Meetings of Dutch-Romanian Network (DRN) in 2012 (with the participation of representatives of the Embassy of Romania in The Hague)

Romanian Dutch Network is an organization that acts as a business platform, established by and for entrepreneurs doing business in Romania. It was founded in 2007 and meet Dutch and Romanian business environment demands, providing correct information on business realities in both countries. At the same time, the Dutch organization help to strengthen business ties between Romanian and Dutch entrepreneurs.

In 2012 DRN organized the following activities:

* On 16 February 2012, at the Dutch company DAF Trucks NV, city of Eindhoven. The DRN meeting included: introduction and presentation of DRN’s website; presentation of Brandusa Gritu lawyer; analysis of the agricultural sector in Romania - exposure of experience accumulated over time by the presence in Romania of The Friesian Dutch company BV by SC Friesian SRL (founded in 2007); presentation and visit company DAF Trucks NV, part of the American PACCAR Company; network & cocktail;

* during 21-25.05.2012 a Romanian economic mission have been in Holland. This mission was organized by the Netherlands Council for Trade Promotion (NCH), Business Development Group - Romania (BDG) and Dutch-Romanian Network (DRN), on behalf of the Dutch NL Agency, part of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation in The Netherlands. On 24 May, into the margin of the trade mission period, a seminar was held, in which Mr. Stefan Porojan, Minister Counsellor on economic and commercial issues, presented an overview of the Romanian agricultural potential, the export capacity of this sector, encouraging Dutch companies to import agricultural products from Romania (especially bio products) and invest in Romanian agriculture sector. During the seminar was held an interactive exchange of views and experience between Romanian and Dutch specialists, of which some relevant exposures was made by: - Mr. Martin de Jong, Agri Works - Dutch investor sharing his experience in agriculture in Romania, generally positive, with notable remarks on the enormous potential that exists in Romania in this sector; - Mr. Aurel Tanase, executive director of The National Organisation Prodcom - who mentioned the good cooperation with Dutch organizations and companies in the field of vegetable and fruit. He also made a presentation of Prodcom organization in terms of creating a strong core membership of over 350 manufacturers in this field;

* On 30 October 2012, at the headquarters of the Damen shipyard, city of Gorinchem. The program included a presentation of the Damen investment at Damen Shipyards Galati - Romania and prospects for its expansion, including 250 new jobs; presentation of the current situation and prospects of the Romanian economy by H.E. Mrs. Ireny Comaroschi – Ambassador of Romania in The Netherlands; development cooperation between Constanta and Rotterdam ports; intermodal transport in Romania; visit of Damen headquarters; network & cocktail.

All these meetings were attended by a significant number of representatives of Dutch companies’ members of DRN, DRN management representatives, NL EVD International, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Embassy of Romania in The Hague.

Embassy representatives answered to all questions and participated in interactive discussions on various topics, promoting economic and commercial interests of Romania.