Village of Manteno s2

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Village of Manteno s2

Village of Manteno Planning/Zoning Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday, July 21, 2011 – 7:00AM. Village Conference Room

In attendance: Mayor Tim Nugent; Jerry LeSage; Bernie Thompson; Diane Dole; Annette LaMore; Todd Crockett; and Darla Hurley

Meeting was called to order by Chairman Crockett at 7:02 am.

 Business Development & Support Ideas After visiting numerous villages and cities, Trustee Crockett has seen various way finding signs that point to different businesses. Trustee Crockett would like to investigate whether this could be something that the village and Chamber of Commerce could do. It might be a way to help with advertisement for businesses. Businesses would be responsible for the costs.

Our ordinance on off-site advertising would have to be changed. It was suggested that the Chamber survey their membership as to whether there is an interest. This would be a controlled way to allow off-site advertisement. The Mayor and Bernie have a meeting scheduled with the Chamber next week; they will ask them about conducting a survey.

 Increasing Single Family Home Building Standards Trustee Crockett would like to see some sort of minimum brick requirement for single family new construction. Jerry LeSage stated that this discussion was held several years ago, but no changes where made. There are several subdivisions with covenants that require a certain amount of brick. The village can not enforce those areas. If the requirement is listed in the annexation agreement, the village can enforce the requirement. There have been some changes in the ordinance to help with appearances. Jerry does meet regularly with other local building departments and the discussions have centered on the same subjects including adopting the newer codes. These new codes will increase the cost of new construction. At this time this may not be the way to attract new construction by adding new requirements. This is a balancing act and now may be the time to change instead of waiting for construction to begin again.

Bernie Thompson stated that the school district has even approached him about whether the village has considered waiving fees to entice builders and developers. This may be something to look into. The question was asked as to whether there is something the village could do to attract buyers for the empty houses already in the village. This is a good question, but not sure of any good answers at this time.

Misc. Updates:

Trustee Crockett had a resident ask about the frontage road north of the Country Inn & Suites about whether is could be stripped and have reflectors installed. This portion of the road is not in the village limits. The resident should be told to talk to Jim Stauffenberg and Ron Dodge, our County representatives. Planning/Zoning Committee Meeting – July 21, 2011 Trustee Diane Dole exited the meeting.

Village Administrator Bernie Thompson and the Mayor Tim Nugent have been working with Risen Savior Lutheran Church on their property along County Highway 9. They would like to build upon the property, but the county is asking for money up front to re-do County Highway 9 even though the project may never be completed. This is very cost prohibitive. The idea is to negotiate to help both the County and the church.

A gentleman has approached the village about creating an indoor skate park in the industrial buildings along Spruce St. The zoning ordinance allows the recreational use by special use permit in the C-2 zoning and the I-2 zoning, but not in the I-1 zoning. Our attorney felt this was an oversight. A text amendment will be needed to allow the use. The committee had no problem with the concept, but the gentleman would have to follow the special use permit process.

Trustee LaMore asked if there was anything that could be done about the music at the Sportsman’s club. She has had a resident complain. There have been no complaints given to the police department.

Trustee LaMore also asked about Dollar Store; if they are moving. Mayor Nugent stated that they would like to get a larger facility, but they are not moving out of town.

Bernie updated the committee on the sign issue with Mr. Cavender. The issue will be in the newspaper tonight, so he wanted the committee to be aware of the facts. Mr. Cavender stopped mowing the parkway grass as a tax protest against the village. Our attorney stated that we can’t ticket him for tall grass since it is legally not his property, however the signs he has placed in his yard do not follow our ordinance. A neighbor did mow the grass. He can be ticketed for the size of the signs, but not for their content. The options are to either mow it or kill it.

At the village board meeting on July 18th, two consultants for the Rt. 50 Development gave proposals. Arête-Knight gave a proposal for $31,500 and Teska’s proposal is $21,600. Trustee Crockett is in favor of hiring an outside consultant to help us, but would like to ask the other trustees about who they would like to hire since he did not hear the proposals. The costs will be sent to all trustees and then discussed at the next available committee meeting.

The phase I environmental study for the new River Valley Metro Station is completed. It is not sure if a phase II will be done.

Jerry LeSage gave the following updates: o The Pizza Stone hopes to open on 8/11/11 – finals have not been done yet. o Jerry Curwick has purchased Tower Plaza on South Creek Drive. Dance Alive is moving to that complex from Main Street. The upstairs area on Main St, where Dance Alive was, may be converted into apartments again. o Bob Veracuyse has purchased a fiber glass shell from Paradise Pools. o Jerry and Bernie will be meeting V3 and Town Center Bank to discuss Windfield II & III. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 a.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Darla Hurley, Deputy Village Clerk

Planning/Zoning Committee Meeting – July 21, 2011 Planning/Zoning Committee Meeting – July 21, 2011

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