St Nicholas Church, Chislehurst ‘Registered Charity No. 1131855'

Our vision: Building a family that knows and reflects the love of Christ” Sunday 16th July 2017 5th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY

08:00 HOLY COMMUNION (BCP) Celebrant Rev’d June Hurn Readings from p.212 in Prayer Book

09:30 FAMILY EUCHARIST & THANKSGIVING BLESSING (CW) Celebrant Rev’d Canon Alan Mustoe Preacher Rev’d Canon Alan Mustoe

Collect Almighty God, send down upon your Church the riches of your Spirit, and kindle in all your countless gifts of grace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

During Communion/Blessing you are welcome in the Scadbury Chapel (to the left at the front) to receive prayers for yourself or on behalf of someone else.

Post Communion Prayer Holy God, we see your glory the face of Jesus Christ: may we, who have gathered around his table, reflect his life in word and deed that the whole world may know his power to change and save. This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

10:45 Please join us in Hall for coffee, etc. 11:15 CHORAL MATINS (BCP) Preacher Mr Peter Ridge Hymns 473* 386 394 Psalm 65 Jubilate Britten in C Anthem Thou visitest the earth – Maurice Greene, for words see Psalm 65 v 9,12 Voluntary Voluntary in C minor – Greene Readings From Isaiah 55:10-13; Romans 8:1-11; Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23

15:00 HOLY BAPTISM (CW) Rev’d June Hurn

WE INCLUDE IN OUR PRAYERS: Anita Anderson, Yvonne Auld, Paul Barsby, Isabelle Burman, Valerie Burn, Shirley Cooling, Belinda Craig, Paul Dickie, Carol Dixon, Norah Ford, Michelle Fribbens, Maureen Fricker, Betty Harland, Abby Herbert, Ida Langworthy, Maggie & Roger Howard, Jean James, Rachel Jones, Peter Kenny, Anna Lambrou, Max Lardner, Vena Lewis, Roger Long, Alex Mackay, Phoebe Manzi, Maria Petrovan, Anthony Povyakalo, Helen Rackowe, Barbara Rawlins, Ian Jones & Anne Ruddock Jones, Lucy Shelford, Tim Shields, Annabelle Skelton, George Slater, Denise Stickland, Neil & William Tippin, Ann-Marie Waller, Chris Walker, Drina Ware, Joan Wells, Liz West, Laurence Whiskin, Naomi Young. Added this week: Immy Warwick

Those who have died: Martin Cross

Those to be baptised today: George Newton

Those receiving a Thanksgiving Blessing: Lola-Rose Balcombe, Jeanvieve Potgieter, Harry Kaye Arthur Stockwell, Jaden Valks and Sebastian Wise

Our neighbouring churches, especially: Christ Church & St Mary’s

Our Mission Link: Ruth Radley To add someone to the above prayer list please contact the Parish Office (020 8467 0196)

You are welcome to take this leaflet home


Mon 17 09:00 MU – Holy Communion

Tue 18 09:00 Morning Prayer 10:30 Knitting Club (Bull’s Head) 20:00 Refurbishment Comm (Church)

Wed 19 09:00 Morning Prayer, Little Ones Welcome 10:00 Holy Communion 13:45 Chislehurst Parents’ Grp (Hall) 17:00 Evening Prayer

Thu 20 09:00 Morning Prayer 13:30 St Nicholas Toddler Grp (Hall) 14:00 St Nicholas School Leavers’ Service 20:00 Parochial Church Council (Hall)

Sat 22 14:45 Bell ringing

Sun 23 THE SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 08:00 Holy Communion (BCP) 09:30 Parish Communion (CW) 11:15 Matins (BCP) 15:00 Baptism (CW)

COLLECTION OF THANKS Today the collection at the 8am, 9.30 and 11.15 services will be shared amongst our Readers and non-paid Assistant Clergy. If you are able to gift aid please use the blue envelopes provided. You may also drop any contribution in at the Office. MARTIN CROSS, RIP Martin has been tuning and maintaining our church organ for many years. He was a very conscientious craftsman maintaining the best possible standard for the organs in his care - at a rough guesstimate about 70 organs in Rochester Diocese alone. His skills will be much missed.

CHURCHYARD. We have received some offers of help with looking after some graves but could do with just few more. It’s akin to a little gardening and tidying and you’d only be given one to care for… unless you like more! Interested? Have a word with the Rector.

LISTENERS Often we do not have the opportunity to voice our concerns to someone who will simply listen. At St. Nicholas Church a small team of Christian Listeners, trained under the Acorn Listeners' Protocol, offer time to anyone who feels the need to talk. Listeners do not offer counselling but hope that by listening with care, respect and total confidentiality, they may offer the comfort of sharing and the time and space in which new strength and a possible way forward may be found. To make an appointment with a listener telephone the Parish Administrator 020 8467 0196 and a listener will be found for you.

WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER QUIET DAY Wednesday, 13th September 2017, 10.30am - 3pm, at Bromley & Shepherds College, London Road, Bromley BR1 1PE. ‘Knowing Jesus’ with Jenny Warrington. Be prepared to be enlightened and strengthened. As always, everyone is welcome. Please bring along a packed lunch and a Bible (tea, coffee and biscuits provided). The day will cost £5. We meet in the Common Room and then the Chapel. Please confirm to [email protected] or 01689 852497 if you are coming along. Feel free to ask questions. Parking available in the Swan and Mitre multi storey car park.

MOTHERS’ UNION – Our members’ Summer Supper will be on Wednesday 26th July at 19:00 for 19:30 at Philipps Robinson’s house. Cost £8.00. We shall have a raffle. We would appreciate numbers for catering purposes. Please contact Margaret Stephenson 0208 4608809 or Margaret Brown 0208 4678890.

FOR MORE DETAILS contact the Rector, Alan Mustoe, 020 8467 4405 [email protected] or @stnchislehurst… or the Parish Office 020 8467 0196. There are yellow cards at the back of the Church near the notice boards if you would like to give us your contact details.