English 2130 Sample Syllabus 2

Survey of American Literature Syllabus Summer, 2004

Instructor English 2130 (# ) Time of class Office Hours: Location Phone: 404-651-2900 (English Department) E-mail:

Class Materials: Text: McMichael, ed. Concise Anthology of American Literature (5 th ed) Notebook for response log and notes.

Conceptual Framework: The purpose of this Survey of American Literature is to introduce students to a wide range of American authors and genres from the Colonial Period to Contemporary American writing. For this summer session, we will focus on various themes particular to American Literature as a method for covering this survey. The course also uses writing intensive strategies in order to learn about and explore various historical and social contexts within American literature.

Course Goals and Learning Outcomes:

General Outcomes – · identify and explain the fundamental features of the genres of poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and drama · define key literary terms/concepts and implement these in oral/written discussion as well as in literary interpretation · describe, examine, and evaluate reading practices and oral/written critical analyses · analyze and explain how various components of literature work together to create meaning. · apply writing and revision as tools for understanding literature and its interpretation

Specific Outcome(s) – · recognize and describe American literary history as chronological, developmental (moving through time periods), and generic/thematic · recognize and interpret relationships between American literature and its literary history and culture

Plagiarism: Plagiarism occurs when a student submits work that is not his or her own. This includes copying from printed materials or from other people’s work without giving credit to the original author. The policy on Academic Honesty can be found in the Georgia State University Catalog.

Attendance: Students are expected to attend class and participate fully in all activities. Students who miss more than two classes during the semester may be withdrawn. The semester Midpoint is July 9th. English Majors: English Majors are reminded that the English Department requests a portfolio of your best work as part of your graduation requirement. Be sure to gather essays, papers, and other written documents that you can possibly use for this requirement.

Grading Policy: Evaluation will be determined by fully participating in class activities, assignments, and discussions. Students will write in-class and out of class responses/quizzes, write two formal papers, and take a final exam. There will be no make-up for the in-class responses or quizzes. Papers turned in after the due-date will be penalized one grade per day after the deadline. The following percentages will determine the grade for this course. Response papers/quizzes 20% Short Paper, 5 pgs. 20% Final Paper, 8-10 pgs. 40% Final Exam 20%

The course syllabus provides a general plan for the course; deviations may be necessary.

ENGL 2130 Course Outline

Week 1 Review of Syllabus/Where Are We Now? June 15 Introductions June 17 Discussion of American Themes – Dealing with Postmodern Chaos Assigned reading: Edward Albee, p. 2170, “The Zoo Story”; Donald Barthelme, p. 2221, “The School”

Week 2 Gender Issues & Feminism June 22 Anne Bradstreet, p. 89, “To My Dear and Loving Husband,” “A Letter to Her Husband upon Public Employment”; Henry James, p. 1393, “Daisy Miller: A Study” June 24 Edith Wharton, p. 1509, “The Other Two”; Elizabeth Bishop, p. 2000, “In the Waiting Room,” “One Art”; Sylvia Plath, p. 2055, “Lady Lazarus,” “Daddy”

Week 3 Multiculturalism & Ethnicity June 29 Native American Voices, p. 38, “How the World Began”; Michel- Guillaume-Jean de Crevecoeur, p. 322, “Letter III: What is an American?”; Frederick Douglass, p. 993, “The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass” July 1 Langston Hughes, p. 1864, “The Weary Blues,” “I, Too,” “Harlem”; Ralph Ellison, p. 1917, “Invisible Man”; Louise Erdrich, p. 2275, “The Red Convertible”

Week 4 Sex & Violence July 6 Walt Whitman, p. 1016, “Song of Myself:” 1, 3, 11, 19, 21; Ernest Hemingway, p. 1821, “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber”; Allen Ginsberg, p. 2029, “Howl,” “A Supermarket in California” July 8 Peer Review & Conferences for the Short Paper

Week 5 Myth & Religion, Fear & Horror July 13 Short Paper Due, 5 pgs. Jonathan Edwards, p. 159, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”; Nathaniel Hawthorne, p. 682, “The Minister’s Black Veil” July 15 T. S. Eliot, p. 1685, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” “The Journey of the Magi”; Flannery O’Conner, p. 2115, “A Good Man is Hard to Find”

Week 6 Death & Survival July 20 Edgar Allen Poe, p. 551, “Ligeia”; Herman Melville, p. 715, “Bartlyby, the Schivener”; Emily Dickinson, p. 1123, #’s 258, 341, 712 July 22 Robert Frost, p. 1568, “Nothing Gold Can Stay,” “Acquainted With the Night,” “Desert Places”; William Faulkner, p. 1844, “A Rose for Emily”

At this point each of you needs to schedule an OUT OF CLASS conference with me about your final paper

Week 7 Politics, Patriotism, & War July 27 Thomas Paine, p. 337, “The American Crisis”; Thomas Jefferson, p. 347, “The Declaration of Independence”; Ralph Waldo Emerson, p. 612, “Self-Reliance”; Abraham Lincoln, p. 1012, “The Gettysburg Address” July 29 Final Paper Due, 8-10 pgs. William Carlos Williams, p. 1752, “To Elsie,” “At the Ballgame,” “Landscape with the Fall of Icarus”; Philip Roth (handout), “Defender of the Faith”

Final Exam: August 5, 5:00pm

Writing Assignments

Responses Papers and Quizzes (20%):

Periodically during the semester, you will be asked to write a response to the literature or discussion we have had in class. These responses will help us to know what you are learning along the way, what kinds of questions you might have, and may help you gather ideas for your papers. We will check these, not grade them. They will count more as participation.

As you read each text (or anything, really), you should also keep a journal of responses. Jot down key information, interesting historical and social issues that relate to the writing, and a short summary of the literary work for each assignment, including the introduction to the author. We will not collect or grade your journals, but keeping a meticulous journal will help you with in- class quizzes and your final exam.

Quizzes will be given in class and without warning.

Short Paper (20%):

The first paper (5 pages typed) will focus on American literature based on the readings during the first four weeks of class, the responses you have written in your journal, and on the issues we have discussed in class. You may choose to contrast themes discussed, authors, or issues. Be sure to discuss the focus of your paper with one of us before turning it in. This paper should use primary sources only. Use MLA Style.

Final Paper (40%):

The second paper (8-10 pages typed) will focus on historical or thematic issues that have been raised in class, through the literature, and in your journals over the seven-week period. This paper should use both primary and secondary sources and follow the MLA style as well.

Papers must be turned in by the due date. If you choose to turn in a rough draft, it must be submitted at least one week before the due date, so that we can get it back to you to revise. Late papers will be penalized by one grade per day (e.g. if the paper earned a grade of B and was turned in one day late, it will receive a grade of C).

Final Exam (20%):

The final exam will include short answer questions, identification questions, and essay questions. It will be comprehensive.