text] [Type text] [Type text] Literacy: Connecting CCR Standards to the Key Advances Meredith Liben (SW Project Staff) and Coaches
Participants will work to connect the CCR standards from different strands to the three key advances that are crucial for preparing students for college and careers —regular practice with complex text and its academic vocabulary; reading and writing grounded in evidence from text; and building knowledge through content- rich nonfiction.
Room: Ellis – Second Floor
11:00 a.m.–noon Exploration of Key Instructional Advances, Concurrent Sessions, Continued
Mathematics: Thinking Across Levels to Connect Learning
In this session, participants will take what they learned about the major work within a level and begin to think across levels to link key math topics. Carefully connecting the learning within and across levels will allow participants to learn how to build students’ new understandings on previously learned concepts and skills.
Room: Sundance – First Floor
Literacy: Selecting Texts Worth Reading
This session will allow participants to investigate in depth the first of the key instructional advances embedded within the standards—the demand for greater complexity in the texts students read. Participants will learn how to determine levels of text complexity and become acquainted with tools to perform complexity analyses of texts so that students are on track for college- and career- level reading.
Room: Ellis – Second Floor
Noon–1:15 p.m. Lunch
1:15–2:00 p.m. Exploration of Key Instructional Advances, Concurrent Sessions, Continued
Mathematics: Thinking Across Levels to Connect Learning, Continued
Room: Sundance – First Floor
Page 3 Literacy: Selecting Texts Worth Reading, Continued
Room: Ellis – Second Floor
2:00–3:45 p.m. Exploration of Key Instructional Advances, Concurrent Sessions, Continued
Mathematics: Integrating the Mathematical Practices Into Lessons
The last session in the series will focus on how to integrate the mathematical practices into lessons related to specific content. The practices rest on important processes and proficiencies with long-standing importance in mathematics education, such as problem solving, reasoning and proof, and precise communications. Participants will also investigate how the practices and content standards are being integrated into new types of performance assessments that require students show abstract and quantitative reasoning, precision, perseverance, and the strategic use of tools.
Room: Sundance – First Floor
Literacy: Identifying Questions Worth Answering
This session will introduce participants to another one of the key instructional advances embedded in the literacy standards—building students’ abilities to draw evidence from texts through sequences of text-dependent questions. Being able to locate and deploy evidence from texts are hallmarks of strong readers and writers. Participants will use texts they investigated earlier for text complexity and learn how to craft valuable text-dependent questions.
Room: Ellis – Second Floor
3:50–4:00 p.m. Wrap-up (Whole Group) Susan Pimentel and Barbara Van Horn (SW Project Staff)
This session will summarize progress toward the institute’s objectives and set the stage for tomorrow’s topics and discussions.
Room: Ellis – Second Floor
[Type text] [Type text] [Type text] Day Two
8:30–9:00 a.m. Reflections on Yesterday’s Session and Today’s Objectives Susan Pimentel and Barbara Van Horn
This session will recap the feedback received at the end of Day One and answer questions that participants might have after reflecting on the key instructional advances in mathematics and literacy.
Room: Ellis – Second Floor
9:05–10:05 a.m. Exploration of Key Instructional Advances, Concurrent Sessions, Continued
Mathematics: Engaging the Three Components of Rigor
This session will focus on how the connections among conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and rigorous application of mathematics to real- world contexts are meant to work together within a level. Participants will learn the importance of each component in teaching students to go beyond merely producing correct answers to being able to address concepts from different perspectives. Participants will also explore new types of items designed to assess CCR standards.
Room: Sundance – First Floor
Literacy: Creating Writing Assignments Worth Doing
Once texts have been investigated for complexity and evidence has been collected through answering text-dependent questions, the focus will turn to participants’ investigating the curricular implications of using that evidence to write CCR- aligned essays. Participants will also investigate how these kinds of performance tasks are manifested in next-generation assessments.
Room: Ellis – Second Floor
10:10–11:45 a.m. Individualized Coaching Sessions Mathematics and Literacy Coaches
During this session, participants will meet as a team with one or more of the coaches to formulate a series of next steps to implement CCR-aligned standards with a sustainable implementation plan.
Page 5 Adult Education Teams With Existing Adult Education Standards
Each team will work with a coach to review an analysis of its current reading, writing, and mathematics standards against the key demands of the CCR standards for adult education. Equipped with this information, teams will work with coaches to identify and articulate immediate next steps they should take to update or transform their standards, instruction, and curriculum.
Room: Sundance – First Floor
Adult Education Teams Using CCR Standards for Adults
Each team will work with a coach to identify the opportunities and challenges of implementing in their entirety the CCR standards for adult education. Teams will consider next steps in the areas of standards adoption, and curricular and instructional restructuring.
Room: Ellis – Second Floor
11:45 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00–1:30 p.m. Highlights of Upcoming Advanced Implementation Support Susan Pimentel and Ronna Spacone
This session will preview the advanced CCR training and technical assistance that will be available to a limited number of states and participants, including how adult education can best implement CCR standards in a sustainable way.
Room: Ellis – Second Floor
1:30–2:30 p.m. Cross-State Reflections and Final Question-and-Answer Session Susan Pimentel
This networking session will provide opportunities for participants to share what they believe are the opportunities for implementing CCR standards in adult education programs. It will also provide participants time to ask further questions about the key instructional advances, implementation strategies, and advanced CCR workshops in light of the plans they have formulated for implementation.
Room: Ellis – Second Floor
2:30–3:00 p.m. Wrap-up, Meeting Evaluation, and Goodbyes Susan Pimentel
Room: Ellis – Second Floor
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