Participate in the Community
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Learning Guide Participate in the community
23382 Support a person to participate as a member of the Level 3 3 credits community in a health or wellbeing setting
Issue 3.0 Copyright © 2017 Careerforce All rights reserved. Careerforce (Community Support Services ITO Ltd) is the owner of the copyright of this publication. Other than as permitted by the Copyright Act 1994, no part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any other form or by any means, without prior written permission of Careerforce, PO Box 25 255, Christchurch, 8144, New Zealand. Contents
Introduction...... 1 Community participation...... 2 Supporting people to make choices...... 3 Growing relationships...... 4 Having dignity of valued social roles...... 5 Making choices...... 6 Finding opportunities for participation...... 7 Community resources...... 7 Sharing ordinary places and activities...... 9 Identifying aspirations...... 13 Know the person you support...... 14 Choose the right environment...... 16 Level of support...... 18 Assisting a person to participate in the community...... 19 Resources...... 20 Risks...... 22 Prepare the person...... 23 Monitor and record progress...... 24 Tips for monitoring and recording progress...... 24
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 Introduction
This learning guide is about supporting and encouraging people to make their own decisions to be part of a community and supporting them to put those decisions into practice. How to use your learning guide This guide supports your learning and prepares you for the unit standard assessment. The activities and scenarios should be used as a general guide for learning. This guide relates to the following unit standard: 23382 Support a person to participate as a member of the community in a health or wellbeing setting. (level 3, 3 credits). This guide is yours to keep. Make it your own by writing notes that help you remember things, or where you need to find more information. Follow the tips in the notes column. You may use highlight pens to show important information and ideas, and think about how this information applies to your work. You might find it helpful to talk to colleagues or your supervisor. Finish this learning guide before you start on the assessment. What you will learn This topic will help you to: support a person to make choices about how they want to participate in the community. find opportunities for community participation. assist a person to participate in the community.
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 1 Community participation
Community participation is about being involved in the social life of the community through a network of personal relationships. A community is made up of: the physical community – where people are, work and live. the social community – where people are involved in the activities of the community. Community participation is all about the interaction between people. Even the most modern types of communities (such as online) are all about interaction. The best way to help people participate in their community is to help them to build connections. Some of the things that contribute to community participation are: sharing ordinary places and activities. making choices. contributing. growing relationships. having the dignity of valued social roles. These aspects lead to inclusion and participation. If people are to feel included in their communities, it is important to focus our support on these areas – either encouraging people to do those things themselves, or providing support so that they can. Community participation should not be treated as a special activity that is scheduled into a person’s life, but should be an ongoing way of living. As much as possible all activities should take place in ordinary places. People have valued roles to play and should always be encouraged and supported to make choices, contribute in whatever it is they are doing, and develop relationships. To meet these goals can be challenging for people and organisations that support them. However, we should do our very best to assist so that the people we support can live full and happy lives.
Participation should be treated as an ongoing way of living.
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 2 Supporting people to make choices
Many people who we support have lives that focus on the services that they use. This can lead to people becoming isolated from their communities and only having social connections with family members, other people who need support, or paid support workers. You can help to maintain existing relationships by encouraging people you support to keep in contact with their friends, for example, writing letters, sending emails. As people get older and their family are no longer as available, they are in danger of losing their social contacts. Being an active member of a community helps people to feel part of something, to be able to contribute and therefore be valued and feel valuable, and have fun! This can help increase self-esteem and enjoyment of life. It can help prevent people from becoming isolated and lonely, two problems that are common for people who have limited social networks. Supporting community participation is about: visibility, normalisation and acceptance. ensuring participation. promoting relationships. knowing what resources are available. accessing resources. having the right support at the right time. having choices. helping to create an inclusive society. providing equal opportunity.
The benefits of community participation include: feeling valued. having a wide circle of contacts and friendships. being valued for playing a particular role. having other people look out for you. not feeling isolated. access to a range of local services. improved self-esteem. better mental health less likelihood of exhibiting challenging behaviour.
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 3 Growing relationships Maintaining relationships makes people feel valued, increases self-esteem and gives enjoyment.
Relationships/ friendships/ contacts make us feel we are part of a community.
It is this aspect of community participation that is the measure of success for most people, whether they have a support need or not. For example, people who move to a new city often only feel ‘at home’ in their new place once they have developed a circle of friends in the local area – until then people often feel lonely and isolated. What you can do Network, network, network – the more people you know in the community, the better you will be able to help people to build their own networks. You might need to purposely introduce yourself and the person you support to particular individuals or groups, so that they become known and the person you support can start to participate. Introduce people in ways that gives information about their strengths, not their difficulties. Help people to maintain existing relationships. For example, support people to send birthday cards, make regular phone calls, send an email, or help with arrangements to meet others. Help people identify who they would like to get to know better and facilitate the relationship where necessary. For example, you may need to help people to stay in touch, extend an invitation for a coffee, or make a phone call. Keep records of who is in the person’s network, their contact details (as appropriate) so that the people you support can maintain contact with their networks into the future. People with disabilities may lose contact with friends because details aren’t recorded, or the knowledgeable support worker changes jobs. Teach skills so the person can build and maintain the relationships that they develop. Some people may not have well-developed skills in this area.
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 4 Having dignity of valued social roles “It is through sharing ordinary places that we become known in our communities. Most people are known as students, co-workers, parents, friends, sports people, club members, neighbours, volunteers and so on. In these roles they contribute to communities and meet others who share their interests. Some people they meet become their friends, and through them their lives are enriched.” John O’Brien. Having ‘a role’ has double value. It is usually valued by the person who holds the role, and also helps others to see the person in a positive light and be ’valued’ and ‘valuable’ to others. This in turn increases self- esteem, sense of belonging, and happiness. What you can do
Help the people you support to identify their strengths and the roles that they could play in existing and new situations. Often the people we support are already using ‘ordinary places’ but don’t feel ‘part of the community’. Taking on a role can be a way to do this.
Some roles could be adapted so that the person you support could do them, for example, someone might be able to take a turn on the morning tea roster at their church if they had the right support. Someone else might be able to collect money at the school car-wash fundraiser even if they cannot physically wash the cars.
Support people to take a turn on the morning tea roster.
Find out what is required of a role, so that you can help the person you support to prepare or practice. Help the people you support to fulfil these roles. Encourage and provide support as required.
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 5 Making choices Choices can be small choices (such as what to eat for lunch, what clothes to wear to the movies, or what time to catch the bus to the rugby game), or big choices (such as where to live, who to live with, what job to do, when to retire). People need to have the opportunity to make the small choices as well as the big choices. Making choices improves community participation because: it gives people a chance to have their say and participate in the ways that they want. This makes it more likely they will want to take part and want to do it again. it ensures that the people you support are able to stand up for themselves when required (empowerment). it’s a way for people to show their character and personality, and more easily meet similar people. a person’s choices can give us clues about the types of activities and situations that they would like to do more of. What you can do Give the people you support opportunities to make choices about all of the things that influence their lives. Provide them with the information they need to make informed choices. When people are not able to make their own choices, make sure that someone who knows them well and can advocate for them is involved in the decision making.
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 6 Finding opportunities for participation Community resources There are many community resources that offer support to people, depending on their circumstances. Some of these are: Total mobility scheme - offers parking permits so that people can legally use accessible parking spaces. This can make the community easier to access. Contact your local CCS Disability Action for more information. www.CCS.disability/mobilityparking Maps - highlight where there are accessible car parks, toilets, or facilities in the community. For example, Wellington City Council has one available on their website, as well as information on accessible accommodation options (motels and hotels) for people visiting the city. Discount cards - make community activities more affordable for people with disabilities or limited incomes. For example, Christchurch City Council offers the ‘Kiwiable’ card, which provides discounts to many activities and services. Disability Information and Advisory Services (DIAS) in your local area will be able to provide information on issues such as public transport options, accessible eateries, discounts, and directories. is a government run website that contains information on all aspects of disability and support. It has links to regional disability information centres. The Yellow Pages is a directory of businesses, organisations and services. This can be a good place to search for information on what is available in your community. Citizens Advice Bureau is in most main cities and towns. The people at the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) are able to help with enquiries about the local community and services, or point you in the right direction if they are unable to provide assistance. To find a CAB near you go to The Internet is also a great resource for finding out what is available in the community. Find out what else is available in your community.
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 7 What you can do Comments
When activities can take place in community Being physically in the environments (rather than segregated community makes it easier environments) make sure that they happen. to develop connections. Shop at the local supermarket, use the local library, go to the local pool, join a sports team instead of a segregated club, use a supported employment service and get a regular job in the community.
Know your community – know what activities Either get to know the and services are available and who can help community yourself or find you or give information. someone who already knows it.
Local, regular, and targeted, ie, doing things Your local council might locally often allows people to ‘bump into’ have information about people locally and start to build a connection discounts or schemes to over time. Going on ‘outings’ might provide an help people with experience but it does not build community disabilities. membership.
Help open the door – familiarity helps people Contact the local Disability break down barriers about people with Information and Advisory disabilities. Provide enough support so that Services (DIAS) for unskilled community members don’t have to information on community take on more than they can handle. As time resources. goes by you might not need to offer so much support.
The internet is a great resource for finding out what is available in the community.
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 8 Sharing ordinary places and activities Here are some places and activities you might consider when assisting the person you are supporting to meet other people: cafes, bars, and restaurants. museums and art galleries. sports clubs, sporting fixtures. picture theatres and concert venues. swimming pools, gyms. library. church, temple, mosque. shops, malls, markets. parks, walkways, beaches. schools, polytechnics and universities. As an example, here are some activities that people can do at a park or on a walkway. walk. exercise. play games. take photos or paint a picture. collect things such as stones, leaves etc. meet friends. have a picnic or BBQ. read. relax in the sun. feed the ducks.
Joining in is important.
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 9 Write
Think about a person you support and answer the following questions. What ‘ordinary places and activities’ does the person you support participate in?
What community resources do they use?
How do they choose what they do?
Who do they have relationships with because of these activities that they would not have otherwise?
How does this participation make the person feel valued?
How does participating in the community enable the person to live a ‘full and happy life’?
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 10 Now that you know how the person chooses to engage with their community, it is time to explore how to plan for it and make it happen. Remember, many people who you support may have at some time had some negative experiences of community participation. Sometimes this is because careful planning hasn’t taken place, the wrong environment was chosen, the person was ‘thrown in’ without the skills they needed to participate, or they weren’t given the support they needed. This can lead to people being worried, sticking to their comfort zone, not wanting to try new things, or being less motivated to try again. For these reasons it is really important that you plan your support well, to avoid negative experiences for the people you support. Being an active member of a community means ‘giving’ (contributing something) as well as ‘receiving’ (using services, resources). Encourage the people you support to do something for others, so that a mutual relationship is developed. Encourage the people you support to do things that benefit individual community members and/or the whole community, for example, community improvement days replanting trees, neighbourhood watch. Emphasise what people can contribute and encourage people to make use of their skills so that they are seen in a positive light. Making a contribution improves a person’s participation because: other people notice the person, value them, and are more likely to invite them to participate next time. the person will probably get positive feedback about their contribution, which makes them want to continue. it’s a way to build long lasting relationships and connections within the community. it’s a way to be seen in a positive light and alter the way that people might think about others with disabilities.
There are many aspects to consider. It can be helpful to have a table or chart to fill in, such as the example on the next page.
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 11 Name of person:
Name of support person:
Person’s learning outcome (goal or aspiration), choices and abilities.
Community environment - the environment(s) where the plan will be implemented.
Resources required: Costs, aids, equipment, transport, etc
Adaptations. Outline any adaptations required to make the activity achievable for the person.
Learning/teaching strategies. List specific strategies required, eg encouragement, teaching one step at a time, providing feedback.
Preparing the individual. Changes to the environment, making the situation easier.
Exit plan. Describe how to leave the environment if required.
Possible risks and management strategies and what will be done to lessen or eliminate them.
Other. List any other relevant factors or support requirements.
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 12 Identifying aspirations Information about a person’s wishes and aspirations can often be found in their personal plans. There is usually a section where the person explains what they want in their life, their general goals or dreams, and what is important to them. However, it is also important to make sure that information is up to date as people’s aspirations change over their lifetime and what someone is interested in as a child is usually different to their interests and aspirations as an adult. Community participation is still an important part. There are probably many things that a person is interested in which are not recorded in their personal plan. Some of the people you support will be able to tell you what they are interested in doing or learning. There will be other people you care for who are not as able to explain this. Involve the family/whānau and the person’s friends to help you to identify the person’s aspirations and wishes. Support workers and staff often know the person well. Take into account: what the person likes and doesn’t like. their interests. things like activities, situations and experiences that would make a positive difference to their life. Sometimes dreams, aspirations and wishes may not be realistic or achievable, just as our own dreams and aspirations are not. With discussion, support, analysis and creativity the support team (including the person you support) will be able to find realistic starting points that are related to the person’s aspirations and wishes. Consider the level of support. Remember that one person may need assistance to do a task, whereas another just may need a reminder and can then do it themselves. What you can do Keep promises. Encourage the person so their self-esteem and confidence develops. Let the person stay in control. Be flexible with options. Promote independence. Have a ‘can do’ attitude. Believe in community participation.
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 13 Know the person you support Because everyone is an individual, everyone has different support needs. It is important to find out about the person so that you know what is going to work best for them. Consider the following. What helps them to participate easily? Do they like to do things on their own and use you as a ‘back-up’ if required? Would they like you to help introduce them to new activities and then leave? Do they want you to stay with them as a support for the whole time? Do they like a place to be quiet so that they can concentrate and hear other people? Do they need time to get used to something new? Find out what makes participating easiest for them and try to include those factors in their support plan. What makes participating difficult for them? Try to avoid the things that make participating difficult or find a way to adapt/change a situation to lessen the difficulty. For example: a noisy environment might be a problem for someone. someone else might get tired easily if an activity is very physical. another person might find it hard to work with a particular person that they don’t get on with. What time of day do they have the most enthusiasm and attention? This is a good time to try something new. Try to avoid the times of day when the person is tired. How long can the person stay focused? You need to know how long the person can stay focused or actively involved. Don’t expect too much. If the activity takes too long the person may get frustrated, stop paying attention, or not want to take part next time.
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 14 What motivates them? It’s good to know what encourages the person and makes them want to do things – you can use this to help them. What frustrates them? Try to avoid the things that make a person so frustrated that they want to quit. Participating and trying new things should be fun, not a chore. Is there anything specific about their condition that you need to consider? For example, someone who uses a wheelchair might need you to make sure that any tables used are at the right height, or someone who has autism might need to know exactly what to expect during an activity so that they don’t feel anxious. To find out this information you can: ask the person you support to let you know what works for them. Some people will be able to tell you this information, and will probably be more motivated to take part if they have been included. look in their personal plan or file. ask others who know the person well what has worked in the past. Support workers and staff often know the person well. look at previous plans to find out what strategies worked well and what didn’t. observe the person doing their everyday activities and take note of how they approach tasks, and what seems to work well for them. involve the family/whānau and the person’s friends. And remember: you need to have a positive attitude so that you can encourage the people you support to take risks and have a go. the people you support might have past bad experiences of being in the community or trying new things. They might need their experiences to be fun before they will take part. develop a good relationship with the people you support and be respectful. People lose confidence if they feel intimidated, anxious, or unhappy. stop if frustration creeps in – you can always try again later. find ways to be successful at every opportunity and reward success. Look for what the person is doing well and let them know about it.
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 15 Choose the right environment Participating will be more successful if the best ordinary environment is chosen. Every person is different, and not every place in the community will suit every person. Some places will be perfect for the person you support and others will never be right. Some places will be challenging. It is important to help the person you support choose environments that suit them. Completing an ‘environmental audit’ is a good way to find out what’s positive and negative about a particular environment, or to compare similar environments. For example, physical access might be important for someone who uses a wheelchair or has limited mobility, whereas finding out about sensory distractions or predictability would be more important for someone who has autism spectrum disorder. You will then be able to: identify which environment best suits the person you support. plan how to prepare the person you support to use that environment. plan how to manage any weaknesses that have been identified. A particular ordinary place that suits one person may not suit someone else. For example: Jane loves shopping at Mitre 10 because it is close to her home, has wide aisles so she can manoeuvre her wheelchair easily, the staff help her get things from high shelves and it has good accessible parking outside the front door. Mitre 10 is not as good for Peter as he gets overwhelmed by the size of the place and becomes highly anxious when the loud speaker is paging staff members. Because of the size it can be difficult to help him exit in a hurry as the doors can be far away. He prefers to go to the local hardware store near his house, which is smaller and has less choice, but is less noisy, has easy exits and the staff know him well.
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 16 Aspects of a community environment
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | June 2015 17 Level of support The onset of a physical disability, whether from an accident or ageing, can have a devastating effect on the person. Encouraging the person you support to continue with activities they did before the onset of their physical disability can help them build their self-esteem, independence and achieve some of their aspirations and goals.
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 18 Assisting a person to participate in the community
There are lots of things that can help community participation be successful. It is important to make sure that you are prepared and can give the people you support the best chance of being successful. Plan to manage any weaknesses, negative aspects, barriers, risks or difficulties. There are usually ways of providing support, for example: adapting the tasks/activities so that they are easier for the person you support, for example, reducing the expectations, making it a shorter task than originally planned, developing aids or supports to help the person better understand what to do. planning the activity to take place at alternative times, for example, when it is less busy, less noisy. teaching the person you support the skills that they will need, for example, how to complete a bank deposit slip, how to wait in a queue at the supermarket, how to ask for help if it is required, how to use an EFTPOS card. ensuring that the person you support knows what to expect, for example, talking quietly in a library, what others are expected to do for you and not expected to do, how long it will take, what will happen when it’s time to leave. allowing more time for the activity, for example, allowing extra time for unexpected barriers or difficulties, so that the activity isn’t rushed.
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 19 Resources Organise any resources that are needed. There are lots of different kinds of resources that you might need to prepare to support someone in the community. The exact resources required will depend on the needs of the person you support. Make sure that all of the items required for the task are available. For example, if the person is going on a picnic make sure that they know what to pack – such as a rug, food, drinks, sun hat and sunscreen, and a Frisbee. Develop any support materials that might be needed. For example, adding a picture of the task to the person’s usual visual schedule so that they know when they will be doing the task, or writing a list of steps in the task for the person you support to follow themselves (if they are able to read). Think about the paperwork that you may be required to fill in. Some organisations have special documentation that needs to be completed for ‘learning activities’, outings and risky activities. The paperwork may differ depending on the activity or situation so it is important that you know you are required to complete when supporting someone in the community. Check with your supervisor if you are unsure of your organisation’s requirements.
Complete any planning forms so that everyone involved knows exactly what to do, and there is a record kept.
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 20 Write
Think about the paperwork that you may be required to fil in when supporting someone in the community and then answer the questions below. What documentation does your organisation require for community participation?
Where is this kept?
Who needs to approve it and/or sign it off?
Where does the completed documentation go to?
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 21 Risks There can be risk involved in supporting people in the community, but it is important to balance the risk with the person’s rights to be part of their community. There are many other things that you can do to minimise risks, but it takes careful planning. Risks to the person you support For example, being physically injured or hurt, being emotionally damaged, being bullied, getting lost, being treated badly and not wanting to participate again, loss of confidence, not being welcome in the environment again if things don’t go well. Risks to yourself For example, being physically injured or hurt, or having personal property damaged. Risks to members of the public or others For example, being physically injured or hurt, trauma, their property being damaged. For example, being in a busy environment with more people than usual, more noise, and unfamiliar events could create anxiety and lead to challenging behaviour. However, this could be managed by ensuring that the person you support is well prepared and knows what to expect in the new environment. Ensure that visits take place at the least busy times, that you develop a plan for recognising when you might need to leave the environment, and that you know how you will exit if necessary. Managing risks The organisation that you work for should have a policy about managing risks. If you are unsure of what this policy is, talk to your supervisor. Manage risk and be proactive Record any possible risks and management strategies. Record any adaptations that may need to be made to the task to suit the person. Record a possible exit plan based on what you know about the chosen environment and who is participating.
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 22 Prepare the person Different individuals will need different amounts and types of preparation depending on the nature of their disability, their skills and support needs, their experiences, their familiarity with the people, and the activities that they are going to participate in. Talk to the person regularly about their chosen activity. Remind them about it. It’s hard to stay motivated and interested if no-one mentions it or encourages you. If there is going to be a specific time to focus on something they want to do, make sure to include it in the person’s schedule. If they have a visual schedule you will need to take a new photo or develop a new picture for it. Ensure that the community activity is as predictable as possible. This means that the person knows what to expect, what is expected of them, when it will happen, when it will finish, what they will do there.
This may require you to slowly introduce them to the environment/activity by perhaps initially just driving past without going in, then having a short two minute visit, then gradually extending the time until the person is comfortable. This can help prevent anxiety, frustration, and challenging behaviour. At the beginning of the task explain what is happening so that the person knows what to expect. You may need to say how long it will take, and what is happening when they finish.
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 23 Monitor and record progress
It may take several weeks or months for the person you support to achieve what they set out to do. During this time you will probably have supported them many times. To make sure that you are supporting them in the best way, and that the plan is working, it is important to monitor and record what is happening. Your organisation will have policies and procedures about recording and monitoring progress. For example, there may be a form to complete to record progress on support plan goals. If you are unsure of your organisation’s policies and procedures you should talk to your supervisor. Tips for monitoring and recording progress You may not need to keep a record every day, but keep a mental note and record on paper every few days (use the format that your organisation expects of you). Your whole support team needs to agree on how often a written record is kept. Be discrete with recording as it can be off-putting to have someone standing by and writing down what you are doing. It may alter how someone performs, or make them feel nervous, which isn’t helpful. You will probably be able to remember what happened and then record it later, or be very discrete about it, or have the person you support help you do the recording. Keeping a record will help you work out when you need to make changes. For example, if you notice that there is no progress, or there is a pattern of errors, you may need to adapt something, change the prompts you are using, or simplify the task. Your record may also help you recognise when the person has made really quick progress and might want more of a challenge!
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 24 Record the progress of the person you are supporting.
Answer the following questions about monitoring and recording progress in your organisation. How does your organisation expect you to record/document the progress of the person you are supporting?
Is there a format you have to follow? If so, what is it?
Where do you record/document this progress?
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 25 Evaluating When a particular outcome has been achieved, or a plan completed, you should consider what went well, what you could change next time, and what the person you support wants to do next! What you can do Evaluate the way that you provided support. Take note of what you did well, and what could you improve on in the future. It is always useful to reflect on your own practice. Ask other people for feedback. This helps you to learn and develop your own skills. Evaluate the plan. Take note of what worked well for that person, for that outcome and what wasn’t as good. Evaluate the impact that the outcome had for the person you support: has it made a difference to their life? what do they think about it? consider where to next.
Participate in the community (US 23382) Learning Guide © Careerforce – Issue 3.0 | July 2015 26