Napavine City Council

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Napavine City Council


January 27, 2009 – 6:30 P.M. 407 Birch Ave SW, Napavine, WA 98565

CALL TO ORDER: The council meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro-Tem Paula Sandirk at 6:30 p.m.

FLAG SALUTE: Flag Salute was led by Mayor Pro-Tem Paula Sandirk.

ROLL CALL: Council members present: Larry Stafford, Ken Williams, John Sayers and Paula Sandirk. Motion by Ken Williams to excuse Dave Williams, second by John Sayers, motion carried. Mayor Nick Bozarth and Interim Clerk/Treasurer were also absent.

MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Motion by Councilman John Sayers to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, January 13, 2009, second by Larry Stafford, motion carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Deputy Clerk Mary Todd reported that there is no treasurer’s report this week due to Interim Clerk LaVerne Haslett being out ill and did not find a report.

MAYOR/COUNCIL STAFF REPORTS: STEVE ASHLEY Steve Ashley, Public Works/Community Development Director reported that the UGA expansion from 2007 for 2008, which was approved by the county, is back on Lewis County’s agenda. The state is looking for the market factor where land will not be developed where our comp plan is 100% and the state wants it to be 25%. We went back to change our numbers to comply with the state where our UGA is just under 500 acres from the 830 acres that we had before. This change will cut out the majority of the property on Woodard Rd along Koontz Rd in the back. It did keep all the property along Exit 71, and the Sovran Property. Because we changed the properties, we have to have approval from the county and go through their process with public hearings. Our land use attorney is working on this.

Question from Councilman Ken Williams regarding the LOMR for the Newaukum River; the Michael Baker Group has shelved the LOMR maps with the original number on it and the 90 days have City Council Minutes, January 27, 2009 Regular Meeting Page 2 of 5 passed for Lewis County’s approval. To get an approval for the LOMR it will have to be un-shelved get an approval stamped where we have 90 days to have the county approve. The past flood acted exactly like the map says. Councilman Ken Williams suggested everyone work together as a team to get this map approved.

SECOND AVE NE The snow again halted the construction today on the Second Ave NE project. The first lift of pavement is down. Steve met with the electrical contractor today; the conduit for the street lights will be laid before the concrete will be poured for the sidewalks. Weather permitting this project should be completed soon.

KEN WILLIAMS Councilman Williams stated what he has he would like it to be added to the agenda.

PAULA SANDIRK Paula read the section from the previous minutes regarding the LOMR to the council. Councilor Sandirk reported that she wrote a letter to the County Commissioners, which she read to all present at the meeting. The meeting with county commissioners was cancelled beyond her control.

CITIZEN BUSINESS: CHERYL WILLIAMS: Comments regarding the budget and recent expenditures. She stated she was saddened to see the council received new chairs in the amount over $350.00 when we should be saving money on utilities, paper, and copier expense. Suggest making minutes & reports on double sided paper to save on costs. She also commented on costs of paying employee mileage vs. maintenance costs on an older vehicle. She commented that the minutes from previous meeting are horrendous, the meetings are recorded and no reason why the minutes can not be correct, there was misspelled words, poor sentence structure, she presented her edits to the council. During the 2nd Avenue Street project the road was shut down and it came to her attention that the school was asked to send out notification. The city should send notification not the school district.

JIM HASLETT: Reported that he met with the youth baseball association and they are very serious about the park and helping the community. The toilets were replaced at the Mayme Shaddock Park that cracked during the freezing weather. The bathrooms were locked until the weather gets better.

JIM ZIFKA: He noticed the 2nd Ave NE improvement project at Inland Market that the city right of way is close to the Inland Market’s gas pumps. City Council Minutes, January 27, 2009 Regular Meeting Page 3 of 5 Steve Ashley, PW Director reported that 5-6 years ago a study was conducted & correspondence with the owner was done for the 2nd AVE NE Project, 2 public hearings with the Planning Commission and 1 public hearing with the council were held before approving the project.

NORM HILL: The Tiger signs down on Stella Street are not 14’ above the roadway. Comment that he knows of a motor home traveling on Stella Street struck the tiger sign on the side of the motor home, suspect’s damage from hitting the sign, but because of previous damage could not prove it. Council asked Steve Ashley to look at Stella Street where the tiger signs are to ensure they are within the guidelines. He complained about the sidewalk at Rowell Avenue by the daycare is too narrow for large trucks.

CHRIS FROM INLAND MAKET: The 2nd Avenue Improvement project has had a negative impact on the business. The gas pumps are on the city right of way and request the use of right of way there on 2nd Ave NE to keep the pumps at their location, asked the city to vacate the property or lease the property.

SETTING OF AGENDA: Motion by Councilor Paula Sandirk to add items to Old Business: B.) Surplus Gold Car and C.) LOMR Letter Approval to County Commissioners. Motion by Councilman Ken Williams to add items to New Business: D.) Hiring Freeze, E.) Adjust Property tax revenue allocation in Current Expense and Street. F.) Eliminate position in Finance and Public Works G.) Create new half-time position to share between Finance and Public Works at a 32 hr position. Motion by Councilman Ken Williams to set agenda with the changes, Second by Councilman John Sayers. Two nayes from Councilman Larry Stafford and Councilman John Sayers. Motion failed for lack of majority. Motion by Councilman Ken Williams to set agenda with addition of old business items B (Surplus of Gold Car) & C (LOMR letter). Second by Councilman John Sayers, motion carried.

OLD BUSINESS: IMPACT FEES/ DOUG SKINNER: January 13, 2009, Minutes council approved new rates for single family and multi-residential rates. The school district provided the city a copy of the Resolution approving new rates for impact fees of single family $3,479.61 and multi-family $3,678.86. Gerry Matson commented the council needs to think more before acting so quickly. Arnold Haberstroh asked how many impact fees the city has collected so far and stated it is hurting the city by rushing City Council Minutes, January 27, 2009 Regular Meeting Page 4 of 5 into impact fees. Motion by Councilman Ken Williams to direct city clerk to draft an ordinance to adjust the fees, second by Councilman John Sayers, motion carried.

SURPLUS GOLD CAR: Motion by Councilman Ken Williams to have an ordinance drafted to surplus the gold car, second by Councilman John Sayers. Discussion Councilman Larry Stafford questioned the actual expense of operating the car vs. the cost of mileage, question, motion carried one nay Councilman Larry Stafford.

LOMR LETTER: Letter to County Commissioners was presented for adopting the LOMR mapping. Citizen Jan Fuss would like to see this passed and is willing to attend a County Commissioners meeting with the Council and Mayor to get this passed so he can get special homeowners insurance. Jim Haslett asked about a law suit if the county does not approve the LOMR. Motion by Councilman Ken Williams to send the letter to the County Commissioners, second by Councilman John Sayers with amendment to put the letter on city letterhead and have the Mayor sign the letter. Motion carried.

NEW BUSINESS ZONING/CONDITIONAL USE: Steve Ashley reported that changes are needed for the Zoning / Conditional Use during January – April. Child care and adult family services no longer apply to conditional use and changes need to be made. Motion by Councilman Ken Williams to set a public hearing for February 10, 2009, second by Councilman Larry Stafford, motion carried.

LETTER FROM SCHOOL DISTRICT RE: PARK STREET: The city received a letter from the school district asking for revisions to the 2nd Avenue Project at E Park Street regarding the curbing on 2nd Ave. The school asked for a possibility of making E Park Street between 2nd Ave NE and 4th Ave NE a one way street in front of the elementary school. Steve Ashley approves of a one way street, and commented that during the planning of 2nd Ave NE suggested making a bus lane on E. Park Street. Norm Hill suggested making E Park a one way during school hours. Cheryl Williams asked not to close the street. Jan Fuss asked if curbs are built to ADA standards, and if a change is made will the curbs still be to ADA standards. Steve reported that if E Park Street is made a one way street the parking will need to be re-angled. Motion by Councilman Ken Williams to table to the next meeting, second by Councilman Larry Stafford, motion carried. Council requested Steve check on the cost of making changes. City Council Minutes, January 27, 2009 Regular Meeting Page 5 of 5 CITY HALL OFFICE HOURS: Motion by Councilman Ken Williams to draft an ordinance to change the city hall hours to Monday – Friday from 8 am to 5 p.m. second by Councilor Paula Sandirk. Question by Councilman John Sayers is there man power to cover the office Monday – Friday 8 am to 5 pm. One nay Councilman Larry Stafford, motion carried.

MISCELLANEOUS VOUCHERS: Vouchers not approved by council, no copies of the voucher report provided to the council prior to the meeting.


ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Councilman Ken Williams to adjourn the meeting, second by Councilman Larry Stafford, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Todd Mayor Councilman Deputy Clerk

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