Lytchett Minster & Upton Town Council s3

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Lytchett Minster & Upton Town Council s3


A MEETING of the ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE was held in the Council Chamber, 1 Moorland Parade, Moorland Way on TUESDAY the 23 July 2013 and commenced at 7:30pm.

PRESENT: Councillor R Griffin (in the Chair) Councillor J Whippey Councillor Mrs M Pryor Councillor P F Johns Councillor F H Drane Councillor F Rickard Councillor R Burns Councillor P Rusling Councillor M Dodds Councillor Mrs J M Richards (Chairman of Council) Councillor J C Small (V/Chairman of Council)

Also in attendance: Karen Wright, Town Clerk Barbara Lake, Office Manager

110/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: There were no declarations of interest and no apologies for absence were received. CLERKS REPORT: a) Minute 24/12 Trailway South. No further information.

b) Minute 108/12 Proposed Cycleway along Poole Road. DCC has advised that an ‘options report’ is due back soon from their external consultants, and once the findings are known they will be distributed.

c) Minute 109/12 Maintenance of Limberlost. No further information.

d) Minute 159/12 Volunteer Working Parties. No further information.

e) Minute 217/12 Funding application for Boardwalk at Lytchett Bay View. We have been advised by the Borough of Poole that Natural England will not support the application for a further raised walkway across the reed bed, due to increased traffic harming the shoreline. BoP has gone back to Natural England to query this, and to ask them to consider that it might reduce the impact on the shoreline as no-one will wade through the reeds as the walkway will be raised, and also to raise the impact of the damage to the shoreline by the washed up boats etc at this location. A response is awaited.

f) Minute 218/12 Ongoing problem of lack of car parking in the town. No further information.

g) Minute 219/12 Options for improved entrance signs to the town. No further information.

h) Minute 341/12 Lengthsman Funding. A response was received from DCC stating that they are sorry the Town Council felt that the recent handlings of the issue with the lengthsman scheme were not dealt with as they had hoped. DCC stated that they do value the importance of the Town Council and appreciate the work they do, and whilst they could see the benefits that the lengthsman had brought to the area due to financial constraints the scheme had to come to an end.

i) Minute 345/12 Recycling Centre. No further information.

j) Minute 385/12 Dog Fouling, Dorchester Road. No further information.

k) Minute 385/12 Road Issues. Nothing further to report.

l) Minute 430/12 Pathway Lighting at Clocktower. No further information.

m) Minute 26/13 Tree works at Pony Drive/Bridle Close. No further information.

n) Minute 72/13 Enhancement of Land Near Co-Op, Poole Road. No further information.

o) Minute 77/13 Trees at Brushwood. The most recent correspondence from Wyatt Homes states that they would have to retrieve all of the planning files from the archives to be able to answer which may take some time. They advise that the land has been dedicated as part of the public highway and DCC is therefore responsible for its maintenance in the usual way. Technically the subsoil below the extent of the public highway still belongs to the company.

p) Minute 113/13 Bakers Arms Roundabout sponsorship. An update will be given at the meeting.

q) Minute 115/13 Land at Poole Road. See Town Council Minute 141/13 17 September 2013. 112/13 CORRESPONDENCE: a) Information from DCC regarding training for operatives to continue to undertake work carried out under the lengthsman scheme was received. After discussion it was agreed to write to DCC thanking them for the offer but advising that the Town Council are concerned that this involves working on the highway and feel it is an extremely inadequate response to the needs of Parish and Town Councils and not a satisfactory substitute for the original lengthsman scheme.

b) Information on the proposed Navitus Bay Wind Park public consultation was received.

c) A 2013 Councillors Satisfaction Survey was received from DCC and members can respond on

113/13 TO RECEIVE UPDATE ON BAKERS ARMS ROUNDABOUT SPONSORSHIP: The planning application has not yet been submitted as the beacon contractor would not provide a to scale drawing requested by the planning department. Cllr Small has now met with another supplier and drawings are in the process of being prepared. Arrangements are in hand for a meeting with the grantee and contractor on Tuesday 30 July 2013.

114/13 TO CONSIDER A 5 YEAR STRATEGY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECTS: A 5 year strategy report was provided by Cllr Griffin and it was proposed, seconded and RECOMMENDED that this be accepted with a review taking place every 6 months. It was agreed that the Chairman and the Clerk would meet to prepare a more detailed plan which will then be presented to members at the next meeting of the Environment committee. This will be included as an agenda item.


115/13 TO CONSIDER TREE WORK QUOTATIONS FOR LAND AT POOLE ROAD: The land transfer has been received ready for signature. Quotes for approximately £1500 were received for necessary tree work on this land and PDC have been contacted with a request to contribute half. The PDC officer dealing with the transfer will liaise with the PDC Tree Officer and the signing of the transfer will be left in abeyance whilst this matter is pending.

116/13 TO RECEIVE COMMITTEE FINANCIAL UPDATE: The committee financial update was received and agreed.

117/13 REPORTS ON AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY FROM CHAMPIONS: Roads and Pavements Cllr P Rusling None.

Waste and Recycling Report Cllr P F Johns Concern was expressed about serious ongoing problems with flytipping at the Upton Oil recycling centre. Members were reminded that Dorset Waste Partnership will be holding a members’ briefing on Monday 5 August at 2 pm at the Town Council Offices on the new recycling scheme.

Street Furniture Cllr Mrs M Pryor None. Open Spaces Lytchett Bay View Cllr J Whippey A new bespoke higher bench has been installed following a request from a resident. Thanks were given to Cllr Mrs Richards for her kind donation towards the seat. It was suggested that the green seat at this location be moved elsewhere and a wooden replacement seat purchased.

Jubilee Garden Cllr J Small None.

St. Martins Park Cllr J C Small None.

Meadows Garden Cllr Mrs J M Richards Some trees have died and need replacing.

Open Access Issues Cllr Mrs J M Richards None.

Trees Cllr J R Burns None.

continued……………………. 117/13 REPORTS ON AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY FROM CHAMPIONS (Contd): Overgrowing vegetation Cllr F Rickard There is an overgrown hedge along Dorchester Road, opposite Marsh Lane, and ownership will be ascertained in an attempt get it cut back.

Lengthsman activities. The committee expressed their thanks to the Ground staff for their hard work during the recent very busy period.

118/13 HIGHWAY MATTERS: Cllr Johns advised that DCC will look at the flooding problem at the Bakers Arms roundabout whilst undertaking other work there.


120/13 TREE WARDEN’S REPORT: See attached list.

121/13 ITEMS OF REPORT AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE AGENDAS: a) An item ‘To discuss an enforcement protocol’ will be included on the agenda of the next Town Council meeting. b) An item ‘To discuss the purchase of water bowser’ will be included on the agenda of the next Environment meeting.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.10 pm. Chairman…………………………………..


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