2. What Are the Two Main Divisions of the Bible?

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2. What Are the Two Main Divisions of the Bible?

1. How many books are in the Bible?

2. What are the two main divisions of the Bible?

3. How many books are in the Old Testament?

4. How many books are in the New Testament?

5. How many books are in each division of the Old Testament?

6. What does the name Genesis mean?

7. What does Exodus mean?

8. What does Leviticus refer to?

9. What does Numbers refer to?

10. What does Deuteronomy mean?

11. Who wrote the first 5 books of the Old Testament?

12. What is the division of the first 5 books?

13. What is a long name for the first 5 books

14. What is the second division called?

15. What is the third division?

16. What comes after the books of Poetry?

17. What is the last division of the Old Testament?

18. What did God create on the first day?

19. What did God create on the third day?

20. What did God create on the sixth day?

21. What happened on the seventh day?

22. What were the names of the first man and woman?

23. How was Eve formed?

24. Where did Adam and Eve live? 25. What did Adam and Eve do in the garden?

26. What was the rule that God told them to follow?

27. Who tempted Eve to try the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?

28. Who tempted Adam to eat the fruit?

29. Why did Adam and Eve have to leave the Garden of Eden?

30. What was left to protect the Garden of Eden so that Adam and Eve could not come back?

31. Who killed Abel?

32. Who was the third son born to Adam and Eve?

33. In Genesis, who didn’t die, but was taken to heaven by God?

34. Who was Methuselah?

35. Why did God tell Noah to build an ark?

36. Why was God going to send the flood?

37. How many sons did Noah have?

38. How many unclean animals went into the ark with Noah?

39. Who closed the door of the ark?

40. How long did it rain after Noah was in the ark?

41. Where did the ark land after the waters started going down?

42. What bird did Noah send out first and did it return? (a raven and it did not return, Gen. 8:6-7)

43. What bird did return after Noah sent it out from the ark?

44. When the dove was sent out the second time, what did it bring back?

45. What did Noah do as soon as he came out of the ark?

46. What did God send as a sign after Noah came out of the ark?

47. What were the people of Gen. 11 building on the plain in Shinar?

48. What did God do to stop the building of the Tower of Babel? 49. What was the first thing that God ask Abram to do?

50. Who did Abram take with him when he left his country?

51. When Lot and Abram agreed to separate, who chose the land he wanted first?

52. Who was Ishmael’s mother?

53. What was Abram’s name changed to?

54. What was the new name that God gave Sarai?

55. What did Sarah do when the Lord said she would have a son in her old age?

56. What did God do to Sodom and Gomorrah?

57. Who was living in Sodom when God was ready to destroy it?

58. What happened to Lot’s wife when she looked back at Sodom?

59. What does the name Isaac mean?

60. What did God ask Abraham to do to his son?

61. What did God send instead of Isaac as a sacrifice?

62. What sign did Abraham’s servant ask for when he was choosing a wife for Isaac?

63. Name Isaac’s wife.

64. Name Isaac’s sons.

65. Which son was Isaac’s favorite?

66. Which son was Rebekah’s favorite?

67. What did Esau give up to Jacob in exchange for a bowl of stew?

68. Who tricked Isaac into giving him his blessing?

69. What did Jacob see in a dream?

70. Which of Laban’s daughters did Jacob love best?

71. Name the first of Laban’s daughters that Jacob married.

72. How long did Jacob work for Rachel?

73. Which of Jacob’s wives and servant girls had the most children? 74. Name the two sons born to Rachel.

75. How many sons did Jacob have?

76. Did Jacob have any daughters?

77. What did Jacob give Joseph to show his favoritism?

78. Joseph had a dream about sheaves of wheat bowing down to his. What did it mean?

79. The brothers sold Joseph to people going where?

80. Who bought Joseph?

81. When Joseph was in prison, whose dreams did he interpret?

82. What was Pharaoh’s dream?

83. What did Pharaoh’s dream mean?

84. What position did Joseph get?

85. Did Jacob send all of his sons on their first trip to buy food in Egypt?

86. Did Joseph’s brothers recognize him when they first came to Egypt to buy food?

87. What was put back in the brothers’ sacks?

88. Joseph told the brothers to not come back unless they brought ______.

89. When the brothers came back and brought Benjamin, what was put in Benjamin’s sack?

90. Did Jacob live to see Joseph in Egypt?

91. Who were Joseph’s sons?

92. When Joseph died, what did he ask his family to do?

93. Where did Moses’ mother hide baby Moses?

94. Who watched over Moses in the river?

95. Who found Moses?

96. Why did Moses run away from Egypt?

97. What job did Moses do in the wilderness after he ran away from Egypt?

98. What did Moses see in the desert? 99. Who spoke to Moses out of the burning bush?

100. What was the first thing that God want Moses to do?

101. What was the first plague?

102. Did the Israelites in Goshen experience all of the plagues?

103. What was the tenth plague?

104. What did the Israelites do to be protected from the tenth plague?

105. What 2 things did God use to lead the Israelites in the wilderness?

106. What food did God send in the wilderness?

107. What did the people build while Moses was on Mt. Sinai receiving the law?

108. When Moses sent 12 spies into the land of Canaan, how many said they could not take it because of giants in the land?

109. Name the two spies who said that with God’s help they could take the land.

110. How long did the Israelites have to wander in the wilderness?

111. What did Moses do that kept him from entering Canaan?

112. Who was the leader after Moses?

113. Who helped the two spies in Jericho?

114. What can you say about the judge Ehud?

115. Name the woman judge.

116. What items did Gideon and his men take into battle against Midian?

117. Name the strongest man who was also a judge.

118. How did Samson die?

119. Who was the last judge of Israel?

120. Name Ruth’s mother-in-law.

121. Ruth and Boaz had a son, Obed. Who was his grandson?

122. Who did Samuel hear speaking to him in the night? 123. Name the first king of Israel.

124. Why did Saul try to kill David numerous times?

125. Name David’s best friend.

126. When Saul died in battle, who also died?

127. Who became king after Saul?

128. What happened to David’s son, Absalom?

129. Who wrote about half of the book of Psalms?

130. Who was the third king of Israel?

131. Who built the temple after David was told that he could not?

132. What did Solomon ask for from God?

133. The kingdom was divided in King Rehoboam’s time. Who became the king of Israel?

134. What did Jeroboam build for worship in the northern kingdom?

135. What can you say about all the kings of Israel?

136. How many good kings did Judah have?

137. Name the evil king and queen who killed Naboth to get his vineyard.

138. Who won the contest at Mt. Carmel?

139. Who in the book of 2 Kings was taken up to heaven in a fiery chariot?

140. What miracle did Elisha perform for the Shunamite woman who had prepared a room for him?

141. Where was Jonah supposed to go to preach?

142. What happened to Jonah after he was thrown from the ship?

143. What country took Israel into exile?

144. Name one of the two boy kings of Judah.

145. What sign did God send to show Hezekiah that he would live 15 more years?

146. What country took Judah into exile? 147. What foods did Daniel and his friends ask to eat?

148. What did the head of gold stand for in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream?

149. Who else was in the fire with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego?

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