Gosforth Memorial Medical Centre
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Gosforth Memorial Medical Centre
Patient Forum Meeting Tuesday 1st December 2015
Chair: Jean McCalman (PPG Member)
Lead GP: Dr Philip Taylor
Group Members: Jean McCalman, Steve Wootten, Ian McCalman, Lady Fiona Leslie, Adam Leslie, Anita Davies, Christine Gibbons, Steve Wootten and Paul Roberts
Practice Staff: Paula Scullion (Practice Manager) Dee Keen (Administrator)
Apologies: Barbara Harris Lynda Mackenzie
Introduction & Apologies Paula introduced Michael McDade to the group as an observer. Apologies as above
Previous Minutes All amended
Matters Arising
Before the meeting started Paula showed the group around the completed rooms and updates the group on what was left to complete.
It looks as though CQC will be with us in February. Items Raised by Practice
Friends and family feedback:
Response from the survey has been very successful. There are 4 boxes full. Dr Helen has been through all of the boxes. The survey showed that most patients were satisfied with the surgery. Timing was very important. NHS Choices still on 4 stars. Nothing had been added recently. Fi asked if there was a right to reply, Paula said only if malicious but otherwise no. Paula informed the group that she tries to reply to every post added. Surprisingly since the refurb there has been no negative comments in fact all the patients have been very supportive. Audit Complaints
One complaint which is being investigated currently.
Values, Vision and Purpose
Phil is asking everyone to think of 3 to 6 words or short sentence for the Practices Values, Vision and Purpose. This is for CQC mission statement. Something snappy. Any suggestions to go to Jean and she will forward them onto Paula.
Long discussion over the front reception desk and the changes still needed. Room 6 will be having a new floor and furniture but the replacement sink unit will have to be put off to a later date. Rooms 7, 8, and treatment room will be put on hold for the time being.
Ian asked if it would be worth contacting Northern Power House Minister.
NHS England has supplied 66% of the money and the Partners had to find the rest – however the original project has increased with changes to the back reception area and the inclusion of rooms 4,5 + 6 which the Partners have funded. It was asked who appointed the Project Manager and Paula informed the group that she was recommended to the surgery.
Will are still due a visit – potentially by the end of this financial year. There are 3 other practices still to do in the Newcastle area. .
Newcastle General Practice Services – updates
Still as we are.
Flu Clinics
Running well Another batch of letters may be sent out. Pharmacies are supposed to inform GP’s of any flu’s administered to their patients.
NHS Online
At the moment patients can see their current medication and allergies. From the 1st April patients can apply to see read coded entries. Apparently at the moment there are issues with the clinical system which the suppliers are working to overcome.
Any patient can apply however it is up to the discretion of the Practice whether it will be agreed. Fi asked what safeguards there were. Paula explained that all patients would need to bring appropriate identification to the Practice.
This will go live in March Items Raised by Group
One area of concern is Health Literacy. Demographic of the group - the group feel is that does not reflect in the practice. The group wondered about a virtual group. Fi asked if the practice had a virtual group and the answer was no. Fi said that the trust already had a virtual forum. Paula has concerns with this as it would need to managed in case of malicious or upsetting comments and currently the Practice did not have the resource to do this. It was agreed that Jean and Paula would hold an additional meeting to discuss this. The group feels they need to try even if no come back. It is time for the PPG newsletter to be started. Jean said that a large part of the newsletter comes from Jean and asked for any suggestions at the beginning of the New Year. Fi offered to produce this
The group asked if the minutes could be done more like a report and not as they currently are.
Topics discussed and then a little essay about what was discussed. Group to have own web side and Jean to contact NAPP to see if possible. Paula said to be put it on the agenda for next time, she was concerned that few patients would go to an additional web site and it may be more appropriate to maintain a part of the main GMMC web site
It was asked if the noticeboard could come into the waiting Paula said that once refurb was finished we would be reviewing all the notice boards.
They have thought about a little flyer saying who we are.
Ian – CCG major conversation about Deciding Together. It can be accessed online through Newcastle Gateshead. There is money to be a vanguard site for 999, A&E, 111, GP and Pharmacies. A lot of effort going into providing urgent care package.
Anita – Commissioning plan. Paying for services. Developing CCG in 2016. Proof of concept – money from Government which Newcastle did not get. Anita also mentioned the Dementia Café.
Fi informed the meeting that she had nominated Jane Allan for an honour. Accepted in principal but has to go to the next body to be discussed.
Jean going to contact Health Checkers to fix a date from them coming to talk to the group probably before the next PPG meeting. To try and find out what they think.
Date of next meeting:
12th January 2016 at 5pm