Dear colleagues,

It is our pleasure to inform you that we are planning to start publishing an online scientific and methodological journal called Pedagogical Forum. The aims of the journal will be: - To present international and national education policies; - To publish articles from the field of educational psychology and pedagogy; - To present good educational practices, both national and international; - To present newly-published books on education issues; - To provide a forum for discussion of pedagogical issues.

The journal targets teachers, university lecturers and students, PhD students and professionals from all spheres of education. It will be published four times a year. Two issues are envisaged for 2012 – one in September and one in December.


The online journal Pedagogical Forum will publish the following types of materials: scientific articles (original scientific research), review articles (reviewing scientific research), synoptic articles (digests of longer articles, books, monographs, etc) and information articles (materials informing about new developments or events). The scientific articles have to present original scientific results and ideas. These articles will be reviewed by two anonymous and independent reviewers. Authors will be notified about the result of the review process by emails. Manuscripts written in Bulgarian, English or Russian will be published. When they are in Bulgarian contributors are required to include the title of the article, the address of the author/s and an abstract in English after the main body of the text. Manuscripts will not be edited. Authors are responsible for the spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, spacing, length, references and consistency in style. Pedagogical Forum will not charge contributors for publishing their materials in the course of the first two years of its existence. Contributors are kindly requested to send their materials as attached files by email to [email protected]. It is possible manuscripts to be sent on CDs or other electronic devices. If that is the case, they should be sent to DIPKU’s postal address: DIPKU, 9 Armeiska Street, Stara Zagora 6010, Bulgaria.

Manuscripts have to meet the following requirements:

 Length – from 6 to 20 pages in a MS WORD for Windows file (version 2003, 2007 or 2010).  А4 size page with 2.5 cm margins from top, bottom, left and right;  Times New Roman font, 12 pt, single spacing, justified.  All formulae, mathematical signs and symbols have to be either created in Microsoft Equation (in WORD) or graphic images and be attached as JPEG files. The text wrapping should be top and bottom.  The graphic images that are in the text should also be attached as JPEG format.  The title, the names of the author/s, the abstract, the author/s’ affiliation, address/es and emails translated in English should be included at the end of the articles submitted in Bulgarian or Russian  The title should be centered in Times New Roman 14 pt. It should be in CAPITALS, Bold.  After the title one (1) empty line is to be left and then the names of the author/s should be given in Times New Roman 12 pt, Bold, Centered.  After the names of the author/s two (2) empty lines are to be left and ABSTRACT is written in Times New Roman 12 pt, CAPITALS, Bold, Centered.  Then one (1) line is to be left empty and the abstract (maximum 10 lines) should be introduced in Times New Roman 11 pt, Italics.  One (1) more empty line is to be left and the Key words are introduced in Times New Roman 11 pt, Bold. One (1) space is left and the key words for the article are listed after it, by using commas to separate them and a full stop to end the list.  After the key words two (2) empty lines are to be left before the main body of the article, which should be in Times New Roman 12 pt, single spacing.  For subtitles of sections or paragraphs Times New Roman 12 pt, CAPITALS, Bold, Centered, should be used. Subtitles are to be separated from the text by one (1) empty line.  Figures and tables have to be formatted in such a way that not to go out of the margins. They are numbered in order of their appearance in the text. The titles of the tables are to be placed above the tables, and the numbers of the figures are to be placed below the figures. Table N and Figure N (N being the consecutive number of the table or figure) are in Bold.  The literature list is to be placed after the last paragraph of the main text and is to be separated from it by two empty lines. LITERATURE is written in Times New Roman 12 pt, CAPITALS, Bold, one (1) empty line is left and the list comes after that. The authors in the list appear alphabetically (by surname of the first author). If an author/s has/have several articles, they appear in the ascending order of publication years. The literature list should begin with articles written in the Cyrillic alphabet.  After the LITERATURE two (2) empty lines are to be left and then for each author of the article the name and address of his/her affiliation should be introduced, together with the email address/es, in Times New Roman 10 pt.  For manuscripts written in Bulgarian or Russian - at the end of the article two (2) empty lines are to be left and the title, the names of the author/s, the abstract, the author/s’ affiliation and the addresses and emails in English are to be placed.  All new paragraphs in the text should have one (1) cm indentation.  The literature list should contain sources traceable for reference or verification.

Literature: In-text citation is to be in APA style (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association), which is widely used in education science:

For example: Journals: 1. Ненков, В. (2010). Няколко свойства на Фойербаховата конфигурация. Мате- матика и информатика, 5, 42–61. This source (one author) is to be cited in the text as follows: (Ненков, 2010). 2. Buchholz, R. H. & Rathbun, R. L. (1997). An Infinite Set of Heron Triangles with Two Rational Medians. American Mathematical Monthly, 104, 107–115. This source (two authors), is to be cited in the text as follows: (Buchholz & Rathbun, 1997). 3. Goguen, J., Weiner, Т. & Linde, C. (1983). Reasoning and Natural Explanation. IJMMS, 19, 521–559. This source (more than two authors) is to be cited in the text as follows: (Goguen et al., 1983). If the journal has a volume and number of issue, then the number of the issue is to be placed in brackets after the volume. For example: 4. Okumura, H. & Watanabe, M. (2008). Non-Archimedean Twin Circles of the Arbelos. Mathematics Plus, 16 (3), 63–64. Books: 5. Grozdev, S. (2007). For High Achievements in Mathematics. The Bulgarian Experience (Theory and Practice). Sofia: Association for the Development of Education. 6. Atkin, J. M., Black, P. & Coffey, J. (2001). Classroom Assessment and the National Science Education Standards. Washington: National Academies Press. 7. Mэрион, Д. Б. (1975). Физика и физический мир. Москва: Мир. Books /Collections with editors: 8. Lakatos, I. (1970). Falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes (pp. 59–89). In: Lakatos, I. & Musgrave, A. (Eds.). Criticism and growth of knowledge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 9. Бижков, Г. & Краевски, В. (2009). Основни методологични изисквания към дисертационните изследвания и типични грешки при тяхната реализация (сс. 44–104). В: Ганчев, И. & Тошев, Б. В. (ред). Теория и методология на обучението по естествени науки и математика. Благоевград: Унив. изд. „Неофит Рилски“.