RISE Civil War Umayyads Take Control

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RISE Civil War Umayyads Take Control

Chapter 4 Study Guide


 RISE Civil War – Umayyads take control

 set up a hereditary (family) dynasty (P)

 Move capital to Damascus

 KPATTS east and west

 Used bureaucracy – use of departments/agencies to govern huge empire (P)

o Caliph

. Emir (governor)

 Used local leaders help govern

 PEAK United empire by using common coinage and common language – Arabic (culture)

 Pilgrimage – shared empires language and culture (MOPPI)

 FALL Deadly Dinner – All Umayyad leaders (except AAR) killed (KPATTS)

 DD marks the start of both the Abbasid and Spanish Umayyad Empires


 RISE Form strong standing army

 Moved capital to Baghdad (H)

 Used policy of inclusion to persuade people to join empire (P)

 Trade and industry flourished, Abbasids get even richer (E)  PEAK Advances – calligraphy, bookmaking, literature, mathematics, astronomy, medicine, trade, banking system, taxes, credit, Farming/agriculture (culture, E)

 FALL corruption

 Lost important trade routes,

 Over taxing,

 Loss of strong army

 Factions, revolt, weaken empire

 Fatimids Revolt take over North African portion of empire

 Seljuk Turks concur then Mongol Mangling


 RISE Abd al-Rahman (H) – deadly dinner escapee gathers Umayyad supporters on the Iberian Peninsula, made treaties with other Muslim groups.

 756 KPATTSed rest of factions. Declares himself Emir of Al-Andulas and makes Cordoba his capital (H)

 Thousands of Umayyads move west to join empire greatly strengthening army (G-MOPPI)

 Abd-al-Rahman III builds huge standing army. Puts down all internal revolts, expands empire south into North Africa, names himself Caliph of Cordoba (H)

 PEAK Cordoba is largest city in Western Europe - had paved streets, lamps and running water- prospered in trade, industry, and agriculture – was huge cultural center with 70 libraries. Made advances in math, astonomy, geography, medicine, philosophy (culture)  FALL - Different Muslim factions fought for control, Muslim groups broke away and formed their own smaller kingdoms, Christians in the north took advantage of this disarray and launched attacks, By the 1240s, Christians had pushed as far south as Córdoba and Seville (H)

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