American Library Association Committee Information Update

Please note: ALA and Council committees are required to submit an update of their activities within one-month after each Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference. This form will be sent to the ALA Council and the ALA Committee on Organization.

Report for Midwinter ______

Report for Annual Conference _2007_____

Name of Committee: ALA Membership Committee

Committee Chair: Marcia Boosinger

Committee Members Present: Dora Ho, Rose Dawson, Mary McInroy, Bill Jenkins, Will Stuivenga, Michael Golrick, Larissa Gordon, Nanette Donohue, Amy Ferguson, Michael Habib

Committee Members Absent: Jeanette Smith, Becky Whitaker,

Others Present: Roberta Stevens, Executive Board liaison, Cathleen Bourdon and John Chrastka, staff liaisons, Pat Ensor, LITA rep, Patrice Johnson, Spectrum representative, Andrea Arthurholtz, ALTA representative, Donna Epps Ramsey, FAFLRT representative, Aaron Dobbs, personal member, Molly Catalano and Katherine Gardner,ALA Development Office, Emerging Leaders Kristin Fontochiaro, Anchi Hoh and Robert Roth.

Accomplishments [at this meeting], a concise account:

Membership Committee I, Saturday, June 23, 2007:  ALA Executive Board liaison, Roberta Stevens gave a brief report on ALA Executive Board issues.  Committee chair Marcia Boosinger reported that further action on the ATLA proposal on a new dues category and pricing for library board of trustees would be deferred until Midwinter.  The committee reviewed and discussed the progress report of the Presidential Task Force on the Graduated Dues Study.  The committee discussed the ALA 101 orientation programs held in DC. There was consensus that the ALA Membership Committee should establish a subgroup to provide assistance to 101 organizers. Nanette W. Donohue and Amy G. Ferguson volunteered to help with this and a call for additional volunteers will be placed on the Membership Committee discussion list.  The committee discussed the intern orientation program and the following members volunteered to help plan the program: Michael Golrick, Amy G. Ferguson, Larissa Gordon, and Patrice Johnson. A call for additional volunteers will be placed on the Membership Committee discussion list.  Three Emerging Leaders (Kristin Fontichiaro, Anchi Hoh, and Robert Roth) presented their proposal for increasing student membership in AASL.  The Membership Committee will schedule three meetings at the 2008 Midwinter Meeting: Saturday, 1:30-3:30 p.m.; Monday, 1:30-3:30 p.m.; and Tuesday, 8-10:00 a.m.

Membership Committee Meeting II, Sunday, June 24, 2007:  Boosinger reported that the Committee on Professional Ethics was preparing a report to ALA Council requesting that the ALA Code of Professional Ethics be printed on the membership card. Since their report was not yet available, the ALA Membership Committee was unable to take official action on the request. Members of the committee were supportive of the request.  The committee discussed the report of membership development activities at the conference. The consensus of the committee was that the outreach before the conference, the new ALA Membership Pavilion, the Ambassador program, and the orientation programs were all successful.  Michael Habib, Pat Ensor and Nanette W. Donohue indicated their interest in working on the Social Networking Policy Task Force and suggested that a call for additional volunteers will be placed on the Membership Committee discussion list.  The group shared comments on the wireframes for the ALA website.  Dora Ho and Andrew Johnson volunteered to serve on the Retirement Task Force.

Planned activities for upcoming year, a concise account: The ALA Membership Committee will:  establish a subgroup to provide assistance to 101 organizers and a call for additional volunteers will be placed on the Membership Committee discussion list.  plan a successful intern orientation program for ALA Midwinter and a call for additional volunteers will be placed on the Membership Committee discussion list.  continue work on a social networking policy and a call for additional volunteers will be placed on the Membership Committee discussion list.  begin discussions of membership issues of retired members.

Other comments/information you believe will help the Association in its work:

Submitted by: __Marcia L. Boosinger, Chair______

Date Submitted: __July 31, 2007______

Please return the completed form to Lois Ann Gregory-Wood, ALA Council Secretariat, Governance Office, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611, [email protected].