Property Asset Management Plan

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Property Asset Management Plan

Business Services Organisation

Property Asset Management Plan


Plan approved by BSO Senior Management Team on ***** PAM Plan 2017/18 to 2022/23


Contents: Page No:






Page 2 of 21 PAM Plan 2017/18 to 2022/23


1.1 The purpose of the Property Asset Management Plan is to:

 Assess the performance of the BSO’ property portfolio  Ensure that the organisation is making value for money decisions in line with the “Managing Public Money Northern Ireland” policy guidelines issued by the Department of Health (DoH).  Ensure that there are strategic planning processes in place and processes to ensure asset management discipline is in place.

1.2 A review of the current property asset base was carried out and the BSO’s performance in property asset management during 2016/17 was assessed against the key performance indicators issued by the DoH. A timed action plan for 2017/18 is outlined in this plan with accompanying narrative regarding the strategic intent for these actions.

1.3 BSO’s current property portfolio is deemed to be suitable to meet the current business needs of the Organisation; this however, will be reviewed in the near future as ITS will be employing an additional 100 members of staff over the next 12-18 months to fulfil project works as ITS remits’ expands in line with HSC priorities. BSO had been previously notified by BHSCT of their intention to vacate BSO from its RGH site to utilise that area for records storage and a lease was granted by BHSCT to accommodate these staff within 16 College Street in addition to the 3 other floors already occupied by way of lease to BSO Payroll.

1.4 Following analysis by the BSO Senior Management Team and Board it was determined that most of the existing property assets demonstrate value for money. It should be noted that BSO, whilst occupying 32 properties, only holds formal leases/freehold for 9 albeit that 2 are for the same building (College Street) for separate floors and have separate lease–end dates.

 Franklin Street (Freehold/interbody lease)  The HSC Leadership Centre (Freehold/interbody lease)  Centre House (Leasehold)  PaLS Lissue (Leasehold)  PaLS Campsie unit 4C (Leasehold on behalf on DoH)  PaLS Boucher Crescent (Leasehold)  College Street (floors 2-5)  Clady Villa

1.5 It should be noted that the remainder of BSO facilities and personnel are embedded within HSC Trust properties, the vast majority of which do not incur charges in line with the effective spending of public money. Whilst these are deemed as interbody leases, no formal leases are intended to be pursued unless directed. This is due to the fact that to accomplish this, business cases for the remaining properties will have to be completed working with LPS which will incur

Page 3 of 21 PAM Plan 2017/18 to 2022/23 fees. This could be described as an unnecessary administrative burden and expenditure of public money as if BSO is charged full market rent; we will recharge this back to the Trusts as part of the SLA’s for the regional services we supply. In short, it could be described as circular money.

1.6 Underperforming assets are identified in this plan. Specific details pertaining to the performance of all property assets are contained within Section 2. Actions to improve the performance of all underperforming assets are contained in the timed action plan in Section 4.

1.7 BSO SMT will continue to annually review the performance of all property assets to improve the efficiency and cost effectiveness associated with the underperforming assets identified as well as all other properties in the Organisation’s portfolio. SMT have identified areas for improvement and aim to enhance the efficiency with which the Organisation’s property assets are managed. To assist in this and ensure a better co-ordinated approach, a specific resource has been identified within Corporate Services to not only manage contracts but also coordinate estates matters. . BSO also has access to external resources via a procured Facilities Management company to ensure compliance with policy and guidance relating to management of public assets.

 To consolidate properties to improve efficiency and better meet customer demands  To reduce costs associated with property assets where possible  Strategically review the use of leased property assets on a regular basis to ensure value for money in line with DoH “Managing Public Money Northern Ireland” documentation  To comply with DoH and Northern Ireland Government requirements for property asset management  To identify any surplus lands and buildings for disposal  To examine if processes can be improved to ensure compliance with PEL11(01) and 14(04)

1.8 The strategic intent of the organisation in terms of the management of its property assets is discussed in detail in this plan. Actions to be carried out in 2017/18 through to 2022/23 are outlined.

1.9 BSO is committed to this plan and recognises its value with regard to ensuring the efficient and effective management of its assets and ensuring that value for money is delivered. Given the importance of this plan to the Organisation it has been incorporated into the overall business planning of the Organisation.

1.10 BSO is committed to the objectives of the Executive approved Asset Management Strategy and will be included in future business plans. The majority of BSO is contained within existing HSC Trust premises and obtain the required resources from the host Trust. A facility management contract has been tendered and procured for those locations where BSO leases the property to ensure that all relevant statutory and regulatory needs are met.

1.11 There are no leases due for renewal until November 2017 (Centre House). A business case is awaiting final approval. Work on any future renewals will commence to ensure timely returns to avoid the situation where BSO found itself previously whereby it failed to submit SOCs in a

Page 4 of 21 PAM Plan 2017/18 to 2022/23 timely fashion. Any business cases submitted will adhere to the policy contained in Finance Circular HSC (F) 2014-34. An issue had arisen as there was an expectation of BSO to invoke the break clause for Centre House in November 2016, however this was not understood by BSO to be applicable due to the fact that the new lease had been granted after the communication regarding the removal of delegated limits.

1.12 BSO uses the PAMP and various supporting templates to record and update information. Template F amongst other information is used to analyse data to provide an evidence base for effective asset management, effectively manage critical lease events and to inform investment decisions. With the creation of the new Estates Team in conjunction with internal processes, BSO can confirm that it has effective and robust processes and systems in place to manage critical lease dates and ensure compliance with policy.

1.13 This plan was completed by BSO Corporate Services with financial input from BSO Department of Finance. This plan and associated templates are now used as the basis of BSOs property strategy and are updated and reviewed regularly. This is done via information provided by BSO Finance and information derived from the HRPTS system.

Page 5 of 21 PAM Plan 2017/18 to 2022/23 SECTION 2: REVIEW OF BSO’S PROPERTY PORTFOLIO

2.1 The BSO currently operates from 32 premises throughout Northern Ireland; 30 are categorised as leasehold with the remaining 2 as freehold. The user group occupying the premises and the type of estate for each premise is noted in the table below. It should be noted that College Street has been listed in lieu of Lesley House as staff have now returned to their office. Appendix A lists the office types, of the 32 leasehold and freehold properties, 20 are deemed as office, 9 are storage facilities ( specifically receipt and delivery establishments within Trusts that are neither office or warehouse and 3 warehouses.

2.2 One of the pressures facing BSO is the ever increasing service it provides within HSCNI. In real terms, BSO is expanding as a streamlined Shared Services model is implemented. This places a continuing pressure on BSO to find suitable accommodation, however it is our intent to utilise existing BSO & HSCNI properties where appropriate. As referenced in 1.3, an additional (c) 100 staff are required to be recruited over the next 12-18 months.

2.3 A number of key changes have been implemented since the issue of the 2016/17 Property Asset Management Plan.

 BSO medical procurement has moved from PaLS RVH to 16 College Street  A new Community Continence Store has opened in Campsie and is a Western Trust lease occupied by BSO.  A concessionary lease was granted by the HSC Leadership Centre to the Electronic Care Health Record Project

A full breakdown of BSO sites can be found at Template F

Benchmarked Office Estate (BMO)

2.4 Please refer to the tables on the next three pages which detail the Key Performance Indicators for 2015/16 and 2016/17 and the difference between each year.

Page 6 of 21 PAM Plan 2017/18 to 2022/23 2015/2016 Total NIA Total Total Rent Rates Other Space M² per Workstation Office (m²) Cost Cost per m² per m² Costs per FTE workstatio per FTE Staff per FTE per m² (£) (£) per m² (m²) n (£) (£) (£) BSO HQ 261 2655 1955 192 - 87 105 10.17 9.41 1.08 HSC Leadership 39 1384 3272 92 - 36 56 35.49 14.72 2.41 Centre Centre House 223 1223 2072 378 154 133 91 5.48 5.48 1 Clady Villa 27 1730 1482 23 - 16 35 64.07 38.44 1.67 16 College St 0 1574 ------(Payroll) PaLS 42 600 - - - - - 14.29 43.75 0.79 Procurement RVH PaLS Boucher 120 6557 3733 736 21 22 26 54.19 78.06 0.69 Unit 4 Lissue 40 3349 6176 74 43 12 19 83.73 101.48 0.83 Industrial Estate Unit 4C Campsie 0 2545 - - 15 3 2 - - - Unit 9D Campsie 23 2252 2651 27 - 6 21 97.91 173.23 0.57 Gransha Park 21 117 1064 191 191 - - 5.57 5.57 1 House Gransha Park 20 634 - - - - - 31.7 31.7 1 (PaLS) Pinewood Villa 650 - - - - - 15.48 13.83 1.12 Waterside House 41 521 - - - - - 12.71 11.33 1.12 Champion House 153 1639 918 87 87 - - 10.57 10.71 0.99 Greenmount 120 1203 784 78 - 23 55 10.03 10.11 0.99 House PaLS Stores RVH 8 350 - - - - - 43.75 43.75 1 PaLS Belfast City 5 525 - - - - - 105 175.00 0.6 Hospital PaLS Ulster 7 1071 - - - - - 153 267.75 0.57 Hospital PaLS Ards 17 247 - - - - - 14.53 15.44 0.94 Hospital PaLS R & D 12 132 - - - - - 11 11 1 Altnagelvin Tyrone & 54 206 813 213 - 86 251 3.81 4.12 0.93 Fermanagh Hospital Maple House, 6 74 - - - - - 12.33 12.33 1 Antrim Hospital The Cottage, 25 358 - - - - - 14.32 14.32 1 Ballymena SWAH, 7 77 - - - - - 11 12.83 0.86 Enniskillen Downe Hospital 2.5 49 - - - - - 19.6 24.50 0.8 Rosewood Villa 33 1093 211 6 - - - 33.12 33.12 1 CEC Fern House 12 126 - - - - - 10.5 6.30 1.67 CEC Craigavon 10 281 - - - - - 28.1 18.73 1.5 Hospital CEC Altnagelvin 14.5 850 - - - - - 58.62 42.50 1.38 Lime Cabin 7 134 - - - - - 19.14 19.14 1 The areas shaded are not covered by PI

Page 7 of 21 PAM Plan 2017/18 to 2022/23 2016/2 Total NIA (m²) Total Total Rent Rates Maint. Other Space M² per Workstatio 017 Office Cost Cost per m² per m² per m² Costs per FTE workstatio n per FTE Staff per FTE per m² (£) (£) per m² (m²) n (£) (£) (£) BSO HQ 260 2655 1987 195 - 88 12 95 10.21 8.73 1.17 HSC 43 1384 3837 119 - 37 25 57 32.19 14.72 2.19 Leaders hip Centre Centre 202 1223 2757 455 154 128 45 128 6.05 5.36 1.13 House Clady 29 1730 2613 44 - 18 2 23 59.66 38.44 1.55 Villa 16 130 1574 327 27 - - 2 25 12.11 12.11 1 College St (Payroll) 16 37 600 85 5 - - 0 5 16.22 18.18 0.89 College St (PaLS) PaLS 118 6557 4084 73 21 23 7 24 55.57 78.06 0.71 Boucher Unit 4 25 3349 9449 71 37 13 6 15 133.96 101.48 1.32 Lissue Industria l Estate Unit 4C 0 2545 - 28 15 11 0 2 - - - Campsie Unit 9D 34 2252 544 8 - - 4 4 66.24 173.23 0.38 Campsie Gransha 16 117 161 22 22 0 7.31 9 0.81 Park House Gransha 29 248 ------8.55 12.4 0.69 Park (PaLS) Pinewoo 39 650 ------16.67 14.77 1.13 d Villa Watersid 38 521 - - - - 13.71 10.85 1.26 e House Champio 139 1639 1228 104 87 - - - 11.79 12.23 0.96 n House Greenmo 109 1203 464 42 - 24 29 13 11.04 9.86 1.12 unt House PaLS 350 ------Stores RVH PaLS 5 525 ------105.00 175.00 0.6 Belfast City Hospital PaLS 7 1071 ------153.00 267.75 0.57 Ulster Hospital PaLS 11 247 ------22.45 15.44 1.45 Ards Hospital PaLS R 12 132 832 76 - - - - 11.00 11.00 1.00 & D Altnagel vin Tyrone & 38 206 698 129 - 48 71 58 5.42 4.12 1.32 Fermana gh

Page 8 of 21 PAM Plan 2017/18 to 2022/23 Hospital Maple 7 74 ------10.57 12.33 0.86 House, Antrim Hospital The 24 358 50 3 - - - 3 14.92 14.32 1.04 Cottage, Ballyme na SWAH, 3 77 ------25.67 12.83 2.00 Enniskill en Downe 49 ------24.50 Hospital Rosewo 82 1093 86 6 - - 6 - 13.33 33.12 0.40 od Villa CEC 14 126 ------9.00 6.30 1.43 Fern House CEC 14 281 ------20.07 18.73 1.07 Craigavo n Hospital CEC 13 850 2941 45 - - 8 37 65.38 42.50 1.54 Altnagel vin Lime 5 134 ------26.80 19.14 1.75 Cabin The areas shaded are not covered by PI

Page 9 of 21 2.5 The table below compares the above information and details the difference between 2015/16 and 2016/17.

Office Base: BSO HQ HSC Leadership Centre Centre House Clady Villa 16 College Street (Payroll) 2015/16 2016/17 Change 2015/16 2016/17 Change 2015/16 2016/17 Cha 2015/16 2016/17 Change 2015/16 2016/17 Change nge Total Cost per 1955 1769 -186 3272 3837 565 2072 2757 685 1482 2613 1131 - 327 327 FTE Total Cost per 1810 1699 -111 1357 1755 398 2072 2443 371 889 1684 795 - Workstation Total Cost per m² 192 195 3 92 119 27 378 455 77 23 44 21 - 27 27 M² per FTE 10.17 9.09 -1.08 35.49 32.19 -3.3 5.48 6.05 0.57 64.07 59.66 -4.41 - 12.11 12.11 M² per 9.41 8.73 -0.68 14.72 14.72 0 5.48 5.36 -0.12 38.44 38.44 0 - 12.11 12.11 Workstation Workstation:FTE 1.08 1.17 0.09 2.41 2.19 -0.22 1 1.13 0.13 1.67 1.55 -0.12 - 1 1 Office Base: 16 College Street (PaLS)* PaLS Boucher Unit 4 Lissue Industrial Estate Unit 4C Campsie Unit 9D Campsie 2015/16 2016/17 Change 2015/16 2016/17 Change 2015/16 2016/17 Cha 2015/16 2016/17 Change 2015/16 2016/17 Change nge Total Cost per - 85 85 3733 4084 351 6176 9449 3273 - - - 2651 FTE Total Cost per - 95 95 5377 5737 360 7486 7159 -327 - - - 4690 1422 -3268 Workstation Total Cost per m² - 5 5 69 73 4 74 71 -3 - 28 28 27 8 -19 M² per FTE 14.29 16.22 1.93 54.19 55.57 1.38 83.73 133.96 50.2 - - - 97.97 - -97.97 3 M² per 43.75 18.18 -25.57 78.06 78.06 0 101.48 101.48 0 - - - 173.23 173.23 0 Workstation Workstation:FTE 0.79 0.89 0.1 0.69 0.71 0.02 0.83 1.32 0.49 - - - 0.57 0.38 -0.19 Office Base: Gransha Park House Gransha Park House (PaLS) Pinewood Villa Waterside House Champion House 2015/16 2016/17 Change 2015/16 2016/17 Change 2015/16 2016/17 Cha 2015/16 2016/17 Change 2015/16 2016/17 Change nge Total Cost per 1064 161 -903 ------918 1228 310 FTE Total Cost per 1064 198 -866 ------930 1274 Workstation Total Cost per m² 191 22 -169 ------87 104 17 M² per FTE 5.57 7.31 1.74 31.7 21.86 -9.84 15.48 16.67 1.19 12.71 13.71 1 10.57 11.79 1.22 M² per 5.57 9.00 3.43 31.7 31.7 0 13.83 14.77 0.94 11.33 10.85 -0.48 10.71 12.23 1.52 Workstation Workstation:FTE 1 0.81 -0.19 1 0.69 -0.31 1.12 1.13 0.01 1.12 1.26 0.14 0.99 0.96 -0.03 *2015/16 figures from RVH site which has now been vacated Red = Increased cost or deterioration Green = Saving or improved performance Office Base: Greenmount House PaLS Stores RVH PaLS Belfast City Hospital PaLS Ulster Hospital PaLS Ards Hospital 2015/16 2016/17 Change 2015/16 2016/17 Change 2015/16 2016/17 Cha 2015/16 2016/17 Change 2015/16 2016/17 Change nge Total Cost per 784 464 -320 ------FTE Total Cost per 791 415 ------Workstation Total Cost per m² 78 42 -36 ------M² per FTE 10.03 11.04 1.01 43.75 - -43.75 105 105 0 153 153 0 14.53 22.45 7.92 M² per 10.11 9.86 43.75 - -43.75 175.00 175.00 0 267.75 267.75 0 15.44 15.44 0 Workstation Workstation:FTE 0.99 1.12 1 - -1 0.6 0.6 0 0.57 0.57 0 0.94 1.45 0.51 Office Base: PaLS Altnagelvin Hospital T & F Hospital Maple House Antrim The Cottage Ballymena SWAH Enniskillen 2015/16 2016/17 Change 2015/16 2016/17 Change 2015/16 2016/17 Cha 2015/16 2016/17 Change 2015/16 2016/17 Change nge Total Cost per - 832 832 813 698 -115 - - - - 50 50 - - - FTE Total Cost per - 832 878 530 - - - - 48 - - - Workstation Total Cost per m² - 76 76 213 129 -84 - - - - 3 3 - - - M² per FTE 11 11 0 3.81 5.42 1.61 12.33 10.57 -1.76 14.32 14.92 0.6 11 25.67 14.67 M² per 11 11 0 4.12 4.12 0 12.33 12.33 14.32 14.32 0 12.83 12.83 0 Workstation Workstation:FTE 1 1 0 0.93 1.32 0.39 1 0.86 -0.14 1 1.04 0.04 0.86 2.00 1.14 Office Base: Downe Hospital Rosewood Villa CEC Fern House CEC Craigavon Hospital CEC Altnagelvin Hospital 2015/16 2016/17 Change 2015/16 2016/17 Change 2015/16 2016/17 Cha 2015/16 2016/17 Change 2015/16 2016/17 Change nge Total Cost per - - - 211 86 -125 ------2941 2941 FTE Total Cost per - - - 211 214 3 ------1912 Workstation Total Cost per m² - - - 6 6 0 ------45 45 M² per FTE 19.6 - -19.6 33.12 13.33 -19.79 10.5 9 -1.5 28.1 20.07 -8.03 58.62 65.38 6.76 M² per 24.50 24.50 0 33.12 33.12 0 6.30 6.30 0 18.73 18.73 0 42.50 42.50 0 Workstation Workstation:FTE 0.8 - -0.8 1 0.40 -0.6 1.67 1.43 -0.24 1.5 1.07 -0.43 1.38 1.54 0.16 Red = Increased cost or deterioration Green = Saving or improved performance Office Base: Lime Cabin 2015/16 2016/17 Change Total Cost per - - - FTE Total Cost per - - - Workstation Total Cost per m² - - - M² per FTE 19.14 26.80 7.66 M² per 19.14 19.14 0 Workstation Workstation:FTE 1 1.75 0.75 Red = Increased cost or deterioration Green = Saving or improved performance 2.6 The following tables provide details of the running costs of BSO’s property asset base for 2015/2016 and 2016/17. Please note that sites not listed below incurred no costs. 2.7 2.8 2015/2016 2.9 BSO Office 2.10 2.11 Total 2.12 T 2.13 T 2.14 T 2.15 2.16 2.17 Service Maintena otal otal otal Total Annual Rates Cha nce Cost Securi Clea Water En Re (£) rge (£) ty ning & erg nt (£) Cost Cost Sewe y (Ne (£)* (£) rage Co t) Cost st (£) (£) (£) 2.18 BSO HQ 2.19 2.20 7207 2.21 - 2.22 4 2.23 - 2.24 2.25 2.26 207991 6 947 57179 - 230227 2.27 HSC 2.28 2.29 5499 2.30 - 2.31 - 2.32 - 2.33 2.34 2.35 Leadership Centre 22306 2 - - 50289 2.36 Centre House 2.37 2.38 3407 2.39 - 2.40 - 2.41 - 2.42 2.43 2.44 77000 8 72824 188120 162803 2.45 Clady Villa 2.46 2.47 1857 2.48 - 2.49 - 2.50 - 2.51 2.52 2.53 42298 0 - - 28540 2.54 PaLS Boucher 2.55 2.56 6367 2.57 - 2.58 - 2.59 - 2.60 2.61 2.62 106456 3 - 135000 146508 2.63 Unit 4 Lissue 2.64 2.65 4977 2.66 - 2.67 - 2.68 - 2.69 2.70 2.71 Industrial Estate 13027 3 - 143220 41010 2.72 Unit 4C 2.73 2.74 2729 2.75 - 2.76 - 2.77 - 2.78 2.79 2.80 Campsie 1316 - 39000 7047 2.81 Unit 9D 2.82 2.83 4628 2.84 - 2.85 - 2.86 - 2.87 2.88 2.89 Campsie 1560 4 - - 13121 2.90 Gransha Park 2.91 2.92 - 2.93 - 2.94 - 2.95 - 2.96 2.97 2.98 House - - 22339 - 2.99 Champion 2.100 2.101 - 2.102 - 2.103 - 2.104 - 2.105 2.106 2.107 House - - 142220 - 2.108 Greenmount 2.109 2.110 1608 2.111 37 2.112 1 2.113 1 2.114 2.115 2.116 House 64385 38 5419 608 19896 - 28135 2.117 Tyrone & 2.118 2.119 - 2.120 - 2.121 - 2.122 - 2.123 2.124 2.125 Fermanagh Hospital 51686 - - 17681 2.126 Rosewood Villa 2.127 2.128 - 2.129 - 2.130 - 2.131 - 2.132 2.133 2.134 6974 - - - 2.135 Lesley House* 2.136 2.137 2758 2.138 - 2.139 - 2.140 - 2.141 2.142 2.143 32422 4 - 50000 40000 2.144 Haslems Lane 2.145 2.146 1070 2.147 - 2.148 1 2.149 - 2.150 2.151 2.152 Lisburn* 4488 940 2070 15400 8359 2.153 TOTAL 2.154 2.155 3724 2.156 37 2.157 2 2.158 1 2.159 2.160 2.161 631909 37 38 2306 608 151969 735299 773720 2.162 *site vacated in 2015/16 2.163 2016/2017 2.164 BSO Office 2.165 2.166 Total 2.167 T 2.168 T 2.169 T 2.170 2.171 2.172 Service Maintena otal otal otal Total Annual Rates Cha nce Cost Securi Clea Water En Re (£) rge (£) ty ning & erg nt (£) Cost Cost Sewe y (Ne (£)* (£) rage Co t) Cost st (£) (£) (£) 2.173 BSO HQ 2.174 2.175 3164 2.176 - 2.177 3 2.178 - 2.179 2.180 2.181 202623 0 140 45292 - 233914 2.182 HSC Leadership 2.183 2.184 3460 2.185 17 2.186 5 2.187 - 2.188 2.189 2.190 Centre - 1 38 5414 22164 - 51094 2.191 Centre House 2.192 2.193 5547 2.194 22 2.195 - 2.196 - 2.197 2.198 2.199 84866 7 2 71685 188029 156720 2.200 Clady Villa 2.201 2.202 3150 2.203 - 2.204 2 2.205 1 2.206 2.207 2.208 - 7687 003 11951 - 31993 2.210 2.216 2.217 2.209 16 College St 2.211 3544 2.212 - 2.213 - 2.214 - 2.215 (Payroll) 38914 2.218 16 College St 2.219 2.220 - 2.221 - 2.222 3 2.223 - 2.224 2.225 2.226 (PaLS) - 150 - - - 2.227 PaLS Boucher 2.228 2.229 4380 2.230 - 2.231 1 2.232 8 2.233 2.234 2.235 99261 8 507 08 52641 135000 148855 2.236 Unit 4 Lissue 2.237 2.238 2104 2.239 - 2.240 1 2.241 1 2.242 2.243 2.244 Industrial Estate 12808 0 0505 915 24373 123684 41911 2.245 Unit 4C Campsie 2.246 2.247 - 2.248 - 2.249 - 2.250 9 2.251 2.252 2.253 2184 82 1488 39000 27473 2.254 Unit 9D Campsie 2.255 2.256 8517 2.257 - 2.258 3 2.259 - 2.260 2.261 2.262 - 450 6521 - - 2.263 Gransha Park 2.264 2.265 2575 2.266 - 2.267 - 2.268 - 2.269 2.270 2.271 House - - - - 2.272 Champion House 2.273 2.274 - 2.275 - 2.276 - 2.277 - 2.278 2.279 2.280 - - 142219 28437 2.281 Greenmount 2.282 2.283 3473 2.284 - 2.285 - 2.286 - 2.287 2.288 2.289 House - 7 15873 - - 2.290 Tyrone & 2.291 2.292 1455 2.293 - 2.294 - 2.295 2 2.296 2.297 2.298 Fermanagh Hospital - 6 100 9856 - - 2.299 PaLS Altnagelvin 2.300 2.301 - 2.302 - 2.303 - 2.304 - 2.305 2.306 2.307 Hospital - - - 9979 2.308 CEC Altnagelvin 2.309 2.310 6852 2.311 - 2.312 1 2.313 - 2.314 2.315 2.316 Hospital - 4280 17106 - - 2.317 Rosewood Villa 2.318 2.319 7069 2.320 - 2.321 - 2.322 - 2.323 2.324 2.325 - - - - 2.326 TOTAL 2.327 2.328 2675 2.329 19 2.330 1 2.331 6 2.332 2.333 2.334 401742 66 60 1913 808 317864 627932 730376 3 2.335 2.336 2.337 2015/16 & 2016/17 Comparison 2.338 BS 2.339 S 2.340 Total 2.341 T 2.342 T 2.343 T 2.344 T 2.345 A 2.34 2.347 O ervi Maintena otal otal otal otal nnu 6 Ra Overall ce nce Cost Secu Clea Water Ene al te Tot Cha (£) rity ning & rgy Rent s al rge Cost Cost Sewer Cos (Net) (£) 2.348 (£) (£)* (£) age t (£) (£) (£) Cost (£) 2.349 201 2.350 6 2.351 3724 2.352 3 2.353 2 2.354 1 2.355 1 2.356 7 2.35 2.358 5/16 319 37 738 2306 608 519 3529 7 77 2692986 09 69 9 37 20 2.359 201 2.360 4 2.361 2675 2.362 1 2.363 1 2.364 6 2.365 3 2.366 6 2.36 2.368 6/17 017 66 960 1913 808 178 2793 7 73 2473381 42 3 64 2 03 76 2.369 DIF 2.370 - 2.371 - 2.372 - 2.373 9 2.374 5 2.375 1 2.376 - 2.37 2.378 FEREN 230 104871 1778 6827 200 658 1073 7 - -219605 CE 167 95 67 43 34 4 2.379 2.380 2.381 Whilst it is noted that the service charge and maintenance charge has decreased by £335,038, this is in fact not a saving. More accurately, this is a reflection of improved financial recording by BSO Finance as previously the costs for cleaning, water and energy etc. were categorised as service charge as this is the first year BSO were required to record these separately. 2.382 2.383 As this is now the benchmark, BSO will be reporting accurately on these figures from this Property Asset Management Plan onwards. 2.384 2.385 A revaluation of rates for some BSO sites has seen an overall reduction in costs of £43,344 and the release of Lesley House in 2015/16 has attracted savings of £105,006 which was being recharged to the HSC Trusts and Regional Orgs with minor reductions accounting for the remaining £2361. 2.386 2.387 Increased costs within the Facilities Management contract because of the National Living Wage increase has had a negative impact on savings as this has been applied and now being accurately recorded. 2.388 2.389 Vacant Freehold Estate 2.390 2.391 Template H is not applicable to BSO as we have no vacant freehold estate. 2.392 2.393 Vacant Leasehold Estate 2.394 2.395 Template I is not applicable to BSO as we have no vacant leasehold estate. 2.396 2.397 Underused Freehold Estate 2.398 2.399 Template J is not applicable to BSO as we have no underused freehold estate. 2.400 2.401 Underused Leasehold Estate 2.402 2.403 Template K lists all sites which are deemed to be underused. It should be noted that clarification will be sought from DoH as to the classification of the 4 Clinical Education Centres and the HSC Leadership Centre as it is BSOs contention that these are teaching facilities which comprise mainly of classrooms and as such the metrics of benchmarked office should not be applied. 2.404 2.405 BSO has 9 storage and 3 warehouse facilities. The metrics applied for space utilisation (space per FTE and workstations) are difficult to apply as there are offices which form part of the storage/warehouse. It is therefore difficult to apply these metrics as the staff will be transient and the costs would not be indicative of an office environment. The majority of costs incurred are based on the storage/warehouse area of each of the sites. 2.406 2.407 Key Performance Indicators (Appendix 7) 2.408 2.409 The KPI set out in Appendix 7 of the DoH guidance are not applicable to BSO. 2.410 2.411 Backlog Maintenance Liability 2.412 BSO can confirm that it has no backlog maintenance liability for any of its sites. 2.413 2.414 Operational Maintenance 2.415 With regard to operational maintenance cost please refer to the table on page 8 of this plan. 2.416 2.417 Property Asset Value 2.418 Whilst the BSO does not own assets per se the asset value included for financial accounting purposes in our annual accounts is £3.8M. 2.419 2.420 2.421 SECTION 3: REVIEW OF BSO PERFORMANCE IN PROPERTY ASSET MANAGEMENT 2016/17 AGAINST THE TIMED ACTION PLAN 2.422 2.423 Progress Against Timed Action Plan in 2015/16 2.424 3.1 BSO identified 5 timed actions for delivery during 2015/16. Progress on these actions is detailed below and on Template N. 2.425 2.4 2.427 Timed Action 2.428 Status 2.429 Justification 26 (i) 2.430 To increase required staff numbers in Rosewood 2.431 In 2.432 Further funding to full complement progress required 2.4 2.434 To replace existing fluorescent light installations 2.435 Delivere 2.436 the project to install 33 ( with energy efficient LED in Campsie 9D d LED lighting in campsie i was completed in i march 2017 ) 2.4 2.438 To replace the existing heating system in the HSC 2.439 Delivere 2.440 the project to install 37 ( Leadership Centre with an energy efficient boiler d a new boiler system in i The Beeches was i completed in March i 2017 ) 2.4 2.442 To explore new technologies in order to further 2.443 In 2.444 investigations are 41 ( reduce energy costs progress ongoing to install i SMART metres in BSO v controlled sites ) 2.4 2.446 Finance to establish if all estates related budgets 2.447 In 2.448 45 ( can be centralised with one point of contact progress v ) 2.449 2.450 2.451 Freehold Disposals 2016/17 2.452 3.2 Template O is not applicable to BSO as there were no Freehold properties to be disposed in 2016/17 2.453 2.454 Lease Disposals and Re-Gears 2016/17 2.455 3.3 Template P is not applicable to BSO as there were no lease disposals or re-gears in 2016/17 2.456 2.457 Lease Renewals 2016/17 2.458 3.4 Template Q is not applicable to BSO as there were no leases acquired/granted in 2016/17. 2.459 2.460 Lease Acquisitions 2.461 3.5 Template R is not applicable to BSO as there were no leases acquired via sub lease. 2.462 2.463 Savings Delivered 2016/17 2.464 3.6 Template S identifies savings that were delivered via the transfer to a new Facilities Management contract. Savings made totalled £68894. 2.465 2.466 2.467 SECTION 4: PROPERTY ASSET MANAGEMENT TIMED ACTION PLAN 2017/18 2.468 2.469 Timed Action Plan 2017/18 2.470 4.1 Please refer to Template T which details timed actions for delivery by BSO during 2017/18 and which are summarised in the table below. 2.471 2 2.473 Property Asset 2.474 Action 2.475 Timesc . Management Related Activity ale 4 7 2

2 2.477 To increase required staff 2.478 Brought Forward from 2015/16 2.479 As numbers in Rosewood to full funding . compliment 4 becomes available 7 6 1 2 2.481 To explore new 2.482 Brought Forward from 2015/16 2.483 Ongoin technologies in order to further g - by Q4 . reduce energy costs 4 8 0 2 2 2.485 Finance to establish if all 2.486 Brought Forward from 2015/16 2.487 Ongoin estates related budgets can be g . centralised with one point of 4 contact 8 4 3 2 2.489 Agile Working 2.490 Continue to make 2.491 Mar-18 improvements where possible to . enhance and improve agile 4 working for staff 8 8 4 2 2.493 Space Utilisation 2.494 Make efforts to continue to 2.495 Mar-18 improve space utilisation in each . office 4 9 2 5 2 2.497 Risk based prioritisation 2.498 Given financial constraints 2.499 Mar-18 of planned and reactive maintenance work to continue to . be prioritised by risk 4 maintenance work 9 6 6 2.500 2.501 Freehold and Leasehold Disposals 2.502 4.2 Templates U–U5 is not applicable to BSO over the course of this PAM Plan. 2.503 4.3 Template V is not applicable to BSO over the course of this PAM Plan. 2.504 4.4 Lease end dates have been added to Templates V1-5 2.505 4.5 BSO can confirm that the Organisation has no leased property assets (holding over). 2.506 4.6 In relation to the email issued from AEMB dated June 1st 2017 an exercise was carried out to identify premises which were deemed as clearly defined as office accommodation, warehouse, storage etc. 2.507 2.508 2.509 SECTION 5: CONCLUSION 2.510 5.1 BSO will monitor the delivery of the timed action plan outlined in Template T through a variety of means. The Corporate Services Estates manager will oversee individual timed actions as means to ensure that actions are carried out on schedule and within agreed budgets. The Head of Corporate Services, with help from his team will liaise with staff at specific premises and other external stakeholders where applicable to ensure that best practice is being used and to oversee and advise on cost saving efficiencies. The BSO Senior Management Team will, on a 6 monthly basis, review all actions undertaken with regard to all property assets and the group will in turn provide a report of all progress to the BSO Business Committee and the Board. A performance review is to be carried out by the action lead and senior management team. 2.511 5.2 The Chief Executive as the Accounting Officer has overall responsibility for the effective management of property assets. Functions associated with this role have been delegated to the Director of HR and Corporate Services and operationalised to the Corporate Services team. Corporate Services will take responsibility for submitting monitoring reports to the SMT and Board. 2.512 5.3 As part of the monitoring process any risks associated with the BSO estate will be included on the BSO Risk Register. 2.513 5.4 BSO has a number of challenges over the next five year planning horizon. Financial pressure and constraints, the need to support the principle of independence, the need to ensure value for money and to support the principles of good estate management as detailed in this PAM Plan will be regularly monitored and reviewed. 2.514 5.5 BSO’s office accommodation and its strategic placement and status have enabled the delivery of a quality service HSCNI. In looking to the future BSO will ensure that the current arrangements for property management are adequate and proportional to the size of the estate and current leasing arrangements. 2.515 5.6 Year-on-year performance is to be tracked and reviewed against Key Performance Indicators (KPI) issued by DoH to the BSO Senior Management Team and the Board. The use of KPIs will assist the BSO in assessing if the actions undertaken have been successful, where further action is needed and if the Organisation is delivering value for money decisions in line with the “Managing Public Money Northern Ireland” guidelines issued by DoH. 2.516 5.7 It must be recognised that BSO has formal leases for 7 out of 32 properties. This is primarily where BSO staff are located on non-HSC properties. Whilst there is an understanding to ensure that public money is effectively spent BSO has thus far not pursued formal leases with other health related bodies. This is because business cases will be required for each property, with involvement from LPS to ascertain current market value. This would be deemed as an unnecessary administrative burden an ineffective use of public money. BSO is a regional service operating within the parameters of an SLA with each HSC Trust. Any additional charges would be recharged back to HSC Trusts and therefore deemed as “circular money.” 2.517 5.8 BSO will, however, abide by any decision instructed by the Department of Health on this matter. 2.518

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