Course Assessment Submission Technical Review Form

Course Name and Number: CAOT 32

Course Title:

Reviewed By: Vivian Mun, Rafael Arias, Adam Littig, OAC Committee Date: 11-20-12

Student Learning Outcome(s) Assessed: Create a business letter, memo or other correspondence using correct writing style and grammar.

1. Methodology –

a. Description. The methodology is clearly described and contains detailed information about the tools used and how the data was analyzed (e.g., student activity, rubric elements, etc.). Yes No Comments:

Student activity – the successful writing of a business memo. Checklist used to evaluate student work

b. Sampling. Sampling methodology is adequately described (i.e., how sampling was done, number of students and faculty/staff involved out of the total) and resulted in a reasonable representation of both students and faculty. Yes No Comments:

36 students assessed. Was this the total # of students as well? It was not clear on report. 2/2 section assessed 2 faculty – part time or full time? Please include this information next time.

c. Inter-rater reliability. Document describes how inter-rater reliability was achieved. Yes No Not applicable Comments:

Not clear on report. If another instructor is qualified to teach this course, please go through norming process with him/her.

2. Data – The data analyzed can be accurately used to measure the course outcome assessed. Yes No Comments:

How did each of the students do in each of the areas? A checklist does not need points. Otherwise, it needs to be converted to a rubric to explain how points were given.

3. Proposal of Improvements – a. A clear plan is presented for the improvement of teaching, learning or institutional effectiveness based on the data assessed. Yes No Comments:

Specific improvement plan included – “As the assessment results showed that students need additional study in grammar mechanics and sentence structure, more exercises stressing grammar and sentence structure will be incorporated into the course. The department plans to utilize computerized immediate feedback grammar exercises to reinforce and/or review basic English skills. “

b. Collaborative Review - The plan includes how results will be shared with others in the discipline/area. Yes No Comments:

Department meetings. Please record SLO discussions on department meeting agendas/minutes.

c. A clear explanation of how the assessment findings contribute to the achievement of the Program SLO’s is included.

Yes No Comments:

Please consult your department chair about this course’s Program SLO’s.

Additional Comments:

In the future, please use the most updated version of SLO reports on: