Instructor: Audrey Leach

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Instructor: Audrey Leach

2017 Instructor: Audrey Leach Phone: 824 2300 ext. 8893 Email: [email protected] The Term Paper Can you say Happy New Year?

M 2/6 Flash Mrs. Leach your printed, annotated narrative source for credit. Review how to write a rhetorical précis that opens with a claim Take a Chromebook, sign in to Google classroom— Codes—3rd: c2h1k8 5th: lbilzsw Begin your précis; remember to open with a claim you will develop in your paper. HMK: Revise and polish your précis. Submit to Google Classroom before midnight tomorrow. Google Classroom Codes: 3rd: c2h1k8 5th: lbilzsw W 2/8 View Acts IV-V of Macbeth Discuss and answer any remaining questions about Macbeth Review passages, literary terms, and citation information to know and love in Macbeth HMK: Study ALL notes and passages for the test on Macbeth next class. Find a passage from the play to use in your paper by Wednesday next week N.B. Missing Friday’s class is a BAD idea.

F 2/10 Take the test on Macbeth Receive a sample definition argument and note the features that make it a definition Check out a Chromebook, check your score on précis #1, and make any suggested changes. Then, find two or more sources that define something related to your topic. You want two sources that have competing definitions. Read and consider both definitions. Then write a précis on Google Classroom for the one with which you agree. Be sure to include the competing definition in the fourth sentence of your précis. (Look at Mrs. L’s sample to figure out how to do this) HMK: Revise précis #2 (definition), be sure it opens with a prospective claim, and submit to Mrs. L via Google Classroom BEFORE MIDNIGHT Tuesday. Come to class Wednesday with an excerpt from Macbeth you will use in your paper. ______M 2/13 Lincoln’s Birthday—no school!

W 2/15 Your selected excerpt from Macbeth is due today! Review how to cite a passage from a classical play. Mrs. Leach demo’s how to analyze a passage from Macbeth and synthesize it with an additional source. Type your excerpt. Cite it properly. Analyze it in light of a contemporary example. Glue the two sources together. Clarify your claim and consider an internal conclusion. Done correctly, you will have completed one plus pages of your term paper! HMK: Revise and edit your 1-2 page synthesis paragraph—submit to Google Classroom BEFORE midnight Thursday. 2017

F 2/17 Receive a sample source that employs a causal argument Check out a Chromebook and find a source that analyzes the causes (reasons) / or the effects (outcomes) of some phenomena related to your topic; then write a clear, coherent précis that FOLLOWS THE SENTENCE-BY-SENTENCE precis instructions. Open this précis with a claim; then, revise and submit your précis (complete with opening claim) to Google Classroom BEFORE midnight Tuesday. HMK: Revise and submit your cause/effect précis complete with an opening claim to Google Classroom BEFORE midnight Tuesday 2/21 M 2/20 President’s Day—no school AGAIN!

W 2/22 Mrs. Leach demonstrates how to prepare a thesis map. Take a Chromebook and prepare yours in class. FORMAT YOURS EXACTLY LIKE THE SAMPLE! Submit the thesis map to Google Classroom no later than 11:59 tomorrow. Begin a formal list of works consulted for your term paper in class as well Hmk: Submit thesis map to Google Classroom no later than 11:59 tomorrow. Search for an interview, a Ted talk, and scientific/statistical data related to your topic. (It’s ok to begin drafting your term paper too!)

F 2/24 Take a Chromebook and finish your Works Consulted page if you haven’t already Once finished, continue researching for other sources you will need: A Ted Talk, an interview, scientific or statistical data. Begin drafting your paper! HMK: Stop stalling! Draft your term paper. The first 4 PRINTED pages are due Wednesday in class, and the complete paper with works cited and consulted are due Friday. Each paragraph should stake a claim and provide supporting examples and analysis from your reading or research. ______M 2/27 Plagiarism lecture and exercises—due E.O.P for a grade. HMK: Finish drafting the first 4 pages of your term paper—this does not include the works cited or works consulted page. Draft must be PRINTED and MLA-formatted. Formatting questions? Refer to Michael Grieve’s paper—it’s an excellent sample!

W 3/1 The first 4 PRINTED pages of your synthesis paper are due! Read a sample synthesis term paper & score it using the rubric Mrs. L will use to score yours. Begin viewing Scotland, PA HMK: Finish drafting your synthesis paper. Eight pages are due next class. You must have a hard copy of the ENTIRE PAPER with you in class Friday. This includes the works cited and the works consulted pages.

F 3/3 Your PRINTED 8-10 paper is due today, including the works cited and works consulted pages Peer review of papers/Shhh! Mrs. Leach reviews MLA format/citations—for free! Continue viewing Scotland, PA HMK: Take the time to reread, rework, revise and perfect your synthesis paper. The final draft is due on Turnitin no later than Sunday before midnight. Please bring a paper copy to class on Monday as well. 2017 M 3/6 Your Glorious Term Papers are due!! Be sure you have your hard copy in class today. Check-in copies of Macbeth Tips for an effective 2-3 minute oral presentation—to begin in 10 minutes! 1) a brief introduction to your topic (why you chose it or found the topic intriguing, what you hoped to learn, etc.), 2) ONE facinating talking point (claim w/compelling example[s]) 3) conclusions drawn about your topic. HMK: Not a chance!

W 3/8 Finish viewing Scotland, PA HMK: Not yet, but soon  From Macbeth to Research  The wicked man and the doer of evil is in any case unhappy, but more unhappy if he does not meet justice and suffer punishment; less unhappy if he pays the penalty and suffers punishment from gods and men . . . Socrates

 Can Macbeth’s misery be traced to a lack of understanding of what it means to be a man? A lack of understanding of what it means to be a humble servant and an effective leader?

 Uncertain about his place and purpose in life, he is eager to put his fate in the hands of soothsayers, he allows his wife to bully him into overstepping his place, and he devalues the lives of others (his king, his friends, his colleagues, and even their children).

 From the time he murders Duncan he recognizes “from this instant/There’s nothing serious in mortality. . .and grace is dead” (2.3. 103-10). He complains to Lady Macbeth ‘tis “better to be dead” than suffer the “torture of [his] mind” (3.2.20-29).

 He seeks to escape from life through his habit of drinking.

 He wishes a psychologist could heal “a mind diseased” (5.3.47-54), and the doctor refers him to a priest who can hear the confession of a mind racked by guilt.

 Finally Macbeth complains that life is meaningless: “Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day” (5.5.21-30). Synthesis Term Paper  Whoooo-hooo! I know you’re eager to begin, but you can only write one—so don’t embarrass yourself and ask to write more than one paper.  Your term paper is a synthesis of information and ideas from the play Macbeth and your extensive research and investigation. The focus of your paper will be your chosen topic NOT the play Macbeth. The play is simply a common source and a reference point.  The paper should be 8-10 pages (not including works cited and consulted pages) and follow MLA guidelines. Visit and go to MLA formatting and you’ll have more help than you know what to do with. 2017  Hints for organizing and researching this project will be given in class as the deadlines loom.  Looming deadlines: Draft Due: Paper Due: Last day accepted: NO EXCEPTIONS! Synthesis Research Project Potential term paper topics related to Macbeth You may craft your own and have it approved by me

Article I. Historical Synthesis  Human rights and human dignity—“unalienable rights”?  Utopian Societies—from Thomas More’s Utopia to Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward

Article II. Contemporary Issues Synthesis  Gender Roles in Society, the Workplace, or the Military  Status Seekers and Excess—how much is too much?  The Science of Sleep—the need for nature’s balm  Mental Health Care—the cost of cutbacks  The Death Penalty—the argument vs. the reality  Restorative Justice—restitution vs. punishment  Memory—what impedes memory; what assists it?

Article III. Psychological Synthesis  Effective Leadership—what does it take?  What puts the “human” into humanity?  Escapism & its Consequences—choose one: alcohol, drugs, television, technology Suicide—warning signs and prevention  Verbal Abuse—Effects and solutions  Components of a Healthy Marriage  Social Media—Harms and Benefits

Article IV. Philosophical Synthesis  Plato—All men are by nature equal, made all of the same earth by one Workman; and however we deceive ourselves, as dear unto God is the poor peasant as the mighty prince. What does equality really mean and how might we live it out?  Socrates—Only those who are noble and good can be called happy. What is the source of happiness? 2017  Machiavelli Meets Macbeth: To what extent must a man betray himself in exchange for power? As long as it is possible, he should not stray from the good, but he should know how to enter into evil when necessity commands.  Value in Suffering? Viktor Frankl

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