Computer Applications II Internet Search Strategies Vocabulary

Internet 1. Directory Search A list of web site URLs organized into Search categories or folders. Same as Catalog or Strategies 1: Category Search. Example: Yahoo. Search 2. Meta Search A type of search engine that searches Engines multiple engines at the same time using the same terms. Example: Dogpile. (5 Definitions) 3. Natural A type of search engine that takes a Language grammatically-correct sentence, picks out the Search keywords, and automatically performs a search on those terms for you. Example: AskJeeves. 4. Keyword Search A type of search engine that takes a list of key words and returns the URLs for web sites that contain them.Example: Google. 15. Search Engine A software program that searches a database of web sites and returns a list related to the search terms. Same as Spider. Internet 1. AND A boolean operator that means "must Search include". Same as +. Examples: Lake AND Strategies 2: Erie, Lake +Erie. Operators 2. Boolean Logic A method for searching and sorting information based on a simple yes or no (10 Definitions) ranking system. 3. Boolean Boolean logic symbols and reserved words Operators used with search terms to express search options. Examples: AND, +, NOT, -, OR, ADJ, NEAR, "". 4. (Double Quotes) A boolean operator set that means "the exact phrase". Example: "Lake Erie". 5. George Boole A 19th century mathematician who invented boolean logic, the method used to search the web. 6. Hits The number of items found in response to a search. 7. NEAR A boolean operator that means "must find both nearby or adjacent to one another". Same as ADJ. Examples: Lake NEAR Erie, Lake ADJ Erie. 8. NOT A boolean operator that means "must exclude". Same as -. Examples: Lake NOT Erie, Lake -Erie. 9. OR A boolean operator that means "must include at least one". Example: Lake OR Pond. 10. (Parentheses) A boolean operator that means "must do this part first". Example: (Lake OR Pond) AND Erie.