Name: ______Geology Unit 7—Volcanoes Study Guide

Essential Skills:

1. Know the main types of volcanoes, and describe how/why each type forms. 2. Know the different types of volcanic eruptions. 3. Explain how volcanism can change Earth’s surface and impact Earth’s climate.

1. Describe the basic anatomy of a volcano. Draw a diagram to illustrate. 2. Describe a minimum of three distinct characteristics of each of the following types of volcanoes. Next to each volcano type, give at least TWO specific examples of real volcanoes. Composite (stratovolcano): SPECIFIC EXAMPLES Shield volcano: Cinder cone: 3. What are the three ways volcanoes can form? Give at least one specific geographic example for each. 4. Explain in detail how a volcano forms at a subduction zone. 5. Describe how the formation of a volcanic island arc (like New Zealand) differs from a volcanic island chain (like Hawaii). 6. What type of volcanoes might you find in New Zealand and Japan? What about In Hawaii? Why? 7. Explain the differences between the following pairs: a. Magma and lava: b. Pahoehoe and Aa: c. Mafic and Felsic lava: 8. Define viscosity, and summarize why it is important to study the viscosity of a volcano’s magma. What is the difference between high viscosity and low viscosity lava? 9. What is silica, and why is it important in determining viscosity? 10. Describe at least three other factors that affect viscosity. Include how they affect viscosity. 11. Describe the types of volcanoes found at subduction zones. Include discussion of lava source and type. 12. Describe the types of volcanoes found at hot spots. Include discussion of lava source and type. 13. What is a pyroclastic eruption? What type of volcano are they most commonly associated with? WHY? 14. What is a caldera? How do they form? Give at least one example of a major caldera. 15. What is the difference between a dormant volcano and an extinct one? What are three signs that show a dormant volcano is becoming active? 16. Which is deadlier—pyroclastic flows or lava flows? Why? 17. What is a lahar, and how does it form? 18. Describe the different ways a large volcanic eruption can influence Earth. 19. Mt. Vesuvius and Yellowstone are both composite-type volcanoes. Compare their eruption patterns, and explain why they are so different, despite both being stratovolcanoes. 20. Another island is forming at the edge of the Hawaiian hot spot. Predict what this new volcano will be like in terms of type, size, shape, eruptions, etc.