Minutes Village of Rock Springs Board of Utility Community Center - Downstairs Monday, October 16, 2017

Call to Order Stieve @ 6:45 PM

Certify compliance with the Open Meeting law Yes, verified by Roloff

Roll Call Present: Stieve, Pfaff, Busser

Approval of the Agenda Motion by Pfaff, 2nd by Busser, All in Favor

Approval of Minutes of previous meeting Motion by Busser to accept the minutes as presented (9-18-17), 2nd by Pfaff, All in Favor

Approval of Monthly Bills Motion by Pfaff to accept the bills, 2nd by Busser, All in Favor, Roll Call

Public Comment None

Discuss/Approve Cleaning Sewer Lines Country Plumber came in as same price as last year and was cheapest. Motion by Pfaff to accept Country Plumber, 2nd by Busser, All in Favor

Discuss/Approve Commercial Cross Connection Changes Bars, Gas Station, School, & Housing Unit will have to have plumber do inspection and submit copy to Tim. Motion by Busser to approve change, 2nd by Pfaff, All in Favor

Discuss/Approve Corrpro Service Agreement $960 for 2018 Motion by Busser to accept service agreement, 2nd by Pfaff, All in Favor

Water Bills over $150.00 6 over $150 Public Works Director Report Think we still have a water issue. DNR Report 548,000, 8-28 to 9-29 Pumped was 608,000, Billed 435,000. Fixed Short Street on 9/5/2017, FD is 800 gallons, 2 lead & copper tests came back too high for copper. DNR will send letter stating what will need to be done. Grinder – cannot find in report where it states we must fix it or if it’s just a recommendation to fix it. Rebuild - $2,000 to take out, $10,000 for kit, $2,000 to put back in. Have been putting tar around the manholes.

Adjournment Motion to adjourn by Pfaff, 2nd by Busser, All in Favor 7:01 PM