College of Education Strategic Plan 2002-2003

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College of Education Strategic Plan 2002-2003

College of Education Implementation Plan Revised- May 18, 2006 Objective Action Steps By Whom Status

Objective 1A: Develop consistency across all Revisit and evaluate student Student Teaching Annually university and public school supervising teaching procedures, forms and Committee (Ad Hoc) personnel with respect to their understanding policies and revise as needed of the teacher preparation program (NCATE Standards 1, 2 & 3) Revisit the contents of the Student Teaching Annually Guidelines for Student Committee (Ad Hoc) Teaching and Eligibility Portfolio, University Coordinators Manual and Supervising Teacher Manual. Revise as needed

Provide professional KATE/Faculty Ongoing development for COE faculty, public school supervising teachers and pre-service teachers including, but not limited to, Conceptual Framework, Continuous Assessment Plan, clinical supervision practices and the infusion of technology into instruction

Conduct training sessions for Ongoing Dean/Chairs/Faculty/T faculty in the 2+2 programs ES/ located at Henderson, Continuing Hopkinsville, Madisonville and Education/Advising Paducah Center Adapt and provide professional CAC/Chairs/Faculty Ongoing development for university coordinators and faculty in the evaluation of Eligibility Portfolios consistent with the evolving student work

1 Objective 1B: Review conceptual framework in Review, evaluate and revise Conceptual Annually order to provide focus, direction, and Conceptual Framework Framework Committee consistency in curriculum (Conceptual Framework) (MSU 2.4) Review Conceptual Framework CAC/Faculty Annually at COE annual retreat

Submit any recommended Conceptual Annually revisions to CAC, Dean and Framework Committee faculty for input

Approve revisions of CAC Annually Conceptual Framework

Examine courses and practicum CAC/Faculty/Chairs/Pr Annually experiences to ensure ogram Coordinators appropriate integration of the Conceptual Framework

Refine course assignments and Coordinators/Faculty Ongoing experiences consistent with the Conceptual Framework

Review Continuous CAC/Faculty/Chairs/Pr Annually Assessment Plan with respect ogram Coordinators to Conceptual Framework

Objective 1C: Review assessment system and Review, evaluate and refine NCATE Standard Two Ongoing unit evaluation. (Standard 2) (MSU 2.4) student assessment system Committee/KATE and unit operations to improve Director/TES the unit and its programs. Director/CAC Submit any recommended revisions to CAC, Dean and faculty for input

Refine collection of student and NCATE Standard Two Ongoing program data (including Committee/KATE eligibility portfolios) and Director/TES

2 dispositions at the standards Director/CAC level via Livetext Refine reporting process to Ongoing provide programs decision makers with related student data Objective 1D: Review field and clinical Review and evaluate field and NCATE Standard 3 experiences. (Standard 3) clinical experiences. Committee/Coordinato Ongoing Submit any recommended r of Field revisions to CAC, Dean and Placements/Coordinat faculty for input or of Student Teaching/Director of School Services and Research

Objective 1E: Provide resources and Collect and disseminate COE Multicultural Ongoing experiences of greater cultural awareness and appropriate materials through Committee/Program diversity (Standard 4) (MSU 1.3,2.4,2.8) MSU Media/ Resource Centers Faculty/2+2 Coordinators

Provide professional COE Multicultural Ongoing development for faculty and Committee students Identify and utilize innovative COE Multicultural Ongoing ways to provide diverse Committee multicultural experiences for faculty and students Goal 1:The University shall support theAS1.1 Continue and finalize College Dean, Fall 2006 and spring internationalization of the campus and agreements with the Centro Department Chairs, 2007. curriculum (University Strategic Goal 2006-2007-Huerta del Rey Center for and Faculty Institutional Goal 2.8 Gifted Studies in Valladolid, Spain with the following activities: Summer Challenge Student Exchanges in Murray and Spain; collaborative research; and the soon to be finalized Certificate Program in Gifted Education, which will be taught in Spanish to educators throughout the world.

3 AS1.2 Continue Bregenz Environmental Leadership Program in conjunction with the Office of Future Questions, in Bregenz Austria, the Vorarlberg Parliament, the Kentucky Institute for International Studies. AS1.3 Support Summer Institute on Biodiversity (funded by CPE) with Western Kentucky University. AS1.4 Continue Bregenz Environmental Program in Bregenz, Austria.

AS1.5. Support faculty and students with Discover China.

AS1.6. Finalize plans for Student Teaching in Belize: Plans are underway to organize and implement a four-week student teaching experience in Belize. The plan is to begin during the spring, 2007 semester. AS1.7. Continue Toyama University Agreement with MSU: Cooperative agreement for academic exchange. 3 students from Japan have participated in this exchange as well as one faculty member from Toyama to MSU/COE. AS1.8. Continue 2nd year with United States-Japan Foundation: Japanese Language Program Teacher (Mrs. Nakamura) of Japanese

4 for a three-year program in the Murray and Calloway Schools.

Work with the Institute for COE Multicultural 2006-2007 International Studies to develop Committee opportunities for students and faculty Continue to address the EEO/SSLD/COE Ongoing requirements of special needs Faculty and Staff/CAC students, faculty and staff

Continue Dean’s series on COE Multicultural Ongoing multicultural education Committee

Objective 1F: Review the unit curriculum and Review and evaluate unit NCATE Standard 4 Ongoing experiences to provide candidates diverse curriculum and experiences to Committee experiences. (Standard 4) (MSU 1.3,2.4,2.8) provide diverse experiences. Submit any recommended reviews to CAC, Dean and faculty for input

Encourage undergraduate and CAC/Program Ongoing graduate students to participate Coordinators/Faculty in international educational experiences. Objective 1G: Determine program needs of Establish district contacts to Regional Campus Ongoing public school teachers, administrators, and distribute schedules, Education other professionals in the MSU service region information, determine specific Coordinators/Teacher (Standard 1 & 2) (MSU 4.1) needs Quality Institute/Continuing Education/WKEC 1G1. Collect and utilize information from public Collect and analyze data Program Ongoing school teachers and administrators in determining concerning program needs Coordinators/Regional program needs addressing local, state and national Campus Education initiatives Coordinators/Director School Services & Research/Teacher Quality Institute/Continuing Education/TES/Chairs

5 Evaluate and review teacher Dean/CAC/ Program Ongoing leader initiatives and teacher Coordinators performance assessment

Present program needs to CAC Program Ongoing and Dean Coordinators/Regional Campus Education Coordinators/Director School Services & Research/Teacher Quality Institute/Continuing Education

Objective 1H: Actively collaborate with public Ensure that public school Assistant Ongoing school personnel, students, and faculty from teachers, administrators, other Dean/Departmental across campus in decisions regarding COE professionals and students are Chairs/CAC programs (Standards 5 & 6) (MSU 4.1,4.6) involved in college and department committees as appropriate Maintain collaboration with Chairs/Faculty/TES Ongoing teacher preparation faculty outside of the COE (e.g., luncheons, TE Admission Committees and PRC)

1H1. Collaborate with West Kentucky Educational Meet and share information with Dean/Director of Ongoing Cooperative, and Regional Early Childhood all partners School Services and Training Center to effect a greater level of Research cooperation (MSU 2.10)

Work with Professional Director of School Ongoing Development Partners to Services and develop PD programs for Research school administrators and teachers

6 Assist in the delivery of Summer Director of School Annually Institutes Services and Research/Faculty/Publ ic School Teachers/KDE/RTC/T QI Objective 1I: Assess each COE program Programs will appoint advisory Program Ongoing (Standards 1 & 2) (MSU 2.4,2.9) committees to evaluate, revise Coordinators/Chairs (if needed) and approve Continuous Assessment Plans Align COE curriculum with CAC/Program Ongoing national and state initiatives Coordinators/Faculty (e.g., Core Content, PRAXIS II, Principles of Learning and Teaching, No Child Left Behind, Reading First and Closing the Gap)

Review program requirements CAC/Program Ongoing including prerequisites, Coordinators/Faculty sequence, and hours to graduate Goal 4: The College will redesign its Masters’ AS4.1 College faculty will Dean, Department Summer 06, spring 07, Degree Program; Elementary, Middle, and review and extend findings of Chairs, Graduate fall 08 Secondary (College Strategic Goal 2006-2007) local educator stakeholders to Faculty make recommendations for a list of educational topics that will constitute the basis for a new core of courses. AS4.2 College faculty will redesign core program courses according to data collected from university and public school stakeholders. AS4.3 Schedule focus-group sessions with local educator stakeholders. AS4.4 Work in small faculty groups to design course syllabi.

7 AS4.5 Present new course of courses for department, college, and university approval. Assess and implement changes CAC/Graduate 2006-2007 to graduate programs for Coordinator/Chairs/Pr effective management and ogram coordination related to NCATE Coordinator/Graduate recommendations Studies Committee/Faculty

1I1. Generate and utilize data to assess programs Survey of student teachers Student Teacher 2006-2007 (See COE Continuous Assessment Plan) Coordinator/KATE/EP SB Goal 5: The College will continue to implement AS5.1 The majority of NCATE Coordinator, Summer 2006 and 2006- Livetext to collect student data for undergraduate students and Department Chairs, 2007 academic year. purposes of student feedback and program appropriate course faculty improvement (College Strategic Goal 2006-2007) assessments will be included in Livetext database. AS5.2 A variety of instruments such as the COE Dispositions, EDU 303 Lesson Plan, and Admissions interview will be developed in Livetext and will be used to collect student data, aggregate and report student data. AS5.3 Faculty will be encouraged and supported to use Livetext in a variety of ways, including using rubrics to score in Livetext. Survey of interns, resource Director for School Annually teachers Services and Research/EPSB survey

Survey of supervising teachers Student Teacher Annually Coordinator/EPSB

8 Collect data from field Coordinator of Field Annually experience participants Services Collect admission data, Title II Director of TES Annually and PRAXIS results for program assessment

Collect portfolio results for Student Teacher Annually program assessment Coordinator/Program Coordinators/Graduate Coordinator/NCATE Coordinator

Disseminate assessment data Director of School Annually at Retreat- to faculty annually to assist in Services and Ongoing revising COE strategic Research/Director of plan/continuous assessment TES/Graduate and program evaluation Coordinator/Program Coordinators

Programs will review current Faculty/Chairs/Progra Ongoing data sources and determine if m additional data are needed for Coordinators/Graduate program refinement at Coordinator undergraduate and graduate levels

Review, revise and implement a Chairs/Program Ongoing continuous assessment plan for Coordinators/Faculty/ each COE program Graduate Coordinator

Mentoring will be provided for Coordinator for Ongoing candidates seeking Alternative Alternative Routes to Routes to Certification (EPSB Certification/Program Option VI) Faculty

Objective 1J: Provide certification alternatives Establish evaluation criteria and Director of Ongoing (Standard 1) (MSU 2.11) plan TES/Coordinator for Alternative Routes to Certification/Program Coordinators/Faculty

9 Review ways to assist districts Director of Ongoing and candidates to obtain TES/Coordinator for certifications (MAT) Alternative Routes to Certification/Program Coordinators/Faculty/ Dean’s Office/Department Chairs

Support students seeking Director of Ongoing extension of teaching TES/Coordinator for certificates Alternative Routes to Certification/Program Coordinators/Faculty/ Dean’s Office/Department Chairs

Objective 1K: Implement endorsements in Add information to appropriate Department Ongoing appropriate graduate programs documents; advise students Chairs/Faculty Goal 2: Faculty. Recruitment and retention of faculty, who are committed to high standards of performance, exemplify good teaching, model successful collaboration, integrate technology into teaching, contribute to achievement of collegiate and departmental goals, maintain professional currency, and actively seek external funding to support the mission and goals of the College of Education. (MSU 3.1, 4.2)

Objective 2A: Develop college-wide guidelines Develop process for Chairs Completed and parameters for teaching, service, and departmental review 2001 research as they relate to promotion, tenure, merit, and post-tenure review (Standard 5) In accordance with the Chairs/Faculty Completed EPSB/NCATE Fall 2003 recommendation the departments will review and revise the annual faculty evaluation process

2A1. Expand department guidelines for Implement departmental plans Chairs/Faculty Ongoing comprehensive faculty evaluations as appropriate- and revise as needed review, revise, develop, and adopt

10 Conduct orientation for new Dean/Chairs/TES As new faculty are faculty Director/KATE hired Director

Review each department's Dean/Chairs/CAC Ongoing plan for meeting college guidelines 2A2. Develop and adopt College-wide guidelines with Review and evaluate the unit NCATE Standard Ongoing departmental/chair reviews as appropriate evaluation of faculty/chair 5 performance and professional Committee/Dean development. Submit any revisions and recommendations to the CAC, Dean and faculty

Objective 2B: Review unit evaluation of faculty Respond to NCATE Dean/Chairs/Facu Ongoing performance and professional development recommendation by reviewing lty consistent with NCATE recommendation and revising evaluation of (Standard 5) (MSU 2.1, 3.1) faculty including tenured faculty and department chairs Objective 2C: Establish means for assisting Review guidelines for faculty CAC Ongoing faculty to develop effective teaching behaviors mini-grants and professional growth to support good teaching (Standard 5) (MSU 2.1, 3.1)

Implement on-going KATE/CTLC/Prog Ongoing professional development ram Coordinator experiences to enable faculty for Educational to integrate the technology Leadership/Facult competencies mandated by y KY and national standards

Provide instructional support Chairs/Program Ongoing for faculty Coordinators/Fac ulty

Provide monies for Departments/Dea Ongoing professional development n’s such as conferences, office/Provost/CIS workshops and presentations R

11 Conduct orientation for new Chairs/Advising Ongoing faculty Center/Graduate Coordinator/Direct or of Teacher Education Services

Objective 2D: Assist faculty in academic advising Conduct update sessions for Chairs/Director of Ongoing of students (Standard 5) (MSU 1.3) faculty at the beginning of Teacher each school year Education Services/Program Coordinators Review and enforce Chairs/Faculty Ongoing undergraduate advising policy

Objective 2E: Establish professional development Provide introductory and Chairs/KATE/Fac Ongoing for faculty in instructional applications of advanced professional ulty Mentors technology (Standards 1 & 5) (MSU 2.2, 3.1) development opportunities to assist faculty in developing the competencies identified in KY’s technology standard 2E1. Provide professional development in technology Provide appropriate technical Dean/KATE/Facul Ongoing applications and support personnel ty Mentors 2E2. Provide quality applications support Review classroom technology Dean/CAC/KATE/ Ongoing needs and prioritize for Technology purchase Oversight Committee

2E3. Extend distance learning applications and Review, select and offer Dean/Chairs/ Ongoing increase offerings (MSU 2.10) appropriate courses via ITV to Continuing accommodate student needs Education

Create and deliver web-based Faculty/Program Ongoing and web-enhanced courses, Coordinators/Chai including offerings on KVU, rs/ Murray State and COE web KATE/CTLC/ servers Continuing Education

12 2E4. Extend use of technology for instructional Provide support for faculty as Chairs/CAC/KAT Ongoing purposes they implement technology in E/ their courses CTLC

Objective 2F: Support faculty in maintaining Provide support for travel to Dean/Chairs/KAT Ongoing professional currency (Standards 1 & 5) (MSU 3.1) professional meetings and E professional materials and resources Foster opportunities for Dean/Faculty Ongoing professional sharing (e.g., COE retreat, brown bag lunches, and commitment to professional organizations) Assist faculty in participation in Dean/Chairs/Dire Ongoing Kentucky Department of ctor of School Education, Education Services and Professional Standards Board Research and other professional activities Objective 2G: Recruit and retain well qualified Conduct broad-based Search Annually and diverse faculty (Standards 4 & 5) (MSU 3.1) searches Committees/Offic e of Equal Opportunity Implement university and COE Dean/Chairs/Sear Ongoing minority faculty recruitment ch Committees plan

Seek funding and support for Dean/Chairs/Prov Ongoing lecturers/distinguished ost practitioners seeking doctoral degrees Follow policy and procedures Chairs/Dean Ongoing relative to merit Objective 2H: Provide professional development Continue to invite all adjunct KATE/Dean/Direc Ongoing for adjunct faculty (MSU 3.1) instructors to professional tor of School development events Services and Research Provide professional Chairs Each Semester/ development for 2+2 adjunct ECE/ACS/TES/ Ongoing faculty Program Coordinators/

13 Faculty/Mentors

Provide professional TES/Coordinator Ongoing development for university of Student coordinators of student Teaching/Progra teachers m Faculty

Use electronic communication KATE/CTLC/Chai Ongoing tools to communicate between rs/Program and among faculty (including Faculty adjuncts)

Objective 3A: Recruit and retain quality students Adhere to admission D Ongoing (Standards 1 & 4) (MSU 1.1, 1.2) standards i r e c t o r

o f

T e a c h e r

E d

S e r v i c

14 e s / D e p a r t m e n t s Goal 3:The University shall recognize the growing need to raise AS3.1 Work with the Office of D Determine private funds and establish an ongoing comprehensive campaign Development to hire a e budget and to maintain excellence in all programs of the University, includingrepresentative to establish and a plans with the student scholarships (University Strategic Goal-2006-2007 direct a comprehensive n University Institutional Goal 4.2) campaign for student Development scholarships and private fund a Office during development n summer 2006. d Act on College plans based on D finding from the e Development p Office. a r t m e n t

C h a i r s

15 AS3.2 With the leadership f the foundations representative, establish a foundation that would recruit, develop, and retain a number of Distinguished Educators to ensure teaching excellence and faculty diversity. Review admission C As needed requirements to Teacher A Education C Committee make A As needed recommendations to the CAC d

h o c

C o m m i t t e e Implement new undergraduate C 2005-2006 advising policy and procedures A C Ensure students that are D Ongoing admitted to advanced courses i are qualified r e c t o r

o f


T E S / C h a i r s / D e p a r t m e n t s

Fund one-half time position for T Annually recruitment and retention of e minority students into Teacher a Education c h e r

Q u a l i t y


17 n s t i t u t e /

P r o v o s t / D e a n

Recruit minority graduate and D Ongoing undergraduate students (e.g., e follow university minority a recruitment plan, implement n KDE Minority Educator / Recruitment and Scholarship C Program, implement African- h American Administrator a Recruitment Program, and i collaborate with TQI initiatives) r s / T Q I / F a

18 c u l t y Recruit students in high-need T Ongoing certification areas (Special e Education, Modern a Languages, Math, Science, c etc.) by providing additional h scholarship opportunities e r

Q u a l i t y

I n s t i t u t e /

P r o v o s t / D

19 e a n

Support the continued D Ongoing involvement of faculty e members in the Roads a Scholars Program n / C h a i r s / F a c u l t y Review and revise A Ongoing undergraduate and graduate s recruitment materials s i s t a n t

D e a n / D i

20 r e c t o r f o r

S c h o o l

S e r v i c e s / C h a i r s / P r o g r a m


C o o r d i n a t o r s 3A1. Recruit and retain quality students by increasing Monitor and improve as C Ongoing students access to programs by extended campus needed the quality of ITV o offerings through ITV, satellite campus, web-based course delivery system at all n courses (including KVU) and Alternative Routes to sites t Certification Programs (MSU 2.10,4.3, 6.3) i n u i n g

E d u c a t i o n / D e a n Pilot use of BREEZE for C 2006-2007 courses and meeting delivery o n

22 t i n u i n g

E d u c a t i o n / D e a n / K a t e Support courses and programs D Ongoing at Hopkinsville, Henderson, e Madisonville, Paducah and a other sites n / C h a i r s / K A

23 T E

Assist faculty in developing D Ongoing and offering appropriate web- e based courses a n / C h a i r s / K A T E / C o n t i n u i n g

E d u c a t i o n

24 Continue full-time position to T Ongoing support Alternative Routes to Q Certification Programs and I Continuous Assessment / Initiatives P r o v o s t / D e a n

Seek funds to support faculty C Ongoing involvement in the delivery of A Alternative Routes to C Certification Programs / D e a n Review and enforce COE C Ongoing advising policy and procedures h a i r s /

P r o g

25 r a m

C o o r d i n a t o r s /

F a c u l t y / A d v i s i n g

C e n t e r

26 3A2. Maintain quality advising Provide training for faculty C Ongoing through mentoring and other h activities a i r s / P r o g r a m

C o o r d i n a t o r s /

F a c u l t y / A d v i

27 s i n g

C e n t e r Maintain appropriate advising C Ongoing documentation for each h student a i r s / P r o g r a m

C o o r d i n a t o r s /


28 a c u l t y / A d v i s i n g

C e n t e r Maintain and support the C Ongoing undergraduate advising center h and the function of the a graduate coordinator i r s / P r o g r a m

C o o r

29 d i n a t o r s /

F a c u l t y / A d v i s i n g

C e n t e r Provide orientation sessions D Ongoing for transfer students e a n / C h a

30 i r s / P r o g r a m

C o o r d i n a t o r s / F a c u l t y 3A3. Provide resources to ensure appropriate class Monitor course enrollment and P Ongoing size make modifications as needed r o v o s t / D

31 e a n / C h a i r s / V P

f o r

S t u d e n t

A f f a i r s 3A4. Reward faculty for service to students including Recognize faculty service in N Ongoing participation in recruitment activities for COE, Roads comprehensive faculty C Scholars, Residential Colleges, advising, and other evaluation A student oriented activities T E

S t

32 a n d a r d


C o m m i t t e e / N C A T E

C o o r d i n a t o r / T E S

33 Objective 3B: Review student knowledge, skills Review and evaluate student K Ongoing and dispositions. (Standard 1) ability to demonstrate A knowledge, skills and T dispositions. Submit any E recommended reviews to / CAC, Dean and faculty for F input a c u l t y / T e c h n o l o g y

O v e r s i g h t

C o m m i t t

34 e e

Objective 3C: Provide support and Provide instruction to meet the F Ongoing encouragement in the application of technology in Kentucky New and a pre-professional practice (Standard 1) (MSU 2.2) Experienced Teacher c Technology Standards and u Kentucky Administrator l Standards as described in the t COE Technology Plan y

Review policies and T Ongoing procedures to maximize use of e COE technology labs c h n o l o g y

O v e r s i g h t

C o m m i t t e e

35 / K A T E Review COE programs and P Ongoing goals and make r recommendations for o technology resources for COE g Education facilities r a m

C o o r d i n a t o r s Align curricular/instructional F Ongoing experiences to Kentucky a Technology Standards c u l t y / K A T E / T E S

36 / P r o g r a m

C o o r d i n a t o r s

3C1. Provide technological support for portfolios and Support development and F Ongoing other assessment activities review of electronic eligibility a portfolios in Livetext c u l t y / K A T E / C T L C Review and support C Ongoing

37 assessments utilizing h technology a i r s / P r o g r a m

C o o r d i n a t o r s / K A T E Objective 3D: Include graduate and Provide opportunities for D Ongoing undergraduate students in professional meetings, appropriate inclusion of i conferences and workshops (Standards 1 & 3) students in professional r (MSU 2.2) development activities e c t o r


38 f

S c h o o l

S e r v i c e s

a n d

R e s e a r c h / C h a i r s Program faculty will be notified D Ongoing of professional development e opportunities for students a n

39 Continue implementation A Ongoing w a r d s

C o m m i t t e e / C A C Objective 3E: Review COE recognition and Continue implementation A Ongoing awards. w a r d s

C o m m i t t e e / C A C

40 Establish ad hoc review Awards Committee/CAC Dean and 2006-2007 committee. Report Ongoing Department findings to CAC. Chairs

Goal 2:The University shall foster high faculty and staff AS2.1 Review budgets for faculty Dean and Department Chairs E morale and productivity travel, instructional materials, and a (University Strategic Goal 2006-2007 Institutional Goal 3.2)professional development to c determine if they are adequate. h Based on resources, provide travel for presentations to promote s teaching and research, e international travel, and m instructional materials. Encourage e faculty to travel and spend full s amount of budgets (travel, t materials, and professional) and e document results. r AS2.2 Review budgets of technological resources needed for teaching and research. Based on resources, provide technological resources faculty need for teaching and research. AS2.3 Provide opportunities for advancement within the Unit and for leadership at local, state, regional, and national levels.

AS2.4 Review existing Mini Grant budget and provide grant opportunities

41 to stimulate teaching and research innovation. Encourage and promote Mini Grants well in advance of deadline (limit two per faculty member). AS2.5 Provide recognition and awards for excellent teaching, research, and creative activities. Encourage faculty to submit application for recognition and awards. AS2.6 Fill open positions and add new lines to replace the number adjunct and part-time instructors. Determine exiting percentage of adjunct and part- time instructors and reduce it. Encourage and Dean/De Ongoing support faculty partment participation on Chairs/ committees, task Provost/C forces, etc. at local, ISR/KAT state, regional, E national and international levels

42 Objective 4A: Provide opportunities, Encourage and Dean/De Ongoing encouragement and rewards for faculty support partment participation in service and research (Standards 5 presentations at Chairs/ & 6) local, state, Provost/C regional, national, ISR/KAT and international E conferences Encourage and President Ongoing support faculty /Dean/De research and partment publication Chairs/T ES Encourage faculty Dean/De Ongoing participation in partment Roads Scholars Chairs Teams, Residential Colleges, KTIP, student teachers and mentoring new principals

Encourage faculty Dean/De Ongoing participation in partment university level Chairs governance activities Recognize one Outstandi Ongoing outstanding ng individual each year Research for & research/publicatio Creative n activities; Activity recognize one Awards outstanding Committe individual each year e for creative activities.

43 Review guidelines CAC Ongoing for faculty mini- grants

Objective 4B: Assist faculty in the exploration of Allocate and award Faculty/C Ongoing multicultural, technology and/ or collaborative mini-grant funds (to AC activities (Standards 5 & 6) (MSU 3.2, 3.3, 3.4) the level of funding available)

Pursue publication Dean/De Ongoing and/or presentation partment opportunities Chairs/C ontinuing Educatio n Support faculty Dean/De Ongoing engaging in partment international Chairs endeavors (e.g. faculty exchanges, collaborative programs, and presentations)

Continue present Faculty/C Annually programs and AC expand program offerings for students at regional sites Objective 4C: Strengthen collaborative Publish and Faculty/D Ongoing partnerships within the university and the regional distribute a irector of service area. (Standard 5) (MSU 4.3, 4.6, 4.7) comprehensive School annual newsletter Services and an on-line and newsletter Research (Connections)

44 Objective 4D: Communicate to COE Encourage students Director Ongoing constituencies activities and successes of faculty, to utilize the alumni of School staff, and students in the areas of service, tracking website Services/ leadership, and research (MSU 2.5, 4.1, 4.4, 4.6, Dean’s 4.7) Office

Encourage faculty Faculty/D Ongoing to involve irector of undergraduate and School graduate students Services in Scholars Week and Research /KATE Determine Ongoing resources Dean/KA necessary for the TE continued maintenance and growth of COE programs Determine priorities as related to COE Strategic Plan and make reallocations as needed

Post information Faculty/D Ongoing communicating irector of successful School activities relating to Services service, leadership, and and research Research to COE web site /KATE Objective 5A: Examine University and COE Review and NCATE Ongoing process for allocations of resources (Standard 6) evaluate the unit Standard (MSU 5.2, 5.3) governance 6 structure and the Committe availability and use e of resources. Submit any revisions and

45 recommendations to CAC, Dean and faculty

Objective 5B: Review unit governance structure Identify and pursue CAC/Offi Ongoing and the availability and the use of resources. appropriate grant ce of (Standard 6) (MSU 5.2, 6.2) opportunities Sponsore leading to funded d projects Programs /Faculty/ Contracte d Services Objective 5C: Support efforts to generate Maximize the use of Technolo Ongoing resources through external funding (Standard 6) Alexander Hall and gy (MSU 4.2, 5.4) its classrooms, Oversight including Committe instructional e/CAC technology and networks Objective 5D: Ensure that resources are available Provide resources Technolo Ongoing and used to provide for a variety of state of the art for instruction in the gy instructional applications and delivery systems COE classrooms as Oversight (Standards 1 & 6) described in the Committe COE Technology e/ CAC Plan Implement and evaluate annually the COE Technology Plan

Organize existing Dean/Ch Ongoing materials and airs/Progr secure appropriate am additional Faculty resources for the Curriculum Materials Center

Objective 5E: Ensure that students have the Provide resources Dean/Pro Ongoing resources needed to be successful to regional centers gram Faculty/K

46 ATE/Cont inuing Educatio n

Maintain funding to Dean Ongoing provide diverse field experiences for all students Collaborate with Dean/Dir Ongoing Information ector of Systems, KDE, KY TES/Prog EPSB, and ram Admissions and Coordinat Registrar’s office to ors/Progr identify available am data that can be Faculty/D merged into the irector of COE database KATE

Objective 5F: Improve database capabilities to Provide supportive Dean/KA Ongoing enhance capacity, accuracy and efficiency arrangements TE (additional staff and budgeted resources)

Improve/add to Director Annually reporting of capabilities TES/Prog ram Coordinat ors/Progr am Faculty/K ATE

Objective 5G: Review and revise COE Strategic Conduct Dean/CA Annually Plan (MSU 6.2) Administrative C Retreat each year

47 Addendum

Murray State University Strategic Planning Goals

1. Goals Related to Students and Student Enrollment 1.1 The University shall conduct sustained recruitment operations in a five-state area and internationally to meet the enrollment goals established by the Council on Postsecondary Education and the Board of Regents. 1.2 The University shall establish academic and student life policies and programs to meet the retention and graduation rate goals established by the Council on Postsecondary Education and the Board of Regents. 1.3 The University shall create a campus environment and student life program that values diversity, encourages and supports active involvement, and promotes student success and satisfaction.

2. Goals Related to Academics 2.1 Quality teaching and learning shall be the pre-eminent activities at the institution. 2.2 The campus focus shall be on developing information literacy and academic excellence through active learning. 2.3 The University shall be committed to excellence in the general education curriculum, which is based upon the academic traditions of broad-based, liberal education. 2.4 The University shall sustain a balanced range of liberal and professional programs of excellence and endeavor to prepare students for their chosen profession. 2.5 The University shall promote the cultural and scholarly activities of the University and serve as a cultural center for the campus and surrounding community. 2.6 The University shall develop and sustain at least one program of national distinction. 2.7 The University shall maintain its commitment to a competitive program in selected intercollegiate athletics for both men and women, consistent with the other educational goals of the institution. 2.8 The University shall support the internationalization of the campus and curriculum. 2.9 The University shall maintain additional discipline accreditation as opportunities arise. 2.10 The University shall continue to provide greater educational access and academic outreach to Kentucky’s population. 2.11 The University shall encourage academic innovation.

3. Goals Related to Faculty and Staff 3.1 The University shall attract, develop and retain high quality, diverse faculty and staff. 3.2 The University shall foster high faculty and staff morale and productivity. 3.3 The University shall create and implement and “enhanced service” plan that encourages and recognizes quality service to all constituents. 3.4 Research and service shall be important functions of the University.

4. Goals Related to External Relations 4.1 The University shall maintain regular communication with alumni and involve them in the University, its priorities, goals, and objectives. 4.2 The University shall recognize the growing need to raise private funds and establish an ongoing comprehensive campaign to maintain excellence in all programs of the University, including student scholarships. 4.3 The University shall play an active role in regional economic development. 4.4 The University shall enhance its national reputation through ongoing marketing initiatives emphasizing quality and academic excellence.

48 4.5 The University shall support the region through arts, cultural, and professional programs. 4.6 The University shall engage in public service programs with business, industry and labor, public and private schools, governmental agencies, and the general public. 4.7 The University, through its leadership, shall engage in discussions that shape the educational policies in the region and Commonwealth.

5. Goals Related to Needs and Uses 5.1 The University shall continue to seek a fair and equitable percentage of state funding. 5.2 The University shall develop a strategy to examine current facilities, allocate space efficiently, prioritize maintenance and renovation projects, and communicate the priorities. 5.3 The University shall review institutional processes and procedures to encourage effective and efficient operations. 5.4 The University shall support the pursuit of external funding.

6. Goals Related to Institutional Planning 6.1 The University shall maintain its reputation as a public university of high quality. 6.2 The University shall implement ongoing, collegial and effective strategic planning which enhances a strong sense of community and shared vision. 6.3 The University shall endeavor to keep tuition affordable and make education accessible to a diverse population.


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