Milton Friedman (July 31, 1912 – November 16, 2006) was an

American economist, statistician, and author who taught at the University of Chicago from 1946 to 1976. He was a recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics in 1976, and is widely known for his research on monetary history and theory. Rose Director Friedman (December,

1910 – August 18, 2009), also known as Rose D. Friedman, was a professor at the University of

Chicago Law School. She was the wife of Milton Friedman (1912–2006). Rose Friedman studied Reed College and later transferred to the University of Chicago where she received a

Bachelor of Philosophy degree. After this she began to study for Ph.D. in economics and completed all work necessary except for writing the thesis. Together, they work on the project which results in the book about economics and public policy, Free to Choose, published in 1980, in which contains the article Created equal. It maintains that the free market works best for all members of a society, using concepts and ideals

The first aspect of equality Friedman states is the idea “Equality before God”. Milton uses the Declaration of Independence spoken by the president Thomas Jefferson for the definition that “all men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness”. The rights to live in freedom of people and live equally according to this statement could be understood as each person has the ownership to his own body, his own mind that he has no chain of other controlling his life. However, looking at the period, the moment that the document was released,

Jefferson himself, hardly was called a normal, an average one to others. He is the owner of many slave, he is a talented architecture, and also, the president of the States. The definition of equality comes from a person, whom clearly seems to be a superior one. In result, it seems to be a good theory but proved through an unsuitable example. Moreover, at that time, the declaration is published in order to announce the freedom of America as breaking out the conquest of British

Empire. It is in aiming for the rights for whites of the colonies but not for the African-

Americans. Therefore the existence and abuse of slavery on blacks deemed to be an inconsistency that later, led to the Civil War and injuries. This ideal “Equality before God”, although, consist with Liberty and clearly point out the fairness, however, too general while people are not identical.

As the result that the slavery is abolished, society change through forms and civilization, the idea of equality comes closer to the awareness of people. Considering in a new form, having a new name, it is called “Equality of Opportunity”. It could be literally understood that all men and women are free to develop and follow their dream with all their desires and abilities without any others obstacle, in other words, outer environmental conditions. Those could be genders, races, social status. This ideal of equality, is similar with the old one, which consists with liberty, but also, proved as more practical. People have freedom to enter business and engage in any field as long as those are under the acceptance set of community. “Equality of opportunity” in compare to “Equality before God”, is more completed, in which it emphasizes in the natural limit of persons that none is identical or the duplicate to another but an unique individual in differences. This leads to vary of goals, of processes, of achievements, but it clearly points out the advantages of people and encourages them to exploit.

Another concept written down in Friedman’s article is “Equality of Outcome”. Since this ideal states as one of aspects of equality, it seems to be contradict to others two in which no consists with liberty, and hardly reachable. Simply, explaining it as reaching to the fairness that every people receive the same amount of values. It means for any person, different in physical, mental, financial, moral conditions should acquire as equal to other in any situation. This ideal, as fairly proved, is impossible to be true. Since there is no identical evaluation to measure the fairness, nobody could give a satisfactory definition of “receiving the same”. Furthermore, in arranging the same outcomes for people, it accidently eliminate the effort to work that people would surely know they would gain the same even they do not lift a finger. Also, it restricts the motivation and the passion of person who is really has talent or responsibility because he or she would feel to be the slave to other to exploit on their effort. It would lead to the whole society to deprive from gaining more and being better. Therefore, this ideal, even aiming at a noble point of view, is a paradox and hardly able to become true.