Spanish 1B IB Year Long Country Project

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Spanish 1B IB Year Long Country Project

Spanish “1B” 8th grade: I.B. Year Long Country Project- Ms. Madan

1- Choose a Spanish Speaking Country (20). Explain the reason why you chose that country.

2- Every Chapter/Unit. You will apply the topic that we are currently studying to how it relates to your country. You will have 2 months research each topic (there are only 4 topics)

3- You will create a scrapbook (any type of book) You will state the question and answer all the questions in your own words.

4- Use the internet, books, newspaper, magazines etc. a person who is from your country to find the information. Then, in YOUR OWN words (5-20 sentences) explain the answers to the questions below.

****Please state (write, type) the QUESTION before you answer it.

5- You will compare and contrast your country and the USA by using charts (Venn diagrams, T charts) for comparing/contrasting information.

6- You will provide data by using graphs (line, bar, pie, etc.) for comparing numbers, rates, trends of any significant fact/s.

7- You will use pictures of the information and place captions for the pictures.

8- Please cite all work at end of each unit.

9- Decorate your cover. Provide a title page with a table of contents (with page #’s).

10- Provide a Map

11. Provide a Flag

12- Provide a “Fact Page (5-10 facts) Examples 1- Country, 2- Capital, 3-President 4- Currency, etc

******Please note the following information below:

- Each chapter in your scrapbook will be DUE at right before we complete a unit. - You will work on it simultaneously to the unit we are currently studying - I will do periodical “checks”

Unit/Chapter Topics:

Unit 5: Family 1- How does the “family” unit live in your county? (p.156-185) ( Is it nuclear or extended?) 2- What types of homes/structures do people live in? ( What are the homes/structures made out of, Why?) 3- Do they rent ? own? is it “government” owned? 4- What are the current statistics for family units(single, 2 parents homes etc today? 5- Describe a typical family in your country. 6- In what ways are they the same or different from the US? 7- Is there divorce? 8- Compare and contrast the divorce rate in the two countries. 9- Compare and contrast to the USA.

Unit 6 : Food : (p. 194-227) 1- What authentic food dishes does your country have? How many are there? 2- What are the main ingredients found in daily meals? 3- Compare typical holiday meal spices (things that you add to your food ex. cinnamon or garnishes). (Maybewe do not eat or have here.) 4- What spices, meats, vegetables, desserts, and beverages are unique to your country’s everyday meals? 5- Are there food stamps or other welfare or government issued meal checks in your country? 6- How is the food eaten (chopsticks, utensils, etc?) 7- Compare 3 typical meals/day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) your country would have compare with U.S.A. (times/dishes/ingredients?)What do poor people eat in your country? 8- What food(s) is/are eaten on special occasions/ holidays? 9- Where do people acquire fresh food (grocery store, market, fishing? etc?) 10- Compare and contrast to the USA (eating habits & interesting nutrition.) 11)-What is the national dish? 12)-What spices, meats, vegetables, deserts and beverages are unique to your country? 13)-What are snacks in your country? 14)-What is considered good nutrition in your country? What is considered bad nutrition? 15)-Who cooks the meals in your country what do they cook it on? 16)-Which food items are subsidized by the government? 17)-Where do people acquired their food? 18)-Where are meals eaten? Compare to your family.

Unit 7: Health: (232- 261) 1- What is the role of exercise in your country? How do people view jogging? Describe the “Ideal” man/woman as seen in your country’s ads & commercials. Compare to the USA. 2- What are popular types of exercises/activities? Where are they done? 3- What sports are popular? How do they influence society? 4- What is the health care like in your country (pros, cons,)? 5- What is the procedure when a person gets sick? Where do they go? 6- What is the role of a doctor? What is the role of a Nurse? 7-For #s 1-6: Describe differences between age groups(i.e. seniors, youth, young adults) 8- What is the role of the pharmacist? What type of education does it require? 9- What are the feared diseases in your country? Is there modern medicine to help? 10- Compare and contrast to the USA. 11-For #s 1-6 describe differences between age groups (i.e. seniors, youth, young adults) Unit 8: Clothes : p.(270-303) 1- What are the current fashion trends/styles in your country? 2- Where do people shop for clothes? 3- Popular fabrics/ colors during certain seasons? 4- Compare and contrast to the USA clothing worn for different occasions (school, park, cheer, shopping, sports, at home for sleeping etc.) 5- What are five differences between poor and rich in society clothing in your country?

Each rating for this domain has particular characteristics:

70 point - Minimal completion of the task and/or content undeveloped.

 Response is mostly relevant but lacks appropriate details.  A required portion of the task may be missing.

80 points - Partial completion of the task; ideas somewhat developed.

 Response is relevant; some ideas are developed with appropriate details.  A minor portion of the task may be missing.

90 points - Completion of the task, ideas adequately developed.

 All required elements are present.  Response directly relates to the task as given.  Response has sufficient information or detail based on learned material.  Response shows some organization.

100 points - Superior completion of the task, ideas well developed and well-organized

 All required elements are present.  Student is able to provide substantial detail.  Response is usually well-organized and cohesive.

I understand the topics/questions above. I know that I must research (from the internet, books, newspaper, etc.) information for my country and the USA. I must provide documentation of where I get my information. All information found will be placed in the scrapbook.

Student Signature:______Parent Signature:______


Unit 9:Holidays: 1- What are the holidays or festivals that your country celebrates (describe each one) 2- Are there particular foods eaten on these holidays? If so what are they? Describe them. 3- Do they dress up for anything? 4- What do they DO to celebrate the holidays? 5- Are there key people, or animals that are associated with that holiday. ***Compare and contrast to the USA. 6- Describe some traditions of your country 7- Who are the people remembered in your country? What did they do? 8- How do people celebrate their holidays in your country? 9-What is a traditional costume or clothing that distinguishes your country?

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