In Order to Accomplish All of These Objectives Each Student Must Be Aware of the Some Of

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In Order to Accomplish All of These Objectives Each Student Must Be Aware of the Some Of

MUSICAL THEATER 2012-2013 Mr. Lance Blank Course Description and Expectations [email protected] Drama Phone 561-672-2064

Musical Theater is a Florida theater standards based year-long course; which provides a performance based environment to study the theories of musical theater. The creation of characters and the projection of ideas and emotions are practiced in preparing and performing songs/scenes from musicals and public performances of dramas and showcases.

In order to accomplish all of these objectives each student must be aware of the some of the basic rules of this class:

THE BASIC RULES 1. Attendance – You must be here for class. Participation is an essential part of the class. 2. Be ready to rehearse…be memorized, be prepared with your supplies which may include costumes and props. 3. Tardiness – Class begins when the bell rings. Be ready and in your seat or you will be sent to the tardy room. Refer to student handbook regarding tardy procedures. 4. Late Work – I do not accept late work for a grade. If you are absent the work is due on the day you return. Refer to the student handbook for extended illnesses and test make-up policy. 5. Respect each other, respect the work, respect the process, and respect the teacher/director. 6. Keep the stage and the drama room clean – No food, drinks or gum. Throw trash outside. Don’t leave personal items. Detention will be issued! 7. WBHS Student Rules Will Be Enforced – This includes detentions and Saturday school—no cell phones, no headsets, no food, follow the dress code, be respectful to the teacher which includes no talking or disruptive behavior in the classroom or rehearsals. 8. NO GUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Expectations As a theater student you are expected to participate in daily activities. As well as being on time, respectful and supportive of other students work in theatre. You are also expected to turn in assignments and homework on time. You have signed up for a theater class; you will be expected to do theater.

You will have to write! You will have to memorize things! You will have to participate! You will have homework! You will have to critically think about theater! You will be expected to take risks! You will be expected to have an open mind and be supportive of your classmates. Grade Overview • An A grade indicates exceedingly high quality work. Masters all assigned work, shows originality and initiative, does more than required, is always attentive in class, always brings materials, and makes quality contributions in class.

• A B grade indicates good progress that is above the average. Masters portions of work, is alert and interested in work, completes work on time, is attentive in class, brings materials, and consistently participates in class.

• A C grade indicates a quality of work acceptable for this Drama 1 level. Satisfactorily completes most assigned work under normal conditions and directions, shows interest in work, is usually attentive in class, brings materials, completes work on time.

• A D grade indicates a need for greater effort to meet requirements of this course satisfactorily. Achieves below Drama 1 standards, completes a minimum of assigned work, is not attentive in class, does not bring materials, and seldom responds in class.

• An F grade indicates failure to produce an acceptable quality of work for a Drama 1 class, is disruptive in class. Does not pay attention and does not respond or participate in the class.

Grading Performances & Class Projects –50% of grade Gig Performances – 40% of grade Homework and daily participation – 10% of grade

MATERIALS NEEDED: Folder for class notes and vocabulary words, handouts and scripts. Pencil, highlighter and pens. Personal recorder(will discuss in class).

What you will do this year in Musical Theater…

This year we will take a more in-depth look into the world of Musical Theater. The study of Musical Theater history will give us a good starting point. As usual, this course is primarily performance based. This means that you must be there in order for things to happen. Also, please note that gig performances are a large portion of your grade. Any unexcused performances will be given a zero. It is your responsibility to check the calendar on and for gig dates and times. We will also be seeing several National Broadway Tours throughout the course.

We will also be participating in several productions throughout the course. This may include One-Act Festival, Children’s Theater, Dessert Gala, Individual Events, and States. You are expected to play some role in the main stage productions that we produce whether onstage, backstage, or in the house.

There is a fair-share which is requested from each student to help with the cost of music, supplies, choreographer and vocal director. This amount will be $125.00 a semester. This fee may be paid by cash/check in class, by credit card @ or at the Theater Guild Meeting. If there are financial issues, please speak to Mr. Blank. Date returned_____ On time points___/25


Return this sheet by (Fri.) August 24 to Mr. Blank

I, (print your name)______understand the class requirements for Musical Theater.

I further understand that participation is very important in this class and I will be expected to memorize and perform in front of the class. I will also have to attend one live theater performance a semester. Finally, I understand that class requires time outside of class.

Student Signature______Class period______

Address: ______

City: ______St: ______Zip: ______

Student email_(print clearly)______@______

Student Cell: ______Home: ______

Parent Signature ______Date______

Print Parent Name(s)______

Parent email address (print clearly )______@______

Parent email address (print clearly )______@______

Parent phone (h)______(w)______(c)______Musical Theater parents are invited to become a member of the WBHS Drama Parent Booster Club(Theatre Guild). The first meeting will be held on August 30 at 6:30 pm in the Media Center. Please join us and be a part of the award winning productions.

Many exciting things are being planned for this year and will be discussed at this meeting, as well as ways you can get involved backstage. We depend on the parents to support fundraising, chaperoning events, selling refreshments at performances and being our Biggest Fans.

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