Planning your own Action Hero Film

You are to discuss and create your own pitch for a new action film. You have three main choices:

1. A new James Bond film 2. A new Indiana Jones film 3. A completely new film

Task – Discuss in groups and write down ideas for:

a) Title of film b) Description of hero – Name, age, gender, appearance, personality, job etc. c) Hero’s mission d) Villains – their plan, character etc. e) Henchmen f) Love interest g) Action sequences h) Locations i) Mix of comedy, action and romance j) Special features k) Outline of plot l) Casting ideas

You will then present your ideas for the rest of the class to decide which one should get made. Writing Your Treatment

Imagine that your film pitch has been accepted by the producers. You now need to develop the story in more detail. This is called a TREATMENT.

You are allowed to use and/or change any of the ideas that you came up with in your group.

Aim for about two/three sides. Focus on the plot outline rather than detailed description or dialogue. e.g.

“Indiana Jones and the Army of the Emperor” starts in China near the Forbidden City. Indi is under a Temple room carrying a Precious Ming vase. Noises of men running get closer and closer.

Use the chart on the last page of your booklet to help you.