Farmington High School Common Core/NMTEACH Aligned Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: ___Ken Jernigan______Grade: _____10- 12______Subject: __Biology______School: Farmington High School LESSON ELEMENT STUDENT‐FRIENDLY TRANSLATION (# 2,3,4 only) 1. Common Core/NM Adopted Learning Standard(s) Addressed: (NMTEACH 1A) Biochemical Mechanisms Describe how most cell functions involve chemical reactions, including:  promotion or inhibition of biochemical reactions by enzymes  processes of respiration (e.g., energy production, ATP)  communication from cell to cell by secretion of a variety of chemicals (e.g., hormones).

2. Learning Goal: (What will students know & be able to do as a result Students will be able to model enzyme action and reinforce the of this lesson?) concepts of dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis. 3. Coherent Instruction: (How will this lesson create connections We have already finished making molecular models with building between previous learning and new concepts and skills) NMTEACH 1B blocks to demonstrate how dehydration synthesis, works which was new knowledge for all of them, and we will be doing todays lab to reinforce these difficult concepts using different building blocks and Play-doh. 4. Instructional Outcomes: (Are instructional targets aligned to NM Students will make two models representing both a catabolic and adopted standards and stated as measurable and observable goals for anabolic reaction and I will check their models as I walk aroud the student learning? Do instructional processes and activities address room. Students will also have a lab write-up that goes with the lab students’ varying abilities, and are they aligned to instructional that asks them to draw what they have done, answer some questions targets?) NMTEACH 1C related to the lab and match vocabulary with definitions. The lab is worth 25 pts. 5. Activities/Tasks: (What learning experiences will students engage in? How will you use these learning experiences or their student products as formative assessment opportunities?) Students will kinesthetically make an enzyme out of Play-doh and make the products out of blocks, fit them together, and then separate them. Yes, I will check their structures as I walk around the room and have them re-do them if they are incorrect or praise them if they are correct. The lab questions will be graded and put in the grade book for 25 pts.

6. Resources/Materials: (What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this lesson? What content was used from teacher professional development and/or FMI training? What FMI protocols are addressed?) NMTEACH 1D I needed to purchase Play-doh and Playskool building blocks for this activity. The main FMI protocol taught in this lesson was building background knowledge. Students will need this information for upcoming lessons and instruction.

7. Access for All/Knowledge of Students: (How will you ensure that all students have access to and are able to engage appropriately in this lesson? How will the lesson incorporate student diversity?) NMTEACH 1E Students will be put into groups of 2 or 3 by the teacher. The groups are already assorted by tables. Students will work in their groups, which provides diversity as each group is different and academic levels are not the same, thus ensuring that their partners can help them out. The student can learn the new knowledge by themselves, their group, the book (ch.6), the lab directions and information and by listening to the pre-lab and content as I go around the room. The student also has access to their computers. 8. Student Assessment: (What criteria will be used to produce evidence that will allow instructional adjustments and provide feedback to move students learning forward? How will formative assessment be used? How is assessment focused on the target at the end of the lesson?) NMTEACH 1F Students should know what dehydration synthesis, hydrolysis, catabolism, anabolism, enzyme, substrate, products, reactants and other important concepts are by the end of the lesson. I had students look up catabolism and anabolism are last Fri. and we did a lab previously using the other concepts and vocabulary. I will use direct questioning to find out if students know the information-however, sometimes this technique does not work because some students are reluctant to speak.

9. Modifications/Accommodations: (What curriculum modifications and/or classroom accommodations will you make for students with accommodations in your class? Be as specific as possible.) I will have the peers working with them. It is a lab and so I cannot send them to the resource room. I find that group work helps the students with modifications more.

Reflecting on Teaching (NMTEACH 4C) Teacher Reflection on Instructional Practice  How did this lesson support Farmington High School’s goal to increase reading and math scores? The one partner has to read the directions out loud to the other partner. The students have to add the number of atoms and do addition and subtraction to find out if the substance has been oxidized or reduced.

 How did this lesson support 21st Century Skills? The students are working in groups to meet a common goal. Teamwork is necessary. I have to work everyday with a difficult colleague and some of these students may run into the same problem with their partner, and they will have to learn to problem solve.

 How did this lesson reflect academic rigor? It is extremely rigorous. These are some tough concepts to master and I have been re-teaching this unit for some time now.

 How did this lesson cognitively engage students? The students have to think back to the new knowledge they gained the past 2-3 weeks and apply it to the laboratory experience.

 How did this lesson engage students in collaborative learning and enhance their collaborative learning skills? They are working in groups and each is assigned to a task. One is the reader, one is the doer and the other writes down the answers-then they switch.