United States History s1

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United States History s1

8th grade U.S. History Class Syllabus & Expectations 2014-2015 Mr. Seth Hughes

Phone: 720-424-1700

E-Mail: [email protected] Email is the easiest way to communicate with me.

Office hours: Tuesday and Thursday 2:45-3:20

Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year. I look forward to getting to know you.


For students to understand the development of the North American Continent from pre Columbian times to Reconstruction through the lenses of history, geography, economics, and civics. Students will see how this time period has an effect on United States to this day and how it has an impact on your daily lives


By the end of the school I would like for students to have…

- Developed a better understanding of the past.

- Become better at using higher order thinking skills

- To be able to apply the historical method of inquiry to other disciplines and situations in there daily lives.

- To have improved their ability to digest and interpret content rich texts.

- To be able to come to their own historical conclusions based upon facts from both primary and secondary source materials.

- Improved their factual writing skills. Materials

Students will need to bring paper and a writing utensil everyday. Three ring binder and or/folder it is the choice of the student.


I also expect that you will keep everything for this class in a three ring binder or a folder.

Grading Scale

90-100% A 60-69% D 80-89% B 59% & lower F 70-79% C

Assignments and will be graded on a points system. Ten percent (10%) of your final grade will consist of a final exam. The remaining (90%) of your final grade will consist of homework/in class work (worth 25%) quizzes (worth 15%), projects/essays (worth 20%), and exams (worth 30%). Grades can be viewed in on the parent portal, which can be found at http://dsa.dpsk12.org/ic-student-and-parent-portal/

Grades are posted online at least once a week. Students should keep all handouts and graded work in a binder or folder. The reason for this is twofold. Students can use these returned items and handouts to study for tests and quizzes. Second, if I make a mistake in data entry for grades students are then able to show me the mistake so I can change the record inside infinite campus.

Tests and Quizzes:

Students will take quizzes once every 1-2 weeks. These quizzes will be over the chapters in the textbook. Students will read the chapter and then take a quiz over the content from that chapter. Students will take unit tests. These tests will be scheduled at least a week in advance. Students will be allowed to use a ½ page cheat sheet on tests.

Tardy Policy

When you are late to class not only do you miss important information, but you also disrupt the flow of the class and the learning of others. As such the following tardy policy will apply: - 1st and 2nd tardy = Freebie- no-consequence warning recorded in IC - 3rd tardy = Level A offense- Lunch Detention and DPS behavior packet #1 - 4th tardy = Level A offense- Lunch Detention and DPS behavior packet #2 - 5th tardy = Level B offense and call home - After 5 = Sent to Mr. Loera as a Level C offense


Students will be issued a textbook during the first week of school. By 09/02 (black day) 09/03(white day) 2014 I expect all students to have their textbooks covered with heavy paper no book socks. Paper grocery bags are available at most supermarkets and work very well for making a book cover. I would like for you to take your time and be creative with your book cover if you need help with covering your book please see me. It is important to keep the textbook covered so that it incurs as little wear as possible throughout the year! If a textbook is returned in poor condition a fine can and will be assessed.

Make Up Work/Late Work

I will give you two days for every day you miss to make up your work. If work is not turned in within the amount of time allotted you will receive a zero for the assignment. Assignments are due on the due date if you are one day late you will receive up to half credit on that assignment. If you are more than one week late you will receive no credit for the assignment.

Expectations - Treat others as you would like to be treated. Have respect for yourself, the classroom, classmates, and guests in the room.

- Be a risk taker in discussions and in class. You don’t always have the “right” answer. Sometimes you will make mistakes learn from them.

- Students must be respectful of others and their opinions and must always have empathy in all of their interactions with their peers.

- Be here on time and ready to work. Please refer to the tardy policy.

- Turn in your work on time.

- Work hard and have fun!


- Food, drink & tobacco products are not allowed in this room. Water is acceptable.

- Please do not use profanity; it is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

- Hats, Fedoras, Stocking caps must are unacceptable and so are pet lions. No Ocelots either!

- Phones, cellphones, ipods, ipads, phonographs, transistors, ham radios, shoe phones, pagers and any other type of electronic device should be turned off and inside your backpack.

- No recording devices of any kind like those newfangled VHS camcorders.

Course Outline

- Pre Columbian America o Pre Columbian exploration - Post Columbian Spanish, French, and English exploration - Colonial America - Causes of the Revolutionary War - The Revolutionary War - The Constitution - Early Republic - Industrial Revolution - Frontier/Expansion/ - Jacksonian America - Causes of the Civil War - The Civil War - Reconstruction

****** This schedule is tentative and is meant as a guide changes will be made as the year progresses********

Signature Page

Due 08-28/29-2014

I have read and understand the criteria for success in this class. I understand that changes can be made to this document throughout the school year and will be updated on my website.

Student Signature______Student Printed Name______Date______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Parent/Guardian Printed______Date______

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