Structured Summary Template for Enduring Educational Materials Mini-Portfolio

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Structured Summary Template for Enduring Educational Materials Mini-Portfolio

Structured Summary Template for Enduring Educational Materials Mini-Portfolio (Last Revised 3/1/2016)

We expect that the mini-portfolio for the Development of Enduring Educational Materials Category of the Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P. Faculty Excellence Award will contain the following sections:

 Your name, title, department, section

Match to standard-setting example(s): In column 1 check 1 or 2 of the standard-setting examples (which are found on the introductory page of materials of this category). Determine which you believe best matches the type of enduring materials you do and have included in your mini-portfolio. In column 2, briefly identify major similarities and differences in the type of enduring materials between your mini-portfolio and the example(s)  Example 1 - PhD in e.g., Like the standard-setting example X, I…..; Unlike the Clinical Department example, however, I do more of…. and less of…..  Example 2 - MD in Basic Science Department  Example 3 - PhD in Basic Science Department  Example 4 - MD in Clinical Department

List of Structured Abstracts Briefly list the enduring educational materials that you are including as part of your portfolio. You will provide more details about the materials you have developed in the Structured Abstract section. Publication or Citation or publication information for Summary of evidence of quality completion dates each enduring material/educational product in category Structured Summary Template for Enduring Educational Materials Mini-Portfolio (Last Revised 3/1/2016)

Discussion of Breadth

(In this section, discuss how your activities represent breadth appropriate to this category—for example, different formats of materials, different populations of learners, etc.) Structured Summary Template for Enduring Educational Materials Mini-Portfolio (Last Revised 3/1/2016)

Structured summary: Similar to the structured summary required in the other Award categories, this part of the mini-portfolio is used to provide a “bird’s eye" view of accomplishments the applicant desires the review panel to compare to the published standard. The format, however, is slightly different than that of the other categories (see examples 1-4 from the enduring educational materials web page). The structured summary should serve as a Table of Contents for the personal statement and structured abstracts (both described below). This means that the structured summary should include bulleted information taken from your personal statement about your goals, preparation, and ongoing self-reflection related to developing enduring materials and it should list the enduring materials you include in your structured abstracts.

Personal statement: As with the other award categories, the personal statement presents the individual’s goals, preparation, and ongoing personal development related to educational activities specific to the enduring materials award category.It should answer such questions as: Why have you dedicated part of your career to creating enduring materials? What do you hope to gain by having created the materials? What do you hope others will gain as a result of using the materials? What qualifies you to create materials?

Structured abstracts: This component is unique to the category of Development of Enduring Educational Materials and Educational Research.A separate structured abstract should be included for each distinct type of enduring material that is included in the structured summary. Abstracts should not exceed 750 words (less than 500 words is preferred) and should include as many of the following sections as possible. Use the underlined words to label the sections. (See samples of structured abstracts).

 Title  Reference Citation if formally published, or Publication Data (i.e., date, location) if self- published  Format and/or type of material (i.e., media used, organization)  Goals and/or Learning Objectives of the material (i.e., needs addressed; expected learning outcomes)  Content area(s) covered  Learner Population(s) for which material was developed (could include a primary and secondary population)  Size and/or Scope (i.e., contact time, pages, number of components)  My Role(s) (i.e., candidate’s role/level of involvement in the design, faculty preparation time, production/programming, implementation, and/or evaluation of the material)  Methods employed in the design, production/programming, implementation, and/or evaluation of the material  Peer Review process employed to ensure adequacy of content.  Usage Statistics (e.g., number of users, copies sold, and electronic “hits”)  Impact on learners’ knowledge, skills and/or attitudes  Ratings of peers, learners and/or others

Appendices: As with the other award categories, it is important to include documentation that clarifies and substantiates the claims made about quantity and quality in the structured summary and/or abstracts. This section must not exceed 26 pages (13 pages front and back). Please document evidence of dissemination outside of Baylor. Structured Summary Template for Enduring Educational Materials Mini-Portfolio (Last Revised 3/1/2016)

CV: As with the other award categories, a current copy of the CV, in the standard Baylor format, is required. Like the appendices, the CV will help substantiate the claims made about quantity and quality. ======


Title/Citation: Improving Glycemic Management In Type 2 Diabetes: Case Studies

Format web-based CME program with multiple components.

Goals/Learning Objectives To stress the importance of timely therapeutic intervention for the patient with Type 2 diabetes. At the conclusion of the activity, the participant should be able to describe and identify: the clinical data including laboratory results as they relate to pathophysiologic processes; the pathophysiologic defects underlying the development of Type 2 diabetes; and the temporal progression of the disease.

Content Highlights the importance of timely therapeutic intervention for the patient with Type 2 diabetes. Activity uses a case study approach to demonstrate the importance of aggressive glycemic control and risk complication management. Appropriate therapeutic interventions are also presented. This activity was originally presented live in New York City in May 2003.

Audience Endocrinologists, primary care physicians and diabetologists, including nurses and pharmacists, who treat patients with Type 2 diabetes.

Size Components: A pre-test evaluation, 3 lecture presentations, a question-answer session, online references, and a post-test evaluation. Contact time: approximately 1.75 hours required to complete entire program.

My Roles (1) course director and a speaker at the original CME activity, (2) developing the content for presentation, (3) requested that the presentations be made into an online resource, (4) advised in the development of the website, and (5) key player in the publicity effort to let the diabetes community know about this educational resource. Other contributors included 2 speakers, an evaluation expert, a peer reviewer, programmers, graphic designers, and database managers.

Methods Modified original conference presentations into interactive online educational activity.

Peer Review Prior to its launch in June 2003, this educational activity was reviewed by: John Doe, MD, Assistant Professor, BCM. Content will be reviewed again in June 2004.

Usage Statistics Since it went live online in June of 2003, this site has had 816 visitors. Of these, 523 people have worked through the entire site and 244 doctors have completed and submitted the post-test evaluation form necessary to receive CME credit.

Ratings of Learners 10 questions incorporated into the online post-test to assess learners’ perceptions of the educational activity. (e.g.: How [if at all] has your mastery of the content Structured Summary Template for Enduring Educational Materials Mini-Portfolio (Last Revised 3/1/2016) changed as a result of this activity?) Results indicate positive learner perception (i.e., >4.2 on a 5 point scale). See Appendix A for details.

Ratings of Peers As part of the evaluation process, feedback was solicited from two members of the Baylor faculty who were typical of the user audience and not involved in the development of this program. Letters written by these faculty that include their qualitative assessment of the website have been included in Appendix B. Structured Summary Template for Enduring Educational Materials Mini-Portfolio (Last Revised 3/1/2016)


Title Windows to the Brain

Citation Doe, J. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 2001-2003

Format This is a series of short review articles that appear in every issue of the Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences (published quarterly).

Goals The purpose of the series is to teach about both basic and clinical neuroscience advances, particularly those utilizing imaging, that are or may become of importance to the practice of neuropsychiatry.

Content To date topics have included application of new imaging and other investigative techniques to better facilitate learners' understanding of Huntington’s disease, normal pressure hydrocephalus, autism, alcohol dependence, Binswanger’s disease and schizophrenia. Other papers have provided overviews of topics ranging from the history and present state of surgical treatment of mental illness to the effects of estrogen in the brain.

Learner Population The topics and writing level are specifically chosen with residents and practicing clinicians in mind. These papers are also useful in teaching situations with other groups, such as medical and graduate students.

Size Each article is 4-6 pages in length. They are published quarterly, with a total of 12 since we initiated the series in 2001.

My Role My role in this project is to provide the neuropsychiatric perspective required to prepare articles for this audience. I guide the topic and illustration choice to assure that the series covers a wide range of appropriate subjects.

Methods In collaboration with one other person I perform the appropriate literature search, extraction and synthesis of key information, and writing of each article. Illustrative images are solicited from experts in the particular research area to create the figures to go with the text.

Peer Review Content experts review the article to assure absolute accuracy. This is critical to the process because it is necessary to greatly simplify technical descriptions for the target audience. By including experts as co-authors, we assure that the high quality of the information provided in the series is maintained.

Usage Statistics The citation impact of this journal is 2.14.

Ratings of Peers We have been informed by the journal staff that this series generates many favorable comments and many viewings on their WEB site. I have received multiple requests for reprints and/or slides to be used in teaching from my colleagues. (These comments may be found in Appendix X.) Structured Summary Template for Enduring Educational Materials Mini-Portfolio (Last Revised 3/1/2016)


Title/Citation: Jump Into Action: A NIDDM Prevention Program for Fifth-Grade Students

Format/Type: Jump Into Action (JIA) is a printed instructional program on non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM/Type 2 diabetes) prevention. It includes a teacher’s guide and a student workbook designed for fifth-grade instruction.

Goals/Purpose: JIA is based on the premise that impaired glucose tolerance can be reversed or prevented with changes in diet and exercise. Therefore, the thrust of JIA is to help children develop healthy habits that decrease the likelihood of obesity and sedentary lifestyles. JIA’s objectives are to (1) increase students’ knowledge of NIDDM, (2) develop students’ self-efficacy toward preventing NIDDM in their lives, and (3) influence students’ behaviors with respect to nutrition and exercise.

Content: The teacher’s guide includes information on diabetes, lesson plans to guide learning activities, and a resources section. The student workbook provides information and activities about the types, causes, risks, complications, incidence, facts, myths, and prevention of NIDDM.

Audience: Fifth-grade students and their teachers.

Size and Scope: The Student Workbook contains 10 pages of interactive narrative and colorful illustrations and 18 worksheets. The Teacher’s Guide has 77 pages of information about NIDDM, suggested teaching strategies, and detailed lesson plans.

My Role: Led a team of Baylor faculty members, health educators, elementary school teachers and instructional designers in developing and evaluating JIA. Obtained grant support (2 grants) for the program from the Texas Department of Health.

Methods: JIA was developed by a team of professionals (N=9) including health and medical educators, elementary school teachers, writers, and graphic/instructional designers. In developing the program, the team was assisted by expert faculty and staff (N=6) of Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital, the University of Houston, and the Houston Independent School District. The team developed content and learning activities suitable for fifth graders, used the expertise of graphic designers to make the program colorful and attractive to children, and had elementary teachers and health educators design appropriate instructional strategies which involved students in problem-solving and decision making activities. The program’s development was supported, in part, by a grant from the Texas Department of Health.

Quasi-experimental research designs were used to evaluate JIA in field tests in three large school districts in the Houston area and the Rio Grande Valley and a rural school district in Marfa, Texas. Using comparison and intervention groups, pre, post, and four-month follow-up surveys were completed by participating students.

Usage statistics: JIA has been used by over 2800 students and 86 teachers in 31 elementary schools in Texas. Anecdotal reports of usage in other locations have been received.

Impact: JIA has been found effective in improving and sustaining participating students’ knowledge of NIDDM, confidence in their abilities to prevent NIDDM in their lives, and self-reported behaviors regarding eating more healthy foods and increasing regular exercise. Structured Summary Template for Enduring Educational Materials Mini-Portfolio (Last Revised 3/1/2016)

Peer Review: JIA has been peer reviewed at three points in its development and evaluation. First, grant proposals to develop JIA were peer reviewed, approved, and funded by the Texas Department of Health. Second, fifth-grade teachers provided an in-depth assessment of the program’s use in their classrooms. Third JIA evaluation results have been published in peer- reviewed journals (Journal of School Health; Journal of Health Education; Texas Journal of Rural Health).

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